Chapter 19

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F/F: Favorite Food
You ate the food you made at the table just as Lucinda came downstairs. You turned to her before quickly turning back to your food and continued eating.

"I cannot believe vacation's almost over. It feels like we just got here for summer!" You jolted and stopped eating for a moment to eavesdrop on the conversation.

'Over?' "I know!"

"That's because you two slept the entire vacation!"

"Oh hush...It's not like you guys did anything productive."

"That's not true! I made up with Ivy, I became a dog Dad, and I bonded with Aaron!"

"He gave Kawaii~Chan hula lessons!"

"Yeah and I survived an onslaught of kawaii~Chan's claws! What did you do Lucinda?" You stopped listening for a moment and thought about leaving.

So the time has finally come.

Your ending your adventures on Love~Love paradise!

Its weird.

Your really going to miss all the friends you made.

Gene, Ivy, Teony, Asher...Asher.

Who knows when he'll see you again.

Its not impossible for you to see Gene and the others again.

Their friends of Aphmaus.

But Asher...His parents have no connections to Aphmau at all.

The chances of both you just randomly bumping into eachother and just hanging out like you normally do on the beach are fairly slim.

You may never see him again. He may never see you again.

Will he...Forget you?

Its not like that alone is not possible.

You two don't spend a lot of time together and he probably has a whole bunch of other friends back at his home.

You frowned sadley at all of the rambling thoughts that were in your head before a hand was placed on your shoulder.

It was Aaron.

"You alright?"

"Yeah...You've got a long face there. Wheres that smile I love~" Lucinda smiled.

"I...I NEED TO GO TO ASHERS!" You yelled out, standing up.

You ran out with your Ukulele as Aaron groaned.


"APHMAU'LL DO IT!" You yelled.

Then you were out of sight.

"Well, can't let this F/F go to waste." Travis smiled, claiming the plate for himself.

You went to the house Asher was staying in, panting from running so far without stopping.

You knocked the door before Ashers father answered.

"Y/N! What are you doing here?"

"Hi! Uhm...Would you guys possibly be going on the cruise thats taking people home today?"

"No. We have to finish of buisness here so we'll be staying for two more days before taking a different boat back.

"I thought so..."


"A-Ah! I wanted to hang out with
Asher today!"

"Asher? Hes not here."

"Wha!? W-Where'd he go!?"

"Hes at the beach. He said tha--"

"OKAY THANKS! GOTTA GO, BYE!" You yelled, dashing off again.

Ashers Dad watched you run off with a baffled expression before chuckling.

"Heh...Funny girl."

You on the other hand spotted Asher at the beach where you both first met.

He was reading a book with his violin in its case with a peaceful smile on his face.

"ASHERRRRR!" You yelled.

That peaceful smile disapeared.

"Y/N? Whats---AH!" He yelled when you tackled him to the ground.

"What the heck!? Y/N! Why'd you do that!?"

"I-I wanna hang out today!"

"Today? Why today? You know I'm spending the day alone. Why the sudden switch?"

"I...I just want to! Okay?"

"Y/N..." "Please?" Asher stared into your eyes as your ears fell and your tail drooped.

"Hm. Alright."


"But! No running around. Were just going to sit here and chill out today!"

"Can we play another duet?"

"Sure. Why not."

"Yes!" And thats what you both did. You two sat around as you asked the occasional questions about Ashers book and he'd give you the answers.

He let you read one of his books but frowned when he saw your confused face at the words.

He encouraged you to keep going, figuring out that you can't read.

"...And thats how you create a simple fire ball spell! At least, thats what your witch Aunte told me."

"Whooaaa! Can you do one now?"

"Uhh...Isn't that going to cause an issue?"

"Like what?"

"What do you think..."

"Uhh...I could aim it wrong and burn someone alive. Or! I could set a house on fire and get me and my family kicked out of here!"

"Why focus on the things you can't do...When you could focus on the things you could do!" You grinned.

"Hm...Alright. If you say so."

"Yay!" Asher held up his palm with a slight grunt and you only stared up at him with stars in your eyes.

He created a fire ball in his hands and you squealed.


"I-I did it? I did it! WHOO-HOO!" The fireball flew into the air as you and Asher looked up.

"Uh-Oh..." You muttered.

Asher squinted and clicked his teeth.

"Is it gonna come back down?"

"No...But that star is falling from that sky pretty fast."

"Star?...Y/N...I think thats the fireball..."


You both sit in silence for a moment before yelling out.

Asher jumped toward you and pushed away out of the way as the fireball hit the sand and caused an explosion.

You two gave eachother a look before laughing.

"Well. This has been fun but I better get going."

"What? But we've barely spent even such as two hours together."

