Chapter 15

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You sat on Aarons neck, licking the popsicle he just got you.

"Careful. If that drops on my head, I was hesitate to eat it."

"Nooo! Its mine!" You whined, as your ears fell.

Aaron chuckled in response.

You two went to the beach where you spotted Aphmau.

She was hugging and kissing all over Celestia.

Aaron laughed at her actions.

"What are you snickering at I'm working on my dog training here!" Aphmau pouted.

"Your not being firm enough..."

"Uh...What are you talking about? Did you not see how stern I was just now--"

Suddenly, Celestia began to bark.

"Aww! Yes girl! Bark~Bark!"

"Yeah...Firm..." You smirked, making Aphmau grumble and pout.

Aaron chuckled.

"Aph, I know you love Celestia. But if you want her to listen you have to show her whos boss. Here, watch. Celestia! Come here girl!" Celestia went toward Aaron and gave a little bark.

You laughed and finished your popsicle.

"Stay! Stay...Speak." Celestia did as told.

"Good girl! Now, ready to fetch?" Aaron tossed the ball as Aphmau smirked.

"Hah! Good luck! I've been trying all mooorning...!" Aphmau squeaked as Celestia chased after the ball.

"What the--!?" "Good girl!" "How did you manage that! Y/N! Do you know how to do that?!"

You rested your hands ontop of Aarons and clicked your teeth.

"Up." Celestia raised on her hind legs and barked at you.

You smiled letting Celestia know to sit. 

"So you can do it without talking and she just listens to you!? Ugh...Traitor!" Aphmau pouted.

"Uhm...I've been training her for awhile and, you just started. Y/N hangs out with Celestia so much and calls her her sister so I imagine she trains her eometimes too. But don't worry. Celestia is still just a pup. If you keep at it. She'll listen to you too!"

"Ugh...You've always been good with dogs!" You watched the Sea as everyone played.

You smiled until you heard Aphmau barking.

"What are you doing?"

"Speaking Dog!"

"No your not..."

"Uh...Babe, I don't know what the werewolves told you back in college, but 'Dog' isn't actually a language. I know you're trying to be cute but--"

Celestia cut him off with more barking before running off.

"She says there's a hungry frog!" Aphmau gasped, running off.

You hopped off her neck and ran after Celestia.

You three kept running after her until she led you to the side of the house.

She was barking with another dog!

He looked like Celestia except he had more of a sandy color to him.

They barked and played with another another as you and Aaron stood there dumbfounded.

"Ohh! She said dog, not frog! Wait...Huh?"

"So...Dog is a language..." You pondered.

"What the...Wait, wait...You actually talked to her?"

"How can I learn that?" You grinned, wagging your tail.

"Aaron! Y/N! Look at this puppy! Its another husky! Oh my gosh! Your so cute! Whats your name little girl?"

"Aph...Hes a guy." You smiled.

"Oh! Ahem...Sorry uhm...Whats your name little guy? Are you lost?" "We can help you find your Mom or Dad!" You smiled.

"Uh--!" You three heard Garroth stammer.

"What are you guys doing here!?" The dog began to bark at the sight of him.

"Garroth! We found a puppy!" "What are you doing here anyway?"

"Uh--Is that...Dog food in your hand?" The dog wagged his tail at Garroth.

"Aww! Hey Sparkles!" "Sparkles?" You, Aphmau, and Aaron questioned simultaneously.


Inside the house, you laughed and played with the two puppys.

"Wait...So Garroth? Is this little cutie really yours?"


"Aww...Who wouldn't let an adorable little guy like this out of their sight?"

"Hes to cute!" You grinned, as the two puppys licked you.

"Huh? I didn't realize you were dog person!"

"Hes always been!"

"And you do notice how he is with Celestia, right?" You and Apmau smiled.

"Hes a great Dog Dad to Celestia!"

"Dog Dad?" You let the three talk while playing with the dogs.

"Is he yours?" Aphmau asked again.

"No...Hes not...Officially anyway."

"What do you mean?" You questioned.

"Well...I think he has an owner, because he's very well-groomed, and he doesn't come out every day for food." He sighed, as Celestia and Sparkles barked at eachother.

They seemed to be very happy together.

"Aww, I think they like eachother!" "Dog love?" You questioned.

"Ah! Does Celestia have fleas!? SHE SCRATCHED!"

"Huh!?" "Hey! My sister does not have fleas." You glared, in a matter of fact sort of way.

"Dogs scratch man. She doesn't have fleas."

"How can I be sure!? What if she gives Sparkles fleas!"

"Uhh...It isn't fleas. We keep a check on that."

"Oh...Uhh...Sorry. I just want the best for Sparkles!"

"Ha! He just insulted Celestia." Zane scoffed, coming out of nowhere.

"Zane! Stay out if this!" Aphmau growled, as Zane sat on thr stairs. He was probably going to see how this plays out.

"He what!?" You and Aaron glared.

"Ohhh, no..." "What? Sparkles does deserve the best!"

"Look, our daughter is better then the best!"

