Chapter 39

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You rode on Aarons neck, holding onto his black hair while resting your chin ontop of his head.

Whole leaving Garroths home you asked the question, "Garroth? Do you even know where we're going?"

"Well...We can take the quick way! Which is that way!"

All of a sudden, Aaron look really uncomfortable.

"Uhh...Do we have to go that way-?" "Only if you wanna get there fast. By the way, it's kinda weird our parents are both asking for us, don't you think?"

"Yeah, but its like Y/n said. It'll be an answer to the money problem so i'm willing to hear them out." "Alright! Lets go then!" Garroth smiled.

While you all walked to the Ro'meaves house you couldn't help but smile. It's been a little bit since you've seen all four of your semi-grandparents.

It'll be nice to see them again!

But as you were in your own little world, a fimilar scent filled your nose.

"Hm?" "What is it, Y/n?" "I think Moms outside." "What!?" Both Garroth and Aaron yelped.

Suddenly, Aphmaus ringtone rang out showing that your suspicions were correct.

"Hello? Aph speaking." "It's Aph..!" "That's what I said-" "Hide!" Aaron whispear shouted, snatching you off his neck with ease before you crouched down low. nearly facepalmed when Kim was just standing in the open, clearly confused at the situation at hand.

Luckily, Garroth handled it.

"Shush Kim..! Quiet!" "I don't undetstand..Why're we hiding from Aphmau?" "Cause is she sees us, she'll ask where we're going!" You answered.

"So..?" "I..can't think of an excuse..!" "Mall Day!" "She'd never by that!" "She might if you're with Y/n!" "Yeah! Use me!" "Shhh!" "Uhh...Why?"

"I just don't want her to catch on. It's a really big deal that I keep this a secret until we go. So if I can't make this happen, I don't want to get her hopes up. It's bad enough Y/ns hopes are already up..." Aaron mumbled the last part to himself, which made you pout ever so slightly.

But you decided not to go further than that.

"I understand...I'll create a distraction!" Garroth smiled, "A distraction..?"

Just where was he going with this...

Aphmau was chattering away on the phone with Katelyn, seemingly, before a rather large rock hit the trash cans next to her to create a bang.

"Gah!? What the-" You jumped and quickly turned to Garroth who seemed to be disappointed with his own actions.

"Garroth! How was that a distraction!?" "Sorry, I was aiming for her..." "What!?" "Don't worry! I have another rock!" "Don't even!" "I'll bite your arm off if you try." You and Aaron glared.

But, luckily, Aphmau seemed to walk away before she noticed you all. You sighed in relief and felt yourself relax.

"That was real close..." "Aaron, is it really that big a deal to keep secret?" "It is and I don't wanna go into details but it means alot to me that she doesn't catch on."

"Nn...I just don't know Aphmau that well to be comfortable with this.." "Kim, don't worry. Aaron and Aphmau have known eachother for a LOOOONG time."

"Yeah! They do secret stuff like this all the time!" You and Garroth reassured, making the rather timid girl sigh and feel somewhat less stressed.

"Well if that's the case then I suppose that's alright. Sorry, i'm still getting used to the idea of having more than one friend. So this sneaking around stuff is new to be, hehe-"

"Been there." You sighed, "This is only the beginning! Just wait until I teach you how to break down doors~"

"Wait what?" "Guys, we need to get moving before she comes back. Quick, we need to sneek past Katelyn and Kawaii~Chans house."

"Right! Let's go!"

It was easier to sneek past the girls house opposed to your own home as they were inside.

Most likely watching Aphmaus yoga tape. So it didn't even take that long to arrive at the Ro'meaves house. It was the quick way, afterall.

Which was...quick.

You were holding Aarons hand while staring at the door.

Have you been to the Ro'meaves house..?


"Here we are!" "I just realized...Should I be here right now? Garroth and I were going to have a mall day I feel like I'm intruding..."

"Ahh, don't worry Kim. This shouldn't take too long. I mean, Y/ns here. So if you're intruding she is too." "Hey now, wait a second..."

"Besides, we can go to the mall after! I'll get you a whole new wardrobe this time, heuheuheu~!" "Uhh...Sure..Okay."

"Kim. If you ever start feeling uncomfortable, you can step into the other room if you want. Our parents can be very overwhelming sometimes."

"Too true. Welp! Lets ring the doorbell and-" The door came down with a sudden crash, "Gar-Gar!" Zianna beamed, quickly going to hug her son.

Your ears went up in slight shock.

So that's where Garroth gets it from!

Not Garte!

