Chapter 1

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         I felt my eyes open quickly as the voice from before called my name a forth time, a voice I realized belonged to my brother Daniel. "Aphmau, it's time to get up! Today's the big day!" 'Big day? What did he mean by-Oh! ' I
immediately remembered as I jolted out of my comfy bed, making sure to grab the set of clothes I had set on top of my dresser the night before and ran into my own personal bathroom to change.

       "Aphmau Irene Phoenix Shalashaska (Aparently Shalashaska is her last name? Someone please let me know if it is or not TwT), get your butt out of bed before I come up there with my chacla!" I heard my mom yell from downstairs as I finished putting on my Alola flowered top over a violet shirt that showed my lower midrift. 'Oh no,  not the chacla!' "I'm getting dressed mom!" I yell back, hoping she won't actually come up with her sandal while I put on a pair of black ankle boots. "Alright, but hurry it up. Your brother and I are eating without you." My mother called back to me as I walk out of my bathroom, grabbing my watermelon slice-shaped bag before running out of my room and down the stairs, the smell of pancakes catching my attention as it leads me into the kitchen where my family and two besties stood, holding a huge stack of the delicious breakfast that was covered with honey syrup before me.  "Here she is, oh my beloved Hija!" My mother cried out in happiness as she came over and hugged me. "Mom, I'm not the only one going through this." I said as I hugged her back, referring to Daniel and a female Meif'wa with bubblegum pink hair that was standing right next to him. "Don't worry Aphmau-Senpai,  Kawaii~Chan and Daniel-Kun already got hugs from Miss Sylvanna-San." The meif'wa, my good friend Kawaii~Chan reassured me, smiling her infamous bubbly smile as her tail continuously swayed from side to side. "Yeah haha! You should've seen the funny face Daniel made, it was hilarious!" My other bestie, Teony retorted and laughed at the same time, causing a "HEY!" to escape from my green haired werewolf brother's mouth. (Did I forget to Daniel's a werewolf? Whoops!)

              I giggled a little at the two as all helped ourselves to the delicious meal before us, chatting on about the obstacles Daniel, Kawaii~Chan and I will soon face as we take the next steps to making our dreams come true. "So, according to the principal and the school website, any Pokémon Performer\Coordinator who wishes to attend Phoenix Drop Academy must show off their skills to the entire school to be able to enroll. Those who are trainers that wish to travel and collect gym badges, a "Gym Battler" as they like to call them, must defeat one of the school counselors in a battle. If a trainer does two or more of these things, they may choose to either show off their skills in a performance or battle either a school counselor or even the principal herself." My mother informed us as was finished up the pancakes. "so basically, since Aphmau's both a "Gym Battler" and a Performer, she can either perform in front of everyone at the school, or battle either a counselor or the principal, and Kawaii~Chan can just do a performance since she's. both a Performer and a Coordinator?" Teony asked as she took a sip of her pinape juice. "Exactly." My mother replied, taking up her empty dish as she stood up and went to put them into the dishwasher, Kawaii~Chan following along with hers in tow. I quickly finished my juice and did the same thing while my dark haired friend helped herself to another glass when my phone suddenly dinged, indicating that I just received a message. "I'll be right back guys, I need to see to this." I spoke as I walked out of the kitchen and into the living room that was right across from where we just ate, taking my phone out from my bag and opening it up, revealing that I'd just received a text from my other best friend FC, who I had met while playing my favorite online game a few years back.

{A/N: I'm new at this so please forgive me!!!!}

{Normal Text= Normal reading context

Bold= Contact name

Italics= Text Conversation}

"Hey Shu!"

I read and smiled before replying,


                                                    "Hey FC!"

I waited a few seconds before receiving another message from my online bestie.

"Are you ready to set out into
a world beyond your wildest

                                                  "Yeah I am!
                                                just need to
                                                get my starter 
                                              from the
                                             Kahuna first."


        I sighed as I thought about the dream I had as my phone dinged again, causing me to look down and read FC's text.

