Chapter 1

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Their was a boy with black blue hue hair, brown hazelnut eyes, a black and white jacket, a white Kaneki T-shirt, black pants with shredded sleeves, red leather boots, and one gray punk style side sword earring on his left ear.
"You're not from around here, are you..~" He tilts his head a little smiling so devilishly as he was sitting on a tree branch.
"Shu Kurenai..."
"Aah!!" Shu turn around and the boy who was sitting on that tree branch was now right behind him.
"Wait, how did you?!" He look back and forth questioning how this stranger got behind him that fast.
"A genius blader and a favorite in his hometown. However, he does not rely on talent alone and is very hardworking when it comes to blading. But may have perfectionist habits, as he seemingly punishes himself for losing. His transformation is completed when he joins the Snake Pit Organization, led by the mysterious Ashtem, and he cuts himself off from his friends. And dealing with the increased levels of sex hormones result in physical changes, including maturation of the breasts, ovaries, uterus, and va-"

"Ok, STOP STOP! Stop relating me to a regulatory substance produced in an organism and transported in tissue fluids such as blood or sap to stimulate specific cells or tissues into action." Shu blush embarrassingly being related to a primarily estrogen.
"Who are you and how do you know me so oddly pacific!?" He said angrily at this stranger, it can't be Valt because he doesn't even know what a primarily estrogen is and he's too innocent.
"What are you talking about? Everyone know you here in Aoiland." The black blue hue boy said giving Shu 'are you stupid' look.
"" Shu said a bit confuse and raise an eyebrow a little.
"Yes, we here at Aoiland are called Aoipeople." The black blue hue boy explain about this place.
"So... Welcome to Aoiland, Shu Kurenai or Red Eye whatever name you want to be called." He greets Shu Kurenai to his home land and not caring about Shu's past of being Red Eye.
"Shu Kurenai is fine.." Shu growls a little hearing that old fake identity name again.
"Alright... Shoelace.~" The black blue hue boy smirk relating Shu to an actual shoe.
"WHA-! Don't change my name like that, Va-!!"
"What?" Shu stop his out burst and didn't quite get that.
"My name is Rin and I'm not one of does Aoipeople from Aoiland." Rin explain that he's not a Aoipeople.
"Than... Who are you??" Shu raise an eyebrow and questioning who is Rin.
A soft breeze give those two a intense situation between their encounter.
"Let just say I'm your tour guide to help you get out of this place." Rin smile demonically as he cross his arms.
"You can show me how to get out of here and back to my world?" Shu ask as he raise an eyebrow.
"Yeah, you just have to stab yourself and die.~" Rin smile innocently as he point up making a point.
"Eeh?! I didn't mean hell or heaven!!" Shu didn't mean THAT world.
"Oooooh, you mean the other world. That what you meant.~" Rin smirk knowing what Shu meant but love messing with his emotions.
"Yes, what did you think I was talking about!!"
"I don't know?~" Rin shrugs his shoulders with a naughty plot face.
"Will, you stop messing around and help me get back home!" Shu just wants to get back home and finish his duties as the new Raging Bulls manager.
"Fine, fine, there is a way to get back to your world." Rin said.
"Really, how?" Shu ask hoping it's not a mess up joke again.
"All you have to do is get thousand kiss from thousand different people." Rin bend down and draw the number 1000 on the ground and explaining Shu how to get out of Aoiland.
"And you'll be back home, easy huh.~" He stand up with a smirk and seeing a blushing Shu.
"Not... Funny!.." Shu growls angrily and want to choke Rin to death. Deep down he has a crush on Valt but he won't admit his own feelings.
"I'm not joking, you have to do it." Rin put his hands on his hips and wasn't joking about this.
"Is there another way that doesn't involved kissing?" Shu ask not wanting to do that not just yet.
"Hmm..... Is there another way." Rin was thinking if there is a different way to get out of this place and there is.
"There is, tell me." Shu hoping it's something simply and easy.
