Chapter 16

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|Warnings: Mention of Starving, malnourishment, mention of S/H, Aftermath of Trauma, mention/description of broken bones, and blood. If I missed any, that's on me and I apologize. If you don't think you can handle any of these triggering topics leave now and skip to the next chapter. Otherwise, happy reading :)|

...Needed him.

Needed Dad.

"Dad please wake up..Dad..?...DAD--

You Blacked out.

|One Week Later|






..Scents of different people..



...He's not here, is he?



...No, you killed him. Remember? Everythings fine. You're okay.



...You're fine.



...Oh..Okay. I'm doing it anyway-

. . .

"This place is amazing! Oh, it was such a good idea to come here for our honeymoon, sweetie~!" "Nothing but the best for my..girl..."

"Yeah? Well you might wanna rethink that."

"Why's that?"

"I heard a rumor that someoned died here last week."


"Died...You mean from the awesome experience..right-?"

"No, I mean literally died! They say he was murdered!"

"I heard it was the ultima."


"An ultima? That old werewolf story? Tha-That's justa' myth!"

"No! Apparently, it's true! There was a mei'fwa running around town yelling about it! It directed a lot of attemention to this place."

"You brought me to a spooky hotel!? Hmph! You're the worst husband ever!" "Ah--Baby-Honey-Scrunch-McGruffin. I didn't know, c'mon!"


They know.

They all know.

He knows, she knows, they know, everybody knows.

Everybody knows.

Everybody knows that Dad.

That Dad--


That Dad is dea--"What have I told you about listening to the people downstairs..."

Your whole body did a shake...

You frantically began feeling around the room for the millionth time. You tried to grip your claws into the couch, but found that you couldn't.

Heart felt too loud in your throat, you felt paralysis forcing it's way onto your body again.

Who was there?

What was happening?

Whos talking to you?

Was it Ein?

Did he have you under his control?

Is that why you were hearing voices-!?

Like Zane? Like Zane, Aphmau, Lucinda and--

"Y/ your eyes. Please."

They snapped open. Scooting into the furthest corner of the furniture, your breaths were sharp and quick. And every movement caused pricks of pain in the bandages on your body. It felt like needles!



Who was talking! Get away from--GET AWAY--

"Y/n, it's just Mom."



Your body relaxed. But that didn't mean your mind was calm. Your harsh and quick breathing eventually decreased into nothing but sighs as you searched the room.

Searching for the one that hurt you.

And as angry and scared as you of her are you needed her.

Needed Mom.

"Mom? Momma..." You sniffled.

She watched, silently. Heart gradually breaking the more you were looking around so desperately and frantically for her, for her eyes but why..?

She..she was right next to you, Y/n..

But your movements were too slow to actually be considered threatening. To actually get you away from anybody.

Aphmau let out a shakey breath. Before slowly taking hold of your hand, making her movements slow and obvious. But even then, you still flinched away with panicked breaths and shaking limbs. Aphmau didn't make any attempt to wind her arms around you, kiss you, anything.

It'd only make things worse, afterall.

You slowly--carefully! Carefully started to inch over to her, forcing your body calm slowly. You felt yourself panicking by just trying to be near her..thinking she'd choke you out or attack you with a knife or--




Dullness was what followed. Your forced yourself to not care that you were scared of your own mother.

Forced yourself to not think about the fact she tried to kill you twice.

Forced yourself to stay at her side despite all your instincts yelling at you to back away, to get somewhere safe, that she's not safe! That..she may try to kill you.

You sat stiffly by Aphmaus side, you felt a hitch in her breath. You didn't want to be near her at all. She knew that.

But Irene--

Irene if it didn't feel so good..

So nice to just have you..sit next to her.

Much better than what you did a few days ago.

--b̶ᴎi̶⑁ɘd̶ m̶o̶ᴙʇ ƨm̶ᴙɒ ƨi̶⑁ o̶ɟᴎi̶ U̶o̶γ b̶ɘɟʇi̶l̶ ⑁ɟo̶ᴙᴙɒG̶ l̶i̶ɟᴎU̶ ↄi̶ᴎɒq̶ ʇo̶ ɟU̶o̶ ⑁ↄɒm̶o̶ɟƨ ᴙɘ⑁ b̶ɘ⑁ƨɒl̶ƨ ᴙɒɘᴎ _____ U̶o̶Y̶

Your ankle was sprained.

You pushed the previous thought away, S̶̙͂ō̶̞ ̵̪͂ŷ̵͈o̵̲̕u̷͖̎ ̷͙͋s̸̞͒ḧ̶͇́o̷̜̾ȗ̷̳l̵̦̿d̶͔̂ ̸̧̿t̸͉̏ô̵͕o̷̻͑

When the doctors came to see your injuries, you appearently became very malnourished. But when you tried to eat, you threw it all back up. Nothing could sit in your stomach.

Oh, and your right arm was broken too. As well as all five fingers on your right hand and the two fingers on your left. The bruises on your neck were starting to fade, but when they tried to ask you how you got it you refused to answer.

They stopped pushing though.

Especially when they saw all the blood on your arm.

According to the werewolf doctors you saw, your claws would take a month to grow back. With the broken fingers, it was just going to take a little longer. Something that was weird, though..was the fact claws had managed to come out of your toes too.

They filed them down and cut them so they'd take longer to grow back or, possibly, not grow back at all.

But still, werewolves aren't supposed to grow claws on their toes. Not like you did, not at your age. Your arm was in a cast, and your hands were wrapped in thick bandages that itched.

Whenever you tried to take it off and scratch it, Aphmau would tell you to stop. For some reason, casts and bandages aren't supposed to be taken off.

The last thing they told you, was that your injuries were healing quicker than the average werewolf and child. It freaked them out, so they stopped touching you.

The cuts on your neck and under your eye weren't infected and were properly cleaned. And while they were getting cleaned, you almost punched out one of the doctors. But Kim had been holding your hand, so you were okay.

It just burned so bad..! You don't remember alcohol burning that much. When they asked you how you got them, you didn't answer. They muttered something amongst themselves about self-harm, like you couldn't hear.

You weren't entirly sure what it meant, but you didn't feel like asking.

You guessed that they thought you did it to yourself. But that's not the truth. Far from it, actually.

But after all those check-ups. After all those tests. They still couldn't find what's wrong with you. Why you've been thinking things you would never think. Why you were doing things you'd never do.

You couldn't even trust yourself to Move or Talk.

So to sum it all up, your entire body is fu--screwed up. Screwed up.

You still can't eat. Your stomach feels like it's eating itself because of it. But you just..can't keep anything down anymore. You're scared to try--you don't wanna throw up again.

Guess you can't eat that pizza and icecream anymore, hm?

'How,' Was all you could think, sitting next to Aphmau who looks like she hadn't slept in days. Neither of you slept in days, really.

