Chapter 7

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In the dead of night, your room was shrouded in darkness, save for the faint glow of a nightlight casting soft, shadowy shapes on the walls.

It was a gift, from Laurance and Dante; the nightlight. You told them both about your fear of the dark-you'd been sleeping in the same bed as Aphmau for so long, afterall, it was a little frightening. So they put their money together and bought one just for you.

That nightlight got you threw lots of tough nights, when the wind sounded like ghosts. Or the stray branch was a knock on the door.

Those fuzzy shapes in the shadows made everything more peaceful and dream like. The air would still, heavy with the quiet of a household deep in slumber. Creating the utter peak of peace.

Tonight, was not one of those nights though as, suddenly, the tranquility was shattered.

You were seizing.

Your small frame convulsing violently, limbs jerked uncontrollably, flailing against the sheets with a force that seemed impossible for your size alone--And your eyes, wide open, stared blankly at the ceiling, pupils dilated and blurred.

What? What? What was happening? Why was this happening?

One minute you were asleep and now--you were awake with no control over your body.

You rolled onto the floor and crashed, heading hitting your head on the night stand on the way down. A throbbing headache insued. You could feel water from Bubbas bowl splash against the side of your face but it was only a little.

So atleast you didn't knock the entire thing over.

Sweat glistened on your brow, tiny beads forming and sliding down your temples, staining the ground alongside the fish water. Your fingers clenched into tight fists, nails digging into your palms, leaving crescent-shaped imprints in their wake.

And you cried. Internally, you sobbed and cried your heart out because why was this happening--what was it--and why couldn't you just scream out for your Mom?

You wanted your Mom.
She would make it stop.
She always made bad things stop.

Then, after what seemed like an eternity, the violent spasms began to subside, the jerking motions slowing to sporadic, weak twitches. Your body, exhausted and spent, layed limp and trembling as breath gradually evened out, though still ragged and shallow.

Your vision, slightly blurred, came back and eventually you were able to push yourself up on two trembling arms but still on the ground.

"Ah.." You hissed, bringing a hand to your head where a knot was already starting to form from where you hit the nightstand.

You pushed on it lightly and winced.

It hurt.

You needed to get to Mom.

But when you pulled your arm away from your face, your eyes widened at the material that seemed to be sticking to you like a glue.

Like it was actually apart of you.


Then, it happened. Not the seize but it. What happened at Nico and Sophias house, it happened again.

Your mouth opened in a silent scream, tears pooling in your eyes when a crooked wet crack was heard. You stumbled back to the ground with a pained whimpear, clutching your sides as a sharp, inexplicable pain surged through your body. Your breath came out in ragged gasps again, each inhale a struggle as if your lungs were being squeezed by an invisible hand.

Your fingers dug into the floor, nails scraping the wood as your muscles convulsed.

You felt them pop. You fractured them again.

You dared to open an eye and felt your heart sink a little. More fur. On your wrist and hand now. It was spreading.



With a grunt of effort, you got to your feet and started stumbling toward the door. It doubled in your vision, and it was blurry. This pain was almost undescribable and unbearable and it sucked.

Like really sucked.

Everything up to this point just sucked.

Shakey hands grabbed the doorknob as you panted and you pulled down hard in an attempt to open it.


You broke it off.

Another whine ripped from you. Your bones felt like they were on fire, a searing heat spreading through her limbs. You tried to cry out for help, but the words caught in your throat, swallowed by the overwhelming pain. You looked down at your hands for the third time, eyes widening in horror as you saw your own fingers elongating, the skin stretching and tearing as your claws began to emerge without your knowledge.

You thought you were past this. Why now!?

"Nonono, this can't be happening. Not again-" You whispeared hoarsely. You leaned against the door for a moment of reprive only for it to open out on you, making you fall to the floor with a loud thump.

Your jaw ached. And you could feel your teeth lengthening, sharpening into small fangs behind the ones you gained at the lodge. Your senses sharpened as well, the once familiar scents and sounds of the night and your home becoming unbearably intense. You could hear the rustling of leaves miles away, the distant calls of nocturnal animals, and the frantic beating of your own heart.

The ringing of your own ears.

"Mom..Momma.." You huffed, crawling on the ground and to Aphmaus room. It was just across the hall but felt like a mile away.

You only realized you were there when your head bumped against the wood of her door. It, too, was shut.

Weakly, you rose a hand, and hit the door as hard as you could.


Your vision blurred and then sharpened again, the world around you taking on a stark, almost hyper-real clarity.


The pain began to recede, replaced by an unfamiliar, wild energy coursing through your veins. You tried to stand, but found yourself wobbling unsteadily.

You beat the door harder, "Momma!'

Your mind was a whirl of fear and confusion, unable to comprehend just what the heck was happening. But you needed her. And you needed her now.



Aphmaus eyes shot open. She let out a shakey breath, bringing a hand to her chest to settle her stuttering heart.

Another night..another nightmare about Aaron and you. Sometimes it was managable. And sometimes, like tonight, it proved to be completely unbearable.

She just needed to calm down. Sleep it off, somehow.

Aphmau layed back in bed with a sigh, closing her eyes in hopes that irene would give her some grace and allow sleep to fall on her. Sleeping alone was always harder now that Aaron was gone-


Aphmau shot upright. "..Y/n?" She got out of bed, giving herself a moment to wake up for a little while before making her way toward the door.

It could've been a trick of the mind. Maybe she was still dreaming and didn't even know it. But if it wasn't a dream..if she really was hearing you call out for her and not be afraid of her.

She's going to take that chance.

Aphmau opened the door, eyes still bleared and hazed with sleep, before waking up fully after seeing the utter horror that was your frame.

You were convulsing, trembling, and writhing on the ground with fur covering your entire right arm that now resembled a wolfs paw more than anything. In size and appearence. Your left arm was no better with your claws - now out - which dug into the floor boards, legs kicking out as though they were wounded too. Your fangs hung loosly from your mouth.

You looked awful. Aphmau bent down to your level and was quick to wrap you in her arms.

When did you even get home? You were still in your school clothes--did you just get here?

"Y/n! Y/n--Look at me, Mija, what happened!? What's wrong? C'mon, please look at me baby--C'mon!"

"Mom," You whined, curling in on yourself as your tail thumped weakly against the ground, "Mom, help. It hurts..It hurts me-"

"I know, Y/n, I know--Come'ere. I've got you. I'm here." Aphmau got to her full height and looked around for something--anything that could help.