"Yes, just get screwed up by two thousand people." Rin smile innocently and demonically at Shu.
"Eeerrr..... Yeah, I'll do the kissing then..." Shu hates to admit it but he has to do it.
"Why does it have to be double?" He thought with a disgusted disappointed pissed off face.
"Oh, yeah. You own someone an apology." Rin remember something and Shu need to apologize for his action.
"What did I do to you!" Shu shouts at Rin.
"Not me, stupid. My little friend." Rin shows the toy creature on his palm. It was the same toy creature that Shu encounter before.
"Poyo!💢" It pouts angrily and not happy to see Shu.
"What is that thing?" Shu look at it up close as it turn his head angrily not wanting to see Shu.
"This is Bey Pop Valt one of the Aoipeople. And you just hurt his feelings." Rin give Shu a little angry glare for being a jerky idiot.
"How?!" Shu was clueless of how he hurts Bey Pop Valt's feelings.
"Poyo!!💢 Hmm..." Bey pop Valt pouts angrily and letting out steam.
"You thrown him like a pebble and treat him like trash, not cool Shoelace."
"Stop calling me Shoelace!" Shu getting annoyed of Rin giving him that nickname.
"I'll say your real name after you apologize to little V." Rin lift Bey Pop Valt closer to Shu's face.
"Alright... I'm sorry that I thrown you and hurt your feelings." Shu look at little V and apologize properly.
"Poyo!💢😤" Bey Pop Valt turn around crossing his little arms with an angry pout and not accepting Shu's apology.
"I think if you were really sorry you could give him a hug." Rin whisper to Shu so little V won't hear.
"How, he's tiny?" Shu raise an eyebrow and how can he hug something so small its like hugging a pet goldfish.
"Use your finger." Rin narrow his eyebrows.
"Oh, ok... Uummm..." Shu sweat drop a little and use one of his finger to hug Bey Pop Valt.
"Hmm...." Little V was still mad and the finger hug isn't working. Shu pet Bey Pop Valt's head with the tip of his finger.
"!?... X3" Little V love being pet and hold Shu's finger that was petting him and was now scratching his chin.
"Poyo!~ Poyo!~ X3" Little V was happy with a blush of joy.
"Cute.~" Shu said that out loud with a soft smile and expression. Rin looks at him and smirk, Shu blush madly and turn away as he cross his arms trying to stay cool.
"Are you embarrassed?~" Rin cooed.
"No! It just hot here that all..." Shu lie about being embarrassed.
"Right.~" Rin kitty smirk and look to the side.
"Hehehe..." Little V giggled at Shu's overreacting reaction.
"Poyo! Poyo!" Little V looking at Rin for his attention.
"Hm!~" Rin lift Bey Pop Valt close to his face level. Little V hop on his shoulder and whisper in his ear.
"Kikiki..~ Alright.~" Rin smile mischievously.
"Hey, Shoelace."
"That's not my name and you know it!" Shu said not making eye contact with Rin.
"Yeah yeah whatever, can you turn around for a sec." Rin ask Shu to turn around so he can give or show him something.
"Why??..." Shu ask as he raise an eyebrow and getting a bad feeling about this.
"Just turn around ya big baby." Rin frown and giving Shu a little bit of attitude.
*Sigh* "Fine!" Shu sigh angrily as he turns around facing Bey Pop Valt close to his face.
"Chu!~💕" Little V gave Shu a kiss on the cheek.
"HMM!!?" Shu backs away and touch his right cheek as his face started to heat up.
"You got kiss number one now you need nine hundred and ninety-nine more to get back home.~" Rin smile sweetly but deep down we all know he's smiling evilly.
"You did that on purpose!" Shu hissed because he was embarrassed and got him off guard.
"Maybe or maybe not...~ Come on, we have to keep going." Rin got behind Shu and make him start walking.


Shu and Rin were walking deeper through the forest.
"It looked shorter in the beginning, how did it expand all of a sudden?" Shu thought looking around.
"Hey, Rin."
"Yes, Shoelace?~"
"Where are we going and I told you to stop calling me Shoelace!"
"We're going to some routes/land to do your 1000 kissing trial." Rin explain where there heading.
"We're at the forest route and your trial continues here." He turn around looking at Shu as he walks backwards.
"Why in a forest??" Shu ask a bit confused on the forest part.
"You'll see.~" Rin cooed and continue walking ahead.
"I don't trust him, he's hiding something." Shu thought feeling unease.