'How..did this happen?'

The last few days had felt like a fever dream.

No, not even a dream.

A nightmare.

A hellish, torturous, non-stop nightmare.

You touched your neck and shivered.

The scar didn't hurt anymore.

Not physically, anyway.

But the memory of how you got it..?

Still stings.

Both scars do.

Aphmau pulled you close to her, causing you to flinch again.

That broke her heart.

"Are you okay?" She whispeared.

You wanted to snap at her.

Really, you did. couldn't bring yourself to do that.

She wasn't in her right mind.

Not her, Not Zane, Not Aaron. Not...


"No..I'm not." You didn't miss the sob your mother pushed back into her throat.

"I'm sorry..I'm so sorry..." She apologized, beginning to cry.

You were so tired of hearing her sobs. It was starting to wear you down. And saying it's okay would make her stop. It would give her some peace of mind. it okay?



No, it's not.

So you turned away, ears suken to the sides of your head.

....Your thoughts are kind of loud this time around, aren't they? And..they don't even sound like your own anymore.

That's worrying.

But this brings us back to the question,

How and why did this happen? How did things turn south so quick?


That's right.

It all started in the car---

"APHMAU! Y/N! WHERE ARE YOU!?" Someone yelled.

The sudden slamming open of the door was too fast and hard for you to process who it was. With a strangled yelp, you ran under the table and covered your head with pained whines.

Who was that?

How do they know you and Aphmau?

Why were they yelling!?

Why were they running?

It was Ein, right?

No, no can't be.. don't know for sure, right..?

Its too soon to say you were a murderer, right?

Ein could still be alive right?

It hurts..It hurts too much to move..! But its safer under the table Ein can't get you here. Nobody can get you here.

Aphmau gasped with a little flinch at how quickly you moved, trying to reach out and comfort you.

To let you know you were okay. That you were safe.

With her.

But your pained whines reminded her of a horrified little puppy, she wasn't sure if she was allowed to do that anymore.

You were shaking, and trembling, and crying so quietly.

She was your mother but all she could do was sit and endure every devestating sound you made. Too scared of hurting you again.

"Y/n, it's okay. It's just--Oh-!"

The figure crashed into Aphmau for a hug but she didn't hug back. To busy having her eyes trained on you. Lost in your own little world of fear and paranoia. Too scared to look up and see that it was only family.

Sylvana and Eric.

"Mija! I was worried about you!" "I brought strawberry puffs just in case--" "NOT. NOW. ERIC." "Shutting up!"

"Where's Y/n? Is she okay!? Neita," Sylvana called searching the room anxiously, "NEITA, WHERE ARE YOU! Y/N!? Mija, Aphmau, where is she!? I heard something terrible happened but..I wasn't told what! Just..tell me what happened. Please." Sylvana begged.

Your ear twitched. Aphmau was crying again. Was it because of the two people in here? Were they hurting her--Are they with Ein-!?

Gotta do something.

Gotta protect Aphmau.

There's two of 'em, you can take both. No problem.

Leaping from under the table, you bared your fangs the figures way while holding your arms infront of Mom.

You wouldn't let them hurt her. You'd die before that happened.

You were gonna...

You didn't want to lose anyone else.

"GET AWAY FROM HER!" You hissed eyes fearful but icy, "I'll..kill you, y'know..." You didn't sound too sure of that, though.

"Oh my goodeness!" "Holy--" "Y/n! Calm down!" Aphmau put a hand on your shoulder. And you would've bit her purely out of reaction. Until you looked at the faces of the people you were threatening.

They looked..fimilar-?

And smelt fimilar too.

Nice. Calming. Made you feel small and protected..

"Ab.." You tested your voice, seeing if you could still speak soft, "Abuela? Grandpa?"

Sylvana let out the breath she had been holding and Eric seemed to have relaxed as well. They really thought you were gonna attack them just then.

"Oh, Neita! You're okay! My poor baby, what happened to you..? Who..WHO HURT YOU LIKE THIS!?"


Shut up.

Just Shut. Up. For two seconds.

You didn't answer Abuela, eyes dulling once again. Sure, they weren't violent anymore but to see you so unhappy. depressed. It made Sylvana shrink a little.

"My Y/n, come'ere--" She reached her arms out to you and you felt your body tense.

You pulled away before she could even get too close to smell, your back hitting Aphmaus legs. You ran behind them, shaking.

Glaring at your Grandma and Grandpa with suspicious and unsteady pupils. Sylvana narrowed her eyes and wrinkled her brows in concern.


"Mom leave her alone," Aphmau sniffled, "She..can't be touched right now. It's..It's just so hard to explain. It..It's just--" Her voice broke with every word.

Sylvanas face etched with pain. For her daughter and you, "Mija, please. I can't help if I don't know what's going on. You're crying. You both are. Please..let me help."

You touched your cheek.

Oh. You were crying. You..didn't even..

You swallowed back nothing.

Aphmau led Sylvana to the couch.


They talked for what felt like a long time. You still hid under the table. Waiting.

Watching to see if the door would swing open revealing a threat.

Sylvana tried to slide you in the conversation a few times. But your response was always a glare or a low growl sounding in the back of your throat.

So Aphmau had to remind her that you weren't the best person to be talking to right now. Recounting what happened made your chest hurt.

Your breathing got shakey but you did your best to keep breathing. You wanted to tune them out but those thoughts would've came back'd rather be scared and hurt then thinking things you would never actually think.

The crackling fire helped too. Along with the ticking clock. It eased your mind..just a little bit. You could've fallen asleep.


"I would've..been gone. Forever," Your ear twitched at Aphmaus voice, "But Aaron...He-He was there. I was forced to hate him. Stab him. Kill him. I even tried to-to kill..."


"I tried to kill Y/n. I'm the reason she has half of those injuries now. But he was still there. They were both still there. Aaron came for me. I-I killed him..and he still saved me! Aaron...he's--he saw that Ein hit me an-and went beserk! I don't know what happened but I..." You were dragged out from under the table quick by a strong protective arm.

Too quick for you to react, you felt your body running into overdrive again.

You let out a baby snarl and a whimpear of distress before warm arms enveloped both you and Aphmau.

Calm down, calm down, calm down.

It's only Sylvana. Abuela. And she smells good. Like cookies and spices. It made the tension leave your body like water. But your heart still hurt from the rush of being snatched up without warning.

"Shhh..shhh," She hushed, running one free hand over your head and the other threw Aphmaus hair, "It's okay. You're safe now." Then she pulled away, "Wait.."

You felt anger rising within' the woman, making you shrink back and hide behind Aphmau. Was she gonna hit you? Did you or Aphmau do something wrong?

"Ein!? Your ex from Highschool!?" "That's what he is..? An ex?" You murmured.

