Chapter 14

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You sat on the couch, listening to your mothers daily rambles as she spoke on the phone with Lucinda with wolf ears and tail out.

"Lucinda! You sleep like--18 hours of the day!....My fault!? How is this my fault! You gave me this potion saying it only lasted for an hour! Now its lasted for then two days!....I DID COME TO YOUR HOUSE EACH DAY! BUT YOU WERE SLEEPING! Y/N CONFIRM THIS, SHE WAS WITH ME!....LUCINDA!...Lucinda, Please! I need your help here. The mid cafe is about to open. There are newspaper people here and my picture will be in the newspaper! I wanna look normal for this!"

"Hey! Werewolves are normal!" You butt in with a pout.

"R-Right! Sorry like--Aphmau normal! I--" Lucinda cut her off and began to speak as Aphmaus face contorted into one of annoyance.

"WHATDOYOUMEANNOONEREADSTHENEWSPAPERTHESEDAYS!? THAT DOESN'T----Lucinda!" Aphmau grumbled as Lucinda hung up, shouting.

You rolled your eyes.

"Being a werewolf isn't that bad Mom...We just shed a bunch."

"Yeah, what do you got against being a werewolf anyway?" Gene scoffed, now coming into the room.

"Gene!" "Gene!?" You two spoke, the latter cheering, as you ran over to hug him your tail wagging.

"What? I'm just sayin'...You act like it's a BAD thing..."

"No...! Its not a bad thing at all. I'm sorry if I offended you Y/n. It's just...I'm not a werewolf, So...Its weird." "Why'd you thrn yourself into a werewolf anyway?" You sighed.

"NO REASON!" Aphmau blushed.


Okay then.

It must be something to do with Aaron.

"Well, you look really cute as one! Heh...I might like you better this way--Ow!" You pinched Genes side making him look down at you with a pout.

"What was that for?" "Don't be weird..." You advised. "What? Maybe Aaron likes her this way too~" "SHUT UP!" Aphmau grumbled.

"Hm...But tbe cat ears and tail would--"

"Alright, Enough! Don't you think you're being a little creepy now?" Zane questioned, also coming into the room.

"Creepy? Y/n called me weird." "Yeah, that too." Zane scoffed.

"Well, I'm not. I'm just complimenting her on her appearance! She's not feeling a 100% percent so I figured being honest with her just to cheer her up."

"Pfft! HONEST!? You're not being honest with her!" Zane scoffed.

Uh oh.

You knew where this was going.

Zane began to rather insult Aphmau on her appearance not in a bad way but in an honest way.

But that is not at all how Aphmau took it. She began to whine and cry as your ears fell.

You ran to hug her as she picked you up and held you close.

"Its okay Mama, Its okay. I think you look awesome." You smiled.

"Now look what you did! Oh Aphmau, Babe, come here!"

"Nu-uh...She stays with me." You pouted, preventing Zane or Gene from coming any closer you stroked her hair with a smile, comforting your mother.

"WHAT THE--!?"

"You made her cry Zane! On the day of the grand opening of her Maid Cafe! She's supposed to be giving a speech in front of a big crowd soon! She's already got enough pressure from that!"

"Shh, shh...Calm down Mom. Its okay." You repeated.

"No! Nono! T-Thats not! I-I didn't mean that! N-Not that I--" "Your basically telling me my butts too big?" Aphmau sniffled before crying.

"YOUR BUTT IS PERFECT!" "Your checking out her butt!?" "NO I--GENE I SWEAR!"

Aphmau continued to cry as you continued to back her back and head in order to console her.

Well, the best you could in the teddy bear like position shes got you in.

Aaron went down the stairs and approached your four.

"Aph! We have to start the Grand opening soon and--Uh...Uhm..Uh--What's going on in here?"

"Zane told Aphmau she looks terrible!"

"I DID NOT! I MEAN--THATS NOT WHAT I MEANT! Look, I was trying to be her friend tell her how I felt about her terrible look!" Aaron growled at his words, causing Zane to desperately try to explain himself.

You sighed. This was going to be a long day.

After that entire fiasco, you were putting your costume on with Aaron snd Aphmau waiting for you.

You stepped with a bright smile as Aaron finally got Aphmau to calm down about the Maid Café.

"Ta~Da! Hows it look!" Aaron and Aphmau smiled as you wore the butlers top with the maids skirt.

"I thought you want to be the Butler?" "I thought you wanted to be the maid." They both smiled.

"Well, I like them both...And I couldn't choose between either of them so I have one part of the butler suit and the other part is the maid costume! Best of both worlds!" You grinned, wagging your tail.

"Well, you look dashing..." "And beautiful."

Blushing at the praise you scratched the back of your head.

"Thanks Ma, Aaron!" "Well! I uh...Better go open!" Aphmau nodded.

"You got this."

"Yeah! Knock em' out of the park!" You nodded.

She went to stand to speak with everyone as you and Aaron watched from afar.

As Aphmau spoke to the others you thought about the upcoming dance thats happening after Winter Break.

You asked Gene and Travis if they wanted to go but Travis said that this sort of dance really wasn't his scene.

Gene said he was glad to go!

But he also said that there might be someone else in mind that your overlooking.

Which didn't make any sense to you because who could you possibly be overlooking.

You thought for a moment before snapping your fingers.