But there was nothing. There was never anything.

There was no Aaron.
There was only her.

And Aphmau wasn't going to lose the only thing shes got left.

So, she ran to the bathroom first before taking a u-turn and making a break for the front door. You had a fever, she could feel it against her shoulder. But No medicine from the cabinet can fix this--the fur pressing against her hand told her medicine from the cabinet can't fix this.

Aphmau opened the front door so hard it could've ripped off the hinges as she bolted out, looking between houses and then the car because she didn't know what she was doing or where to go or what to do.

She didn't bother locking it back.

The adrenaline was making her mind work overtime and whir a thousand miles a minutes.

She could take you to the doctor. Hospital. They'd know what's wrong. Surely they would. Or a vet? Is it a werewolf thing? The fur makes it look like a werewolf thing. She mentally slapped herself for the stupid stupid thought.

You're not a dog, you're not a human--you're a werewolf. She didn't know a thing about werewolves or where they can get treated..she hasn't even been around one that wasn't you in years.

..atleast she wasn't..

Aphmau shook her head from the thought of him. She just needed to make a choice now before anything worse happened to you.

"Mommy," You rasped, "Mom..I-I can't-"

The fur had spread to your throat. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as everything around you became muffled. The only thing you could feel was the warmth of your mother and the chill of the air biting your cheeks.

"Y/n? Y/n stay awake--Stay....Awake...-or me!...Plea-....Ove you--"


You blacked out.


You opened your eyes with a sharp intake if air. You could breath-you could breath again. Raising your hands, you felt your body all over. Nothing hurt either. Everything felt..fine.

Even excluding physically you felt fine.

You pressed a hand to your head and looked around. There was you were in an infinite void. Just darkness, everywhere. Not a hint of light in sight.

You held your hand infront of your face.

No fur. And you could see the rest of your body just fine. It was as though everything else was just..covered in black.

Then it hit you.

Back at the lodge--the cabin, after Aaron was supposably killed. You had passed out and ended up in this same position.

In this blacked out area with no sound but your breathing.

The only difference was you were more lucid now than before. And you were only for a few seconds.

It had to have been more than a minute by now.

"..Hello?" Your voice echoed. It bounced around like you were in a cave.

Hehe...It was kinda fun-

"...? օꃅ..ꀤ ꌗꍟꍟ ꀤ'ꃴꍟ ꎇꀤꈤꍏ꒒꒒ꌩ
ꂵꍏꈤꍏꁅꍟꀸ ꓄ꂦ ꁅꍟ꓄ ꌩꂦꀎ ꃅꍟꋪꍟ.
꓄ꃅꍏ꓄ ꓄ꂦꂦꀘ ꌗꂦꂵꍟ ꓄ꀤꂵꍟ. ."

"OHMYGOSH-!" You yelped like a frightened dog and turned to look behind you, squinting at what looked to be a figure in the distance.

Far far in the distance.

Huh..Though they were a little more child looking from here.

Just like at the lodge, its face was covered in a sheild of black and its clothes were tattered and torn. Its ears and tail matched the color of the entire area.

But the only sign that it was indeed ears and tail was the white outlining of its entire body.

A wooden sword was in its hand.

Wow..This was all some real deja vu.

"Uhm..I'm not gonna lie--
I don't understand you
when you talk like that."
You shrugged.

You heard a sigh.

"ɦօա'ֆ ȶɦɨֆ?"

"..Uhhh..Yeah, I guess."

Truthfully, that did not help at all.

It was strange..all of those negative emotions that had been brewing within you since the lodge, they had dissipated. You felt normal, for once. Even if this was temporary, you wanted to relish in this as much as possible.

"Sooo..Hi. I'm Y/n.
Can you tell me
where I am exactly?"

"ȶɦɛ ֆքǟƈɛ ɮɛȶաɛɛռ
ʏօʊʀ ʍɨռɖ and consciousness.
աɦɨƈɦ աɨʟʟ ֆօօռ ɮɛ,
ʍʏ ʍɨռe."

"Oh. Okay....Cool.
So, how do I leave?
It's a bit too dark to see."

There was laugh. Did you sound dumb-?

"ʏօʊ աօռ'ȶ.
ɨ'ʍ ȶǟӄɨռɢ օʋɛʀ ռօա."

It took a minute for you to understand. You thought the figure was saying you weren't allowed to turn on a light. Which sounded dumb in retrospect, but once you seemingly understood, your eyes went wide with both confusion and surprise.

It didn't look like you'd be able to relish in anything anymore.

And you tilted your head at the figure before you and they did it right back.
Mocking you.

What do you mean? head!?
Nooooo way!
I can't let you do that.
I still have stuff to do-
Wait, Are you gonna give it back?
Even so...
I..I'm not--No! My answers no!"

"ɖɨɖ ʏօʊ ȶɦɨռӄ
ʏօʊ ɦǟɖ ǟ ƈɦօɨƈɛ?"

"It's my mind,"
You glared,
"So yes I do. And-And sure,
this is all weird
and I still don't understand
how I got here
what's going on
but I'm not letting
you have-!"

Words died on your tongue.

Slowly--slowly you watched as a flake of your own skin peeled away from your face and migrated to place itself onto the figures face.

It was going to fill in the black sheild.

"ȶօօ ʟǟȶɛ."

With shakey fingers, you touched your cheek where the flake was meant to be, breath catching in your throat when there was nothing there.

How was this happening?

How are you doing that.
Tell me who you are!
Who are you!"

"Hm...ȶɦǟȶ ռǟʍɛ օʄ ʍɨռɛ ɨֆ
ռօ ʟօռɢɛʀ ɨʍքօʀȶǟռȶ.
ɛʋɛʀʏȶɦɨռɢ ɨֆ ǟʟʀɛǟɖʏ ɨռ ʍօȶɨօռ.
ȶɦǟȶ ֆɛɨʐʊʀɛ
ʏօʊ ɦǟɖ ɦɛʟքɛɖ ǟ ʟօȶ.
ֆօ, ȶɦǟռӄ ʏօʊ.
ɨ ֆʊքքօֆɛ ʏօʊ ǟʀɛ
ʊֆɛʄʊʟ ʄօʀ ֆօʍɛȶɦɨռɢ."