Maybe it's good that you--No. Don't. You..You don't know if he's--

"Mom...we were never dating! You just thought we were!" Your felt another headache coming on, eyes blurring a little.

You don't know if you--

"WHERE IS HE!? I'M GOING TO DESTROY HIM!" Your mouth opened without you realizing. did--


His blood was on your arm-

"Did..Did Aaron-?"

What you held in your hand..was what you ripped out of him-

"No! I..I heard there was a body. And..And blood but..Aaron would never-" You stilled.

"I killed him." You spoke slowly.

Aphmau and Sylvana froze.

Eric too..while eating a strawberry puff.

"Neita..wh..what.." "What did you just say?" Aphmau finished. Her voice shakey and tremble-like.

"I killed him." You repeated, scratching the back of your neck with a lazy frown. Your voice adopted a deeper, more blank tone.

Like you were talking about what you did for the day, "I dunno what came over me either honestly. One minute, I was holding Aarons hand. The next my hand was pushed threw his chest. Ein wasn't a threat anymore. We could've just left. But I..I don't know,"

You laughed some.

Ha-ha, laughed.

Aphmau cupped a hand over her mouth. Horror filled her once bright eyes. Sylvana looked at you like you were a monster.

You were talking but you had no control over your words. In the fuzzled haze that your brain was while talking about this, you were panicking.

But couldn't stop yourself from running it, "My arm grew all big, right? Then shrank. I couldn't see it. My eyes was shut. I think I pulled something out of him when I pushed my hand into him like that. Wasn't a heart, I know that. I could still hear it beating. Maybe..It was a lung? His liver? Doupt it though...Wanna know the worse part?"

You looked at Aphmau when you said this, "Apart of me..hopes he's alive. That's so bad, isn't it? 'Don want to be a murderer. A bad person. But I did it to it's okay. Right?"

You looked up at Mom, "You said I could use my claws 'n stuff to protect my friends and family. So when I murdered Ein. It was okay, right?"

"Y-Y/n.." Aphmau could puke. She almost did, gagging violently as
Sylvana turned to looked away from you. Hiding in Erics chest as he looked at you like he'd just met you.

When you had realized all you said, it was too late. You clamped a hand over your mouth, entire body shaking.

Oh no..they know now.

They know.

They know.

They know.

What..what was Aphmau gonna do? She was sick to her stomach because of all you said just now. Was-Was she gonna give you away now?

Give you to the crazy hospital-!?

Was she gonna..Was she gonna l̸̨̢͓̝̗͂͌͑̊̿̉͒̏͒͘̕͜ë̸̩̲͐̀̈͠͝a̵̮̺̥̔̿̈́͌͌̈̌͐͒͗̐̈́̾̂͘v̸̡̹̘̯̝͖͎͔͚̘͈̠͇̪͂̋̃̑́̚͝e̶̛̱̥̗̱̖̦̱͎̦͕̖̭̜̙̫̋̄͗̋̍͑̆̒̀̓̌ ̶͎͍͇̖͓͚̰̮̘̜̞͊̌̾͊̐̚̕ͅy̸̡̟̤̆̾̿͌̈́̕̕o̸͚̘̘̎̽͊̉́͑u̵̩̯͈̒̿̑͋͑͂̾̎͘̚͝ ̶̢̢̠̝͕̪̹̳̱̲̤̦͌̑́̇̂͋͑͒̈́̐̈́̚͘͘͝ͅà̷̡̢̳͇̥̮̬͍̄̋̅͗͐̊̚͘ḽ̷͔̹̣̝͑̾̀̇̒̈͛̊̍̓̄͑ō̷̧̞͔̘̪̟̗̠̝͜ͅn̶̨͚̼͉̱̲̟̰̱̏̔͊͗́̐̈́̊̾͑̍̚͝è̷̩̈́͌̏̾̉̆͝!̷̡̨̬̩̺͍̯̰̹̗̓̓̾͐͛̂?̴̨̲̠̭͓̞̤̥̮̖̉̆̐͐̓͌̋̍ͅ

"I-I didn't," Swallowed back the tears, "I..Momma, I didn't mean to say--"

"No.." Sylvanas voice was dark, "No I--I won't believe it. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! MY GRANDDAUGHTER IS NOT SOME...SOME KILLER!" She shouted.

You winced back as Aphmau stood to her full height, panting after trying to throw up an empty stomach.

"Y/n, was Aaron with you?" "U-Uhh..Abeula--" "Answer me!" "He..He was, yeah. He's the one who didn't let me look at..."

What I did.

"Aaron! Where is he!? He'll tell me just what happened right now!"

"I," Aphmau let out a cough, "We..haven't seen him. We've been waiting here until his parents say that we can see him." "What!?"

"He's in there," Aphmau pointed to the room upstairs, "He's in intensive care right now. His parents came a week ago with doctors. We're not allowed to see him...because of his--"

"Yo-You're not allowed to--He's-! That's not right..! C'mon Eric!" Sylvana roared. Still a little shaken and shocked, Eric began following Sylvana upstairs without any words.

She was on a mission.

Marching up the stairs so harshly and so quickly it could've shook the whole lodge!

But that wasn't important right now. You-You needed to talk to Mom. Ask 'er if she still..wants you.

"Mom!? Mom, wait-! Mom..Mom--"

You grabbed hold of Aphmaus hand before she could fully take off after Eric and Sylvana. As dangerous as it was for them to be upstairs right now.

She would've shaken you off too had it not been for this touch..this single. Touch. Of her hand that you graced her with.

She could cry.

In this full week of you and her being together again, this was the first time you initiated this.

Or any form of physical contact. She looked down at you so quick, her neck could've cracked.

"Y..Y/n?" "Momma, I--" "What is it..? What is it, baby?"

Crouching down to your level, Aphmau cupped your cheeks. You didn't flinch at her touch this time.

"I-I'm," Your face scrunched as tears and snot started to run down your face, "I'm sorry! I-I didn't mean to hurt him--K-Kill 'em. I tried to do what you 'an--and what everyone else taught me bu-but it didn't work! I just wanted to protect us! I wanted to protect Dad! 'M sorry! Don't leave me..Don't leave me alone please!" You sobbed, "I won't do it again! I'll never use my claws or fangs! I'll be good 'jus--Don't go away! I'm sorry! Don't be scared!"

Your loud cries and sobs bounced around the eerily quiet room. The only sounds around were you and the arguing going on.

By the adults up above.

Your tears kept going and going until eventually there was nothing left. Just your shouts of apologies and hiccups, no tears.

You've cried all the tears you had.

Aphmaus expression was unreadable. But she did pull her hands further into her sleeves to dry your eyes. And wipe the snot from your nose.

Hushed whispears and sweet words left her as she cleaned you up, your cries eventually dissipated into little hiccups and sniffs.