"Mommy! Oh, i'm so glad to see you!" "Oh and you have no idea how happy I am to see you, Gar-Gar! And you too Aaron! Oh, and Y/n too! Hello Y/n~!" "Hi Granny Zi-Zi!" You beamed.

"Now come on, lets go inside. There's no time to lose!"

"Uh..uh...D-Did you see that!? His..Mom just busted down a door like it was nothing..!"

"Yeah..You get used to that eventually..."

"Bu-But the door disintegrated! Where did it go!? How are they going to replace that...Doors don't just bust down like that!"

"The best way to think about it is to not to, trust me." "Do you need to hold my hand Kin? To process stuff?" You smiled, making the girl sigh slightly.

"No..I-I'm alright Y/n...Thank you, though. Really." "Mhm! Don't worry about the door thingie...I stopped questioning things a long time ago..." You sighed.

"O-Okay..." Kim gulped, going through the now doorless doorway.

What would you even call that?

A doorless door way.

Is it just called "way" after that?

Going threw the way....

Now that just sounds stupid.

Entering the house, the first scents you catch was those of your grandfathers, grandmother, and...Melissa!

Your tail wagged at the thought of your Aunt being here. But Aaron hadn't let go of your hand yet. So you guessed you couldn't leave his side just yet. He's still a bit tense at the idea of you being around his parents.

Melissa seems to be okay though.

"Aaron! Glad to see you could make it. You too, Y/n. Hello." "Hi Pol-Pol!" You beamed.

"Same to you Garroth. My son, ahaha! You're looking strong! Have you been eating your veggies?" "Heh.." "What?"

"What kind of way is that to greet your son. 'Have you eaten your veggies?' That's like something you ask a 7 year old...By the way Y/n, have you been eating your veggies?" "Pol-Pol..." You huffed.

I mean...You were but he didn't need to act like that. You weren't 7! You were...uh..Huh. You scratched the top of your head before making a face.

How old were you..?

You were suddenly snapped from your thoughts when Aaron lifted you up again to balance you on his hip.

"What's going on?" "Aaron, please take a seat." "Grandmother!" You whispeared quietly.

Rachel turned you as if she just noticed your presense and waved (a tad awkwardly) at the call to her attention.

"Let me explain.." "No! Let me!" Garte and Derek grumbled, glaring at eachother ever so slightly.

But Rachel was quick to make them stop, "Quiet you two. You've caused quite a commotion already. Melissa, since this was your suggestion, why don't you tell the boys."

"Right. Ahem, Garroth. Aaron. Both of our families are now the proud owners of the lodge in bunny hill!" "Bunny hill?" You mumbled as Aaron took a seat on the chairs layed out for him and Garroth.

He still had you in his lap of course, letting you listen while playing with Scrouchy.

"You mean that place we visited when we were little-?" "That sounds fimilar..."

"Right! It's in a town that's quite a small ways from here. Anyway, we asked you both here because the ownership of the place belongs to both families. Since we just bought it, we figured we might as well scope out the place. But since we're all busy with company matter, we figured it'd be best for both of you to go up to the property and make it more...liveable."

"What makes you guys think we don't have jobs and lives ourselves!" "You don't though..." You mumbled, earning a slight glare from Garroth.

"You probably do, but they aren't as important as-" Before Rachel could finish her sentence, however, Melissa was quick to shut her up with a firm punch on the arm.

Not enough to hurt her, but enough to give a warning.

"Uhh...Mm..What I meant to say was we're willing to compensate more than all your jobs combined right now! Especially if you make the place liveable yourselves."


"I'm confused...Why is this such a big deal again?" You questioned, not looking the older women in the eye, but messing with your stuff F/A.

Just because you weren't looking didn't mean you weren't listening.

"Because, Y/n, we're thinking of expanding the place and making it into a resort!"

"That's right~! The Ro'meave family had alot of great memores there! It would be wonderful the share that expeirence with others!" "So what we have tasked for you boys is simple. Live there for a good while, take notes on the town and scenery, and just..have fun!"

"Right. We want to know if this is something we can expand upon. And we need people we can trust to do the job."

"I'm in!" "Me too!" You and Garroth cheered.

That was before Aaron butt in.

"You aren't going." "Whaaat?" "And what's the catch." "There is no catch. It's just cheaper to have you boys check out the place than having actual contractors to do it. And not even know if its worth it."


"If Aaron is unsure, we can just send Garroth." "No way! We need someone from our family there too." "Daaad! Why can't I go!" "Give me a second,
Y/n." Aaron waved off, making an irritated look cross your face.

