Chapter 24

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"Y/nnnn...Y/nnnn..!....Well, I tried to make her laugh with my ghostly voice. But this isn't working." Ethan sighed as Alex held him up on their back.

"Come on Y/n, were really trying here!" Rocky groaned.

You all were sitting in the lunch room as your friends were desperately trying to cheer you up.

They knew Aaron was gone but they didn't know you and Zane had gotten into a fight.

"It's not normal to see you all down in the dumps. And even when you are, it wears off quickly." "Yeah! Where'd that smile go?" Asher and Sophia smiled.

"M' just not in the mood today." "Well get in the mood!" Ethan laughed while bouncing up and down in his seat.

He stopped when Nico gently placed a hand on his head.

"Is it about Aaron?" Logan asked.

"Mm...Sorta..." "Wait, he hasn't come back yet?" "I thought he would've returned by now." "Me too...But...I think he'a done with me and Aphmau for real...We talked last Friday but..." You shrugged.

Logan sighed and offered you a bite of his salad.

You took it and looked up at the boy.

"Have they told you if they're getting a divorce or something?"

"What's a...Dee-vorce?"

"Y-You don't know what a divorce is...?" "Asher..I know you said Y/n was sheltered but this is another level of sheltered..." Alex and Rocky snickered.

Their words made you pout...

Even though you didn't know what sheltered was either.

They stopped when Sophia elbowed them respectivly.

"A divorce is where...Two adults sign papers so they aren't married anymore." She explained.

"Why wouldn't they want to be married?" "I dunno actually. I think it's because sometimes people get married and fall out of love with eachother. Then they get the divorce where they aren't married anymore but dating. And even after that they don't stay together somtimes. Do Aaron and Aphmau have that?"

"No...To be honest, I don't even think their married yet. Cuz...They told me they were only boyfriend and girlfriend. Nothing else."

"Oh...Well...Then I'm sure they'll get together eventually!" Ethan grinned.

"Yeah...I hope so." "Hm...Maybe you should try visiting Aaron! Just because he's not around doesn't mean you can't see him, right? It's what I do with my Mom sometimes." Logan suggested.

"I'll ask Aph about it when I get home."

"Great! Problem solved! Your happy again, right?" Alex sighed and furrowed their brows when noticing you were in a slightly better mood but still a bit pouty.

"I guess not. Okay Wolfy...What's really making you get sad?"

"It's Zane..." "Zane..?" "Who's Zane..." "...Ohhh! The emo guy!" Rocky perked up.

"Seriously? That's the only way you can remember him?"

"Doesn't matter. What'd he do that made my Wolfy all pouty n' stuff." "He said I was...Clingy. And selfish."

"What!?" "Why would he say that!"

"I told him about his actions towards Aphmau and how s' not good for her...And then it lead into a conversation about how I acted awhile back. But...Am I really clingy?" Logan was about to answer but noticed the way you directed your attention to Asher instead of him.

This was clearly a question for your first real best friend.

The boy noticed you staring a jumped a little before looking down at his book again.

"Well...No. No, No. Your not clingy. I think your nice to be around so...Why would I think your clingy?"

"Even at Love~Love Paradise? I wasn't too clingy toward you?"

"Y/n, I didn't even get a chance to feel clingy I was having so much fun with you! If yout spending too much time with me, I would've let you know my now."

"He would've! Ashers honest like that!" Ethan nodded.

"Do you know how long it took him to except me?"

"Anyways...Whatever Zane said, I'm sure he didn't mean it." You smiled brightly and hugged your friend. "Thank you, Asher." He laughed and hugged you back.

"Sure, Sure..." You squeezed a bit tighter before letting go and taking a look at your tray.

"Hey...You guys think this is edible?" "Maybe..?" "Don't take your chances. Just eat some of my food. I'm full." Alex sighed while fiddling with the hem of their scarf. "Oo! Thanks Alex--A chicken sandwich!? Why wouldn't you want to eat the rest of it!"

