Chapter 5

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|F/S: Favorite Show|
|E/C: Eye Color|
"Alright!" Miss. Melony smiled, clasping her hands together.

Its been a few weeks since you've been attending this school and it has been going fine so far.

You aren't so close with Ashers friends as you want to be just yet but they've warmed up to you.

Ethan, Rocky, and Sophia especially.

Those three are so excepting and kind to you.

Logan may be a bit too nice but it's sweet he's making an effort.

The ones who still gave some walls up are Alex and Nico.

Alex seems to goof around with you a whole lot but you can tell they don't trust you just yet.

You don't know why but you can just tell. Nico doesn't speak. You've seen him quietly talking with either Asher or his sister but not you.

He just smiles and walks away. Your not sure what he's about, but maybe you'll get to know him a little more.

Miss. Melony on the other hand is very kind.

You asked Asher and he says shes been his teacher since a class called 'Kindergarden' after him, Rocky, Alex, and Ethan yelled and cried at the principal to let them be their teacher for another class called 1st grade and so on.

The entire class seems very attached to her. Shes like a second Mom to everyone. She doesn't even get mad at you for not knowing much about school.

She helps you!

"Does everyone understand the project?" A chorus of 'Yes' was yelled put throughout the class.

"[Y/N]? You understand, don't you? I don't mind explaining again if you don't...[Y/N]?" You were distracted again.

You stared out the window as a bird landed on the cill of it. Your tail wagged at the fascinating creature. You felt a nudge and turned to Asher.

You looked at Miss. Melony who was giving you a kind and patient smile.

"Uhm! Yes, I understand! Sorry!" You apologized.

The class giggled at your late response making you slump in your seat in embarrassment.


"That was embarressing..." You sighed, swinging on the swing. Asher was pushing.

Well, more so just kicking the swing with his foot while reading a book.

"It wasn't that bad! Your still getting used to things! Miss. Melony would never judge you for that!" Ethan smiled.

Logan suddenly came back to you three panting and held out small flowers he had found.

"I got these for you [Y/N]! Do you like them?" You stared at the flowers as Asher slowly stopped pushing you on the swing.

"Well--" "Logan. Your creeping her out again." Rocky smirked. Alex came up behind her and sighed.

"What!? N-No I'm not! I'm just giving her flowers!" "And your doing this why?" Alex questioned.

"...B-Because I can...And--" "Because you love her~?" "Stop itttt!" Logan whined.

"I think your attempt is nice Logan!" Sophia consoled. "Thanks Sophia..."

"Just don't be weird about it." Alex commented. Nico nodded. "You guys are mean!" He pouted.

As Alex and Rocky tease Logan Asher tried to get them to stop with Sophia trying to calm him down and Nico sitting back sweating nervously.

Ethan was just playing with your tail.

Your mind was elsewhere though, while you fiddled with the flower Logan had given you.

The project Miss. Melony had given you all was a 'Family Tree' project.

Where you originated from, your family and so on.

It seemed easy enough, but you were struggling with how you were going to do this.

You have no idea where you originated from and you have no blood relatives.

So how were you going to do this project exactly?

After school, you and your friends made your way to the front so you could go home. "Maaan! I've gotta do homewooork!" Ethan whined. Logan sighed alongside him.

"You guys act like its the end of the world..." Asher chuckled. "Easy for you to say..." Rocky smiled. "Yeah...You like doing homework." Alex nodded.

Sophia giggled as Nico stared at your expression.

You seemed to be deep in thought. He poked your shoulder making you turn to him.

He gave you a soft smile and held a thumb to you. You were confused before jolting.

"Oh yes, I'm fine. Just thinking." He nodded, the tip of his Mei'fwa tail wagging at the thought of you being happy.

That did not go unnoticed by his sister. With that, you all bid your goodbyes to eachother, with Asher and Rocky getting in their cars while Ethan and Alex took the bus. Logan gave you a smile and a slightly nervous hug before also getting in the car that came to pick him up. Nico, Sophia, and yourself were about to get in the car before a car honked in their direction.

"Hm? Oh shoot! I forgot!" Sophia facepalmed. "I have to go to dance practice today!" You paused and turned to one of the twins as Nico shook his head and gave his sister a look.

"I know, I know...Sorry, I'll be more ontop of things. Swear!" Nico paused and nodded.

"Okay! But you can't stay home alone...And none of our cousins can stay home with you since their not at home right now...You can't be home alone...Hm...[Y/N]!" You flinched at the acknowledgement to your presense.

"Can Nico come over your house? I can call one of our cousins to come and pick him up when their done with school! It'll only be a for a little bit, I promise!" You paused.

Would Aphmau and Aaron really be okay with letting you bring a friend over?