"Aaron, we need an answer now. We've already got a rental car with supplies you'll need, ready for your departure tonight." "Tonight!? But I don't even-"

"Time is of the essence, Aaron. The winter season will be ending in a month or so. And since the location is in the snow mountains, buisness will be picking up."

"I--Ughh...Fine. I'll do it."


"Now you two should go home and pack. You'll have a long trip ahead of you." "Ooo~! Can we bring friends!" "Can I go?" "Y/n-"

"Ugh...Just one or two for now. Since the place needs work, we'd rather that get done first before you start having..parties there."

"And of course you can come, Y/n. You're a Lycan! And as a Lycan you're..somewhat obligated to help out as well."


"What!? No, you don't get to make that decision for her." "What! Bu Aaron-" "No buts. Your not coming." You glared at Aaron, ears falling down sightly before you crossed your arms.

You turned away from your father who seemed slightly guilty but still stood his ground.

"Ehh...G-Gotcha, Dad! Aaron, Kim, Y/n! Lets go!" Garroth smiled nervously, clearly trying to change the subject.

You all walked out if the door, and Aaron hoped you'd talk to him then. But even the walk back to the street was tense.

You were ignoring him even when he tried to explain himself. Even pulled the whole 'cover your ears and say your not listening' shtick.

"Y/n, come on. Don't be like that." "I don't listen to jerks who underestimate me!" "I'm not underestimating you!" "Yeah? Because it sure does sound like it. You stuck up for me at the hotel, why're you acting different now!?" "Y/n-" "Leave me alone!" You snapped. Aaron paused after that, and..actually looked hurt.

Which made you feel guilty but you avoided his sorrowful gaze.

Kim and Garroth exchanged a look before the oldest Ro'meave spoke up.

"So! This is...erm...a pretty good deal, don't you think Aaron?"

"H-Huh? Oh. Yeah, it is. But it also sounds way too good to be true."

"Oh Aaron...Aaron, Aaron, Aaron..." Garroth smirked, "You think too much into things!"

"I've gotta tell Aph about this.."

"But I thought you wanted to keep the Starlight Wonderland tickets a secret?"

"I do but-" You spaced off the moment he started talking.

I mean, why didn't Aaron want to let you go?

You can handle yourself!

You've grown up!

You're not just some stupid kid anymore..

You know what to do, and where to go, how to take the bus by yourself. What could possibly happen at a snowy cabin that you wouldn't know about?

And with Aphmau at the feels like they don't trust you, or something.


"Y/n." Aaron called, making you look up at him.

Did Kim and Garroth leave already..?

Just how long were you spaced out for.

"Come on, lets go home and tell Aph about the trip." You only frowned at Aaron and walked past him.

His head fell back in slight annoyance, "Y/n, come on..."

"No! I won't 'come on'. I'm so tired of you and Aphmau babying me. You said I could help, you promised I could help. Do you me, or something? To do something like this?"

Aaron instantly felt bad and bent down to your level.

"Its..not that, Y/n. I do trust you. I just...don't know. You're just young and..shouldn't be hanging around adults so much. Like I did. You should be here, hanging out with your friends. Not coming to some lodge and helping me with my money problems. I don't want you to feel obligated to do this. This seems more like buisness anyway."

"I don't though! I want to come with you. I want to help you! If there's even a chance I get to go somewhere else I've never seen before...That'd be pretty awesome too! Buisness or not!" You beamed, tail swishing back and forth.

Aaron stared at your hopeful expression as you clasped your hands together.

"Pleassse, Aaron? I'll be super good, and stay close to your side no matter what! Won't do anything unless you tell me too!"

"...Do you promise?" Aaron sighed.

You suddenly perked up even more, "I do! I do I do I do!" "Heh...Let me hear it." "Oh-I promise!" "Mm...Okay, you can come." "YES! YES, YES YEEEES!" You giggled before leaping up into Aarons arms,

"Thanks, Dad!"

Aaron felt his heart leap in the air for at least a second,

"You're welcome Y/n. But I meant what I said, you can't leave my side no matter what. And we need to make sure Aph is on board. Okay?"

"Okay! I'm..sorry for being a brat..."

"It's alright. I was a bit of a brat when I was your age too, haha! Let's go home and pack." "Yes sir! Come onn! Lets go!"

"Okay, okay. Slow down." Aaron chuckled as you grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the house.

Upon entering, Aaron had settled you on his back thinking that would maybe get you to calm down a little. But he was..wrong.

You were still very squirmy. And although some might find it annoying, Aaron was just happy that you were happy.

The first thing you took notice of was your mother laying on the couch as if she just went threw hell. But you were also eager to tell her the news.