You narrowed your eyes at the figure who was slowly stealing more and more parts of your face.

More flakes, flying like leaves in the wind.

Was that what made you shake? A seizure?

You've never heard of it..

"ɨ ɖɨɖռ'ȶ ɛʋɛռ ȶʀʏ ǟռɖ ȶʀɨɢɢɛʀ ȶɦǟȶ. ƈօʊʟɖ ɨȶ ɦǟʋɛ ɮɛɛռ ֆȶʀɛֆֆ ȶɦǟȶ ƈǟʊֆɛɖ ȶɦǟȶ?
ʍʏ ʍɛʍօʀʏ օʄ ǟ
ɦʊʍǟռ ɮօɖʏ
ɦօա ɨȶ աօʀӄֆ ɨֆ ʄǟɖɛɖ.
ɨȶ'ֆ ɮɛɛռ ֆօ ʟօռɢ ֆɨռƈɛ
ɨ'ʋɛ ɦǟɖ օռɛ

So long since..what-?

"...I want out.
Let me out OF HERE!"

"...ɨ'ʍ ǟʄʀǟɨɖ ɨ ƈǟռ'ȶ ɖօ ȶɦǟȶ."

It was walking. It started walking toward you slowly and didn't show any signs of slowing down. So you did the only thing you thought you could do; You turned and bolted as fast as you could away from it.

You couldn't tell if you were getting far away.
You couldn't tell if whatever that face-stealing thing was, was still chasing you.

There was no wind. There was no signs of things moving past your vision. Just darkness.

Complete and utter darkness.

"ǟʀɛ ʏօʊ ʄɨռɨֆɦɛɖ?"

You flinched, turning around, your eyes widened to see that the figure had fully made it to you, their ear twitching the same way yours does to show you are listening.

You started to slow down. Did you really not get anywhere as you ran?

A darkened hand came out to grip your shoulder and force you to turn around.

E/c eyes stared into now-E/c eyes.

"Ꭵ 𝐚м 𝔂Øย.
A̠̠n̠̠d̠ ̠y̠̠o̠̠u̠ a̠̠r̠̠e̠ ̠I̠.
ǟʟʟօա ʍɛ
ȶօ ֆɦօա ʏօʊ
աɦǟȶ ɨ ʍɛǟռ ɮʏ ȶɦǟȶ."

The second those words left it's mouth, everything around you morphed and changed--the darkness turning into something a little brighter.

Bright enough to blind you. You clentched your eyes shut.


This wasn't a dream.


Aphmau looked both ways before bolting across the street, gazing down at your unconcious frame the entire time.

The fimilar house was almost in sight. It didn't look like anybody was home, but Aphmau didn't care. She was going to try regardless.

She couldn't take you to the doctor.
She couldn't take you to the vet.
She couldn't take you to Aaron.

So she will take you to the one person who knew about the super natural better than anybody else.


Aphmau decided that she would go to Lucinda.

You had blacked out. You had blacked out and there wasn't anything she could do about. She tried calling your name mutiple times before making this choice, she wouldn't go bothering the witch if you responded any different.

But you didn't. You were limp, unmoving, and the fur and spreading and what else what she going to do?

Lucinda was her best bet. So to Lucinda she went.

When she reached Lucindas door, Aphmau didn't waste anytime before pounding on it feverently, not letting up until she knew she had been heard.

"LUCINDA!" She screamed. She probably woke the whole street up with that scream.

"LUCINDA OPEN--please open the door! I-I need help! I need you! I know you're awake!" Aphmau shouted.

..No answer..

She ground her teeth together, and this time, gave the door one strong and hard kick.


..Aphmau bent over and panted, frowning deeply when she saw that not even that made you wake up.

The fur was spreading lower now. She nearly dropped you at the snap that was heard in your somewhat furry leg and sat back up again with vigor.

Okay..One more time!

Aphmau punched the door.


The door swung open. Dressed in a nice (almost see-through) purple nightgown, came Lucinda who rubbed her red eyes with a low groan that dripped with pure annoyance.

"Oh my ireeene, Aph, it is 3:00. And usually--yeah. That'd be an early afternoon for me. But I my sleep sheduale has been really bad since--..Look--What do you want! I need beauty sleep!"

"It's Y/n!"

Lucinda removed her hands from her eyes so fast, Aphmau didn't even notice she was looking down at you until her mouth was agape in shock and her hands trembled on reflex.

"...What happened? What's wrong with her-why does she look that."

"I don't know!" Aphmau shouted hotly, "She..came to my room like this! All furry and..and she was hurting and--! Look at this knot Lucinda! Is this what caused it? Is she okay?"

"Aphmau-I'm not," Lucinda reached out to touch you before drawing away, "I'm not a doctor! I don't know what's-what's wrong with her! She doesn't even look human anymore!"

"That's not true! Please, Lucinda-I'm begging you to do something! Use a-" Aphmau clentched her eyes shut at the very thought, "-A potion on her or something. To take this away, to make it all STOP!"

"Aphmau. Look at her. Y/n has fur. She has fur growing on her body, fangs coming out of her mouth, and claws coming out of her fingers. Her fingers shouldn't even be able to produce claws yet! This isn't a human thing-this is a werewolf thing. Way out of my expertice. I-I can't help you!"

Aphmau looked at Lucinda with pure heartbreak.


"I'm sorry--I love you. I love her. But there is nothing I can do here. And I am not giving her a potion. I-...I refuse. Go to the doctor. Tell me what happens to her--Please tell me..But..I can't--I won't use a potion. I'm sorry."

Aphmau could feel herself die a little on the inside. Her breath caught in her throat, a silent sob threatening to escape as the reality of the situation washed over her like a tidal wave.

Memories of happier times started flooding her consciousness-your first laugh when you came to trust her, the way your eyes would light up when you ate a good meal, your first day of school, the way that goofy fanged smile sparked joy inside of her.

Each memory was a knife to the gut, a reminder of the precious moments slipping away.

You hated her. You were scared of her. You wanted nothing and everything to do with her. Aphmau was not an idiot. She wanted to help you everyday you were struggling and now?

Seeing you like this? Where she was just--unable to help like always? Has she always been this helpless when it came to you? So alone?

What happened? When did this happen? Why can't she just fix it!

The shorter woman took a large intake of breath, her hold on you growing slack and weak.

She was just tired. So so tired..of trying. Fighting for you. And yet..that didn't mean she was going to stop.