They're fine with Asher.

You looked at Nico who was staring at you expectedly. You took a breath and smiled before giving Sophia a thumbs up.

"Of course he can!" Nico was shocked but Sophia smiled brightly.

"Great! Thanks [Y/N], your awesome! I'll see you after practice, Older brother!"

Nico gave his sister a wave before she got in the car that was meant to pick her up. "Mkay Nico! Ready to--" Nico was already on the bus, motioning you to get on before it left through the window.

"Wow he's quiet..." You mumbled.

You got on the bus and sat next to Nico before going off to your home.

When you got home you opened the door with a push and Celestia greeting you with puppy licks and barks.

"Hey Celestia. Guys! I'm back!" You yelled.

You held onto Nicos hand incase he got nervous but he actually didn't seem all that phased with the new scenario.

"Hey [Y/N]!" Aphmau called, quickly coming to greet you in order to get out of the situation between Zane and Kawaii~Chan.

She paused when she saw the mei'fwa standing behind you.

"O-Oh? Who's this? A friend?"

"Yeah. This is Nico. His sister Sophia has a dance class and he can't go anywhere else. So, can be stay here until his cousins come and pick him up?" You smiled.

"I dunno why your asking me this if they're already here...Anyway, Its very nice to meet you Nico!" Aphmau smiled.

Nico began to sweat a little nervously and gave Aphmau an equally nervous smile before going to the couch to get homework done.

"D-Did I...?"

"No, No...Hes normally like this. Asher told me its cause he doesn't talk much. At first I thought he was mute but thats not the case either, anyway. Whats going on?"

"[Y/N]~Chan!" Kawaii~Chan smiled, pulling you into a hug.

"Hi Kawaii~Cha--" "Tell Zane~Kun to help me be serious!" "Wha?" "THATS NOT FAIR! YOU CAN'T USE APHMAU AND [Y/N] AGAINST ME AT THE SAME TIME!" Zane yelled.

You noticed Nico shrink at the loud noise and frowned. "Zane. Inside voice." You scolded.

He pouted and began to mutter slightly under his mask.

"Kawaii~Chan? Can you...Give me and Zane a moment?" Aphmau sighed. "Of course!" Kawaii~Chan smiled, walking away so she was out of earshot from Aphmau, Zane, and yourself.

"Well thats a first..." Zane scoffed. "Can someone tell me whats happening?" "Kawaii~Chan got fired today and needs another job but can't seem to get one because shes not serious." "And she wants me to help. Not like I am but still."

"Ohhh...I see..." You mumbled. "Zane, I'm not going to make you help Kawaii~Chan." "Me either!" "You two truly are good friends."

"But! Out of all the people I know, I think you'd be the best person to help her right now..." You nodded along with Aphmau.

"I don't like where this is going..."

"Buuut! You should only help her if you want to. Don't do it for anyone else. Not even for me or [Y/N]." "T-Thanks Aphmau."

"Ehehe~! Your welcome. Now, I'm going to head upstairs. I'll leave you alone to tell kawaii~Chan yes or no yourself. I don't want to be around for that or she'll just jump in and try to make me make you. [Y/N]? You can host for our guest, can't you?"

"Yes ma'am!" "And you know what to do if they need something? Where to go...what to get..." "Mhm!" "Good. Now, Good luck little nugget!" She giggled, shifting her attention to Zane and scurrying upstairs.

"Gah--Hey! Heh...Hm..."

"In all honesty, I think you should say yes. But, like Aph said, Don't do it if you don't want too. Mkay?" "Alright. Thanks to you too [Y/N]...."

"Anytime~!" Zane went outside to speak with Kawaii~Chan while you went over to Nico.

"Sorry about all that, I hope they weren't to distracting." Nico put up an understanding hand at you and smiled.

"Okay. But I have to know, why'd you seem so tense around my Mom?" Nico didn't anserr which didn't shock you all that much and turned away.

"Okay...? Uhm...Do you want to work in my room? Aphmau and Aaron fixed it up a few days ago so there should be a lot more space to work in."

Nico nodded and you lead him up to your room.

"Ta-Da!" You showed it off as Nico looked around. You weren't really sure how he could see with his bangs in his face but apparently he could.

You had a twin sized bed in corner with a nightstand next to it. Bubbles was swimming around in his bowl while your crab had seemingly ducked in its shell. There was a desk in the other corner of the room that had a surprisngly amount of stuff on it. One of the things on it was your Ukulele. You had a drawer that was on the side of the wall and had a picture frame. It was a picture of you, Aphmau, and Aaron. You were making a funny face and Aaron was trying to get you to stop. Aphmau just laughed at you both. There was a window that was settled right in between your desk and bed giving you a nice veiw of the street. Your bed was made and Scrouchy was laying on your pillow. But one of the favorite things that you had in your room was a poster that had all the characters from F/S doing a cool pose. Aaron had gotten it for you when him and Aphmau decorated your room.

