Chapter 28

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You swung your feet in the chair while humming a tune, eating your cookie.

Aarons father was in the corner on his phone and Aphmau and Aaron went to discuss things upstairs.

You would've went but Aphmau told you to stay down here and keep the peace.

She didn't believe eveything would go smoothly forever if Sylvana and Aarons mother were in the same room.

"These cookies are good!" You giggled before shoving another in your mouth.

"Thank you Y/n." Rachel nodded.

You smiled. Maybe some dark banter would ease some tension a little. "Hey! Wanna here a joke?"

"Sure. What do ya' got, Y/n?" Melissa smiled. "Why couldn't the orphan go on the trip?"

"Why?" "Cause they had no parent signature!"

There was a silence before Melissa and Sylvanas snicker broke threw.

"Neita! D-Don't make jokes like that!" "Why not? You seemed to like it, Abuela~" "You can't be serious..." Rachel sighed.

"It is quite funny." Melissa laughed.

Soon, Aarons father began to laugh as well.

Your tail wagged.

"You liked it!?"

"Yes. It was a very good sense of dark humor! Especially since you used to be a orphan yourself so you can relate to it to an extent!"

"Oh...That does make it a bit funny!"

The parents laughed as your smile fell.

That...Really put the joke into a not so nice perspective.

You forced a laugh and scratched the back of your head.

"Aha...Ha...Y-Yeah...I...Didn't think about it that way..." Melissa sighed toward hee parents and rubbed the space between your ears.

"Sorry sweetie..."

"I-It's okay! Just...Need to let that salt sit in the wound for a moment. Ahaha...hah...Mm...." You laughed.

Sylvana glares Rachel before at clearing. throat rather loudly before speaking with Aarons father.

"So...It's wonderful that you came, Mr. Lycan."

"Please. Call me Derek."

"Oh, I'm afraid I don't know you that well to feel comfortable with that!" Sylvana laughed nervously.

You took a large swallow of air, attempting to choke down the heavy lump that formed after your joke.

"C-Can I call you that?" You croaked out with a smile.

"Sure, go right ahead!"

"Figures. The child can take a simple kindness more than you, I see..." "What did you just say?" Sylvana glared.

"U-Uhm...Derek! I didn't know you'd be coming!" "Yeah! I'm actually really shocked you managed to make it! How did Aphmau get in contact with you?" You and Melissa speak.

Anything to stop the other two from fighting.


"She sent me a handwritten letter." "A letter?" The two mothers spoke in unsion.

"That's kind of old-fashioned, isn't it?" "Hey! I find letters to be quite nice!" You defended.

"I'm not saying I don't like them." Melissa chuckled.

"Well, yes, but..." Derek then explained the contents of the letter making you laugh. The story seemed to make you brighten up a little.

"That sounds like something Mom would do."

"Maybe it was the glitter...which I was kind of mad about for awhile, but I was moved by the simplicity of the letter and I realized I wanted to give Aaron a bit more of my time, at least for a day or two."

"Well, I'm happy, Dad. I'm sure Aaron is too." Melissa nodded while wiping a bit of frosting away from your lower lip.

"Yeah!" "And you're all sure this isn't some kind of ploy to take Aaron away from my Aphmau?" "Abeula..." "Just making sure."

"Hmph! Of course you would think of that..." "I have every right!"

You sighed. They were just not going to let this petty rivalry go!

"Okay," Aphmau started.

Her and Aaron finally came back downstairs.

Thank irene for that.

"Okay! Sounds like we need a bit of holiday magic here!" You laughed but Rachel seemed fairly unamused.

"Is she being...serious?" "Mom...!" Aarom grumbled, clearly annoyed. "I'm just saying..."

"I have the perfect thing to bring holiday cheer...Christmas sweaters! Mom, Melissa, you're gonna have to wait until I finish making yours."

"I wanna help make those!" You huffed.

"Uh, thanks, but..." "We're good the way we're dressed, Thanks."

"Aw...What," You whined, holding a downcasted expression, "It'd look cute on you two!"

Aaron heard your small complaint and growled slightly. "Mom...Dad..."

Aphmau put a hand on your head and just waved the whole situation off.

"Oh, um, that's okay! I know it might be a little forward, but hey! If the holiday feeling gets ya, then you can put it on whenever! Right Y/n?"

"Mm...Yeah I guess..." "Hey, we don't pout on christmas..." Aphmau smirked while tickling your sides a little. You laughed and shoved her hand away. "Y-Yeah, I know..."