Speaking was hard.

It was like your throat clentched up whenever you tried. But you still kept eye contact. Trying to beg with your eyes instead of your voice.

"Y/n," She started lowly. Slowly. Lovingly, "I love you." She said. You nodded dumbly. Yeah, you know that.

Kind of.

"I love you." She repeated, "I love you so much, it feels like you're apart of me now." She pulled you in a bruising hug, giving you no room to hug back as she wettened your shoulder with her tears.

"I'm your Mother. It's my job to raise you. Teach you. I taught you wrong, we all did. 'S not--Don't..apologize, you're okay. I'm not mad. I'm not gonna leave you. Never again."

"Ev..Even though I'm," You swallowed, "A killer? A bad kid?" Aphmau let out a shakey exhale. The way she reminded you of Dad.

"You are not a--Mija, it's complicated. Don't worry, You're good. You're a good kid. The best kid--My kid. I'm not gonna leave you. Ever." "...Really?"

"Yes," Aphmaus eyes gleamed with tears and determination when she looked up to face you again, "I'll never leave you, Y/n." smiled.

A soft one, a small one.

One that fell a millisecond after appearing but it was still a smile!

The first one you've given since this all started. She wanted to keep that smile; Aphmau.

Never a frown.

As a mother, now fully commited to making sure you're taught right, she'll make sure you'll never have to think the way you did again.

"I love you. Mama." "I love you too, Mija...Now let's go upstairs. See if we can stop your Abuela and Grandpa Eric from getting hurt."

Your frown deepened. Oh yeah. You were still..Aaron was..

Aphmaus heart panged a little, "I got you."

Lifting you up and into her arms Aphmau let out a small grunt.

Whoa, how did Aaron carry you around like this the whole time-!? Maybe it's the lack of sleep and food that was doing it for her.

Climbing up the stairs, you and Aphmau made your way down to the room where Aaron and his parents were staying.

There was a lot of commotion going on.

Sylvana and Eric were yelling, mutiple werewolf doctors blocked their way and prevented them from entering.

You recognized one or two, they were the ones that checked up on your first. You hated the blond one--she talked too much and asked too many questions.

Abuela looked like she was about to get violent.

Uh-oh, This wasn't good.

Aphmaus expression fell as she set you on the ground but still held tour hand tightly, "Mom! Eric! Please, leave the room!" Aphmau begged.

"Dad needs to sleep," You rubbed your nose with your sling, "It's dangerous for you two to be in here. You don't understand."

"Y/ns right. Please, I can wait. Just..let him rest."

"We just want Dad to be okay. Let 'em rest..please.."

You felt like crying again...

But you made sure to keep calm.

Aphmau was probably annoyed by it, afterall.

"Derek, look!" A fimilar voice called out through the chaos. Miss. Rachel.


Paw-Paw turned to look at his wife who stared at the unnmoving lump on the bed with clear worry but also shock at the same time. Your eyes widened. That was..

"Dad," You whispeared.

You took a small step foreward,

"Dad-!" You called.

Aphmaus hand held you in place though, preventing yourself from moving as she argued with Sylvana and the doctors.

You still watched where he layed, everyone else becoming blurs in your vision.



He was right there.

So close.

But so far away at the same time.

Dereks eyes widened in surprise at what he saw but you were too small, you couldn't see why. Slowly, and kinda horrifed, he turned to look at you and Aphmau.

You scooted back a little. Family or not, you didn't like how he looked at you. It made your heart speed up again. You made no move to calm it-not that you could.

He looked to be contemplating something and you could hear his heartbeat speeding up.

Before slowing down again.

Then speeding up.

Slowing down.

His scent was that of regret and guilt.

But soon, his expression went cold and stern and his heart went back to a normal pace.

That scent was gone.

Like he was trying to mask it, "EVERYONE!" He shouted.

The werewolf doctors were stunned to silence, turning to look at him. His voice then grew soft, "Please. I'm asking everyone here to leave the room," Then he looked to Rachel, "Even you, sweetheart."

"Why!?" Sylvana snapped, "We need to see Aaron!"

"Please. I will allow everyone to see Aaron but only after I can speak to Aphmau and Y/n, alone." "What!?"


You narrowed your eyes Dereks way.


It is his fault Aaron got hurt in the first pla--

No...Be quiet. I'm--I'm not listening to you!

"Shut up," You whispeared quietly to yourself. Too quiet for Sylvana and Aphmau to hear.

But surely loud enough for yourself to respond to.

Rachel seemed to be mulling Dereks choice over before something clicked in her head.

You could tell by the expression that crossed her face before settling back to a more neutral one, "I understand sweetheart. Please, everyone, come with me."

One look from Rachel was all it took for the doctors and Eric to quielty exscuse themselves from the room. And you expected Sylvana to put a fight when told to leave to.

But she was frozen in place, mouth agape like Bubba. Then you saw it too.

Rachel had her ears and tail out as well. And it stunned Sylvana into silence.

"You stay here, sweetie. You too Aphmau." You nodded a little too slowly for your own liking.

Why were you shocked too?

You knew Aaron was a werewolf so naturally his family were werewolves too!

She looked her up and down, "You..! Have..wolf ears..and a tail-?" "It's a long story. We can talk about it another time." Putting a hand on Sylvanas back, Rachel began gently ushering her out of the room. Still, she took one quick worried glance back at you and Aph. "We..We'll be okay." You whispeared, making Rachel turn around. "Don't worry, Abuela. I'll make sure we're okay. 'Cus I'm gonna try 'n be a good kid. I swear." Sylvana smiled tightly down at you.

Must've been scared by what you said before. Even though you said you were good..

"I've always known you were a good kid, Neita." She waved. You looked up at her with wide eyes, "I never doubted that for a second." You pressed your lips together to stop a pointless whine from breaking free.

You wanted her warmth back. But with that, her and Rachel left the suite with click of the door.

Leaving you and Aphmau alone, Hand-in-Hand.

With Derek.

And the immobilized Aaron.

You swallowed. Aphmau took a small step toward the bed where Aaron was but your feet were still glued to the floor.

Apart of you wants to see Dad. To see if he's okay. But the other..felt like you didn't deserve it. If you had remembered--if you had remembered that stupid Emerald.

Maybe..he'd still be here, right now. You looked up at Aphmau, guilt weighing heavily on your heart.

Biting your lower lip until you picked skin off.

But with a small nod and gentle smile, she managed to get you to walk by her side and join Derek.

At the edge of the bed, he didn't make much acknowledgement of you and Aphmau doing as he asked.

It was quiet.

A so comfortable but tense quiet.

Paw-Paw, Mom, and yourself only stared at Dads unnmoving body.

Until Dereks face twisted and churned before he sighed, running a hand over his tired features. Looks like guilt weighed heavily on his heart too.