Much to Lucindas shock, Aphmau slowly lowered you to the ground and layed you at the feet of Lucinda, watching in pain as the fur covered your neck, arms, and knees.

She couldn't stop now.

"What are you doing? Aphmau!"

Aphmau didn't answer. She was too busy lowering herself at Lucindas feet alongside you, forehead pressed against your chest where your strong heartbeat was.

Thumping against her, a rythum she could never get tired of.

Aphmau was laying her heart, her everything--You--at Lucindas very own feet, as an act of begging. As an act of trust. To be entrusted with something so fragile and close to Aphmaus heart as you are?

Lucinda couldn't talk.

And Aphmau couldn't have cared. As a mother, it was Aphmaus job to protect you as best as she can. Even if you hate her, even if you're scared of her.

Nothing in this world would ever change that.

Until Aphmaus chapter in lifes book was done..

Nothing in this world would ever change that.

"I've lost Aaron," Came Aphmaus shakey voice, "I've lost Aaron and she hates me. She can't even eat dinner or be in the same room as me without having a panic attack. Lucinda..I cannot lose her. I love her. She's all--all I have left. And even if she's not, she's all I want left. I can't do this without please, I am begging you..Help me. Help her. Don't let her be taken be away from me..."

She sobbed. And by sobbed, I mean sobbed--a wetness was pooling around your shirt. It broke Lucindas heart to see her friend so broken and desperate. And it broke her even more to see you so motionless and hurt and--

"...Get inside."

She couldn't take it.


When you opened your eyes, you were in a place unfimilar to you. It all looked..old and timey. There wasn't any technology around and..well, it honestly looked like a cabin.

It was all homey.


You turned your head to the side at the disgruntled shout. There were two boys, standing infront of a woman.

One of the boys had spikey brown hair and golden eyes, dawning a sleevless white shirt with taned cargo pants. No shoes. He was a werewolf and his skin looked tanned, kissed by the sun. He had freckles.

The other boy wore a white tunic that reached his knees. He had fluffy dark blue hair that was pulled back into a mini ponytail, the rest sticking out everywhere else. His eyes were a strong onyx that turned the brightest of blues whenever light from the sun hit them. His skin wasn't tanned, but instead incredibly paled, littered with scars that were probably cuts at some point. He was a meif'wa.

The woman was dressed in..old clothing. But had a sword on her. As well as a bow and arrow. She had the same hair color as you did, but faded. And the lines on her face showed that time treated her quite well. This woman must be the mother too these two boys.

"It's not fair..Why can't we go to town with you?" Meif'wa boy pouted.

"Because there's some buisness I need to take care of," The mother laughed. It sounded so sweet and rich-your heart felt warm, "There's somebody I want to see that..That I haven't seen in some time."

Werewolf boy frowned, "Mommy? Are you okay? You look sad.."

The mother took a deep breath and forced a smile, bending down to the pairs level to lay a hand on each of their faces respectivly. Both seemed to lean into the touch, tails wagging at the same time.

"Yes. I'm fine. I promise you, once I found out what's going on, I'll come back and take you two to town for a little vacation. Hm? Hows that sound?"

Werewolf Boys' eyes lit up, "That sounds so fun!"

Meif'wa boy did not answer, choosing to sulk instead.

The mother placed kisses on their foreheads with a smile that kind of reminded you of Aphmaus a little.

"Be good. And I mean that-be good. If you need anything, go to you know who or the twins. Whoever you can find. I love you."

"Love you too!" "Love you.."

With that, the mother stood to her full height before making her way to the door; In your direction. You moved out of her way, went to hide, but..she didn't even acknowledge you.

Could none of them see you? You kicked yourself internally. Of course they can't see you..this is your head.

The real question was, why were you seeing this in your head?

You watched as she left, trying to get a peek outside as you did so, but she shut the door too quick. She was gone.

"This blows!" "Calm down. It's really not that big of a deal, y'know."

Jolting at the loud complaint, you brought your attention back to the two boys. Meif'wa boy seemed incredibly upset as he paced in what you assumed was the living room. Werewolf boy just rolled his eyes at him and hopped onto the couch.

"I mean..Why can't we go! Why can't we go to Phoenix Drop! Mom says we used to go there all the time as babys, so now we don't needta' go anymore! But I don't even remember that!"

"I do."


"Yeah-huh. You can't tell me what I can and can't remember."

Meif'wa boy hissed in annoyance, making Werewolf boy laugh. But he was quickly silenced by a pillow coming down on his head hard before being pushed into the couch by said pillow.

"Mmfph--! OFF!"

"No, smartass!"

Your brows rose in surprise. Whoa, that was a bad word..Who were these kids? And Phoenix Drop? Like..the high school? Aphmau and Aaron brought it up a lot, actually.

But..This all seemed really really old. Too old to have highschools. When...where were you?

Eventually Werewolf Boy was let up from the onslaught of pillows, glaring hard up at the kid ontop of him.

"Be nice. Y'know Mom doesn't like going back there ever since Grandma...y'know! If she's going now, it's for a reason." "Tch..I don't remember Grandma either. So I don't care bout that!" "Whatever..get off me! Or else I'll tell Mom you hit me!"

"Snitches. Get. STITCHES!"

And the pillow was covering his face again.

You inched closer to the two. Knowing that they couldn't see you made you a little less cautious and more curious.

Just then, you noticed a small twerk of the Meif'wa boys lips. He was smirking, like he had an idea.

"Hm..Hey. Zachariah. Why don't you and I just..go to Phoenix Drop."

And he did.


Effortlessly, Werewolf Boy pushed the pillow up and away from his face, sitting up fully to glare at his brother.

"No! No way. Mommy would get so mad! And-And we'd never be able to leave unnoticed. Ash n' them will know!"

"Calm dooown. We're faster than them! I'm a super cool, super strong, agile, and fast Meif'wa.....And you're a werewolf! We'd be in Phoenix Drop and back home before Mom can even realize we left!"

You rolled your eyes. That wasn't a very good plan..

Werewolf Boy frowned, scratching his arm nervously. "I..I dunno, Xav'...This doesn't seem smart. And Mommy says we're smart young boys."