"Hey whaaat?! Share that Y/n!"

"No way! Alex gave it to me and you have pizza!"

"Come on Rocky, Y/n. Stop fighting!"

"If you don't want your pizza, can I have it?"

"No, Ethan, eat your dino shaped chicken nuggets..."

"Don't tell me what to do Logan!"

"You have food!"

"Here we go again..."

Nico smiled fondly at you all before continuing to eat his Tuna fish casserole.

"I love my friends..." He spoke quietly to himself.


On your way home, you stepped in each square of the sidewalk with a smile.

You were still feeling a bit aggrieved and troubled by everything that happened this morning but your friends made it better.

At least you'd be able to come home with a happier feeling. You went to open the door but frowned when there was no door to open.

"Seriously...? And we just got it repaired too..." You walked through the doorway and looked around.

"I'm back! Does somebody wanna tell me where to door went?" You laughed.

You then noticed Lucinda and Katelyn sitting on the couch while talking to Aphmau.

They jumped lightly at your voice before turning and smiling at you.

"Yo'." "Hey my love~! How was school?" "Auntie Lucy! Katelyn!" You grinned and hugged then from behind making the two laugh.

"School was great! I had fun, as usual! But...Where did the door go? I thought Garroth was here but there were no woodchips." "Uhh..."

"You can say thank you so your Auntie Lucy for that!" "Really...?" "It was a last minute choice!" "I highly doupt that....? Hey Mom! How was your day?"

You receieved an actual smile instead of a mopey groan causing you to brighten up.

"You seem happier! And even if your just smiling to make me feel less upset, just know...It'll get better. Ethan told me so!"

You hopped over the couch and sat on her lap with a smile.

"And Ethans an expert in feelings?"

"Yeah! He is! He's always happy and isn't afraid to show he's mad or sad. So he must be good with feelings! Plus, he's always smiling like this! See," You spread your lips apart so you smile in a way Ethan does before looking up at Aphmau, "Eee!"

Your mother laughed and placed a kiss on your forehead.

"Thanks Y/n." "Mhm..." "Wait, Y/n is here!?" You heard Zane call.

You groaned.

"Zane is still here?" "Uh-oh...That tone diesn't sound pleasent." "What'd he do?" "Nothing..." "Y/n! H-How was your day--" "I'm still mad Ro'meave...Leave me alone!" Zane groaned and went back into the kitchen as you pouted.

"Your that mad, huh?" "Zane must've screwed up then." "He sure did! Hmph!" "Well, I'm sure some ice cream will cheer you up! Want me to get you two some?" "Yes please!" "That'd be awesome Katleyn."

"Be right back then." Katelyn laughed befpre retreating to the kitchen where Zane was.

"Well, in anycase...Back to what we were saying Aphmau. Are you...Serious about what you said?" "Huh? What do you mean?" You asked.

"Yeah...I am. Honesty, I think I jumped the gun a bit on the Maid Café when I started it..." You looked up at Aphmau, a bit shocked, but continued to let her speak.

"Really, I love doing it! But managing it...It's..Been hard on me...I'm not exactly cut out for a big expansion like Zane is planning."

"Well then tell him you think that way..." "Yeah! You don't have to do it if you don't want to." You and Lucinda advised.

"Yeah...But..." "Here you go Aph, Y/n!" "Thanks!" "Oo! F/L! My favorite! How long has this been in the fridge!?"

"Heh...Aaron suggested hiding it cause he knew you'd go through it in an instant." "Aish...Course he did..." You pouted but dug into the ice cream happily.

"Ehehe~. Thanks!" "No worries. So...What'chya girls talkin' bout?" "Mom doesn't wanna run the maid cafe anymore." You blurted out.

It would seem you've already gotten ice cream all over your face.

"Y/n!" "Hm? Oh..What that supposed to be a secret...?" "No, it wasn't." Lucinda sighed. "Wait..Really? Well...I can see why. It's a lot of work."