"Aaron," He breathed out, "What have I done..?" Aphmau let out what sounded like a whimpear, or making a choke of her trying to hold back tears.

Either way, you were still there. You squeezed her hand to let her know that.

That you were here. She straightened up in return.

Derek started again, "Since he was born, I've tried to protect him. Trying to keep him from facing the things I did..I didn't want him to hurt anyone."


You weren't sure if Aphmau was listening. Her eyes looked dull and far off while looking at Dad, her hand growing limp in yours. You did your best to stay quiet. Who knows what would come out of your mouth if you didn't.

"All those years, I never realized; you. You were the one I kept him away from. You were the one...he was always trying to see." Aphmau stayed quiet.

"I always thought I was trying to find new ways to surpress his eyes. That I was doing the right thing for him. But, I wasn't helping him at all. I was only making it worse," Derek let out a shuddering breath, "You. And you, too."

You looked up at the call to your attention.

"You both are the reason why--he didn't want to hurt you two. You soothed him then, and you sooth him now." Aphmau broke.

Quiet sobs wracked her body, free hand goinh to cover her eyes. Maybe she was just trying not to let you see. Not that that was actually going to work.

Meanwhile, all you could do was stand and listen. You were her daughter but all you could do was sit and endure every devestating sound she made.

Too scared of her hurting you again.

"I kept him away from you all those years. I thought that it was best for both of you--"

Who gave you the right--

You tried to breathe. Calm down Y/n, it's not Dereks fault. Remember? It's okay. Breathe--

"--But despite everything I did..he kept trying. To just be close to you. He waited for you," Derek looked back at Aaron with pain in his eyes, "I never allowed him be himself. My son almost died. And I didn't even know him..What have I done-?"

Small sobs left Paw-Paw.

Small sobs left Aphmau.

None left you. Not anymore.

You did, however, even though pain shot through your body at the movement, move your sling around a little more to hold Dereks hand the same as you held Aphmaus.

Even if your a little mad..Even if apart of you wants to lash out at him, and call him really mean names..

Aaron was still his son.

Derek never meant to harm him.

That much, you could tell.

Neither Paw-Paw or Aphmau could look at Aarons state but you still did. You couldn't pulled your eyes away, actually.


Just a little.

I..I wanna see your face. Smiling at me. Telling me you love me. You're proud of me. You'll protect me. Just--

You felt warmth gathering in your eyelids.

Let me know your okay.

"Papa," You whispeared, "Aaron, I need you."

..He didn't move..

You pushed down another pointless sob.

Paw-Paws voice brought you and Aphmau back into the moment, " you know why Aaron came here-?"

Your lips parted. Right.

Crap, right--

How could you forget?

Forget something else important, irene--

"I do," Your small voice answered for Aphmau. Her and Derek looked down at you making you tilt your head down a little. "You're talking about starbright..right?"

"Starlight." Derek corrected.

"Mhm. Dad wanted to make some money. So he could take me and Momma this summer. It's supposed to be the best place in the whole world." You didn't say anything more than that.

"What?" Aphmau breathed out, letting go of your hand to put it to her chest,

"He did..all this..for me-? After what I did to him-?" She cried into the hand that was at her chest. You fisted your free hand on Aphmaus pant leg while looking up at Derek.

He was making her cry more. You didn't like it.

"Aaron. His wounds are deep. Broken bones, spleen was ruptured, he shouldn't be alive but--"

"Where are you going with this.." You snapped, glaring hard at Derek. Harshly.

Unapologetically, this time around.

He stared down at you in surprise because for a second. A little bit of a second, he thought he saw something in your eyes. Something that reminded him of..


He actually found himself looking away from your gaze, what the heck?

Derek cleared his throat in discomfort, "Aaron shouldn't be alive. But he is, because of you. Both of you." "All of this..everything that's happened to him--All of this was because of me!"

Your ears flattened in a less territorial way as you gazed up at Aphmau, hurt that she would even say such a thing.

Your eyes softened when Derek put both hands on her shoulders, "Stop talking nonsense!" Aphmau pushed him away.

"Its my fault he's in this condition! I'm the one who caused him all of this pain!" She shouted.

"Momma..It-It's my fault too. Not just yours," You clawed at your hair, "If..If I remembered. The potion and the emeralds..If I wasn't so..dumb! And naive! Dad 'woulda..He would've been able too--"

"Both of you, stop it right now!" Derek called sternly, "You both saved Aaron. Don't you get that?"

Both you and Aphmau slowly looked toward Derek with wide eyes.

Saved Aaron?

What..but he's dead, isn't he? How did you 'Save Aaron' if he died.

Derek sighed, "Ever since he was a child, he had the most difficult time controlling his eyes. As his father, I wanted to protect him from everything I could. In doing so, I isolated him from everyone. But you two, you both saw past the person I made him into. You made him feel cared for. Wanted. And loved."

You gazed at the ground at his words. Aaron didn't..feel all those things before?

"How much do you two love him." "What..?" "You two love him..don't you?" "Of course I love him," Aphmau loudly declared, "Aaron means the world to me. I would do anything for him. He much to me. And in return I..I just--"

"I love Dad too," You cut Aphmau off blankly.

Maybe if you spoke quickly, she'd stop crying.

"He makes me feel warm and safe. When Moms not around, he stays with me until I leave or go to sleep. He protected me from Ein and from the things happening around us. Up until..Until he couldn't anymore. So yes. I do love him. I love him like," You extended your not-broken arm as wide as you could force it to go, "Thiiiiis much."

You were so serious too.

Derek smiled a teeny little bit. Even after everything that's happened, it was nice to see you could still act like a kid.

Then his expression grew solemn again, "Would you...either of you..give Aaron up?" He spoke all three of those last words with exaggerating slowness.

Or maybe it was just your mind slowing down.



Give up Aaron.

Give up..Aaron?

Give. Up. Ą̵̭̼̿̾͌̂̓̆ã̵͓͊́r̴̙̠̪͕̪̉̓̋͛o̶͙̮̮̼̞̐̂͛́͝n̶̺̦̎̿̈̌̅̀͒͘.

The words tasted salty on your tongue, and fogged your mind with that fimilar feeling you had before when seeing Ein.

Your mouth opened before you could stop it, fangs growing sharper. Your bandages felt tight like your arm was trying to grow. And grow.

Your head ached.

You heard a ringing coming on in the back of your head.

It was taking longer for the world to stop but you knew what was happening,

When the world was growing dark.

You clentched your hands in your fists, fighting to keep whatever 'consciousness' you had left.

..Your eyes hardened as you glared at Derek again.

"What!?" Aphmaus pained voice gasped, "No, never! I can't lose him now! I need--To be there for him! To tell him I..I'm sorry!"