*Bush sound* *Bush sound*

"Huh?!" Shu stop walking and heard a strange noise behind him.

*Bush sound* *Bush sound*

It walked out and it was...
"Pika chu.~"
It was a wild Pikachu. He was wearing a red short sleeved hoodie with a yellow "V" emblem on the front, a light blue body warmer with cerulean borders and a yellow ellipse hairband to match his spikey due.
"A... Pikachu that almost dress as Valt?" Shu was trying to progress all of this because this is bizarre and weird for his logical mind to handle.
"Chu!~" Pikachu run up to him and climbs up through his leg and onto his right shoulder.
"Chaa!~" He nuzzle his red cheeks on Shu's cheek.
"I see you encounter Valtchu."
"Valt... Chu?"
"Valtchu the Electric Mouse Pokemon, this Pokemon has electricity-storing pouches on its cheeks. These appear to become electrically charged during the night while Valtchu sleeps. It occasionally discharged electricity when it is dozy after waking up." Rin said being the pokedex to explain this type of Pokemon.
"Cha!~" Valtchu said happily and sweetly.
"Pikachu does make sense he always energetic." Shu smile softly and pet Valtchu.
"Chaaa!~" Valtchu love being patted and nuzzle his cheeks on Shu's again but this time giving him a little spark.
"Ow...." Shu rub his cheek, it felt like a small strong pitch.
"Well ya, his personality is energetic and joyful." Rin pet Valtchu and smile.
"But their more than him being just a Pikachu." He put his hands on his hips and look at Shu with a snicker smile.
"What do you mean by that?.." Shu raise an eyebrow and look a bit concern what Rin mean by that.
"Kikiki...~ You'll see that sooner or later.~" Rin smirk as he turns around and continue walking.
"I don't trust him one bit..." Shu thought as he frowns and following where Rin is going.
"Hm??" Shu turn around seeing a small brown fox charging at him.
"Eveee!~" Eevee Valt tackle Shu.
"Gaaaaaaahh!!" Shu fall on the ground as Eevee Valt wag his tail and look at Shu with excitement.
"Owww......" Shu hiss as he slowly sits up.
"Pika..." Valtchu pat and rub Shu's back to help him feel better from the falling impact.
"Veee!~" Eevee bounce up and down and running around happy to meet a new friend.
"An Eevee..." Shu said seeing an Eevee wearing the exact same outfit as Valtchu.
"Beevee!~" Eevee Valt jump at Shu as Shu caught him and hold him.
"This is Eevee Valt." Rin said introducing Eevee Valt to Shu.
"Is that what you meant by there's more than Valtchu." Shu said getting up and holding Eevee Valt and patting his head.
"Beeve.~" Eevee climb on Shu's left shoulder and nuzzle his hair.
"Yes." Rin nod and getting out some snacks from his pocket for Bey pop Valt, Valtchu and Eevee Valt.
"Pika pi!!~"
They all cheered seeing a delicious snacks from Rin.
Valtchu and Eevee Valt jump off Shu's shoulder and getting that delicious snack from Rin.
"Settled down, settled down their enough for everyone." Rin bend down and giving them four pieces of gummy Konpeito/Star Candy.
"What's that?" Shu bend down and seeing what their eating.
"Gummy Konpeito, want one." Rin hold a brown leather drawstring pouch of homemade gummy Konpeito/Star Candy.
"Isn't Konpeito hard candies not gummies." Shu said looking at the colorful gummy Konpeito inside of Rin's drawstring pouch.
"Yeah, but everyone like my homemade gummy Star Candy." Rin sprinkle some on Shu's hand so he can try some.
"You made these." Shu look at them and see Rin giving more Star Candy to the PokeValt and Bey pop Valt.
"......... I'll eat them later." Shu put them away in his pocket.
"Hm?.." Shu look up and see a Pachirisu on his head.
"Where did you come from." He get him off of his head and hold him.
"Cheaba!~" Pachirisu cheered happily and crawling on Shu getting that candy from his pocket.
"You want this?.." Shu ask getting two Konpeito out of his pocket.
"Cheaba cheaba!~" Pachirisu wants it as he wiggle his little arms.
"Here you go." Shu gives him the candy as Pachirisu squeal with glee as he sits on his shoulder and starts eating it.
"I see that you encounter Pachirisu Valt." Rin walk up to them putting his drawstring pouch away and Bey pop Valt eating star candy on his right shoulder.
"Yeah... But where are they all coming from?" Shu question that last part.
"The farm." Rin replied to Shu's question.
"There's a farm..." Shu look at him a bit puzzled.
"Yep." Rin nod.
"Hey, Shoelace can I tell something interesting before we go to the farm."
"What do you want to tell me and I told you to stop calling me Shoelace!" Shu is getting annoyed on that stupid nickname.
"Never and also use Sweet Kiss.~" Rin smirk and look at Shu evilly.
"Why are you -"
Valtchu and Eevee Valt tackle Shu as Pachirisu join the fun kissing Shu with the Pokemon move Sweet Kiss.
"N-no hahahaha s-s-stop hahahahaha t-that tickles! Hahahahaha!!" Shu was getting multiple kisses on the face.
"Kiss number 4 making you have nine hundred ninety-six." Rin kept count on Shu's trial.
"Come on, let keep moving." Rin said walking further ahead of them.
Eeeve Valt, Pachirisu Valt, and Valtchu stop using Sweet kiss on Shu and quickly follow Rin.
"Hey, wait up!" Shu gets up and chase after him.
"Than hurry up slowpoke!~" Rin started to run with the PokeValt.
"Why you!..." Shu growls and run after him. He still don't like or trust him with Rin's personality and karma.