"Its nice," You smiled, hopping on your bed, "Aphmau and Aaron knew exactly how I wanted despite me not telling them anything. Their the best." You giggled.

Nico smiled at your happy face and sat on the floor to do his work.

You two sat around for a bit, with you trying to make conversation with Nico every so often to no avail.

He doesn't seem to like talking but you could start speaking and he'd stick his head up to listen sith a smile. Hes confusing.

Your stomach growled making your ears fall slightly.

"Man, I'm hungry. Wanna get a snack?" You offered. Nico didn't answer and stood up to wait at the door for you.

"I'll take that as a yes." You stood up and followed him back down the stairs to the kitchen and popped the fridge open.

"We can have some apples. Or do you want a sandwhich?" Nico just smiled and you just guessed what he wanted.

You brought two apples and tossed one to Nico for him to catch. He did and took a bite from it.

You smiled triumphantly when you saw the tip of his tail wagging.

"Now! Lets begin," You heard a voice speak outside.

You went to go see what was happening with Nico trailing behind you instinctively.

You both leaned over the deck to see Zane standing infront of Kawaii~Chan with a ruler and a chalkboard.

You and Nico looked at eachother before silently agreeing to spectate how Zane was going to teach Kawaii~Chan to be serious.

"Lesson 1 in being serious...Drop the talking in third person."

"W-What!? But it's how Kawaii~Chan talks!"

"I understand that...However some people find it annoying...I know it's a personal choice, but in a work environment people prefer to be called Mister or Missus."

"Awww...Kawaii~Chan--Err...I mean, I get it...Mr. Zane."

"Good, Looks like you got the idea. Now, Lesson 2--"

"Ooo~! Kitty! I need to pet!" "NO! CONTROL YOURSELF WOMAN!"

Nico gave you a look and while you were confused, figured out why he was confused quickly.

"Thats Eli. Our pet cat. Were keeping him until we find a home for him...Hey, Can you talk to him?! He keeps coming in my room and sleeping on my things somethimes."

You heard Nico let out a quiet uncharacteristic giggle but shook his head.

"Aw...Man..." You grumbled.

Zane clearing his throat, made you two turn back to the scene before you.

"Ahem...I mean... dignified people look at a cat and can control themselves. Can't just leave your job to go pet a kitty. I need to learn self-restraint."

"But it's so cute! Just one peeeet!"

"Okay...Go on." "Huh?" " this kid here, Mister Eli the III, Is Aphmau and Aarons...'Child'..."

"Cat child." "Same thing!"

You and Nico laughed at the two. Seeing Zane and Kawaii~Chan like this is new but you don't hate it. It's Refreshing to see Zane with someone other than Aphmau.

"In any case, Go on and touch the kitty. See what happens..."

Kawaii~Chan stood up to pet the kitty makingnyou and Nico sigh. This clearly wasn't going to end well.

And it didn't.

As Zane had slapped Kawaii~Chans hand with the ruler.


"YOUR TOUCHIN' DA CHILD!?" She reached out, got smack again.


She kept trying to get Eli only to get smacked at every turn. Nico winced as you held back a laugh.

"WHO'S TOUCHIN' DA CHILD!?" Aphmau yelled, coming outside.

You and Zane point to Kawaii~Chan and Nico awkwardly points at her too.

"DON'T TOUCHA MA' CHILD!" Aphmau glared.

You laughed as Aphmau smiled down at you and gave you a headpat before going back inside the house.

Even Zane and Kawaii~Chan spared you a little smile before getting back to work.

"Why are you troubled?"

Your laughing stopped and you looked up at Nico with wide eyes.

Did he...Just...Talk?


Nico moved his bangs out from infront of his face so one of his pale pink eyes could stare into your E/C ones.

"And what do you mean by 'troubled'?"

"I saw the look in your face when we were going to the bus. It was about the family tree project, right? Your troubled by it. And I'm not sure why."

You lowered your head to avoid Nicos slightly intense gaze.

"Well...I don't know where I originated from. I don't know who my Mom is...I don't know My Dad, My grandma...Just because I call people these things doesn't mean were related. I'm not sure what to do."

"But you are related. You are united together somehow."

"No were not...?"

"[Y/N], Look at me please..." You looked up at Nico to see him giving a kind and gentle smile.

"Have you ever heard of the saying, 'Family is more then blood'?"

"No...What does that mean?" Nico sighed at your clueless-ness but didn't waste any time telling you the meaning.

