(7) Larroth (TRIGGER WARNING!!)

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He said, “Oh Mary, contrary how does your garden grow?”

“Come with me, and you’ll be, the seventh maid in a row.”

My answer was laughter, soft as I lowered my head

"You’re too late, I’m afraid, this flower’s already dead."

Laurence sat in his bedroom, crying softly as to not wake his boyfriend sleeping in the next room. He couldn’t take it any longer. Everyday it got worse. All the bullying, the name-calling, the “accidental” trips, and the worst part was his boyfriend, Garroth, didn’t seem to notice that he was suffering. Probably for the better anyways though…

Resetting as I was, with blossoms in full bloom (Blossoms in full bloom)

Never a chance to pause with magic to consume (Magic to consume)

A shadow walked behind me offering his hand

But couldn’t understand…

The brown-haired male stood up from his perch on the side of the bathtub. Walking over to the counter, he dug through the drawers until he found what he was looking for. His razor. He looked at his reflection in the mirror. His eyes puffy and red from the crying, his cheeks still damp from the tears, his hair messy. He pulled back the sleeves of his pajamas to reveal his scars. He hasn’t done this in awhile, not since him and Garroth got together four months ago.

He said, “Oh Mary, contrary how does your garden grow?”

“Come with me, and you’ll be, the seventh maid in a row.”

My answer was laughter, soft as I lowered my head

"You’re too late, I’m afraid, this flower’s already dead."

Taking a deep breath, he glides the blade across his sensitive skin, drawing blood.





No one likes you!


You can’t do anything right!


You should die!


Scattering petals down the road without an end (Road without an end)

Left on the battleground  for one I called my friend (One I called my friend)

Maybe he loved me as he took me by the hand

And tried to understand

Suddenly, banging on the door scared Laurence. “Laurence! I heard crying. Are you okay?” A male voice asks. “Y-yeah, I’m fine…” Laurence shakily replies. The voice mumbles something before the door is suddenly hanging off its hinges, revealing Laurence's boyfriend, Garroth. He took one glimpse at the scene in front of him and a shocked expression plastered itself on his face.

I said, “Oh Mary, contrary how does your garden grow?”

“Come with me, I can’t see anywhere that we could go.”

Their answer was laughter as darkness swallowed them up

“One more time, I’ll be fine, sometimes kindness is enough.”

“Laurence, why?” He simply asks in disbelief. “Because no cares about me! Everyone wants me dead, so why not make them happy?!" Laurence snaps, tears streaming down his face once more. Garroth rushes forward and wraps his arms around Laurence, trying to comfort him. "Who wants you dead?" Garroth asks once Laurence calms down a bit. "Like I said, everyone. I went to a party last weekend and when I walked in, everyone stopped and starred at me. They called me names, they beat me." Laurence proves it by pulling up his shirt and revealing many bruises and cuts.

The two stayed like that the entire night, talking, crying, and eventually falling asleep on that cold, marble bathroom floor. When Laurence woke up, he found his arms bandaged and a sleeping Garroth protecting him. They skipped school that day, remaining snuggled together on the bathroom floor.

He said, “Oh Mary, contrary how does your garden grow?”

“Come with me, and you’ll be, the seventh maid in a row.”

My answer, a whisper, soft as he lowered his head

"Set them free, I’m sorry, this flower’s already dead."

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