Chapter 18

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You sat on Aphmaus bed jaw to the floor.




No wonder she was acting weird at dinner!

Even on the way HOME she was weird!

You heard her mumbling to herself about Aaron before her face went red and she stopped talking.



SOO much!

You were snapped out of your thoughts when Aphmau shushed Zane.

"Zane! Calm! Down!" She said, in a somewhat shuttered whispear.

"How can I be calm! You and Aaron KISSED!"

You paused as a realization came over you.

"Wait...So...You two kissed and...Your not dating? So what did that kiss even mean? What does ANY kiss even mean?"

"Well. Sometimes people kiss eachother innnn...The heat of the moment. So...Sometimes kisses don't mean anything. Unless you and that person are okay with taking your realtionship one step further and want to date eachother!"

"I see...Will I kiss somebody one day? And when I do kiss them...I'll be dating them?"

"Not as long as I'm around." Zane scoffed. "And thats the exact problem here! You and Aaron aren't dating!" He growled, shifting his attention to Aphmau.

"What?" You and Aphmau questioned.

"If hes going to make a move on you, then he has to date you!"

"Ahaha! Exscuse me? Zane...Thats not how love works--" "Its not?" You questioned.

"W-What!? No! You can't just force someone in a relationship because it's convenient!" Aphmau scoffed, as if the answer of obvious.

Zane took out his sword making your ears go up in shock.

"Whats with the sword---Where are you going!?"

"Oh dear..." You mumbled.

"TO FORCE HIM TO DATE YOU BECAUSE ITS CONVENIENT!" He growled, walking off to most likley Aarons house.

"Ah! So you only date people because its convenient! That makes more sense!" You smiled.

"What!? No--Zane!" She called.

She picked you up chased after him.

You walked behind Aphmau with your hands in your jacket pockets before she got infront of Zane.

"Zane! Stop! Sense when did you become this overprotective?"

"W-Well...Sense I became your friend, I would think that its my duty to make sure you and Y/N happy."

"Ahaha! Oh Zane! What you did right now was...thoughtful...Yes. But, your trying to force something thats not ment to be forced."

"What do you mean? He kissed you and you kissed him back. That means you love eachother right?"

"Yeah! I'm also pretty confused Aph..." You mumbled.

"Well, you didn't let me finish before you stormed off. A-Aaron and I....Are going to keep things casual! And...See where it leads...Were not official or anything like that and...Honestly we'd like to remain great friends for now. B-But maybe we'll go date occasionally or something like that..." Aphmau blushed.

"I don't get it...Won't that be awkward?"

"Yeah! I don't think you can be friends with someone you've kissed or...Maybe you can..." You mumbled, rubbing your head.

"Uhh...Not really. About the awkward part. You can still be friends with someone you've kissed Y/N. Me and Aaron had a talk after dinner last night. We just wanna take it slow for now and...See where it goes!"

"I still don't understand...But...As long as your happy...But I swear if he hurt you I'll---"

"Zane! Calm down. Aaron and I are very mature~"

"Yeah. I doupt that." You scoffed. Aphmau pouted at you lightly.

"Shes not wrong~" Zane smirked.

You both laughed as Aphmau growled.

"Ugh! Why you--"

"Fine...Maybe I just jumped to conclusions. Aaron...Seems like a good guy...Its just...I don't know him very well and I just want you to be happy and---GAH!" Zane yelled, as a potion was thrown at him.

You yelped and drew you your claws in a protective way.

"Ah! Zane! Zane are you okay? Zane!"

"Aphmau, are you okay? I saw Zane trying to make a move on you and I--"

"Auntie Lucy!" You grinned, putting your claws away and running to her. She picked you up smiling.

"Hey Miss.Giggles~!" She smiled, tickling you.

You laughed as Aphmau raised an eyebrow.

"Lucinda!? Wait...You...know
Y/N? Are you two related?" Aphmau questioned.