Shu and PokeValt were catching their breath from running through the forest.
"We're here!" Rin point at the farm, without breaking a sweat from all that running. He didn't even look exhausted, sweaty, or dehydrated.

"How are you not out of breath." Shu huff and look at Rin. Looking at him like he's Prince charming while Shu was a sweaty donkey.
"I can control my breaking without losing a lot of oxygen." Rin said as he stretch for a bit and head to the farm. The Pokemon follow him as Bey Pop Valt was sleeping on his head.
"Control your breathing?..." Shu thought and look at Rin heading to the farm with everyone.
"Is he even human..."
"Shoelace! Hurry up before I leave." Rin shout getting Shu's attention.
"Eh!" Shu flinch as he snap out of thought and catch up with them.
"In this farm two or three Aoipeople live and work here to produce crops, wool, cheese and milk to sell at our markets." Rin said pumping an old fashioned water pump pouring water so the PokeValt take a sip.
"So Valt is a farmer here." Shu look around at this nice environment and seeing some animals on the ranch.
"You could of say that.." Rin look away with a little snicker.
"Pika!~" Valtchu run through the field and play with the other animals.
"Cheaba! Cheaba!~" Pachirisu Valt climb on a tree eating some delicious apples.
"Eeeveee!" Eevee Valt jump on a random rock as he takes a nap and feeling the warmth from the sun.
"Look like their enjoying themselves." Shu smile softly and pleased.
"Hm? Aaaaaahhhh!!!" Shu turn his head around and got tackled to the ground harshly and being lick on the face.
"Huff huff huff... Bark! Bark!~" Inu/Dog Valt licks Shu's face and leaving him a trail of salvia.
"Down boy, down!" Shu tries to push Inu Valt off of him.
"Bark!~ Huff huff huff huff..." Inu Valt sits down and pant.
"Gaaaaaaah...." Shu wipe off disgusting salvia off his face.
"Shu!~" Dog Valt cuddle him and keep holding him down.
"Valt as a Inu..." Shu thought as he pat Inu Valt's head and scratch his ear. Inu Valt is just like Valt but with dog ears and tail.
"Huff huff huff, Bark! Bark! Woof! Woof! Huff huff huff, bark!~" Inu Valt love the attention and cuddle Shu more.
"Whose a good boy, whose a good boy!~" Shu cups his cheeks and treat him like a puppy.
"I am!~ I am!~ Bark! Bark!" Inu Valt smile happily and licks Shu's face again.
"Your a good boy!~ Your my good boy.~" Shu kiss Inu Valt's head and giving him love and attention.
"Your my good boy, yes you are.~ Yes, you are, ye-..." He stop seeing Rin standing there.
".............." Shu sweat drop and made an awkward nervous face.
"...... Number 5.~" Rin snickers and trying not to laugh at Shu.
"How long were you standing there..." Shu trying so hard not to feel embarrassed and stay calm.
"Long enough, I see you found your good boy.~" Rin smirk and stick out his tongue to tease Shu.
Shu put Inu Valt away and stand up looking at Rin pissed off and mad as he becomes Red Eye again.
"Run!..." Shu growls angrily and glares with flaming hatred.
"Ok.~" Rin starts to run like this was a game.
"I'm going to kill him!" Shu said angrily in his head.
"La la la la.~" Rin skips along the way while Shu chase him like an angry bull. They were running around the farm in a one big circles. Rin took a sharp right turn as Shu was catching up to him.
"RIN, YOU COME BAC- HMM!" Shu took a turn and accidentally bumped into someone.
"AAAAHHH!!!!" A feminine scream was heard as they both fall down. The one who scream drop some stuff she was holding.
"Uhhh...... Hmmm..." Shu feel his face squish and something soft. He slowly open his eyes and blush madly.
"A-a-are you okay.." Cow Val stutter seeing Shu on her breasts.
"Aahh!! I am so sorry!" Shu quickly get off and apologize.
"It's okay... Are you hurt, did you need anything." Cow Val stands up and asking Shu if he needs something to feel better.
"No, thank you I'm fine, really." Shu thanks the offered but decline.
"That a relief." Cow Val sigh in relief.
Cow Val wearing consists of nothing but ripped blue overalls with a small cow pattern bikini underneath. Being a hybrid her appearance looks human but still have animal features. Like her having calves instead of human legs and having a tail, long horns, and small furry ears. Her hair was medium and in a low loose braid. And also she's tall, taller than Shu like 231cm (7'7").
"Tall..." Shu sweat drop a little awkwardly seeing Cow Val taller than him. He feel so small while Cow Val feel so tall. Shu look at a flustered Cow but he was also flustered because...
"B-big..." Shu flushed madly seeing Valt in a feminine form with Q-cup breasts. Like those anime porn 3D mouse pad wrist rest.
"Wow, Shoelace I didn't know you were a pervert.~" Rin whisper into Shu ear to tease him about seeing Cow Val's huge breasts.