"Ah. What are the three
starters for
new trainers in Alola
again? I know one of
them is Litten, a fire type
since you got me one for
Christmas, thank you
again by the way. ; )"


       I smiled again as I typed while remembering the day my online bestie kept thanking me over and over for sending him the fire cat Pokémon after catching it with the help of my mom's shiny Sylveon Sylvia.


"No problem FC. Thank
you for the heart
pendant and choker
set you got me for my
birthday last year!
As for your question,
the other two are
Rowlet, a grass type,
and Popplio,
a water type."

"Anything for a special
girl like you Shu.
Do you know which
one you're going to pick?"

  I blushed after reading the first bit of FC's text before replying.

"Not yet, I'm sure
I will once I see them.."

             I looked up for a bit as my mind went back to the dream again. 'Who were those Pokémon? Why did I call one of them "Celestia?"' I thought to myself looking at my phone again, noticing the new text and reading it.

"Is something wrong Shu?"

I typed back.

"No, everything's
fine, it's just..."

"It's just what?
You can tell me."

       I hesitated a bit after reading the message. 'Should I tell him?'  After thinking for a minute, I started typing again.

"Remember when I first
told you about
that dream I had?"


"I had it again..."

   Once again I waited for FC to reply back.

"Again?! That's the 4th
time this week!"

I read the new text message to myself.

       "I know! Normally
I'd be okay with having
the same dream once or
twice, but 4 times?!"

"Hmm...Maybe this dream
you're having isn't just
a dream."

"What do you mean?"

"Okay, this may sound
crazy, but what if your
dream was actually a
vision of the near future?"

      Okay, I admit. What FC just texted DID sound crazy, but then again, he could be right.

"You could be on to


"Well, its just an idea,
you never know."


"True, we'll just have
to wait and see"




       "Aphmau, we're leaving right now!" I heard my mom call out. "Be there in a second!" I yelled back to her as I quickly sent another text to FC.

"Gotta go. We're heading
off to the ceremony.
EEK! I'm so psyched!"

"Haha! Alright, let me
know how it goes and
what Pokemon you choose,

       "Will do,
  TTYL FC! 😊"


"TTYL Shu, bye! 8D"


            Ugh, that face! He knows that I hate it! I typed a quick reply with an annoyed emoji before sending it to my online best friend, knowing he'll probably get a crack out of that, and putting my phone back in my bag while walking back to my family and two Alolan besties.

                   "Are you ready to go Hija?" My mother asked, Hoisting her shoulder bag up as Daniel opened the door for all of us, making sure to hide his ears and tail in the process. "Yes ma'am, I am!" I rhymed before with glee. "EEK! I'm so excited!" "Kawaii~Chan is too HEHE!" My meif'wa friend squealed along with me as we thanked my brother and walked out of the house, my mom and Tony followed suite. "Ow! No offense to you and Kawaii~Chan sis, but just because my werewolf ears aren't showing, doesn't mean that my human ones are not sensitive to noise!" Daniel complained as he rubbed his left ear, taking his right hand off the door handle and letting it close on its own as he walked down the steps towards us. As soon as he was down (as well as KC and I apologizing for hurting my brother's poor eardrums), we made our way to Iki Town, the place where the Island Kahuna and the people of Melemele awaited for our arrival.

{A/N: Sorry for not updating this story for a long time! I have been busy with some of my drawings and work! I'm afraid the future chapters won't be out for a while as well since I still have to write them out. I am currently trying to draw the characters in their trainer outfits along with their Pokémon partners. I had Aphmau done, but then I messed up and ended up redoing it. Kawaii~Chan and Daniel will also be revealed soon, so please keep an eye out for that. Also, comment down below who you think are gonna be in Aphmau, Kawaii~Chan and Daniel's Pokémon teams, and if you'd like your Oc to also be in the story(and tell me what Pokémon are on their team and if they have nicknames), they will either be a part of the main cast or have minor roles in future chapters. Until then, this is LavyRose signing out. Bye my lovely Rosebuds!!!}


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