Derek smiled at the scene and chuckled, "Heh...We'll consider it."

"Perfect! Now, we need to go and pick out a Christmas tree."

"Oh! I got this."

Rachel then began to dial a number making you cock your head to the side a little.

Was she...Making someone else get a christmad tree!?

That - like - ruins the whole experience!


You think.

The last time you were meant to get a christmas tree, you were forced to stay with Aaron.

"Hello? Yes, Stuart? Can I have you pick out a Christmas tree to be delivered to Aaron's address?" Someone seemed to be speaking on the other line.

However, your ears were unable to pick it up so it just sounded like incoherent jiberish.

"What size? Oh, let me ask. What size tree are you thinking?" You sighed but jumped slightly when Melissa snatched her mothers phone and tossed it into the fire.

"Hey!" "Nuh-uh, not this time! We are going to do things the old-fashioned way, by ourselves."

"Eeyup! Melissa and I talked about your past and we're going to do everything together!"

"If you guys dunno how, me and you can learn together! I've never picked out a tree either. Cause someone had be babysat."

"Your still salty about that?" "Yes."

"Huh?" Derek and Rachel mumbled.

"Anyways, I know the perfect place where we can pick a great tree. Trust me," "Holiday magic!" You grinned.


"Achoo!" You now sniffled, rubbing your arms. "It's cold..." "Come'ere...I got you." Aaron sighed.

He brought you into his arms with a smile as you nuzzled into the crook of his neck.

You guys were now in a large forest with real trees that would be perfect for a christmas tree.

"Here we are!" "What kinda place is this?!" Derek gasped.

"I thought we were going to a professional place...." "There's no place more professional than nature." You pointed out ; Aaron nodded.

"Exactly, Y/n. This is a tree farm!" "It's a forest." "No, i-it's a tree farm! See? There's a barn...and there are trees! Tree farm!"

"I thought it was a forest too..." "Not helping Y/n..." "Ehe~!"

"Well, I think it's great! It's a shame some other people can't see that. But those people will probably find terrible trees anyway." You sighed.

Here we go again.

"Are you talking about me?" "If the wreath fits..." "Now, now, Mom. Let's--" Aphmau was then cut off but Rachels growl.

"I'm going to find the best tree, just to shut you up!" "Ha! In your dreams!" "Trust me, Mrs. Lycan...I've been trying to get her to be quiet for years." Aphamu giggles.

"Doesn't seem to work." You shrugged.

"Thanks Neita, mija--Hey!" Aphmau and yourself laughed as Melissa sighed.

"It doesn't matter who finds the best tree! What matters is that this is the first time our family has ever done something like this..."

"Oh, so this is a competition?" "No, Dad, it's not--" "That sounds like someone who's afraid of losing~"

"Heh," Aaron st you down and folded his arms across his chest, "I am not afraid of losing. I just don't think this is a great time to--"

"...Lose to your old man?" "Aaron...Keep calm, now." You warned.

"Dad, Aaron... this competitiveness has to stop. You guys have been like this with each other since I could remember!"

It got quiet.

It was almost as if comical cricket chirping sounds could be heard around the Tree Farm.

"Besides...if anyone's going find the best tree...It's going to be me!!! Hee-hee-hee-hee!" Melissa giggled before running off in her own direction.

"Oh, no, you don't!" Aaron smirked. He also went his own way.

"Ha! Kids...Best to let them get a head start so they can feel special..." "Can I come with you Derek?" You smiled.

The buisness man looked down, semi-shocked to see you gripping his pant leg.

"Uhm...You don't want to go with Aaron, Melissa, or your Mom or something?"

"Nah. I wanna get to know you! If that's okay..." "Well...Then let's go kiddo! We have a tree to find!"

You squealed and laughed as Derek tossed you onto his shoulders before running off intp the tree farm.

"Be careful! It's very easy to get lost in the--"

"You're going down!" "No, you are!" You heard the adults call. "Let's go find the best tree, Derek!" "We will, Y/n!"
You grinned in excitment.

You've never been tree hunting before.

You've never been with Derek before.

He seems cold and distant but funny and easy~ish to talk to.

Even if his responses can come off a little insensitive at times.

With those two combined, this wohld totally be a Christmas Moment to remember!

The two of you looked around for a bit before Derek stopped at a certain tree.

"This is the one!" "Oh? Well, how are we gonna get it?" "Simple, Y/n...A real man would chop down his own tree! Yah! Whoo-hoo!" Derek called out boisterously.