"No, I just told her to call me that. I met her at the play. Little sweetie is the cutest thing ever~!" You smiled brightly and wrapped your arms around her neck.

"Oh, I see...Wait! Uh--Zane is my friend now!" Aphmau smiled.

"Are you sure? Y/N?"

"Mhm! Zane is me and Aph's good friend! We hang out all the time!" You smiled.


"Wait! What did you do to him!?"

"Ah...Its just a little sleeping potion...He should wake up within an hour. Mm...Sorry about that. I've been out of town for so long. I guess people can change. Even Zane."

"What'd be do that made people hate em' anyways?" You questioned.

"Nothing for you to worry about!" Lucinda smiled, tickling you again.

She kept a firm grip on you as you leaned back in her arms laughing.

"I'll tell you what. Lets carry him inside and place him on the couch. Then you and me can a catch up date over some tea."

"Uh...Sure! That sounds wonderful! But will Zane be okay?"

"Ehe~! He'll be fine. Trust me."

"Now come on, lets go inside." Lucinda walked off as Aphmau struggled to carry Zane.

You helped her by picking him up and holding him up high.

"Are you sure you can carry him?"

"Yup! Hes as light as a feather! Come on!" You smiled, walking toward Lucindas house.

You dropped him on the couch and wiped your forehead taking a breath.

"I asked if you needed help." Aphmau smirked.

"And I said that I could do it!" You answered.

She rolled her eyes chuckling.

"I can't believe someone as small as you could carry him in here in your own. You must be super strong huh?" Lucinda smirked.

"Yup! I'm a buff boi!" You laughed.

Aphmau rubbed the space between your ears making you laugh even more.

"Anyway, Lucinda. Are you sure hes gonna be okay?" Aphmau questioned.

"I'm positive. Its just a minor sleep potion." Aphmau looked at Zane as you smiled.

Hes breathing normally and seems to be fine.

"Well, If you say s--"

"Wait! If you have potions...YOU MUST BE A WITCH!" You smiled, stars in your eyes.

"I've never seen a witch before! Thats so cool! Do you have a staff? Oo~! Do you have a fimilar?! I wanna see it! How do yo--"

"Don't overwhelm Lucinda with questions Y/N." Aphmau smiled, covering your mouth.

You pouted making Lucinda chuckle.

"We'll wait here at your place until Zane wakes up." She smiled.

"I still can't believe hes your friend. Are you sure that's a great idea?"

"Yes, hes harmless. Hes just a bit...Vengful, spiteful, his soul is a black abyss of burning agony..."

"Don't forget hes Satans Son!" You smiled.

"But hes a really nice guy once you get to know him!"

"Yippie..." Lucinda cheered, non- enthusiastically.

You sat on the couch, trying not to sit on Zanes legs as Lucinda walked closer to Aphmau.

"Anyway, I have so many questions to ask you! And so many things to talk to you about!"

"Same! I can't believe that you live in the same neighborhood! Its going to be so awesome having you he--"

"Hold that thought sweets~! I'm going to get some tea and cakes for us to eat while we chat!"

"Cake!? Can I have some!" You smiled.

"Of course little one!" She smiled.

Your tail wagged as she walked in what you assumed was the kitchen.

You looked at Zane and realized he was beginning to dream.

"A-Aphmau..." He whispeared.

"What do you think hes dreaming about?" You smiled.

"I'm not sure Y/N. But he does look awful peacful when hes dreaming. Like an angry little baby man!"

"Or a kitten!" You smiled.

"Or a kitten." Aphmau chuckled.

"Sorry! I had to put the tea on. Luckily I have some cake and milk! Help yourself!" Lucinda smiled.

She gave you and Aphmau some cake and milk as you stared at the cup of milk.

"Mm...Can I get juice instead?" "Y/N!" Aphmau scolded.

"Don't worry about it Aphmau. I can get her some."

"No. Shes been drinking a lot of juice recently. She needs a somewhat healthy drink. Y/N. You don't get your cake until your drink your milk." Aphmau glared, taking the cake.