"This is smart. C'mon..Have I ever steered you wrong?" "Yes. Lotsa times." "...Okaywell this time I won't! Lets gooo! We're burning daylight!" "Okaaaay, fiiiine...You're lucky we're brothers," Werewolf Boy smiled while punching Meif'wa boy in the shoulder, "And if one of us gets in trouble then we both get in trouble. Right?"

Meif'wa boy grinned, the tip of his tail wagging some as he reciprocated the playful violence. It looked like it hurt but it didn't even phase him, "Right. Brothers!"

They both stood up to run straight up stairs.

And that's when everything stopped. Like time froze. You waited for the scene to play out again, but it didn't. Weird. So instead, you stood and walked to the boys to get a better look at their faces.

They were childish. And a little stupid, making a plan like that. You didn't recognize either of them but feel drawn to them all the same. You narrowed your eyes, a crease forming between your brows.

"Is there a reason
you're showing me

..No answer.


You were cut off by the area changing again. Shifting. You winced when that same bright like came and hit your retinas before fading away.

There was still a light, but it was less burning and more natural. And when you opened your eyes again, you were no longer in that old-timey setting but instead, in a more recent time period.

A room with no windows, that looked like a doctors office. Strange. You didn't remember this place either.

"Whatcha drawing there, fluffy?"

Your eyes widened. Turning around at breakneck speed, you watched in morbid fascination as a man who you did not recognize in the slightest looked down at a small girl in his lap as she scrippling on a peice of wrinkled paper.

The man was in cuffs, and had no shirt on.

And the girl she didn't know her either.

Her face was blurred in your vision, and even though you squinted it helped none. The only thing you could tell was that she was younger than you. Maybe by a year or three.

They were both werewolves.

Another man - asleep - sat in the corner of this small room with..with a gun..beside his hip. You've never seen one in real life before. You looked at the girl again and she didn't seem to answer the werewolves question. And he laughed, a bit hoarsly.

"Not gonna tell me? I'm hurt!"

With a wag of her tail, the girl turned around to show off her paper. Assuming they too couldn't see you, you walked over to the both of them and looked over the male werewolves shoulder.

You sniffed his hair in the process. The two of them smelt the same. Father and Daughter maybe? No, definitely father and daughter. They were both werewolves. And they had the exact same smile. So he..was like..


"Papa Wolf!" The girl cheered, pushing hed picture into his face eagerly.

..papa wolf..


That nickname it..sounded fimilar to you. Maybe it just had a nice ring to it.

The man you now deemed as Papa Wolf laughed, "What's that supposed to be? Uhhh..A monster?"

His daughter frowned, pointing to him and then the picture. Papa wolfs face scruntched in concentration and you smiled. He was really trying to figure out what it was.

His ears shot up in the air when he did realize what it was. Like a light bulb above ones head, "Ohhh! Issat me?"

"Mhm! Mhm!" His tail wagged at the conformation.

"Ahhhh, I see it now! Haha! That looks just like me! And that that you? We're standing in grass and looking at the sun! Dang, kid. You might be the next Picasso!"

You and the girl cocked your heads at the same time. What's a Picasso? Papa wolf laughed, "What..You don't know who Picasso is?"

She shook her head.

"Hah..Well, don't worry about it. It just means you're a really good drawer." Papa Wolf smiled, patting the space between her ears. The girl opened her mouth to speak again before looking off in to the corner of the room, smile melting as quick as it came.

You followed her gaze and frowned when you noticed she was staring at the man in the corner.

Must be a bad man then.

Papa Wolf also followed her gaze, matching your own expression.

"..Did you hurt you when I was asleep?" He growled out.

"No!" The girl said quickly, shaking her head. "No. We..talked. Jus' talked..Don't hurt em'." "..I'm not gonna hurt anybody, fluffs. But don't be scared of him. I mean look," He pointed, "He's sleeping on the job. How irresponsible is that? And even if I wanted to hurt him, I can't with these cuffs, member? Hehe~Now, If ur' done coloring, you should get some sleep. Once all this is over, you and I can get outta here."

"..Papa Wolf? Can I ask stuff?"

"Mhm." He sighed, eyes closing slightly as he leaned back to rest his head against the armrest of the couch. The girl layed her head against his chest, chin perched like a bird. You were envious. It looked be held. You haven't been held in a long time.

"Where will we go?" "Whatdya' mean?" "Where..will we go. When we leave here. It's scary but..I like not running. It's nice."

You looked at Papa Wolf for an answer. As did the girl. He looked tired. You could see it in his eyes. It's the same look Aphmau gives you all the time.


Still, he took a deep breath, and forced a goofy little smile. He ran a hand over the girls back to comfort her, "Hm...Well, uhh...When we get outta here? Me and you? We'll move somewhere far far away from everybody. With a nice white picket fences and..and a big ol' house with tons of food. It'll fill our stomachs for weeks upon weeks! You'll get a nice room with lots of toys--and I mean lots. You'll get put ina'-ina' good school. Make good friends. Maybe I'll find you a Mom."

"You can find Moms?"

"Haha! Don't worry about it. You don't worry about a thing. It's you and me against the world."

"Right..Okay.." The girl breathed out, a little smiled on her face as her eyelids noticibly grew heavier and heavier before finally closing.

" you.."

"..Love you ten times more, fluffles."

Just like before, the scene froze. Then..everything was done. You were back in the darkness.

"ɖօ ʏօʊ ֆɛɛ
աɦǟȶ ɨ ʍɛǟռ?"

Came its voice again. When you turned around, it was right infront of you. As though it never even left.

You tried to stand tall.

"All you did was
show me different kids.
I don't see
what you mean at all."

"ʏօʊ ʀɛǟʟʟʏ ǟʀɛ ǟ

You recoiled with every sharp insult. Those's the same thing you tell yourself whenever you wake up in the morning. Why didn't it hurt as much coming from this thing, though?

"ʍǟʏɮɛ ǟ ʟɨȶȶʟɛ ʍօʀɛ
ɨռֆɛռȶɨʋɛ ɨֆ ɨռ օʀɖɛʀ."

"No..Not again-"

The area changed. This time..into a place incredibly fimilar. You opened you eyes. And the tears came quicker than ever. You were back in the lodge--This STUPID lodge-- right before it was time to leave. You saw yourself, or atleast a version of yourself walk to slowly to where..



You turned away, covering your ears and head while crouching low.

"No..No I don't want to relive this! I don't want to see him hurt again-I don't want to see him at all!" You panted, "Stop, please!"