"Ooo!" You gasped in surprise as Derek began to swing recklessly.

You laughed and clutched onto his hair.

"Your funny, I like you." "Do you?"

"Mhm...It took me a little longer to like Melissa and Aaron but your pretty fun. Then again, I've come a long way with my people skills."

"Oh? I see....Tell me more."

"Well...I was on the street all by myself when I met Aphmau. She opened her big heart and took me in. I wasn't able to talk to other for a long time. I was an orphan for what felt like ever so...I didn't know who I could talk to or trust. But...The people I've met showed they really love me. So...It's easier to open up now!"

"Oh. You've had a rough life..."

"I guess...I can't remember a whole lot before I met Aphmau. It...Makes me scared. I just...try not to think about it..."

"I'm sorry. It just occurred to me that my comment on your joke was hurtful. I didn't mean to be insensitive."

"It's okay. I'm over it now." "...Tell me, was it like when you first met Aaron?"

"When I first met Aaron? Well, he was quiet. But nice to me. He made sure I was safe at all times. And would give Aphmau advice on how to treat me. Especially since he was the first person who knew I was a werewolf. Somehow he figured it out in an instant. And it felt like he could...relate to me a little. Even if he's not a werewolf. Aaron is...really understanding."

Derek paused his chopping.

"Hm? You okay Derek? You getting cold?" "No, No it's just....You seem to really like my son." "Yeah. I love him."

Derek smiled and began to chop again. It was a calm sort of silence before you broke it again.

"Hey, what should I all you?" "Pardon? I'm not sure I follow..." "Well, I call Melissa Auntie Mel~Mel. And Aaron Dad. What do you want to be?"

"What do I want to he? Well...I guess you can call me Paw~Paw Derek!"

"Paw~Paw Derek? Hm...I...Love it! Alright Paw~Paw Derek! Keep chopping!"

"You got it!" Derek nodded while tearing off his shirt.

"Yeah! But why are you shirtless now?"

The two of you had been going at the poor cheer for awhile until you heard footsteps approaching.

You and Derek turned your heads before smiling at your extremly shocked mother.

"Hey Mom! Look at the big tree and Paw~Paw found!"

She didn't pay attention your words but rather the shirtless, and quite ripped, Derek.

"AHHHH!? Where did your shirt go?!" "We're chopping down this tree here!" "Yeah! Chop! Chop! Chop!"

"Y/n, don't be an enabler! And that wasn't the question! Ugh, now I see where Aaron gets it from..."

Saud man then quickly runs over to you three after hearing Aphmaus screams.

"A-Aph! Are you okay!? Ah! Dad!"
"What? Didn't think I worked out?" Derek smirked. You laughed a Aaron groaned in annoyance.

"Put a shirt on!" "Your one to talk, you never wear shirts!" "Who's side are you on Y/n!?"

"The one who's chopping trees! Chop, Chop, Chop, Chop!" "Chop! Chop! Chop! Chop!" You and Derek chant.

Aaron facepalms.

"He's already rubbing off on her..." Rachel and Sylvana then also approach, looking as if they ran an entire marathon.

"Huff, huff," Rachel panted, "There's a giant squirrel in these woods!" "Huff, huff...It's huge!" Sylvana screamed.

Rachel notices Derek and her face turns a deep shade of red.

"Oh, my~" "Can we please just focus on getting a tree?!"

"Actually...The one Y/n and your Dad has is pretty great!" "Really?"

"Yeah. This one will fit perfect! As long as everyone else thinks so..." "Yeah, it's pretty good..." "It is!" "Well...I wanted to pick it, but...I guess."

Derek gets slightly embarrassed at all the compliments while you seem to glow in pride at them.

"Wow, um, thanks. Not many people tell me I'm great at things outside of work..." "We did great Paw~Paw! Just except it!" "Ehe...Yeah, I guess we did pretty great."

"Cheep-cheep..." A gaint squirrel speaks.

Sylvanna and Rachel shriek in fear as you gasp with stars in your eyes.

"It looks so fluffyyyy!" Melissa then appears beside the animal with a small and thankful smile.

"Thanks, Tiny Squirrel." "Cheep..." "Tiny?!" "Let's just get the tree and get out of here!" "Right!"

You laughed and swung your feet back and forth while Aarons neck.

While that Squirrel was anything but tiny, this was defenitly a Tree hunt to remember.

Maybe you could do more in the future!

That'd be fun, right?

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