What Could Be Next? Part 2

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Joey peeked carefully out of the apartment, squinting his eyes as he looked around. He wanted to make sure that nothing creepy was going to jump out of nowhere. "I think we're good," he said to the group inside.

"Dude, why are you doing that?" Jaden asked him from inside the apartment.

"I have to make sure nothing weird is coming. You can't be too careful." Jaden glanced at Lizzy and pointed at his sword. He was wondering why Joey had to be so concerned.

"Just let him be," Lizzy mouthed out to him.

"Okay, let's go!" Joey exclaimed, opening the door and walking out of the apartment. Everyone else followed him out and walked towards the other apartment.

"I think I'll go back to my little home," Felicia announced to the group. "I'm not sure what you all plan to do but to be frank, I'm sure I'll get tired."

"Are you sure?" Lizzy asked as they all kept walking.

"Yes. I rather rely on a few...thrills in life, if I may say. Good luck to all of you." As Felicia walked back further to the stairway, the rest of the group got to Yugi and Joey's apartment.

"What did she mean by 'thrills'?" Atem asked Yusei.

"We probably shouldn't know," Yusei replied softly. When the entire group went into the apartment, Lizzy asked the fatal question.

"So, what are we going to do?" Lizzy questioned the group. "All we got is our swords and combat."

"Actually, we're probably going to only need the card game this time," Atem stated to her. "I don't think we will need those swords. But it's a good idea to bring them anyway."


"I'd say that we should go find Bakura before he starts hurting people," Yusei said, crossing his arms. "How would we find him?"

"Considering that Odion is here and chanting something creepy," Joey began as he walked to the kitchen area casually, "that means that Bakura and Odion ran into each other already. So, maybe he's close?"

"If he was close, the mummy horde would be here by now," Lizzy mentioned with a sigh. "How would we know if they were coming?"

"Good point."

"I could tap into the powers of the Millennium Puzzle," Atem suggested, holding up the pendant. "Maybe I could see if he's coming or not, since all of the items are connected."

"You're not going to go crazy when you do it?" Lizzy asked as she looked at the puzzle. "I've read that those who are a part of the shadow magic for too long go crazy after a while."

"Hmm...I'm willing to do it if we have no other options."

"We have other options than that, dude!" Joey exclaimed, refusing to let his friend do that to himself. "We could challenge Odion to a duel and if we win, we can ask where Bakura is at."

"And if we lose?" Yusei asked Joey, with some concern in his voice.

"Hey, I'm trying to be optimistic about this!"

"I can duel him!" Jaden volunteered happily.

"Huh?!" everyone else exclaimed in shock. They weren't sure why Jaden said that, but he did with a smile.

"I mean if a duel is going to get us any info on where this Bakura guy is, then I'll gladly do it!"

"Jay, you do realize that this could potentially be a life or death situation, right?" Yusei asked him, raising his eyebrow.

"Yeah, you can die from a duel like this!" Joey said in agreement. "Trust me, I've seen it."

"I'll be fine!" Jaden grinned with a thumbs-up. "How hard can it be?"

That's the end of the chapter part! Thanks for reading and look forward to the next part tomorrow. See you then! :)

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