You pouted and took a sip of your milk.

"Wow. Laurance was right. You really do act like a Mom to her. How'd you end up with that little Munchkin anyways?"

"Hm? Ah! I found her on the side of the street about to die! Can you believe it?"

"What type of parents would do that!" Lucinda scoffed.

You lookes at your milk trying to think. Parents?

What parents...You don't have Parents.

Wait...Where even were you before the streets?

How did you even end up there...

Your head began to hurt and you shook your head sipping your milk.

Remembering is hard.

"So...I wanted to ask...What brings you back to town? I thought you were living with your boyfriend." Aphmau smiled.

"Boyfriend? Are you dating it because its convenient too?" You smiled.

Aphmau quickly covered your mouth before you spoke any further.

"Ex-Boyfriend." Lucinda scoffed. Aphmau choked on her milk as you tilted your head.

Ex-Boyfriend? That must mean their not dating anymore.

"O-Oh...Lucinda, I'm so sorry! I really am!"

"Phhshaw...No worries..." She smirked.

"Wait...Was it Ivan?" "Yup." "Ivan? Whos that..."

"Oh! Him and Lucinda used to be High School sweethearts. Kinda on again off again..." Aphmau smiled.

"Wait...I thought you guys have broken up once before?"

"Yeah, but then we got back together."

"Do you mind...If I ask you what happened?"

"Yeah! I wanna know to! Just so if I ever see him, I can claw his eyes out! Incase he hurt you badley." You glared.

"Try again." Aphmau sighed.

"Yeah! I wanna know to! Just so if I ever see him, I can tell him that it was wrong to break your heart!"

"There you go." Aphmau smiled. Lucinda chuckled before nodded.

"Yeah...Sure. the first time we broke up was because he wasn't paying attention to my feelings. This time we broke up because we've been watching The Walking Dead together when..."

"When what?" You questioned.

"I found out he watched the next season without me!" Aphmau gasped as you stood there confused.


"MmHmm...It lead into this whole conversation about the original reason we broke up and things got messy from there. So I decided to come back to town and just live here."

"Thats a stupid reas--" Aphmau, once again, covered your mouth to keep you from saying anything offensive.

"Honestly I wasn't expecting to see so many fimilar and new faces here in the neighborhood." She smiled.

"Yeah! We've all just kinda...gravitated to this place."

"Thats awesome! I'm looking foreward to hanging out with you guys more!" Lucinda smiled.

"Especially this new little cutie here~!" She grinned, tickling your sides. You laughed and hugged her. 

"We should have a ladies night! Maybe I can get you guys to watch a series with me WITHOUT GOING AHEAD!" She glared.

You quickly got off of her and went back to Aphmaus side.

"Ehe! Just so you know Lucinda...I binge watch...EVERYTHING. Aaron and I do that a lot."

"Speaking of who....are you disapointed you didn't get that kiss from him?" Lucinda questioned.

Aphmau frozed as her face went red.

You looked at her confused before understanding.

"Ohhh..." You mumbled quietly.

"Wow, Your face is beat red! Are you okay?"

"Y-Yes..." Aphmau answered quietly.

Lucinda stared at her as you sat on the couch good luck with that.

You sipped the rest of your milk and took your cake.

As Aphmau avoided eye contact.

"Is it getting hot in here or is it just me?!" She sputtered.

"Its just you..." You mumbeld.

"SHUT UP Y/N!" She blushed.

Lucinda jumped and smirked.


"What are you talking about?" Aphmau mumbled.


Just then the doorbell rang making Aphmau sigh in relief.

"Ohhhh! T-Thats the...Thats the doorbell! I bet--I better get it! I-It might be the Pizza we just ordered!"


"Ahaha! Yes we did! We better get it while its abs---HOT! HOT!" "Nice save..." You mumbled.



Lucinda looked at you and smirked.

