19 𝗿𝗲𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲

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chapter nineteen, reminiscence — act two, the anger

Location: Vostokoff's residence
St. Petersburg, Russia
July 10, 2016


Reminiscence. That is what the three sisters felt entering Melina's home. Now, it was not their exact childhood home the one back in Ohio, but the resembles were obvious. Memories of the days back in Ohio, consumed their heads. Alexei walks straight towards the bathroom. Emily and Yelena made their way to the dining room. Yelena could not help but notice all the books. Emily gave Natasha a pointed look, Natasha nodded that she was going to keep an eye out for Melina.

Natasha followed Melina, to the kitchen, who opened this secret shelf. Inside there was full of different types of weaponry, from guns to knives, to bombs, etc. Natasha gave Melina a painted look, "Hey, no funny business."

Melina stared at Natasha as she was putting her gun away, "I am putting away my weapon."

Natasha raises her eyebrow at her, as she starts to walk away from her. Natasha felt Melina's presence, "Are there any booby traps around here? Anything we need to know about?"

"I did not raise my girls to fall in traps."

"You didn't raise us at all."

Natasha walked towards the sink as she went to wash her hands. Melina did not why but that statement hurt. But she can not blame her daughters for what they went through, she was a part of that pain. But then again Melina has only ever known to hide her emotions away, Melina looks at her, "Oh, maybe so. But if you got soft, it wasn't on my watch."

Natasha headed to the dining room where Emily and Yelena were sitting down. The table was set in a similar way to their childhood home back in ohio. Natasha sat down next to Emily and sitting in front of them is Yelena.

Yelena could not help but think how everything turned out. That this feeling of familiarity that they once felt twenty years ago was the one of the few happy memories that she can always count but overtime it just seems to fade even though she tries so hard to hold on to those memories.

Natasha can not help but feel guilty. That she took the easy way out and just assumed everything was okay for her sisters. But overtime people do forget that what they experience still hunts her to this very day. That pain she feels never goes away. All she can do is hope to be good person even if she doesn't know if she is making the right choices.

Emily kept repeating a phrase that Rossi told her many years ago. It was when a cases hit her so close to home. She was repeating the phrase in her with Rossi's voice and everything.

"You know what I think, I think you are trying to live a fantasy in your head, where you do not face the truth. You are trying to move on but you can not because you are holding on to an image of yourself that you want to be but you can not because that was before the trauma came. That person that you want to be doesn't exist anymore."

The girls did not say anything to one another as their heads were consumed with their own thoughts. But how on an outsiders perspective you can see all the pain that they held in their eyes. Melina came out as she sat next to Yelena. It was awkward but it got even more awkward when they heard Alexei's grunts coming out of the bathroom.  Melina broke the silence by making everyone feel better with having some alcohol, "Let's drink."

The girls were getting their drinks poured but were interrupted by Alexei's entrance. Alexei was dressed in his old red and white suit from his old red guardian days. Alexei started to pose as he had his legs crossed and arm out against the wall. He had a smirk on his face as looked at his family, "It still fits."

Melina whistled at him. The three sisters rolled their eyes as Yelena muttered out, "Oh my god."

Alexei lets out a big laugh that echoes throughout the house. Melina was clapping at him in joy, "I never washed it once. Come and drink."

Alexei goes and sits on the table as Melina pours out a drink. Emily was avoiding him, Natasha stared at him in annoyance, and Yelena was rubbing out her temples in frustration. But Alexei just gives them a big smile, "Family back together again."

Melina spoked about the moment, "Seeing as our family construct was just a calculated ruse that only lasted three years. I don't think that we can use this term anymore, can we?"

Emily and Yelena stayed quiet. But in the back of their heads they could help but think how much truth held in that statement. They were feeling too many emotions. Natasha nodded her head at Melina's statement, "Agreed. So, here's what's gonna happen..."

Natasha was interrupted by Alexei, "Okay, A reunion then huh?" Alexei turned his head to look at Melina, "And, uh...I want to say something right off the bat. You haven't aged a day. Huh? You're just as beautiful and as supple as the day they staged our marriage.."

Melina just stares at him but there still that fondness that she has for him, "You got fat. But still good."

Natash was about to speak up but Melina interrupted her, "Natasha, don't slouch."

"I'm not slouching."

Melina gave her a pointed look, "Yes, yes, you are."

Natasha lets out a huff, "I don't slouch."

"You're going to get a back hunch."

Alexei agreed with Melina, "Listen to your mother."

Natasha was getting so frustrated, "Oh, my God, this..."

"Up, up," Alexei puffed his chest out to demonstrate for Natahsa to sit up.  Natasha let out a frustrated groan, "All right, enough. All of you."

Yelena let out a little pout, "I didn't say anything. That's not fair."

Melina puts some food on Emily's plate, but Emily still has not muttered a single word during this whole reunion or whatever it was. Natasha shook her head at Yelena, "Here's what's gonna happen..."

Yelena interrupts her as Melina puts some food on her plate, "I don't want any food."

Melina shakes off and looks at Yelena, "Eat a little something, Yelena, for God's sake."

Emily was tired of this, they have made no progress since they arrived here. She really had enough of this, she slammed her hands on the table, "Where is the red room."

Silence filled the air, as no one answered. Emily gritted it out, "Where is the red room."

But no answer, Melina changed the topic, "You know, it's like when you told them that they could stay up late to catch Santa Claus."

Emily glares at her but Alexei finishes it for Melina, "What? That was fun. You know, "He came down the chimney, girls. "Look out. Where is he?" You wait for him, and then when the cookies are gone, then you see he's there. No, no. I want them to follow their dreams."

Melina nodded her head, "No good."

Alexei smiled at his daughters, "Reach for the stars, girls."

Natahsa just stares at them in disbelief, "Finding Dreykov is not a fantasy. It's unfinished business."

Melina signs at her, "You can't defeat a man who commands the very will of others. You never saw the culmination of what we started in America."

Melina moved to get her tablet as she swiped against it and there she heard it a ding. A pig had opened her home, "Come in."

"What the fuck?"


Location: BAU office
Quantico, Virginia
July 10, 2016

The BAU team was circling around the information of how their team and the avengers team are being targeted. The BAU team contacted the avengers team who were on there way. It was confusing to them how their unsub is targeting the avengers team since they are not part of previous cases that they solves that this unsub is redoing.

Spencer was just staring at the board in-front of him hoping he miss some form of information but nothing was making sense. Hotch and Rossi were looking at previous cases seeing if there was a connection as Garcia was looking through security footage.

Derek kept pacing back and forth trying to make sense of everything and suddenly something came up to his head, he turned to his team, "Okay is it possible besides us and the avengers, that someone knows Emily and her sisters?"

Spencer beamed up at the realization that they might be going somewhere, "It makes sense because that is the only connection between our team and the avengers."

The rest of team nodded their head in agreement, but Derek look back Garcia thinking back of their previous moment, "Babygirl, I think you know something."

All heads turned to Garcia who was freaking out, thankfully she was interrupted as the door was opened and the avengers walk in. Garcia muttered so quietly, "Oh thank god."

———— • ————

Also if anyone likes vampire dairies, i posted a book and it would mean a lot if you can check it out and vote on it :)

Also I just remembered about time zones so please pretend that we live in a world were everyone has the same time zone 💀😭

Let me know what you think of this chapter!!

Love you all so much ❤️

Thank you for reading!!

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