"It means that its not blood that makes you a family, its love. The people who love you and want you in their lives is your family. The ones who would do anything to see you smile. So instead of moping around, troubling yourself about how your not blood related to any of the people who care for you, be thankful for them and what you've got."

You stood there, mouth slightly agape from Nicos words before his eyes went back under his bangs.

"Your...Right. I understand now...Thanks!"

Nico smiled and nodded making you sweatdrop a little.

"Not talking anymore...?"

He held his hand over his mouth to chuckle and smiled at you. You returned his smile before giving him a hug.

He hugged you back without any hesitation this time. Looks like his walls for finally down.


When Zane was seemingly done 'fixing' Kawaii~Chan You, Aphmau, and Aaron sat down to see what had become of her.

Nico had went home after his cousin came to pick him up but had given you a hug and a look that reminded  of what he said and to make sure you'd never forget it.

You reassured him you wouldn't.

"Wow Zane I'm really excited to see how Kawaii~Chan's lesson went!" "I think you'll be very proud of her."

"Not only will I be proud of her, but you too! You actually helped her out...On your own!" "Yeah! When Aph and
[Y/N]  told me you were helping Kawaii~Chan, I was shocked!"

"Your really making an effort Zane!" The three of you praised.

"Thanks guys...Now, Kawaii~Chan! Are you ready!" Zane called.

"I just finished up." Kawaii~Chan came downstairs looking quite dapper and Prim looking.

You were actually shocked she isn't speaking in third person.

"W-Wow...Kawaii~Chan! You look so professional!" "Thank you Aohmau darling, I couldn't have done it without Zane."

"You are most welcomed Miss Chan..."

"Miss Chan?" You muttered.

"Woah! She even sounds different!"

"Zane, this is such a transformation!"

"Yeah! I-I dunno how to feel about this..." "Well, Miss Chan put her mind to it." "Yes, and with a lot of determination and a wonderful teacher I have managed to pull myself together and forget my old ways."

"Y-You have? Uhm..." "Now I can go into the workforce and get a job." "Isn't she perfect?!" "To perfect..." "Yeah, I think I like the old Kawaii~Chan better...But, Kawaii~Chan--" "Miss Chan, Aphmau."

"M-Miss Chan, If this is what you want then...I support you! E-Even though I'll miss you calling me Aphmau~Senpai..."

"Come to think of it...Y-You won't call me [Y/N]~Chan anymore..." You muttered, ears falling just a tad.

"Shes growing up! You two should be proud of her." "We are!...I just...Ah! Its so hard!" "This is gonna take a bit to get used to..."

Aaron pulled you into his lap with one hand and held Aphmau close with the other.

"Aaron is...Holding Aphmau?" You heard Kawaii~Chan slightly squeal.

"I just don't like change this sudden..." "Me either...This kinda sucks..." "Its okay...I'll hold you both." "Their...So cuuute!"

"Oh no...I forgot to go over shipping!" "Blargh--! MY SHIIIIIP!" Kawaii~Chan fangirled.

"nope...Nope...NOPE! I WORKED TO HARD TO GET HER TO BE A PROPER---Y'know what? I'M DONE!"

Kawaii~Chan ran over to take pictures of Aphmau and Aaron as Zane grumbled to himself.

"I'm so sorry Zane! I didn't know she was gonna do this!"

"K-Kawaii~Chan is taking pictures for her SHRIIIINNEEEE!" "Get my good side~!" You giggled, happy to have the old Kawaii~Chan back.

"Aah! Zane! HELP!" Aphmau yelped, running away. "Sooo...Does anyone wanna order food...?" "I do!" You smiled.

And while Kawaii~Chan, back to her old self, played with Eli the III you Aphmau, Aaron, and Zane ate slme burgers while watching.

"Ughhh...So close..."

"Hey Zane? I think you did a great job with Kawaii~Chan. But, Y'know...She's a great person. Maybe if you got to know her a bit more, you can help her keep just a little bit of seriousness."

"Yeah. I like Kawaii~Chan but I guess she can be a bit more serious. You can help with that!" You nodded while Aaron used his thumb to get ketchup off your cheek.

"Heh, We'll see." "Hm...Maybe Aph should take a serious class from you Zane."

"Aaron...You can't be...Serious...? Ehhhh?"

A silence spread across the table until you broke it.

"Annnd just like that, I don't wanna be in the same room as you anymore."

"Nevermind...She needs some serious jail time for that pun." "Hey!"

"Oh my ireeene! Stooop! You two are cringeeey!"

Aphmau and Aaron laughed at you as did Zane although it was quiet.

Despite their horrible puns, you did come to a conclusion.

This is your family.

They are your family.

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