Chapter 12: Back To Safety

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Blood. That was all you could see.

The ground was pools of crimson blood, along with the sky. You seemed to be outside, but there was nothing but blood around. No trees, buildings, people, anything. Just blood as far as the eye could see.

You felt like gagging at the stench of iron from the blood. You turned around to get a better view of your surroundings, as your foot came in contact with something, causing you to turn your gaze to the bloody ground beneath you.

Your heart dropped to your stomach as your eyes widened and tears threatened to escape. You quickly covered your mouth, wanting to burst out in screams and sobs.

Under you, was a bundle of brown hair. The girl's eyes were open, despite being dead, showing her brown orbs. You let out muffled sobs as you recognized her as none other than Mariah.

"Why didn't you save her?" Your head shot up, letting your hand drop to your side as your eyes widened more and your jaw dropped in disbelief. Morgan was standing in front of you, her arms crossed and a scowl on her face. Her clothes were bloody and ripped, and she looked like she had been through hell and back.

"Why didn't you save me?" She continued angrily, her glare only getting deadlier. "Why didn't you save any of us?" She pointed behind her, where Elijah and Garret were standing.

"I sacrificed myself for nothing!" Morgan yelled, taking a step closer to you intimidatingly. Tears rolled down your cheeks and your breathing was uneven as guilt washed over you.

"Elijah sacrificed himself for nothing!" Morgan pointed back at Elijah, who had the same angered look on his face. Morgan moved her hand to point at Garret next. "Garret was killed suddenly and without warning, and you couldn't even avenge him!"

You brought your attention to the ground under you, squeezing your eyes shut and not daring to look up at your former squad members. Tears streamed down your face unwillingly as you tried your best to hold in your sobs and balled your fists by your sides.

"And Mariah," Morgan continued, making you force yourself to look up at her, seeing her pointing at the dead brunette. She still had the same frightened expression on her face as she did in her last moments alive, her eyes wide and her mouth open in complete horror.

"You made her make a promise she couldn't keep!" You instantly fell to your knees, breaking down in loud sobs as you replayed one of the last moments you had with the brunette.

"Thank you..."

"No problem," you replied, smiling warmly. "Just promise me you'll stay alive."

You squeezed your eyes shut and sobbed loudly, replaying the same words in your head, before you felt everything around you disappearing.


You felt yourself being moved, and forced your teary eyes open, seeing you were being carried by the certain blonde that had taken a liking to you. You remembered your nightmare, and felt your eyes water again. You tried your best to force those thoughts away and think about it later, when you're safe and sound at HQ.

You tried to sit up, taking in your surroundings. It was day, so you could see pretty well. The only titan around was the one carrying you. You were out of the forest by then, and could see the wall in the distance.

You tried to sit up more, but instantly let out a groan when pain surged through your body, causing Alex to look down at you to make sure you were ok. You sent him a weak smile, causing him to turn his attention forward again as you forced yourself to sit up, resting against Alex's fingers.

You were about to doze off when you felt Alex stop moving, causing you to open your eyes again, noticing both of you were in front of the wall. Alex kept his distance in case the Garrison would attack, even though there wasn't many people on the walls. Not that neither of you saw, at least.

There was a few, but they hadn't taken notice to the titan carrying a certain (H/C)-haired girl. Most of them walked in different directions, leaving one left, but he was asleep.

You felt hopeful when you first saw the wall, but that quickly changed when you realized there was basically no way you could get to the other side of the wall. If Alex got too close to the wall, the Garrison would attack. You couldn't walk — or, at least not very far — because of all your injuries, plus, you didn't have your 3D maneuver gear, so you couldn't use that to climb the wall.

You let out a sad sigh and slumped against Alex's fingers. He looked down at you and sent a sympathetic look. You forced a small smile to the blonde before averting your gaze back to the wall, your eyebrows furrowing in confusion as you saw two figures sneaking behind the sleeping Garrison member.

They must've been part of the Survey Corps, judging by their outfits and 3DMG. They tip-toed to the edge of the wall, before using they're gear to climb down the wall and to freedom.

You squinted your eyes to get a better view at the two figures. Your eyes widened and hope sparked inside of you once again as you turned around to face Alex.

"Put me down," you said, failing to hold back a smile. You didn't care who the two people were. You were just happy to find someone. Alex obliged and bent over to put the back of his hand on the ground, letting you stumble out.

You were about to limp your way to the two figures when you turned back around to face the blonde titan, sending him a warm and genuine smile.

"Thank you," you thanked, before turning back away and limping towards the figures.

"(Y/...N)..." Alex said once you were out of earshot, and turned back around to walk back towards the forest sadly.

Pain surged through your body, but you didn't care. Hope and determination had taken control over you, and you were desperate to find anyone who could help you. You weakly limped as fast as you could to the figures, who were still a bit away.

Once you came closer, you realized it was two girls: one brunette, and one ravenette. The brunette stopped dead in her tracks when she saw the limp girl farther ahead, before a smile stretched across her face as her eyes watered and she broke into a sprint, the ravenette running after.

"(Y/N)!" Your eyes widened and a smile crossed your face as you recognized the voice as none other than Kadence. She didn't stop running until she reached you, pulling you into a tight hug.

"I knew you were alive..." She whispered into your neck, holding you closer like you would be taken away from her again if she didn't.

"The others told me you were dead..." She continued, her voice cracking as you felt her silent sobs against you. You let out a smile, happy to finally be with the cheerful chocolate-haired girl once again. You saw Sierra standing a bit behind Kadence, and sent her a smile, which she gladly returned.

You motioned for her to come over, and she hesitantly came closer. You grabbed her hand and pulled her into the hug as well, both you and Kadence wrapping an arm around her.

"Thank you," you started, sniffing as you felt tears forming in your eyes. "Both of you." You sent both of them a smile — which they returned — before Sierra broke away from the embrace.

"We should get back to HQ," she explained, earning a nod from Kadence as she sniffed and wiped away a tear that she had failed to hold back, before both of them turned around and started walking. You tried to follow, but didn't get any further as you felt yourself falling forward.

You never made it to the ground as a hand grabbed your arm, pulling you back up. You looked to your side, seeing Sierra had stopped you from falling. You sent her a smile as a thanks as she wrapped an arm around you for support.

Soon enough, you felt another arm wrap around you, and saw Kadence had decided to help as well. You sent both of them a smile, before you all made your way back to safety.


I'm sorry for not updating much... I've been a little busy, so I hope you all understand.

Anyway, don't worry, I'll have more fluff later on~!

- Kate ⭐️

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