So you didn't pay attention to it that much.

"Hey babe--Whoa! What happened to you?" But Aaron seemed to pay attention.

"Hi Mom! You okay?" "Ughhh...Katelyn tried to kill me with yoga.." "Yup. That sounds like her." Aaron chuckled.

"What's up?" "Hey, I've got something I want to talk to you about." "I'm gonna go pack!" "Y/n...Annnd there she goes." Aaron sighed as you hopped off his back and scrambled upstairs in a fit on excited giggles.

"Pack? Are we going somewhere?" "Eheh..Let me explain." Aaron smiled nervously.

He took a seat next to Aphmau and began to go over details while you arrived in your room and began taking out the things you may might need for this trip.'s going to be awfully cold.

Considering its on a snowy mountain.

Should you get a coat?

Yeah. A coat sounds good.


Your tablet too! Maybe if there's wi-fi you can facetime Asher or Alex or Logan! That'd be nice!

Ah, and Bubba will need to be fed too.

Maybe you should take him too..?

"Hm..." You stared at the already full suitcase of clothes, snacks, and other items that would keep you entertained. You turned to your fish.

"Bubba, I don't think you're gonna fit in here.." The fish only blew bubbles. As you were debating on packing the fish, you suitcase started..ringing?


"Friends!" You cheered, quickly snatching things out of your suit case.

Asher had added you to some sort of group chat on this app you could download on your tablet.

You weren't sure what it was called...but you could call and message your friends on it!

One if them must be trying to call you.

You managed to dig out your tablet and saw that Alex was the one trying to call. You joined the call and smiled when his face along with Alexs came up.

"Hey guys!" "Hey, Y/n." "Hi Wolfy! Asher and I wanted to know if you wanted to come to a sleepover Sophia and Nico were having! The nice twin is watching us~"

"You don't have to come if you don't want to." Asher muttered, fiddling with something on his desk.

"Oh, I can't. I'm going on a trip!" "WHAT!?" A new voice shouted, making you look at the tablet for a moment.

Logan and Ethan joined the call.

"What do you mean you're going on a trip.." "I'm going on a trip. Simple." "So..So you're leaving me..?" Logan sniffled, making Alex cringe ever so slightly.

"Guess so." "Aww...Where're you going?" Ethan smiled. "I'm going to a lodge on rabbit jill!" "Rabbit Jill?" "That sounds like a weird place to go..." Rocky chuckled, popping into Alexs' camera.

Asher squinted for a second, "..Rocky?" "Why're you at Alexs' place?" Sophia smiled, suddenlt joining the call.

Nico was sitting in the bed behind her, reading a book.

"When did you even get in the call?!" Logan snapped, still upset you wouldn't be with them for the rest of winter break.

"Stop shouting, Logan. Rocky was just hanging out at my house while her parents are out for the day."

"Wait, what about this Rabbit Jill stuff?" Ethan spoke lowly as Asher and Logan gave his full attention to you again.

"Aaron needs to go down there for a job thingie Grandmother and Pol-Pol want him to do. I want to go down and help!"

"You're going there to work. That's stupid." "Rocky!" "What! It is!" "Yeah, who wants to spend their winter break working." "Alex!" "It's okay, Sophia. It does sound pretty stupid huh? I still want to to! I want to help Aaron!" You beamed.

Logan and Asher stared at you for a moment, as if thinking over a few things.

"I guess I'll go see you off." "Huh?!" "W-Wait! Me too!" Logan quickly agreed.

"Oh! Uhh...Okay! It'll ne nice to see you before we leave. Like at Love-Love paradise." "Hm? Oh..heh, yeah. Like Love-Love Paradise?"

"Love-Love paradise.." "Ahh..That place you and Asher met." "...? Nico? What is it...Ah! Okay! Hey Asher, can you pick me and Nico up? He really wants to see Y/n off."

The mei'fwa suddenly began to blush and attempted to push his sister out of the chair whispearing something to her about 'not being desperate to see you' which you found strangely adorable.

But Sophia just continued to tease him.

"Yeah, I'll pick you both up." "Me too! I-I wanna see Y/n too!...I'd also just feel left out..." Ethan mumbled to himself while pressing his fingers together.

"Uhm...I guess-" "Me and Alex too please." "Asherrr? Can you come get meee?" "Guys, Maddys car can only hold so many people." You chuckled as your friends began to argue a little bit.

If there was one thing you did not regret about last year, it had to be meeting all of these amazing people.

You wouldn't trade your friends for anything. You felt your tail wag just from hearing their voices, as stupid as that is.