"Wh-?!! I AM NOT!!!" Shu shouts at him that he's not a pervert. He's a responsible young man with dignity and personal boundaries.
"Oh, really.~ Then why is your nose bleeding?" Rin tilts his head with a not so innocent snickery look.
"Eehh!!" Shu touch his nose but didn't feel any red liquid known as blood. Rin gave a little troll face as he raise his eyebrows up and down feeling satisfied. Shu look at him with a frustrated piss off look.
"Hehehehe..~" Rin chuckles at Shu's reaction.
"Umm.... Shu." Cow Val respond to Shu so shyly.
"Y-yeah." Shu blush a little looking at Cow Val.
"C-can you help me with something." Cow Val look away a little feeling embarrassed and playing with her fingers.
"Ha Mmm mmm hmm Val hohoho.~" Rin laughs evilly and sarcastically knowing what Cow Val asking Shu what to do.
"Sure, what do you need." Shu is gladly to help a friend from alternate universe or whatever this place is.
"Well uumm... Can we talk in private because it's kinda personal." Cow Val blush and rub her right arm.
"Ok, where do you want to talk?"
"In the stables I'll show you where it is." Cow Val point to a direction where the stables are.
"Alright, lead the way Val." Shu smile softly and follow Cow Val.
"K..." Cow Val nod and walk to the stables with Shu.
"Here we are, the stables." Cow Val open the gate showing the inside of the barn.