You were grabbed by your head and forced to turn around.

To see what you did.

ʏօʊ աɨʟʟ աǟȶƈɦ.
ɨ աǟռȶ ʏօʊ ȶօ
ֆɨȶ ǟռɖ աǟȶƈɦ
ȶɦɛ ʟɨɛֆ
ʏօʊ ֆքɨȶ
ȶօ ʏօʊʀ ʋɛʀʏ օառ


"Lay her on the couch."

Aphmau did as she was told, movements a little clumsy and shakened. She pressed her forehead against yours and winced. Your fever got worse.

Lucinda wringed out her hands and gathered as many books on slells as she could. If this really was something magical, then yeah, maybe she could do somethinf about it.

But if it's not..

Either way, Lucinda was going to do her best. For you.

"Okay..Now tell me when this all started. Has Y/n had any behavior changes? Is this the only time her appearence has shifted?" Lucinda asked as she paced.

Aphmau stroked your contorted expression with the curve of her finger, "She-She has been more tempermental lately. Or..Paranoid? I chocked it up to her still being scared about..about everything that happened."

"Alright," Lucinda turned a page, "And her this the only time shes looked more wolf than werewolf and human?"

"Yes! This is the only time this has ever happened! Lucinda, what's wrong with her!?"

"We may be looking at a high grade posession..Like Ghost and Kim..Do you have your phone on you?"

"Yes, why?"

"I need to borrow the flashlight."

Aphmau didn't waste anytime. Lucinda first used the newfound light to look at your stomach. Fur coated it, like the rest of your arm. Aphmau covered her mouth in horror but Lucinda seemed pleased, and pulled your shirt back over your belly.

The real test was your eyes.

Gently, Lucinda layed a hand on your face, and looked at Aphmau for the ok. She nodded. With a deep breath, Lucinda dragged your right eye lid up and nearly shrieked.

"What the-!?" "Oh my irene!"

Your eyes were no longer a striking e/c, but instead a bright gold with cat-like slits for pupils. Like actual animal eyes.

" the-" "I knew it." Shutting your eye, Lucinda tossed Aphmau her phone back before grabbing a nearby notebook of hers and flipping threw the pages.

"What is it!?" Aphmau shouted, cradling you close to her chest once she saw your right leg turning into a wolf's hind leg.

"It is possession. Do you remember how Kims eyes go blank and dark whenever Ghost takes over? This is the same deal with Y/n. They were gold. Only..It's not a ghost doing the possessing. It's a soul."

"A soul? Lucinda, please explain."

The witch took a pause. With a quiet sigh, she sat down beside Aphmau and looked down at your trembling sweaty body.

"Souls are a restless spirits who were unable to pass on due to unfinished buisness. They're like ghosts, but entirly different. Us witches and warlocks considered them magical beings. Like fairys or..or dragons. A myth. I've never actually seen a soul possession in person."

" you know so much about this?"

Lucinda smiles fondly, "My protegé was actually the one who told me about them. He's a bit of a geek when it comes to that."


You body seemed to jolt at the name. Even unconscious you knew who that was.

Tears welled up in Aphmaus eyes, "Well..That doesn't explain why Y/ns acting like this! If it's possession, the possess-er should just take the body and move on, ri-right?"

"Yes. But for souls, they change the very appearence of their user. Look at Y/n. The fur, the freckles, her eyes. The soul is in the process of taking over Y/ns mind and body. Think of it like poison. It's just going to keep spreading until we can get elixer."

"Then how do we make it stop! Do we actually need to find an elixer somewhere!? I-I can go right now! Just promise me you'll stay with her-"

"Aphmau, we can't do anything. Asher has the book on Souls. He has what can fix her. I don't. The only thing I know that can be used as an alternative to settle this, is for Y/n herself to fight threw it and force it away. Even if it's only for a day or maybe even a few hours."

"Nononono," Aphmau sobbed quietly. And it was then Lucinda noticed the dark circles underneath her eyes, almost with the slight scratches. She must rub them too much, "I-I can't...When did this even happen? Y/n, baby, please wake up--Please fight this."

Lucinda gingerly placed a hand on Aphmaus back and rubbed in slow circles, "She will Aphmau. We can figure out when and why this soul decided to make Y/n a vessel later. Right now, we need to focus on her," Lucinda said, "Sometimes, even while possessed, the user is still a little conscious. We can encourage her. Let her know we're here. Then, I'm positive Y/n will be able to fight this and come back."

Aphmau gave Lucinda small jerky nod, holding you up higher so your ear was pressed against her chest. So you could hear her heartbeat.

She took a deep breath, "Come-Come on, mija..I'm here. Breath for me, okay? I'm ri-right here."

"'s Aunt Luci. We need you to come back to us okay? Come on, honey, do it for me-"

You panted and convulsed, probably going threw a mental battle Aphmau could aid you in no matter how much she wanted to. It broke her heart.

But, deep down, she knew Lucinda was right. She needed to trust you. If being


You felt a thump against your cheek.

"I don't--
I don't wanna-
Don't make me.."

You tried to clentch your eyes shut but just found them forced open again.

̸̻͔͍̘͒ͨͤ̐ͬ̓̽̊W̔ͧA̟̤̖̗͈̦͔̮͐̒̇ͩ͋̃̾̇̕ ̷͈͖̊͋̉̀T̉ͣ̾́̋ͩ͏̧̫̦̥͙ ̦̞̆̾̌ͮͤ̎Č̼͉̣̿ͨ̉͘͟ ̼̟͈̹̙͔̟̏̉̽̅͛H̬͈̩͔̜͔̝͎̩̋̂̂͂͌͝.

"Hey, Dad.." "...." "...I know you can hear me. Paw-Paw doesn't think you can but I know thw truth." You faced him the best you could, "I can see it in your eyes." "...." "..I'm sorry."

With pained irises, you watched as you curled in on yourself, laying down to rest your cheek onto Aarons side.

You remember; He wasn't breathing that day. Only his shallow heartbeats remained.

"If...I forgot the emerald was in my backpack an-and you wasn't able to use both potions..'cus of me. Mom killed you because of me-"

ʏօʊ ʄօʀɢօȶ ǟɮօʊȶ ȶɦɛ ɛʍɛʀǟʟɖ,
ɖǟɖ ɖɨɛɖ.
ɮʊȶ, ȶɦǟȶ'ֆ օӄǟʏ.
ʏօʊ ʍǟɖɛ ʊք
ʄօʀ ɨȶ աɨȶɦ ȶɦɛ
ʏօʊ ʍǟɖɛ.