"Irene, FINE! But someone people have to ride in the back of the pick up." "Me! Me! I'll do it! I like to ride in the back of your Dads pickup!" Ethan beamed.

Asher stared for a split second before staring off to the side.

"Nico, sit in the back with Ethan." The boy quickly held a thumbs up.

"What!? I can sit in the back by myself!"

You chuckled before looking at your unpacked suitcase, "Ah...I still gotta pack. I'll see you guys later, okay?"

"Alright! Bye Y/n!" "Later, Wolfy." "Bye.." You heard a variant of goodbyes as you hung up but you still assumed everyone got their word in.

You set the tablet down and looked at all the clothes and items strung about the room when you tried to dig for your tablet.

"Mm...this is gonna take me a bit..." You sighed.


The sun was slowly setting when the rental pulled up infront of your home. Aaron had his suitcase packed already and you did as well, with Aphmaus help.

You decided to leave Bubba and took Scrouchy instead.

Aphmau promised that she'd keep him on a regular feeding scheduale, so you weren't too worried.

You were practically bouncing on your feet in excitment when Aphmau began to question the wereabouts of Garroth and Kim, "I wonder where Garroth and Kim are.."

"Me too, but we've gotta get going soon if we want to make good time."

As if on cue, Garroth arrived with his stuff and a rust green pickup truck pulled up to your house with several voices coming from inside.

"Friends!" You cheered, looking up at Aphmau and Aaron with pleading eyes.

They both chuckled, "Go say goodbye." Aphmau waved making you grin. You approached the car as the doors swung open with Logan fall out and faceplanting into the concrete.

Alex fell ontop of him.

But Sophia, Asher, and Rocky just walked out normally. "Y/N, DON'T LEAVE ME!" Logan cried out, quickly sitting up and bolting foreward to hug you.

He didn't even ask this time!

"He wouldn't stop crying the entire way here." Maddy scoffed from in the drivers seat.

"Who asked you!" Logan sobbed as Nico lifted Ethan out of the back of the pickup.

"I'm gonna miss you Y/n.." The freckled boy sighed before also joining Logan in his hug.

"Aww...Don't worry Ethan. I'll be back soon! Logan, I have to leave you. You'll be alright! You've got Alex and Rocky!" Logan turned back to the two for a moment before looking even more hurt then before.

"PLEASE DON'T LEAVE!" "Oh, Logan..." Sophia chuckled as him and Ethan eventually pried themselves away from you.

"Have fun Y/n! We'll...We'll be here when you get back." "Yeah, have fun wolfy." "And tell us all about it when you get back!" "I will, I will..." You chuckled before looking toward Asher who hasn't said anything this entire time.

"Asher?" "What?" "Youuu...Okay?"

"Yeah..? You're gonna come back. I'm not really concerned. Look, just have fun and call us if you need us....bYe..." Asher awkwardly coughed.

You just beamed at him before pulling him into a hug. "Bye Ashy~!" "...Yeah, I still don't like that name."

"Y/n! Are you ready to go?" Aphmau called.

"Yes!" You smiled, giving your friends one last hug, "See you guys soon." You beamed as a cheer of goodbyes (and Logans cries) as well as waves were brought your way.

You went to get into the vehicle before Aphmau grabbed you by your face and peppered it in kisses.

"Mom!" You laughed as Aphmau slowly came to a stop.

"Be safe, stick by Aaron and Lucinda, I love you." "I will! I won't leave Aarons side. I love you too!" You smiled, giving your mother a big hug before getting into the backseat with Kim and Garroth.

Then it clicked, "What're you doing here, Auntie Lucinda?" "Your Mom wanted me to come with incase the place was a dangerous shady."

"Ahh...Okay, okay."

Suddenly, Asher came to the window.

"Wait, Miss Lucinda!? A-Are you going with them?" "Yes I am, my tiny apprentice~!"

"B-But...But you were supposed to teach me for the rest of winter break!"

Lucinda chuckled, "I know. Hence why, I want you to take this before we leave."

Lucinda handed Asher a notebook, "Keep up your studys and practice the spells I wrote on page 6. You better have some progress by the time I get back young man."

Ashers eyes seemed to light up, "Yes ma'am! Bye Y/n. Have a great time." Asher smiled, giving you a fist bump threw the window.

"Alright, everyone ready?" Aaron smiled. "Ready!" "Y/n..?" You paused for a moment before looking at Scrouchy.

You smiled, "Ready!" "Alright. Lets go."

And with that, the car started and you all were off.

Wow...A new place to see.

New possible friends to meet!

A cabin on a snowy mountain ready for renovation? What could possibly go wrong!

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