Not even Paw-Paw.

Your voice adopted that deeper tone again, "Just what are you trying to say here."

He saw it again. That look in your eyes. Dark, lightless, and cold. The eyes of..someone who...would..

A feeling grew in Dereks chest that he hadn't felt in a long time as he held your gaze. The feeling of being scared.

Of someone else.

Aphmau out a hand on your shoulder, making you flinch and tense. She gave it a gentle but warning-like squeeze. Yes, she was sad. And hurt. And scared to lose your Dad.

But if..what you said was true. If you Ein then...

She'd rather not have something regrettable happen.

"It won't be safe here for Aaron much long," Derek continued. He still stared into your eyes. He was too scared too look away, "With all the rumors flying around about a...Ultima Werewolf sighting, it's only a matter of time until the lodge is flooded with reportors. And fanatics trying to find us."

You felt yourself slowly calming down, breathing became a little easier. The world sped up again the light surrounded the blind spots of your vision.

Oh..they were just talking about moving Aaron to a safer loction.

You rubbed your temples: Okay, that's good. It was smarter, yeah. Definitely. If anyone found out about Aaron being an ultima it..wouldn't end well, you were sure.


Well, then..

Ein might not be the only person dead 'round here.

You sucked in a big breath, 'Stay calm, Y/n. Stay calm.'

You felt calm.

"Can't you just..hide here?" Aphmau pleaded.

"He just said why they can't Mom, I know you're hysterical but please." You scoffed.

You already regretted your choice of words at the look of hurt passing by her face. Okay, so maybe you weren't entirly calm just yet...

Jeez--Why do you keep doing that-!?Saying the things that's on your mind, not keeping anything inside anymore!

'You haven't been feeling good as of late, am I right? Means he's at least good for something..'

Eins words rang in your head.

He..did something to you..There was something wrong with you, had to be!

..You'd Just have to wait it out, then.

Whatever it is..

"Y/n's right, it's too risky." Derke pulled you from your trance, "Do you know what will happen if they find Aaron? Do you know how terrified humans are of him? There's a reason he's just a myth. If they find out he's real..they'll chase him down. And they won't stop until they find him and kill him." Derek explained pointedly. Your heart sank at his words. But your did your best to keep your emotions down.

"You don't know that!"

Mom, stop talking, please! Listen to Derek, he's been through this more times then you'll ever be able too. If you keep talking I might--

"Mom, are you seriously wanting to risk it anyway? If that's the case then--"

Don't say it, don't say it!

"--You're way more selfish than I thought!"

Y/n, no!

You closed your mouth as quick as you could but it had already been too late. The damage was done.

You hurt her. Not physically, but emotionally.

And you could very clearly see it in her tearful eyes. Derek and Aphmau were silent as the stared at you, mouth covered and pupils dilating as you kept yourself quiet.

But, deep deep down in her stomach Aphmau knew..

Apart felt like, you were right.

She looked down, shamefully to the ground.

Derek narrowed his eyes just a littke at you, "Y/n. You shouldn't talk to your mother that way. I understand this is hard for you both to hear but still. It wasn't necessary."

Now it was your turn; to look shamefully at the ground. Derek felt his instincts relaxing when the look in your eyes faded.

And the look of an embarrassed child took its place. He guessed it just took a little scolding to knock some sense into you. But still,

What was all that about?

He continued anyways, deciding to just dismiss your little outburst as a result of the trauma you experienced.

"Aphmau. Y/n. It isn't easy..but, you two have to trust me. This is the safest option. After everything that's happened, Aaron is going to have a lot of questions. He needs to find himself."

Aphmau finally spoke up, "What will you do..? Where will you take him?"

"Our family has a safe house at Falcon claw. Exactly for this type of situation. We'll be taking him there."

Falcon Claw? You've never heard of that place before..

You tensed when Aphmau held your hand. You wanted to pull away, but you were surprised that she even wanted to grab your hand. With what you said before she..wasn't mad? At all? Hurt? Why would she even want to touch you?

You looked up at Mom in guilt. Why do you keep feeling this way..

"We-We..We can come too, right?" She asked.

Derek frowned as he scratched the back of his neck, "Right now, Aaron's Ultima state has regressed. All the trauma he experienced has left him very sensitive. His instincts are stuck on high alert. The slightest motion? Could set off his Ultima form."

Trauma? Your heart twitched a bit at the word. You'd never heard of it before...

But this must've been what Derek meant. Aaron would go to Falcon claw to heal, but you and Aphmau couldn't come along.


You jumped a little whem Aphmau leaned foreward, pulling you with her. "I don't care! I want to be with him!" She cried.

"And how do you think Aaron would feel if he lost control and turned you into a werewolf!? Or worse, hurt Y/n. And take ears and tail away! Then, if she'd want them back, she'd have to get turned too!"

Your ears flattened.


He wouldn't do that..



You suddenly felt very protective of your werewolf features. As much as you despised them before.

"Turning isn't exactly painless," Dereks voice calmed down a little, "An ultima turning a human into a werewolf with their eyes---There's a chance a human turning into a werewolf at the sight of Ultima eyes..could die in the process. A bite is a different story. Even still, if Aaron let either of you see his eyes, and he..hurt do you think that would make him feel?"

..Aphmau stayed silent. The only noises she let out were muffled cries and sobs.

You and Derek were right.

She can't come with him.

"How long?" You asked lowly. "What?"

"How long. How long will we be away from Dad? I'm understanding now. He needs time to heal. But how much?"

"The doctors say that with these injuries, and with the stress and trauma he expeirenced, He'll need about a year to fully recover." "A year-!?" Aphmau gasped.

One year?

One whole year..

How many months is that again? You couldn't count right now.

If Aaron needs to get better for an entire year, his body is just as screwed up as yours is right now.

"Aaron..he came to this lodge to take you and Y/n to starlight wonderland. It's what he was working so hard for. It's what he wanted to do for you two. I promise you, Aphmau..Y/n.., That is where you'd be reunited. All I ask is that you two wait."

"But," Aphmau looked unsure, "One year..."

You patted her arm to show some sympathy despite being unsure yourself. One year was alot of months. That much, you knew.

"Please, it's the only way." Derek pleaded. You bit your lip again. Burned. You don't want to be apart from Dad anymore.

It..It makes your body shake and your scared of everything. But..if he needs to heal, then...

"Momma," You tugged Aphmaus sweater, "I think we can do it. One year is like...An entire school year, right? And that goes by quick. Yeah. Yeah we can do it. As long as we're together." You nodded.

Aphmau smiled down tiredly at you reaching a hand to your head to test the waters.

You flinched back, looking up at her in blantant confusion and mild fear. Her smile fell, and she sighed.

For a moment, you panicked wondering if you made her mad or sad again. You reached out to force her hand onto your head, no matter how scared you were.