"Sorry Y/N. Me and my family planned a trip to the Museum. Don't worry, we can hang out another day!" You froze for a minute and gripped Ashers hand.

"Please?! I-I don't want you to go so soon." Asher gave you a blank stare for a moment before turning around and gripping your shoulders.



"Y/N...You...NEVER act this way. Yes your affectionate and always want to hang out but if I need to leave, you let me leave. Something bigger is going on and I refuse to let you leave until you tell me whats wrong. So. Whats wrong?"

"....I'm...Leaving today."

"Leaving? As in...Never coming back leaving?"


"Oh...Thats...unfortunate. But its okay! We may not see eachother anymore...b-but your other friends back home will make you feel less lonley. I know they will!"

"No they won't..." "How do you know?"
"I just do!" "Come on Y/N. You say that like I'm your only friend."

He noticed how you immediately looked away and put two and two together.

"I'm...I'm your only friend?" Your ears dropped and you crouched down to bury your face into your arms.

"I don't want you to forget about me."

"What are you talking about?"

"Asher, you probably have millions of friends. What are the chances of you remembering me? Be honest...We've only spent a few weeks together...And when you forget me...I'm afraid that we won't be friends anymore." Asher made a face before laughing.

"A-Asher! I'm being serious! Stop laughing at me!"

"How can I not!? Y/N, Ever since I've met you something crazy had happened! You made sandcastle building contest FUN, A guy tried to jump off a roof because he thought he was in heaven, We participated in an Island treasure hunt, I saw two guys wrestle right before my eyes, AND we started a water ballon war on the beach! Nothing about this is unforgetable! Nothing about you is unforgetable." You smiled at Asher as your tail slightly wagged.

"You mean it?" Asher nodded making you grin.

You  then looked at the sun and sighed.

"Well, I better get going...Thanks for hanging out with me this last time Asher."

"Your welcome." You grabbed your Ukulele and gave Asher a wave before going off the cruise that had possibly already docked.

Once you were out of sight, Asher went to grab his things.

That was before he saw some bubbles in the water. His eyes widened.

Your ears were low as the others gawked at the ship.

"Wooow!" "This is amazing." Aaron smiled.

"It really is. Thanks for bringing us along to the luxary cruise home." Lucinda smiled.

"My pleasure! Really, its the least I can do!" Aaron looked down at you, hoping to get some kind of reaction but you just stared at the ground, holding his hands.

"She still upset?" Dante questioned. The girls looked back at you and sighed.

"Come on. It'll be okay! You and Asher will always be friends. And hey! We can always get in touch with his parents or write a letter!"

"I guess..." You muttered.

Aaron held you closer to him in response to your sad face.

"Aphmau! Dante! Katelyn! Lucinda! Everyone!" A fimilar voice called. You all turned to Teony and Ivy.

"Teony! I missed you so much!"

"Aww! We missed you guys too! Sorry for not being around..." You didn't listen to the conversation and only clung tighter to Aaron.

A hand was placed on your head and you looked up.

"Are you okay little one?" "She had to say goodbye to Asher." Aaron informed.

"Ah...I get it. Don't worry! I'm sure you'll see him again!" Ivy smiled.

You smiled up at Ivy and nodded.

"Now, are you all ready to board?"

"As ready as we'll ever be girl!"

"All~ aboard~!" Guyde grinned, popping up out of nowhere.

"Where do you keep coming from!?"

"Don't question it!" Aphmau smiled.

Just as you all were about to get on the cruise, a voice called out to you.

"Y/N! Y/N! DON'T GO YET!" You all turned around and your eyes widened a tad.

"Asher?" You muttered.

He ran toward you panting with his hands behind his back.

"Asher? What are you doing here? Your...Soaking wet. What happened?"

"Well...I know your scared of me forgetting you n' stuff so I decided to get you something so you know I'lll never forget you!"

He pulled out the two fish you wanted from behind his back that were in two bags.

One was F/C and the other was red.

"See? So even if were far apart, these fish will keep us together! I named mine Bubbles. Its dumb I know but---"

"Asher! I love it!" You smiled.

You grabbed the F/C fish and stared at it.

"Its so pretty! F/C is a rare color right?"

"Mhm! Thats why I knew you'd like it....And Y/N?"


"We'll always be best friends. With or without the fish. Were best friends forever."

The others smiled at you both as you dived in to hug Asher.

He tensed up making you let go.

"Sorry! You doesn't like being touched, right?" You smiled.

"This time...I'll make an exception!" You grinned and gave Asher a big hug aa your tail wagged.

He hugged you back with a smile.

He turned to walk away before waving at you all.

Then, he was gone.

"How are you feeling now?" Aphmau smiled.

You looked down at the fish and grinned.

"Really good!"

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