Ch 5: Battle of Gods

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An: basically you will see a battle between Jigoku and Lone Ivory.

Apex World.

Currently Jigoku is checking on the Red Mist production when he sense something wrong.

Without hesitation he dodge a blast which reveal to come from an mask man who is floating in the sky.

Jigoku: "Who the f_ck are you" he said as a intruder have entered Apex World unannounced.

Lone Ivory: "Lone Ivory leader of the Malice Shocker. And I was sent here to test you in leadership" he said which Jigoku growl.

Jigoku: "Fine but I won't hesitate on killing you for challenging me!" He said then fly into the sky.

Then both Jigoku and Lone Ivory fight unaware that they are being watch by two powerful individuals.

Godzilla Ultima: "So this is the future of our bloodlines" he said looking at his rival.

Bemular: "Despite their reasons they are powerful to make gods shiver" he said.

Godzilla Ultima: "Agree. However they must prove themselves to lead the pack otherwise they will die" he said as both himself and Bemular watch the battle.

Currently both Jigoku and Lone Ivory is equally match as either is tanking the other attacks.

Jigoku: "Not bad you managed to tanked my Atomic blast" he said.

Lone Ivory: "And you tanked my speed" he said.

Jigoku: "But how long can you survive against this" he said then gather many Red Mist into himself then unleash a red blast of nova blast at Lone Ivory.

Lone Ivory: "Child plaything" he said then unleash his final strike which counter the nova blast.

Both Jigoku and Lone Ivory show no sign of tiredness but they are sweating due to the heat of their attacks.

Jigoku: "We're equaling match but you are in my domain!" He said then took a deep breath of Red Mist.

Lone Ivory: "Despite the advantage I won't back down" he said gathering a lot of energy into his blade.

Then both unleash their Final Attack.

Thus causing a explosion that blow the Red Mist out of America.

It wasn't long until the Red Mist return but both Jigoku and Lone Ivory are panting.

???: "That is enough" a male voice spoke causing Lone Ivory to stop while Jigoku is confused until he froze in fear as he sense a lot of energy.

Appearing from no where is a man that is taller than Jigoku himself.

Lone Ivory: "I didn't expect you to come here Malevolenternatus" he said looking at the leader of Malicious Regime.

Malevolenternatus: "I only interfere because it necessary and despite your fighting you two are far weaker to fight against the pros like Tommy and Godzilla Prime" he said which both men flinch.

Godzilla Ultima: "I agree with my friend" he said as both himself and Bemular appear beside Malevolenternatus.

Bemular: "Same but you two fighting does prove you two are able to take on true heroes like Shin Godzilla and Jason" he said.

Jigoku: "So we need to train more if we stand a chance against true threats to our plan" he said.

Malevolenternatus: "Correct. And you should be glad that I ain't gonna erase you for bringing this Red Mist into another world since it consider a threat to us Omni beings. Anyway I am here to offer you an chance to join the alliance that I have with Lone Ivory here" he said gaining Jigoku attention.

Jigoku: "What sort of alliance does you provide?" He said.

Lone Ivory: "Technology, new resources, and having a powerful ally in case you need help dealing with pests" he said.

Malevolenternatus: "In exchange you will provide us with resources and soldiers" he said which Jigoku thought then smirk.

Jigoku: "How could I refuse~" he said.

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