But she stepped away from you all together with a respectful nod. You blinked owlishly. Maybe..this was a good thing.

Right now, you and Aphmau need all the time you can to get used to eachother like before. One year sounds perfect.

Yeah..she could do. With you, she most definitely can.

"For him," Aphmau looked assured, "For him. And with Y/n. I can do it."

"He's not fully conscious, but you two should talk to him." You looked up at Derek hopefully, "Really? He won't..take my.." "Mhm," Derek bent down to your level, "He can't hurt you. As long as your eyes are normal, he can't turn anyone or take your ears and tail away."

You didn't need to be told twice. You turned to bolt to Aarons side but then paused..

A brief one.

Then turned around to wrap Derek in a hug before he could get back up again. He stiffened a little at the contact. You frowned against his shoulder, tail picking up off the ground but not wagging entirly.

"Thanks, Paw-Paw. I'm sorry I got mad at you before...I-I love you too. You're my family too."

Derek felt tears coming to his eyes at your words. You didn't..Hate--Why..Why did he ever mess up Aaoron like this..?

With unsteady and unsure hands and hugged you back, letting out a sigh that ran threw you're entire body, "It's...Thank you, kid. I--I love you..too."

It was kinda funny. He sounded so awkward. And when he stood again, you could tell he was trying to fight the urge to run his hand threw your hair. But there was no time to tease.

You had to see Dad.

You went over to his side, blocking out any other conversation Derek and Aphmau were having to look at his face.

His face.

Dads face.


He had cuts on his face that were still healing.

Hey, you guys could be scar buddies!


And his eyes were a dull gray.

But were shiny at the same time. Does that make sense? It was more like he was trying to sleep with his eyes open. You weren't sure.

He had werewolf ears. Like you did. And there was a frown on his face. You wished you could make him smile. But even then your attempts would be pointless.

You looked a little lower down his body. He had bandages on his shoulders, too. What were they fro--oh.

You looked down at your broken fingers that weren't in a sling. You wondered if it hurt when you did that.

Why didn't Aaron say anything?

You wanted to lean closer, to get a better look at him. Maybe he'd sit up if you did.

But you weren't being very mindful of what little space you had on the bed.

Until Aphmau grabbed you by your waist and lifted you up. Your heartbeat accelerated. You didn't like the quick movement, it scared you too much. But you forced your body still when looking back at your Mom.

The only thing indicating your stress was the hammering heartbeat in your throat.

"Y/n, you..can't climb all over Aaron like that. You could hurt him." She gently chided. You attempted to keep your voice steady, "Righ..put me down. Now. Please."

"I--Right. Sorry."

She sat you down with care right next to Aarons head as you fixed yourself to rest on your knees again so you could look at him, body feeling tigher than normal. There was a hitch in Aphmaus voice.

She was trying to stop crying again, "Aaron..Please," She started to beg, "If you can hear me I--I'm," She started to cry. Again.

And it took all of your being to not join her.

"I'm so sorry! Ever-Everything I did to you! I hurt you so much! And I didn't mean to..I just..! I couldn't stop it and I..I--" "Mom." You cut her off.

Aphmau turned to you quick, running a hand over her face so she could dry her tears before you could see. Like that was going to work.

"Crying...isn't going to bring Dad back. And for some reason," You could feel it in your chest, "I think he's watching us; Me and you. Dads in pain...he-he doesn't want us to cry. Even if we really really want to."

You could hear Aphmaus heartbeat speed up and her breathing stopped.

She looked away from you, clutching some sort of red fabric between her finger-tips. You tilted your head curiously.

Then she turned to face Aaron again. It looked like she somewhat collected herself.

"Everything we've been threw," She started, "No matter what form you take, it's always you Aaron. It's always been you. I'll be here, waiting for you." She pulled you to her side a little bit, "We'll be waiting for you."

Hopping up onto the bed beside you, Aphmau layed a gentle kiss to Aarons forehead holding his face in her hands.

Then, with shakey breaths and hands she uttered one final word to Aaron - tears dropped onto his face as though they were his own - "I'll always be your stupid potato. I love you Aaron..we'll wait for you."



That was kind of a dumb nickname. You weren't going to lie. Seemed more insulting but you weren't here to judge.

But Aphmau got to say her peice. You wanted to as well. You wanted to tell Aaron all that was all your mind even if you can't hear you.

However, in order to do that,

Mom would have to leave the room.

"Momma," Your voice dipped again, "Can you leave me alone for a bit? With..Dad?"

Aphmau looked away from Aaron, brows risen in surprise, "Why..Is there something wrong, Y/n?"

"No, not really."


"I just...there are some things I want to tell him and..You.." You trailed off.

Suddenly, the new, sweet smelling, and warm sweater Miss.Rachel had given you in place of your dirty and worn one felt a little too warm.

Making sweat slide down the back of your neck. It was harder to keep eye contact with Aphmau and your ears burned in embarrassment. She smiled a little sadly.

You could be incredibly adorable sometimes. So innocent. And now that's gone. That childhood and child-like innocence tou had before is gone and will never come back.

Because of her.

She kept herself herself from reaching out to you, to hug you until you were laughing and pushing her away from the loving pressure.

Your tail was too bushed up and body language, too fearful for even Aphmau to handle.

Let alone obvious.

She pulled her hand to her chest, "If..that's what you want."

Aphmau turned back to Aaron, giving another pained smile at the man. You dodged her eyes. You..didn't want to see that look on her face anymore.

"Goodbye, Aaron. I'll..see you soon..?" She dropped another kiss on Aarons face, this time on his lips, before pulling away. Stepping away, too, hesitantly and reluctantly.

Her eyes never really left Aaron.

You looked around the room a bit awkwardly, "Mom.." You cleared your throat.

Aphmau snapped back to reality, "Ri-Right! Sorry...I'll be--Outside. The door. Come out whenever you're ready, Y/n." She left quicker than you had anticipated.

Maybe she wanted to cry again without you seeing.

Or fall in Abuelas arms and vent to her.

You didn't know.

And you kinda didn't care..?

That didn't matter right now.

All that really mattered to you was him.

Even if he wouldn't be able to respond to you.

"Hey, Dad.." "...." "...I know you can hear me. Paw-Paw doesn't think you can but I know thw truth." You faced him the best you could, "I can see it in your eyes." "...." "..I'm sorry." You curled in on yourself, laying down to rest your cheek to Aarons side.

He wasn't breathing.

But, for some reason you could hear his heart. Shallow beats rumbled throughout his chest.

You didn't get it but you tried not to let it distract you much.

"If...I forgot the emerald was in my backpack an-and you wasn't able to use both potions..'cus of me. Mom killed you because of me," Fat tears rolled down your cheeks but your eyes stayed dull and lifeless, "But i'm going to change. For you. I'm gonna..Try 'n grow up. For you. I'm tried of being careless. And clueless. Maybe if I was more vi.."