"It looks organize and clean." Shu looks around the stables as Cow Val close the gate, leaving Shu and Cow Val alone in a safe private place that one can peek or hear.
"So, what do you need help with? Cleaning, pouring food for the animals, refill water." Shu ask getting a broom from wall supplies.
"No, something more uuum... How can I say this?.. Difficult..?" Cow Val put the broom away and shrugs her shoulders being unsure and uncomfortable.
"How difficult can it be? I can handle it, I face Lui in the finals and International Blader's Cup. This will be easy." Shu deal with a lot of difficult stuff like Valt's cheerful stubborn personality, Lui's obsession of winning and breaking blader's spirits, becoming Red Eye, and other crazy stuff that he encounter through the past.
"If you say so.." Cow Val pouts a little with a hint of blush. She brings something from the wall supplies and give it to Shu.
"A bucket..." Shu feel a bit clueless from receiving a bucket.
"Shu.. Do you know what a Milk Parlor is."
"An isolated room or separate building to which cows kept on a loose-housing system are taken for milking. Why do you ask?" Shu ask as he put the bucket down beside him.
"Well... The automatic hybrid cow milking machine is kinda broken and it won't be fix till tomorrow." Cow Val give a embarrassed pose as her face turn crimson.
"Ok..." Shu raise an eyebrow and still don't follow.
Cow Val walk up to him as she bend and give him the bucket as she found herself a wooden stool. She set it down and take a sit.
"..........." Shu was still clueless as he look at the bucket and back at Cow Val.
Cow Val unbutton her overalls and slowly taking it off embarrassingly leaving it on her waist. And showing her top bare skin still wearing her small cow pattern bikini.
Shu stares at Cow Val as she stares back with a blushing embarrassed face.

... ... ... ...

"Oh... Oh!.. OH!!! Oh my!" Shu blush madly and finally understanding what Cow Val was requesting for assistance.
"Can you...... Milk me by hand." Val looks away as she rub her left arm feeling very uncomfortable.
"Are you sure about this?! Also why me couldn't you ask someone else?!" Shu's face started to heat up and his mind was started to cloud up from this situation.
"I'm sure!! And also I can only trust you with this stuff!!!" Her face was red and started to tear up feeling bad and uncomfortable about this situation for Shu and herself.
*Gulp* "Alright..." Shu hold the bucket close to his face with an embarrassed look as his cheeks were burning up.
"Okay, tell when you're ready..." Cow Val turn to the other side showing her back and taking off her bikini.
Shu froze in place as he feel unease, this is the most difficult challenge he ever faces than Lui. He gave Cow Val the bucket meaning he's ready.
"Just pretend you're milking a cow, just pretend you're milking a cow and not your best friend whose a female hybrid with big breasts." Shu looks away feeling nervous and slowly trying to touch Cow Val's breasts.
"I just have to massage the udders." He thought as his hands where shaking and finally touch Cow Val's breasts. It like squeezing or touching a fat gum marshmallow pillow.
"Mnhm!" Cow Val flinch and shivers feeling Shu's hands massaging on her Q-cup breasts.
"Their too big for me to massage." Shu thought having some difficulties massaging Cow Val's breasts.
"Nnngh... hmmm....~" Cow Val groan and trying to hold back some moans.
"Is... Is this making you uncomfortable." Shu ask as he stop with a nervous blushing face.
"A-a little but..." Cow Val stuttered but pause.
"But what?" Shu ask as he look at her.
"I was trying to think of a comfortable good side about this situation but this is too uncomfortable and it's making me cry. Waaaaaah...." Cow Val started to cry lightly and pout a little.
"Eh!! H-hey don't cry, it's going to be fine." Shu pat her head and trying to give her comfort.
"Hmmm..... Ok." Cow Val hold back her tears and trying to be brave.
"Good girl..." Shu smile softly and stroke her hair making her feel safe and secured.
"Alright, she a minotaur so milking one is going to be different than milking a regular cow. It does seem like her whole chest is pretty back up. It doesn't seem her milk will come out easily, this could be tough." He thought as he massages her breasts again. Shu tries a different approach by massaging Cow Val's nipples.
"Hiyaa?!~" Cow Val jolts up and felt a pinch on her nipples.
"Shu!? W-what are you doing??" She blush madly and feel Shu rubbing her nipples.
"Well, it's just it's not coming out, so I thought messaging your nipples will help." Shu blush as he push Cow Val's nipples back with his fingers.
"Nangh... Uuaaanmn..." Cow Val pants heavily feeling her body getting super sensitive.
"Ah hnn... Anhn!! Ah... Ah ah ah..." She tighten her fists as she shivers in pleasure. Shu feels something wet on his hands meaning the milk was coming out.
"It coming out, are you ready?" Shu ask first before doing the hard labor on a minotaur.
"Hm hmm.." Cow Val nod and was ready, scared but ready.
"Good, tell me if it starts to hurt okay."
"Okay...." She mumbles and nod.
Shu starts squeezing her breasts and nipples like actually milking a cow.
"Haaaaaahn!!~" Cow Val moans as her milk was coming right out of her. All her breasts milking was pouring in the bucket she's holding. And a little bit of Shu help with making her staying in place and her breasts milk won't squirt everywhere.