"It's not the work I'm worried about. I mean it's stressful, yes, but I've thought about if this is really what I want to do with my life. I mean..honestly, I started the maid café so I could help Kawaii~Chan and have a place we could make together. But now that it's come true there's a lot of things I'm don't know if I'm sure about."

Durning the conversation, you burped and looked at your finished bowl before leaning on Aphmaus arm with a yawn and a sleepy flutter of your eyelashes.

"As someone who run a potion shop, let me tell ya' It's a lot of work on me. I can't even think sbout expanding."

"Hey, Aph? You said Aaron left because he needed some time to himself after the fire at the café, remember?"

"Yeah...?" "Was there more to it..? Like...Were you guys having relationship issues?" "Uhm...No! We were fine--"

"No you weren't," You yawned again, "You didn't spend time with me or Aaron at all. We even had dinner without you. He didn't like it...He told me so. And do you remember...? He said he wanted to spend time with you with the cheesecake n' stuff were busy working at the café. So he let it go. But it hurt him. I could tell."

"W-Wait...Really?" "Mhm..."

"I knew there was something else. It's one thing to leave after the fire but it's another thing to not speak to eachother in over a week."

"Yeah. I thought you two were close." "We are...! And that's why..." "I hate to this but, Aph, have you been thinking about Aaron lately...?" "Huh?"

"I mean...His feelings. Have you been paying attention to him and how he feels about all this? Based on what Y/n says...It seems like you haven't."

"I mean...I-I haven't really. I just assumed he was okay with everything since he supports me n' all..."

"Just cause he supports you doesn't mean he's okay..." You grumbled. Your hands were tigetened into fists and a sleepy pout was crossed over your features.

"Y/ns right. As sleepy drunk as she sounds, she's right. It is possible to be caught up in yourself so much, you can forget that other people have feelings."

"I know that! But I don't think I've done that...Have I?"

Aphmau looked down at you for confirmation since your the obly other person who has experienced her behavior first-hand. You were falling in and out of the conversation but managed to give a nod. Aphmau winced.

"Maybe I did...Then, I questioned hin about the fire...Ughh..."

You were about to slip into unconsciousness until an angry voice rung about the house.

"Alright, I think you ladies need to leave!" "Huh?" "It's bad enough your taking up all her time, it's worse now that you've got her second guessibg her buisness decisions!" You glared at Zane before standing up.

"She wasn't second-guessing anything! Mom was just saying how she felt about the Café and Aaron. Also, what time are we taking up!? She has nothing to do! Or is it that...Were taking up your time with Mom!"

"...Go to your room."

"...Huh?" You muttered with a calmer but more confused expression.

"Go to your room!"

"Wait...Since when can you banish me up there!?" "Since now! Now leave! This is an adult conversation here."
"Zane--" "Upstairs."

You growled before huffing and grabbing your backpack. You turned to give Zane to shoot a look but he just pointed up the steps.

You groaned but did as told and went upstairs.

You were tempted to slam the door but that was one of Aarons rules. So you closed it gently and went to take Scrouchy out of your bag.

"I don't get it Scoruch. I was just being honest and now I'm in time out!?"


"Your right! This is totally unfair! I feel the need to write a very specificly worded letter about how I feel!"


"...! Scrouchy! I will not use that kind if language! Don't you know that's a cuss..."


"Hey...Your right! I have super werewolf hearing! I can just eavesdrop!"

You picked up the F/A and leaned your werewolf ear against the wall. You closed your eyes and concentrated so you'd be able to at least make out bits and peices of the conversation.

".....Maybe if her other 'Friends' cared a little more about her, then they would've been there for her long before Aaron left! Then maybe we wouldn't be in this mess..."

Someone had said.

'I think that's Zane...!'

"Kate...!...Were leaving....sorry to put this stress on you."

The conversation was fading in and out due to the fact the walls were so thick. It was getting rather difficult to listen at this point.