What promise?" You heaved.


"But i'm going to change. For you. I'm gonna..Try 'n grow up. For you. I'm tried of being careless. And clueless. Maybe if I was more vi..Vigilant. Vigilant. I would've been able to help us more..With..him."


"I still have the emerald, too. I'm not showing it to you. It might trigger your eyes again...and I like my ears and tail. So I can't let you take them away. I-I have a good reason to have it, though! There's..something wrong with me."

You watched as you pressed a hand to your forehead.

Your own eyes widened more than they were now, being held open.

"Ever since I breathed in that potion Ein had, I'm thinking things I never think. Feeling things I never feel. Doing things I'd never--!..I..hurt him--I killed him--I'm a bad person now! Mom 'nd Abuela say otherwise but I know they're lying..I know their scared! Of me.." You tried to gather yourself, keeping down the sobs down.

"ɖօռ'ȶ աօʀʀʏ~.
աɛ'ʀɛ ǟʟʍօֆȶ ȶɦɛʀɛ!"

You had rubbed the space between Aarons ears, laying a gentle kiss on his harline, just like he does you, before making a promise you have yet to keep.

"I'll feed Celestia and Alexander. I'll take care of Mom and the house. I'll try and eat Pizza and ice cream. I'll sleep in my bed. And," You took a big breath, "I'm going to learn to defend myself. And get stronger. Stronger enough so that even guys like him can't take me down. Or hurt my family. I'll find out whatevers wrong with me and kill it before it makes me do bad things again! I' everything you wanted me to do and more!"


"Sorry, Dad; Aaron," You were sliding off the bed now, grabbing your backpack. You slid your arm threw the straps of the bag before stuffing your hands in your pockets, walking toward the door with cold unwavering eyes.

You gave one final glance at Aaron before facing the door again.

"But I'm not a little kid anymore."

You left the room, and everything froze.

Finally, the figure let go, allowing you to drop to your knees motionlessly, eyes hidden by the shadows casting your face.

"ֆȶʊքɨɖ, ֆȶʊքɨɖ ƈɦɨʟɖ.
ʍǟӄɨռɢ քʀօʍɨֆɛֆ
ʏօʊ ռɛʋɛʀ ɨռȶɛռɖ ȶօ ӄɛɛք.."

"I..I didn't-" You sniffled,
"That's not true..
M' not stupid.."

"ɮʊȶ ʏօʊ ǟʀɛ!
ʏօʊ ɦǟʋɛռ'ȶ ɛʋɛռ ɢǟʋɛ ǟʟɛӼǟռɖɛʀ ǟռɖ ƈɛʟɛֆȶɨǟ ǟ ɢʟǟռƈɛ.
ʏօʊ ռɛʋɛʀ ɛǟȶ.
ʏօʊ ռɛʋɛʀ ֆʟɛɛք.
ʏօʊ ƈǟռ'ȶ ɖɛʄɛռɖ ʏօʊʀֆɛʟʄ.
Y̷̷O̷̷U̷ ̷C̷̷A̷̷N̷'̷T̷ ̷E̷̷V̷̷E̷̷N̷ ̷F̷̷I̷̷N̷̷D̷ ̷O̷̷U̷̷T̷ ̷W̷̷H̷̷A̷̷T̷ ̷I̷ ̷A̷̷M̷!"

And they laughed. Laughed. Laughed at how useless and pathetic you swore not to be, the sound bouncing around like the two of you were trapped in a cave.

"ֆȶɨʟʟ ɖօռ'ȶ ɮɛʟʟɨɛʋɛ ʍɛ?
ʟɛȶֆ ʟօօӄ ǟȶ ɮɛʄօʀɛ
ȶɦɛ ʟօɖɢɛ ȶɦɛռ."


It showed you anyway.

Your promise to Laurance and Aphmau about not being so violent.

"ʏօʊ ӄɨʟʟɛɖ ɛɨռ!"

Your promise to Derek about looking after Aaron.

"ɦɛ ɖɨɛɖ ǟռɖ ʏօʊ
ɖɨɖ ռօȶɦɨռɢ ɮʊȶ ƈʀʏ
ʟɨӄɛ ǟ ƈɦɨʟɖ!"

And, most importantly, the promise you made to yourself about being there for Aphmau and protecting your friends.

"ʏօʊ ƈǟռ'ȶ ɛʋɛռ ʟօօӄ
ʏօʊʀ օառ ʍօȶɦɛʀ
ɨռ ȶɦɛ ɛʏɛ
ɮʀօӄɛ ʏօʊʀ ʄʀɨɛռɖֆ'
ʏօʊ ɛʋɛռ
ɮʀօӄɛ ɛȶɦǟռֆ ʟɛɢ!
ʏօʊ'ʀɛ քǟȶɦɛȶɨƈ =)
ǟ ֆǟɖ ɛӼƈʊֆɛ ʄօʀ ǟ ʄʀɨɛռɖ.
ǟ ֆǟɖ ɛӼƈʊֆɛ ʄօʀ ǟ ɖǟʊɢɦȶɛʀ."

You said nothing. And it just kept on going.