"Do you know whats going on~?" Your eyes widened as stood up.


She tried to grab you but you slid under her legs and went to Aphmau.

She opened the door just as you got there to reveal Kawaii~Chan.

"Hello there Neighbor~Sama! Kawaii~Chan wanted to introduce herself to you and welcome you to the neighbor---APHMAU~SENPAI!?"

"Ehe! Thank irene your here Kawaii~Chan!" Aphmau whispeared.

Y/N~SENAPI!" Kawaii~Chan asked, tearing up.

Your ears and tail went up in shock at her sad face.

You didn't mean to make her cry!

"Whaaaa!" She whined, about to run off.

That was until Aphmau caught her.

"W-What!? No! I-I would never do that without telling you Kawaii~Chan! Especially with Y/N!"

"Mhm! A-And I love living with you! Theres no need to cr---"

"Kawaii~Chan!?" Lucinda yelled.

"Ohhhh now I remember..."

"Remember what?" You whispeared.


"D-Don't you two have like...A bad...Well...Not bad but--"

"Kawaii~Chan, you're welcomed to come inside."

"Yeah. Seems like a horrible rivalry." You smirked.

"Shut up..." Aphmau pouted.

Once you all were back in the living room, Kawaii~Chan looked around amazed.

"Lucinda~Chan lives here!?"

"Yup. She lives here alright."

"Nice home. Nice cake." You smiled.

"Hmph! Well...Kawaii~Chan will try to be friendly with her...." Kawaii~Chan pouted.

"Huh? What do you mean!? I know you guys are rivals but...What for." You questioned.

"We had a maid Cafe together in the city at one point a long time ago..."

"Yes. I know that. You guys are partially the reason maid cafes were banned from the city for...A short period of time..." Aphmau mumbled.

"Banned? Wow. You guys must've screwed up." You mumbled.

"B-But now thats over and theres a new Maid Cafe and me and Kawaii~Chan actually work there! So..."


"Yes but we'll get into that la--"

"Why did your Cafe get banned?" You questioned.

"Hey! Don't cut me off..." Aphmau pouted.

"Kawaii~Chan and Lucinda~Chan lost the Cafe because Lucinda~Chan kept trying to make cakes with potions and spells!"

"Well that just seems incredibly dangerous..." You mumbled, putting your hands in your hoodie pockets.

"Kawaii~Chan wouldn't listen to me and she ended up making more sweets then needed which meant sweets would spoil and we'd lose money by having to buy more! So I HAD to do something to duplicate the ingredients!"

"And that just seems very irresponsible."

Aphmau shushed you making you roll your eyes.

The two went back and forth as you looked up at Aphmau.

"How was this supposed to repair their friendship?"

"I thought they would realize they were both in the wrong hug, makeup, and we would eat more cake!" She mumbled.

"I don't think thats gonna work..."

"You think so!?"

"Well maybe if you weren't so STUBBORN we's still be running a maid Cafe together!"

"Its not Kawaii~Chans fault Lucinda~Chan kept blowing up the place!"

"That only happened cause you kept mixing the wrong potions!"

"Thats because Lucinda~Chan kept mixing them with the baking supplies!"

The two argued as you got another slice of cake.

"This is actually entertaining." You smirked.

"I think Zanes starting to rub off on you..." Aphmau mumbled.

Speaking of, Zane sat up just as Lucinda tossed a potion at Kawaii~Chan.

Kawaii~Chan dodged it and Zane endes up turning into a cat.

"Zane!?" "Meow!? Meow!?" "Aww~! Hes so cute! Look at him!" Your eyes sparkled as you hugged Zane.

"Sucha cute little kitty witty~!" You smiled.

Lucinda and Kawaii~Chan laughed at Zanes misfortune before sighing.

"I missed Kawaii~Chan...Lets never fight again." Lucinda smiled.

You and Aphmau hugged Zane as he meowed angrily in response.

Lucinda seems like a fun person to have on the street.

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