What's the word again-? That's right--

"Vigilant. I would've been able to help us more..With..him." Can't say his name. It'd mess with your head too much. "I still have the emerald, too. I'm not showing it to you. It might trigger your eyes again...and I like my ears and tail. So I can't let you take them away. I-I have a good reason to have it, though! There's..something wrong with me." You pressed a hand to your forehead. "Ever since I breathed in that potion Ein had, I'm thinking things I never think. Feeling things I never feel. Doing things I'd never--!..I..hurt him--I killed him--I'm a bad person now! Mom 'nd Abuela say otherwise but I know they're lying..I know their scared! Of me.." You tried to gather yourself, keeping down the sobs down.

You felt him staring with, pained eyes. It made you want to stop. He was listening. He was hurting and worried for you. But you couldn't.

Not until you told Dad your plan with the jobs he enlisted to you. Eyes darkening, you clentched a fist with the working fingers you had on your not broken arm.

What did Aaron do when you were scared and worried?



That's right.

You rubbed the space between Aarons ears, laying a gentle kiss on his harline.

Just like he does you.

"I'll feed Celestia and Alexander. I'll take care of Mom and the house. I'll try and eat Pizza and ice cream. I'll sleep in my bed. And," You took a big breath, "I'm going to learn to defend myself. And get stronger. Stronger enough so that even guys like him can't take me down. Or hurt my family. I'll find out whatevers wrong with me and kill it before it makes me do bad things again! I' everything you wanted me to do and more!"

You leaned back to look at Aaron again, ignoring the near pleading look he was giving you. Your heart ached to see it but you did your best to remain unaffected, "Sorry, Dad; Aaron," You slid off the bed, grabbing your backpack.

The book.

The rocks.

The toys.

The tablet.

The Emerald.

Everything was where it should be. You slid your arm threw the straps of the bag before stuffing your hands in your pockets, walking toward the door with cold unwavering eyes.

You gave one final glance at Aaron before facing the door again..

"But I'm not a little kid anymore."

You left the room.

..Not even hearing the small whine of your name that Aaron let out...

- - -

You passed mutiple people while leaving the lodge. Some stared. Some didn't even dare to look your way. You held Aphmaus hand a little tighter, possessively almost, as she also tried to ignore all the stares she was getting.

It'd be fine though.

You were with her afterall.

And if everyone knows what's good for them, they won't even try to talk to either of you.

When you managed to exit - what felt like the eternity walk through judgment - the bright lit hit your eyes harder than you were prepared for. Sheilding your face, you looked around the bright area. Lucinda, Garroth, Zane, and Kim turned their bodys to you and Aphmau rather quickly like they were caught in a coversation or something.

You couldn't pay that much attention to them, though.

Even when they came up, flocking to you and Aphmau with multiple questions.

You had to look back at the lodge.

Your heart was the only thing you managed to hear.

The very thing that might've changed you is the one thing that also managed to ruin you.

Ever since things went south, the only thing you've thought about is going home. So why did that seem like such a bad choice now?

You hated this feeling of being lost and confused.

It made you feel too..vulnerable.



You looked at the ground, 'What do I do now to get started again?'

A heavy hand fell onto your shoulder and you flinched, hand going up to grip it a little too harshly.

You shot your head upward and relaxed.


It was only Zane.



"Y/n..did you hear me?" "What? Wha--Yes?" Shoot, you spaced off again. "I said we'll be here with you to get threw this. No matter what." He pulled you into a hug but you didn't return it.

Infact, it made you wildly uncomfortable but you were too scared to speak up, "Yeah. Thanks." You cringed.

You put a hand to Zanes chest so he'd let go but instead he lifted you up and into his arms while turning toward his older brother. "Garroth, let's get the car started. You two can rest on the way home."

"Tha-Thank you.." "Mhm." You hummed distractedly. Taking you to the car, Zane gently sat you inside and buckled in your seatbelt for you. He was about to duck out and load the rest of the luggage into the car until he noticed... something about you. He squinted.

You didn't like the feeling of being studied and began squirming under his gaze, "What.." "Sorry it's just...sense when did you have freckles? I thought it was just me. And Your eyes look.." You tilted your head when Zane trailed off.

What was he on about?

He shook his head, wearly taking his head out of the car to run a hand through his hair. "I really am tired..I must be seeing things.."

He shut the door with another tired sigh, leaving you all "By yourself".


The quiet scared you a little..made everything inside feel louder. But as long as you kept your eyes on Aphmau, everything would be okay.

So long as she was safe.

You could block out whatever thoughts your mind tried to force on you.

Turning to the lodge again, your eyes flickered with a brief determination and,

Something else.

'I'm going to get stronger,' You determined, 'I'll make sure I do. And when I am..I'll come back for you.'

Faint ringing.

World darkening.

Lips parting.

You weren't in control when you had your next thought, 'I'll make sure I save you...b̶͕͈̱̻͈̯̭̩̣͝r̸̡̡̯͖̥͓̣̦̯̲͇͍̈́̂͒ô̴̬̱̼͇̅t̵̡͊͋̎͋̓͑͆͂̍́̏͠ḫ̵͎̪͔̝͖͍̪͉͚̠̣̹͚̹͂̔̒͝ę̶̱̙̫̟̰̎͋r̷̯͆̉̋̂̈͐̐͂́̓̄̃́͠!'

You rose your brows in surprise...

Then parted your lips.

Then you looked entirly too dumbfounded all together-

"Brother..!? " You repeated to nobody.



Why was that one of your first thoughts!?, you couldn't have possibly thought that.

But did you-?

It felt like you did.

You hissed, pressing a palm to your forehead.

Crap, thinking hurt-!


"This might be more complicated than I thought..This isn't good." You murmured to yourself.

"Mmm~? Really, now.." A drawled out hum made you tense and shiver, breath shallow beside your ear, "I think this js going to be," That voice again when you did that to him, "Quite F̵̭̰̗̟͎̮͇́͒̆̋̑͑̄U̴͎̓̈́̿̾N̸̖̥͙̤̥̐̈̀̌̔̂͠."

You didn't bother looking beside you.

You knew you'd be met with no resistense and a fogged up mind.


This was definitely was not good.


𐌕𐋅𐌀𐌍𐌊𐌔 𐌅Ꝋ𐌓 𐌋𐌄𐌕𐌕𐌉𐌍Ᏽ 𐌌𐌄 Ꝋ𐌵𐌕.

𐌋𐌄𐌕𐌔 𐋅𐌀ᕓ𐌄 𐌅𐌵𐌍 𐌕ꝊᏵ𐌄𐌕𐋅𐌄𐌓, 𐌀𐌙?

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