You forgot to ask Dante!

Jeez, how oblivious could you be?

Dante would love to go to the Child-Parent dance with you! Snapping out of your thoughts you noticed customers coming into the cafe.

"Right! Time to work that baby face charm as Laurance said!" You giggled, eagerly going to the other customors.

"Hi! You waved at two girls who sat down.

"Oh! Aren't you so cute! Are you a maid or a butler?"

"Well ma'am, I'm your special limited addition Maitler! If you need anything, just tell me okay? I'll get you anything ya' want!" You smiled, wagging your tail and giving the two grins.

"Oh! Well in that case, can I get a water?"

"And a lemonade for me please!"

"Coming right up! I won't keep you waiting, lovlies!"

"Aw! Aren't they cute..."

"And so proper too!" You smiled at the effect you had on the women and pumped your fist.

"Yes! I'm cute and I use it to my advantage!...Gene! A lemonade and a water please!"

"You got it!" He made the drinks rather quickly before getting you a tray.

"Now, their a bit heavy so don't drop it!"

"I won't!"

You held the drinks high above your head and walked to the ladys on your little legs as they crooned at how adorable you were.

"Here you go! Sorry it took me awhile!"

"NoNo! Your timing was just perfect little one~! Oh, I wish I could adopt you!"

"Sorry, But you can't. Oh! I can always pretend your my Mom though! Ahem...Mama! I got the drink you wanted just like you asked!"

"My heart!" Both of the girls winced simultaneously.

"Do you want me to get you both some food too?"

"Yes please!"

"Mkay! Zane! Table for you!" You saw him roll his eyes before stroding past you and to the table of girls.

But not without giving you a little pat on the head.

You laughed before noticing Aphmau speaking with...Abuela and Grandpa Eric!

"Abuela! Grandpa Eric!" The two smiled when they saw you bounding over to them with a grin before you wrapped your arms around Sylvanna.

"Nieta! Hello!" Sylvana giggled. "Its good to see you again!" "Hey there Y/n!" Eric chuckled, rubbing your head as you hugged Sylvana.

"Mom! What are you doing here?!" Aphmau questioned, making you look up at her.

"WAIT A MINUTE! SOMETHING IS WRONG!" Sylvana yelled making you let go.

"What?! What is it!? Did I hug you to hard?!" "N-No its not you, Nieta! Mija...Y-You...Have...EARS!?"

"I-I can explain!"

"I bet I know who did this to you!"

"Ehehe...No...Mom, It's actually uhm..Uh..."

"Oh jeez..." You mumbled, stepping back.

"It's a small gimmick! Sometimes we dressed up with uhh...cute little uhm...Ears! Idea from Y/n!"

"We do?" Zane questions, only for Aaron to place cat ears on his head.

"Whaa!?" "Huh...That is a cute gimmick!" "It sure is!" "Like mine!"

"Where did you get those from!?"

"There's a costume box!" "A WHAT!?"

"Ehehehe...P-Perfect! N-Now Mom, Eric...If you want, Zane can sit you down and Y/n can take your orders!"

"That would be wonderful! I can't express how amazingly proud I am of you and everyone here! Come here and give me a hug!"

"Me too?" Aaron smiled.

Sylvanna only snarled at him.

"I'd take that as a no..." You sighed as a tear formed in Aarons eye at being rejected.

You approached the counter and leaned up on the counter the best way you could.

"Hey! I get a few muffins please? Table 8 needs some!"

"Of course Y/n~Chan! Here you go!"

"Thanks!" You took the small saucers of muffins amd handed them to the couple who also crooned over your proper etiquette.

You smiled and walked away with a sigh.

"Mm...Being cutes hard." You noticed Damien and Kawaii Chan talking to eachother.

You watched them as Zane came up next you and and watched as well.

"Oh! Uhh...Thank you!" Kawaii~Chan smiled making Zanes eyes narrow slightly.

"I know it's really a professional at work but...Uhh... maybe we can get tea sometime?"

"Uhm...I-I'd love too!" "How about now." Zane spoke making you look at him confused.

"Huh?" " I just need some to you guys can share. On the house..Literally."

"Oh thank you Zane! That's perfect! We were just talking about getting tea!"

"Uh...No that's not what I meant, I was asking you on a--" "On a what?" You asked with a tilt of your head.


"Hm? Are you not fond of tea?"

"N-No! Its just a....I didn't want this to be...Tea-Mendhassle?" You and Zane shook your heads in dismay at Damiens pun.

"Uh..Did I..?" "No. Just no." "That sucked." You and Zane scoffed.

Kawaii~Chan on the other hand was getting a kick put of Damiens joke.

"Huh? Well, at least I got her laughing..." Damien sighed with a soft smile.

His statement made Zane growl before he chuckled.

"Well...Heh, I guess it was kinda funny." "No. No it wasn't." You mumbled.

"By the way, it's nice to meet you two. My names Damien." You hopped on the counter with a smile.

"I'm Zane." "Y/n!" The both of you greeted.

"Oh Damien..." Kawaii~Chan laughed.

"NOW LEAVE ME ALONE!" Zane had snapped, making you jump.

"What did I do...?" Damien mumbled.

You shrugged.

Maybe Sophia would want to know about this.

She seemed pretty into this whole Damien Kawaii~Chan thing last time, right?

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