"ʏօʊ ֆɦօʊʟɖ ʝʊֆȶ ɢɨʋɛ ʊք.
ʏօʊ ʍǟӄɛ ɛʋɛʀʏȶɦɨռɢ աօʀֆɛ ɛʋɛʀʏաɦɛʀɛ ʏօʊ ɢօ.
ʏօʊ ռɛʋɛʀ ɖօ աɦǟȶ ʏօʊ'ʀɛ ȶօʟɖ, ʝʊֆȶ ʟɨӄɛ ȶɦօֆɛ..ɮօʏֆ.
ʏօʊ'ʀɛ ȶօօ ɖɛքɛռɖʍɛռȶ օռ ȶɦօֆɛ ʏօʊ ƈǟʀɛ ʄօʀ, ʀɛɢǟʀɖʟɛֆֆ օʄ ɦօա ȶɦɛʏ ʄɛɛʟ ɨռȶɛʀռǟʟʟʏ, ʝʊֆȶ ʟɨӄɛ ȶɦǟȶ ʟɨȶȶʟɛ աɛʀɛաօʟʄ ɢɨʀʟ.
ɦօա ƈօʊʟɖ ǟռʏɮօɖʏ ȶʀʊʟʏ ƈǟʀɛ ǟɮօʊȶ ʏօʊ ǟʄȶɛʀ աɦǟȶ ʏօʊ'ʋɛ ɖօռɛ?
ǟ ɮǟɖ ʍɨֆȶǟӄɛ ռօɮօɖʏ ƈǟռ ֆɦǟӄɛ...ǟʟʟօա ʍɛ ȶօ
ȶǟӄɛ ƈօռȶʀօʟ,
ɨ ƈǟռ ɖօ ɮɛȶȶɛʀ
ȶɦǟռ ʏօʊ
ɛʋɛʀ ƈօʊʟɖ, ǟȶ ʟɨʄɛ.
ռօɮօɖʏ ռɛɛɖֆ ʏօʊ ǟռʏʍօʀɛ.
ʏօʊʀ ɛӼɨֆȶɛռƈɛ ʍɛǟռֆ ռօȶɦɨռɢ.
ɢɨʋɛ ʊք.
¥ØỮ'Đ β€ ĐØƗŇǤ €V€Ř¥βØĐ¥ Δ ₣ΔVØŘ."




. . . .

"I think..
I've noticed something."
You whispeared.
Your knees felt like rubber.

"...աɦǟȶ? ɖɨɖ ʏօʊ ɦɛǟʀ
ǟ աօʀɖ օʄ աɦǟȶ
ɨ ֆǟɨɖ ʝʊֆȶ ռօա?"

"I did,"
You swallowed,
"That's why..I noticed..
The things you say. Those are the same things I say to myself
every morning.
Every evening.
And every night.
That nobody needed this.
That they didn't need me.
...It's you isn't it?"

"..ɨ ɖօռ'ȶ ӄռօա աɦǟȶ ʏօʊ'ʀɛ ȶǟʟӄɨռɢ ǟɮօʊȶ.
ɢɨʋɛ ʊք."

"" You whimpeared,
with trembling lips.

You got to your feet.

"It is you."

You did stand tall.

"I've been wondering
ever since I've gotten in here, why I haven't been so angry..Or sad.
But..but it's all you!
You're the one
putting these thoughts in my head.
You're the one
making me do these awful things.
Your thoughts. Your feelings mixed with mine. You're the one upset.
You want me to take all your bad stuff away and keep it for my own.
What do you want."

You stared at the blackened figure.

It stared back, a visable tight-lipped smile ifs face.
It laughed a little.

"ǟʀɛ..ǟʀɛ ʏօʊ ֆȶʊքɨɖ-?
ɖօ ʏօʊ....

That smile was gone fast.

You blinked.

"What do you want."


"What do you want."

̶p̶̶e̶̶o̶̶p̶̶l̶̶e̶ ̶h̶̶u̶̶r̶̶t̶ ̶p̶̶e̶̶o̶̶p̶̶l̶̶e̶...̶

You parted your lips. Then, you smiled. Seriously, smile. The blackened figure did a pause. It was the first time in a long time you've smiled so genuinely.

"That's such nonsense, I'd never say that.
I love Asher!

He's my best friend, haha!
And my friends..

They love me too.
Since they do, I don't think I'm as pathetic as you think."

The figure trembled. From fear-?

The flakes they had taken from you gradually began moving away from them and back to you again.

Then, their eyes changed. From e/c to a bright gold. A bright furious gold.

Oh. From anger then.

You stared in surprise.

"ǤƗV€ ỮƤ. ǤƗV€ ỮƤ. ﭐ
վ♡ﮠr ♭●꒯վ
Ֆ♡ ꒻ﮠՖ†

It was speaking in that broken tongue again, you didn't catch half of that sentence.

"..Repeating it won't make me
wanna do it..
I know hurt people,
hurt people.
You're just trying to hurt me too.
So keep trying to take control of me, you won't get anywhere.

I swear on everything.
No matter how long it takes,
I'll keep fighting you.


"...I still
have to see
Dad again."

"...I hate you."

Its tone..this figure was a boy. That was the clearest thing he had said this whole time.

"You have the
prettiest eyes I've ever seen."

He didn't phase you one bit. And you continued to remain unphased until that bright white light swarmed your eyes for the final time.


Aphmau let out an almost breathless breath as she watched your face and body relax, the fur slowly melting and disappear away like ice in the heat.

You..You were okay.

"Oh-Oh, irene-" Aphmau started sobbing, holding you close to her chest as everything fell onto her all at once. She almost lost you. Like lost you, lost you.

All because she didn't even know what was wrong with you, bcause she couldn't do anything. Aphmau used her free hand to cover her eyes. A fruitless attempt to keep the tears at bay.

Lucinda tenderly wrapped and arm around Aphmaus shoulder and allowed her to cry as hard and as long as she wanted while gazing down at your body.

Your breaths at evened out. Your body lanaguge was relaxed instead of tense and rigid. She tried to pry one of your eyes open but you turned away and closer to Aphmau with a grumble.

"She's asleep, Aph..She's okay."

"But she could've been gone. I could've lost her because-because I wanted to take her to the vet or the stupid doctor! What would have happened if I chose not to go to you Lucinda? Y/n almost-"

"You didn't. She's here. She's asleep. She's okay..Okay?"


Aphmau took a deep breath, steeling herself.

"You said it's a soul?" "Mhm. It's trying to use Y/n as a vessel for some reason. She fended it off for now, but I can't tell when or if it's coming back. If we don't want this to happen again, it needs to be eraticated. I'll fix this Aphmau. I promise."

" you remember when I asked you to teach me healing magic? I want to start as soon as possible."

"Oh, Aphmau..."

"I want to help, Lucinda. I can't just keep sitting around helpless and doing nothing," Aphmau confessed.

Her eyes never left your sleeping body,
"Y/n..Aa-Aaron..They're both hurt because of me. I want to heal them. Help them. Please...teach me healing magic. I never want to see them suffer as I do nothing ever again.

Lucinda stared at Aphmau with an expression with an expression she couldn't quite place. Then, she looked at you. You and that dumb little face she loved with the moment she saw it.

You didn't look in pain anymore.

"Please," Aphmau determined,"No matter how long it takes, I'll learn. For them."

Lucinda took a deep breath.

"Yeah. Okay...We start next month."

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