... Moo... ...

"Finally, its over..." Shu sigh in relief and doesn't want to do that again. He hold the bucket of minotaur milk and seeing Cow Val tucker out.
"She filled up the whole bucket, she must've been really backed up. Huh..." Shu thought as he put the bucket of milk down and finding something for Cow Val to dry off.
"Huff huff puff..." Cow Val pant so she can catch her breath.
"Here." Shu hands Cow Val a towel.
"Thank you." Cow Val grabs the towel and dry herself off and warping it around her breasts.
"Hey, Shu."
"Can you come closer."
"Ok?.." Shu walk closer to Cow Val as he bend down to be with Cow Val's face level.
"Chu.~" Cow Val gave Shu a kiss on the cheek for doing a good job.
"Aah!!" Shu back away as his face redden and touch his cheek.
"W-what was that for?" He ask as he feel flustered.
"You don't like it?" Cow Val lower her ears and feel sad.
"No, no I like it but why?" Shu didn't mind the kiss but was asking why, was there a reason.
"Because of your trial and I have to give you a reward for helping with... Y-you know." Cow Val blush and thanking Shu for the help.
"No problem..." Shu look away and his cheeks were pink.
"Hehehe, you're so shy, Shu." Cow Val giggles at Shu's behavior.
"Y-yeah.." Shu smile softly and feels silly.
"Wait... You know about the trial?!"
"Yeah, Rin told everyone when you agree to do the trial." Cow Val said.
"He told everyone!!!" Shu shouts in shock. How did Rin told everyone at Aoiland?!
"That's correct, how else are you going to do your trial.~" Rin nod as he pop out of nowhere.
Shu and Cow Val got startled from Rin unexpected presence.
"Wow, Shoelace I didn't know you like milking your best friend who is a feminine minotaur.~" Rin give a sneer and naughty look like he found blackmail.
"No, I didn't!!!" Shu yells angrily and flush madly.
"Than why did you enjoy it so much.~" Rin smirk and stick out his tongue teasing Shu.
"It wasn't like that!!💢" Shu growls getting pissed off.
"Kikiki.~" Rin giggles devilishly with his demon karma look.
"Aaaawwww~ don't start getting upset Shoelace. You still have nine hundred and ninety-four before midnight. Rin play with his cheeks treating him like a small child.
"Wait!! You didn't tell me about the time limit!" Shu hold Rin's hands and put them down and look at him seriously. He didn't told him about the time limit for this crazy trial or the rules either.
"You didn't ask, Sherlock." Rin flick his forehead.
"Ow.... Will, you do have a point." Shu admits that he didn't ask about the rules before agreeing to this.
"Thank you, now here's are the rules. No kissing on the lips, you can't get kiss from the same person again, opposite gender is okay, and you have to complete the trial before midnight." Rin explains the rules for Shu's trial.
"Why midnight?" Shu ask a bit curious.
"To make it more challenging and interesting." Rin said making this trial more interesting for Shu and himself.
"Of course..." Shu sweat drop and not surprise.
"Oh, Shoelace Kurenai you think this trial is going to be a piece of cake.~" Rin smile devilishly somehow standing on one of the wooden columns close to the window. Shu look up and questioning how Rin got up there really quickly. As light was shining behind Rin making him the villain or hero of the story.
"This is just the beginning.~" Rin smile devilishly and putting his hands on his hips looking confidence.

~🌸 6 🌸~

What will happen to Shu in his trail?...
Is Rin the good guy or bad guy of the story?...
Who will Shu encounter next?...

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