"And I never said she wasn't! Its just...she...does shed on the couch a lot..."

"What does that mean?" You pouted.

"G-Guys! Come on! We don't need to--"

"MAYBE, you should spend more time grooming her is all."

"You don't even groom Sparkles!" Aaron scoffed.

"After every meal I do!"

"What about before, and in the morning?" You smirked.

"Well no...But..."

"Tsk, thats what I thought..."

"Aaron! Garroth! Y/N! You three need to chill!"

"What makes you such a great Dog Dad and Dog Sister anyway!"

"What makes me such a...Fine! I'll show you! Y/N, come on."

"Ugh, Aaron! Don't get the---Ugggh!" You walked upstairs as Aaron handed you T-Shirt.

You grinned at the sight of it.

You two walked back downstairs in two white T-Shirts with very important words on it.

You sat on Aarons neck and grinned.

"Look..." Garroth gasped at the shirts.

"Best. Dog. Dad." "Best. Dog. Sister." You two smirked.

"Pfft! Thats all?"

"EVER!" You smiled, as Aaron turned around.

"WHERE DID YOU GET THOSE?!" Garroth gasped.

"I-I got it for them. But--"

"Tell me where you get these magical shirts!"

"Amazon! But--"

The dogs began to bark again making you all turn to them.

"Awww, I think they said they love each other!" "Eww..." You gagged.

"That, or they wanna roll around in mud." "I hope its the second one." You sighed. "No Sparkles! She's his dog!"

"Excuse me!?"

"I thought you wanted the best for him!"

"How dare you!" You three glared.

"I DO! But the shedding!" Aaron set you down as Garroth and him argued.

You looked at the two dogs and noticed the two were talking.

They left making you and Aphmau jolt.

"Huh? Celestia!? GUYS! THEY'RE LEAVING!"

"Wait...Does Celestia have her collar on?" You muttered.

"OH MY IRENE SHE DOESN'T!" "Sparkles!" "Celestia!" The two boys called.

You guys walked around looking for the dogs until you and Alhmau ran in Teony.

"Ohhh! Teoney! Thank goodness! Have you seen Celestia? She got out of the house and she doesn't not have her collar on!"

As the two spoke, you looked at the girl who was with Teong. She had green eyes and light peach~ish hair.

Her swimsuit complemented her eyes.

She looked pretty.

"Wait...Is that her going into the shop?" Teony questioned, making you pick your head up.

"Yes!" "It is!" You and Aphmau smiled.

"Thanks Teony! Wait...Isn't this the one girl you~?" Teony shushed Aphmau before giggling.

"Oh-OH! WE'LL TALK LATER! GOOD LUCK! I'll come back to help you with her! Um..Bye! CELESTIA!"

"No Aphmau! I don't need help with--! Ugh..."

Aphmau ran off but you stood there.

You stared at the girl and smiled.

"Shes pretty. Nice eye Teony!" You smiled, running off toward Aphmau.

Teony blushed at your statement.

When you two entered the shop, the two dogs were still playing with eachother.

Luckily, Garroth and Aaron entered when you two did.

"Celestia!" Aphmau smiled.

"There you are Stitch!" A voice spoke, walking toward Sparkles and Celestia.

"Stitch?" Garroth questioned.

"Oh! Hi. Are you're the guy who's been feeding my dog?" "Wha-What? How did you know?" "Ha...I speak 'Dog'." "Really? Me too!" "So it really is a language..." You muttered.

"Oh no..." The lady began 'Dog' as you and the boys stood there, not knowing what she was saying.

Aphmau seemed to know because she responded with one vark. She clearly said something wrong cause the woman made a confused face at her.

"Uhm...What?" "Uh...Nevermind."

"Sorry...I wasn't aware Sparkles had an owner or a name." "Speaking of names, what's yours?"

"Its...Uh, Garroth."

"Well Garroth, I work in the shop a lot. Stitch likes to get out. So if you want you can play with him and feed him whenever you'd like!"


"Really. Plus, it looks like he made a new friend!" The woman smiled, as Celestia and Stitch continued to play with one another.

"Ah! She's so precious!" "She really is..."

"Garroth...We're really sorry about getting upset earlier. We just really love Celestia." Aaron sighed, placing a hand on your head.

"Yeah...Sorry about that..."  You added.

"No! It's okay. I know what it is like to have a pet you love."

"You'll make a great Dog Dad." "Mhm~!" You and Aaron smiled.

"A what?" Stitches owner questioned.

"Shh...Just let them have this moment."

"Oh! You wanna play fetch!" Garroth smiled, as the two Dogs barked and wagged their tails at him.

"Ugh...Good luck. Stitch doesn't even listen to--"

"Go guys. Fetch." Aaron ordered.

The two dogs ran off almost immediately at Aaron's words.

"What the--Stitch!?" "See!? This is my life! Ugh! Dog Traitor!" Aphmau growled.

"Ahahaha! Aaron, you're a great Dog Dad."

"The best." "Ever." You smirked, as yourself and Aaron turned around to reveal the back of your shirts.

This fact is true.

You are the best Dog Sister.


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