The Fight Concludes Part 3

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"I fear of what may happen to Odion," Ishizu mentioned, sitting on the side of a hotel bed. "My Millennium Necklace foresees his loss."

"Has the Millennium Necklace ever been wrong in its prediction?" Mrs. Wood asked curiously, sitting next to Ishizu with her hands between her knees.

"There has been one time that the future it showed me has changed. I was surprised because I thought the future was set in stone. Now I know that it can change." Ishizu looked at Mrs. Wood and said, "That is the reason why I came to you. The future that my Millennium item has shown me must change!"

"How do you propose we do that then?"

"Odion and I heard that you have a book on the ancient Egyptian times, including information on the Millennium items. We think that the only way to bring Bakura and his mummies to a stop is to perform a ritual duel that will bring an Egyptian pharoah to rest in the afterlife. Do you have that book?"

"At this moment, I don't have it," Mrs. Wood replied with a sigh, standing up from the bed.

"Where would it be?" Ishizu asked, almost desperate to find where the book would be.

"Let's's not in my home in Yuina and my sons wouldn't need it, where they're at for the most part...oh, it's with my daughter! It should be with her."

"Your daughter?"

"Yes. My stepdaughter lives in a big city in Japan. She loves ancient history, in fact she enjoys any type of history in general. That's why I gave her many of my history books for her to read. I recently gave her a postcard from here, so I still have her address. We can go there and get the book we would need."

"I see. What does she look like?"

"Here, I'll show you." Mrs. Wood took out her phone and showed Ishizu a picture of her stepdaughter: a girl with jet-black hair tied up into a bun and bright, brown hair. "This was my little girl in high school."

"My, she's lovely," Ishizu said with a smile. "What is her name?"

"Elizabeth," Mrs. Wood answered, putting her phone away. "But she prefers to be called Lizzy. Then again, we've always called her Lizzy as a nickname. She has been in our family ever since she was 6."

"Does she love being a part of your family?"

"Oh, she's very thankful to be a part of the family. Although my kids are out doing their own thing, they always know that they can come home whenever they like."

"That's very kind of you, Mrs. Wood." Ishizu sighed softly and said, "I just hope that we can succeed at the task before us. You said that your flight leaves tomorrow?"

"Yes," Mrs. Wood replied with a nod. "But we'll see if we can get another flight from Washington D.C. to Japan right away. If we don't get to my girl soon, then that crazy boy with those mummies might get to her first."

"He might not go to her first," Ishizu spoke softly. "He's going after the one that holds the Millennium Puzzle: Yugi Muto."

That's the end of the chapter part!! Thanks for reading and look forward to the next one tomorrow. See you then! :)

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