"...lucky i made a promise to Aph not to tell you off..." The last thing you managed to hear was a potion breaking before Lucinda and Katelyns scents disapeared entirly.

You sighed, "This isn't working. Let's go by the stairs. Sure we have a higher chance of getting caught but we'll be able to listen better."


"What do you mean, 'Don't put you in this'!?"


"Right. Their not blessed with the magic powers I have that help me listen to you! They think your an inanimate object but I know the truth you F/A..."


"Was that threat--Let's just go." You made your way toward the door and pushed it open, cringing at the god awful creak it made.

But it made a wide enough opening.

You slipped through the crack and crouched near the steps in order to get a better clue on what was happening.

"Can you believe the audacity of those two?" "No...Zane? She's right..." "Huh...?"

"Zane, you have been overprotective of me lately. I mean...I've been trying to hang out with Gene and other friends and you...y-you keep chasing them away. And even if it's not as obvious, I can tell your chasing Y/n away too."


"Zane, I should've realized it sooner and put my foot down. "I-I don't understand...! How am I doing that exactly!"

"I realize, me and Y/n are your only friends. But at some point you need to find other people who will make you happy as well."

"Ahahahaha! A-Aph! Yo-You can't mean that!" "I do."

You stepped down the stairs a little more but drew back when the door was busted down.

When did it even come back!?

"See!? I told you! You need to--" "Katelyn, get back here!" Lucinda growled as the door ran upstairs.

Lucinda grabbed her hut they both paused when they saw you crouched near the steps.

The three of you stood in silence for a moment before Katelyn smirked.

"Your one sneaky little werewolf, aren't ya'..." "Shut up..." You pouted.

You then motioned for the two to sit down and they did so, listening into the conversation the same as you were.

"Zane, I just think you and I need some time apart." "Are you...Br-Breaking up with me?" "That's a weird way of phrasing it..." "Katelyn! Shhh!" You and Lucinda shushed.

"No...! I--" "After everything I've done for you!? BOTH of you!"

"I just think I need my space right now. I appreciate all you've done for me and Y/n both. You are a wonderful friend. But I do feel a bit...Squished..."

"I see...Fine. I'll...Leave you be." The three of you watched Zane slowly leave the house with a depressed look on his face before joining Aphmau downstairs.

"Don't worry Aph...We're here for you." "..Mom? Are you...Okay?" "Guys...Did I do the right thing?"

"It is possible for someone to care so much it's overbearing. Honestly, you need to step back and figure out what you want to do in life. And like Lucinda said. We're here for you. But...It's not like you need us. It's clear there is someone here who's seen this all first hand and isn't afraid to call anyone out on their crap."

You looked around and gave Katelyn a confused look before noticing how she was smiling down at you.

You perked up with a grin and pointed to yourself with a wag of your tail.

Lucinda nodded making you squeal and bring Aphmau into a hug from her spot on the couch.

"You messed up!" You laughed excitedly making Katelyn facepalm.

"Okay, maybe not that fearless." "Hah...Thanks Y/n. I know that now." Aphmau smiled, rubbing the space between your ears.

"Thanks guys. I think...I know what I want to do right now. I should've done this sooner."

"What is it?" You gasped.

You tossed yourself over the couch and sat down while looking at Aphmau with eager eyes. She just smiled at you and picked you up with a grunt.

"Jeez, your getting bigger huh?" You just pouted at her as she lead you both to the kitchen.

"What're we doing here?" You looked down at what she typing on her phone. "Aaron...I miss you." You gasped when she clicked send with a whine.

"Ugh...Why have I been so stupid lately."

"Mm...It's okay, Mom. Everyone does stupid things everyone once in awhile. N'...Sometimes it can hurt others when you do those stupid things. But it's okay. Cause you'll stop doing the stupid stuff eventually, right?"

"Yeah...Thanks Y/n. You've been the most mature person in this entire situation. How are you getting so smart..?"


"Right, Right. How could I forget..."

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