Chapter 1: Come back

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Dingg Dongg

-Hello Ao-chan, good morning- Ichika said

-Hi Ichika, Morning full of energy!!!- Aoi said

-Good morning Aoi, how's your band?- Himari asked

-We can only sing on the small stage too- Aoi said

-Hey guys, I heard there's a transfer student there- Ciel said

-Really?- Ichika asked excitedly

-We'll get to know him after school, okay?- Ciel said

-Ok......-Himari said

-Are you excited?, Ao-chan?- Ichika asked

-Ah, yup!!- Aoi said

-Don't know what he's like?- Himari wondered

-But it's a bit strange for a student to transfer schools in the middle of the school year.....- Aoi thought

Dingg Dongg

-A!!, it's time for school- Ichika said

-Let's go inside and see what he's like- Ciel said

Then the four of them ran into the classroom 

-Today we have a new friend in our class- Teacher said

-Hello everyone, good afternoon. I'm Ayalone, my stage name is Al, look forward to helping!!

-Aqua?- Aoi surprised

(A/N: Well, this is my first time writing a story for my bias. This story is written at the same time as Ciel's story, but the setting is written after Ciel's story is completed. So i hope you don't confuse it)

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