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Jackson and Irene had been apart for months, their careers carrying them off too different destinations. It hurt Jackson and the suffering that was caused by being apart from the love of his life hurt. His mind, his heart and most importantly his music all routing back to her. She was the breath of freshness ever since she entered his life. She challenged him, made him question certain attitudes and beliefs and helped him fashion himself into the very best version of himself. She was his best friend and lover. She understood him like no other, she was his other half, his partner in crime.

And he was hers. Irene was broken before she met him, cracks apparent, noticed by all, acknowledged by no one. No one but him, and she let him save her... she let him in. He helped her build her heart back up, passing her the tools and helping when things were too hard for her to carry on her own. He was her rock. Her shoulder to cry on. Her everything. She always knew he would do great things in the world, his persona was such that anyone would be attracted to him. And it was the same for her. She watched his loving spirit from a far, and like a moth drawn to the light she was drawn to him, the magnetic pull so strong that it surpassed her attempts at withdrawal. He saved her from harming herself more... stopping her and working with her to love herself and her body through him. He gave her more joy than any other person could possibly.

Watching him leave was hard, but she didn't stop him or complain because she knew how much it meant to him and she also knew how much she meant to him. She stood by his side through every decision, giving him supportive smiles and messages when ever she felt like his morale was slipping. She could hear it in his voice; a sense of guilt for not being there with her. Their minimal time together ticking like a time bomb. He was her hero she said to him one night... he saved her from her worst enemy herself, the love and admiration shone through her voice and she reassured him that she was fine and their situation was temporary. She was his personal cheerleader, and he loved every single interaction god gifted to him. And her feelings were on the same page as his.

She loved him, and she promised she would stop harming herself. She promised him. But things were getting harder each passing second, the withdrawal process reinitiated. She had restored back to self harm... to ease the pain, she told herself. It then progressed to skipping meals and not giving passionate performances like before. Wendy was the first to pick up on the sudden change in her behaviour, the way she retreated, the forced laughter and the tiredness behind her eyes scared her. She spoke to Irene but was shouted at and told to mind her own business. This summed up everything for her and she messaged Jackson ten minutes after deliberating on what to do.  Irene locked herself in her room after the confrontation with Wendy, it seemed like nothing she did was good enough and her frustration at life was now being taken out on the people she loved the most. Her phone screen lit up with his name, a picture of them brightening the screen, she took it in her hand contemplating; she knew he would be able to tell if something was wrong by her voice, he was able to read her like a book, he knew exactly how she felt through her eyes when he was there and through her words when he wasn't. Closing her eyes she pressed decline, and turned her phone on silent. She looked at the music she had recently been writing as her phone kept going off, sighing she turned it off completely. She had probably hurt him, but the feelings and pain she had inside forced her to turn away from her phone pushing him away as well.

Two days had passed with Irene keeping her phone off majority of the time. Wendy approached her saying that Jackson was worried but she said that her phone wasn't working properly. A blatant lie that they all saw straight through. Irene's eyes got dimmer and dimmer each awakening second of the day. They had just put a performance on, the facade placed up for the thousands of people that had come to see them. Once completing their session, Irene walked away from her group who looked at her concerned. Walking into her dressing room she took out the blade she had hidden, slicing her skin with patterns that caused tears to role from her eyes. She broke her promise to him and it hurt. She heard the door behind her close, her movements halting in apprehension as she cast her gaze up, meeting his own fierce gaze. She felt herself shiver at the presence, but she cast her gaze down not quite believing that he was in front of her; silently screaming at her mind to stop playing games with her. It wasn't until his hands came to her shoulders turning to her into his warmth, his eyes locking onto hers as he took the blade from her, chucking it to somewhere she couldn't reach. His gaze then softened, "We had a promise Babygirl, that when things got rough you would tell me and talk to me..." she looked at him, her lip quivering and eyes blinking in attempts to halt the tears that wanted to rush forth at his words and presence. "Irene..." he said softly. He looked at her arms, taking a first aid kit from the drawer besides her, sitting her down and then he crouched down taking her arms in his hands, he cleaned the cuts, wrapping them up in bandages before grasping her hands in his own. She couldn't look at him, she disappointed him and it hurt. His eyes shining up at her as she avoided his gaze. His artistic fingers brushed her chin forcing her gaze onto his "I'm not angry... I'm just worried about you." She broke as those words were spoken, the clarity they had reaching into the very depth of her soul pulling her out from the darkness that surrounded her. "Jackson." She whispered, her arms enclosing around his shoulder clad in a black suit. "I'm sorry- I didn't want to- I just didn't know how to deal with the pain, it became to much and then not- not having you around..." she stopped looking in his eyes "it made it harder. I'm sorry." He smiled softly at her bringing her forehead to him, kissing it "you have nothing to be sorry for... I know things have been hard and that's not your fault but remember I promised I'd get you out of anything and everything. Remember?" She nodded childlike. "I'll always save you Babygirl, even if we are miles apart, I'd walk a thousand miles to get to you." She smiled at him her arms wrapping around him once again. She was home. And so was he.

No matter how long they would be apart. They were home for each other.

-Authors  note
Hey guys hope u enjoy this one shot. Do let me know what you think of it. Lots of love.

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