Chapter 8

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You sat at a table at some resturaunt with Aphmau and Aaron.

Aphmau mentioned her and Aaron were going out to eat and you, being most oblivious that this was a date, asked to go.

Aphmau said yes and Aaron was a little disapointed that you were coming but the happiness of being with you both outweighed the disapointment.

"Woow! Aaron! This place is so awesome!" Aphmau grinned.

"Mhm! Its amazing!" You smiled.

"I'm glad you two like it." Aaron chuckled.

You noticed Aaron blushing and stood up.

"I'm going to the bathroom."

"I'll come with you!" Aphmau offered.

"No! No no no! Its cool! I can go by myself." You waved, quickly walking off.

When you were alome in the bathroom you began to panic.

"Oh no! Was this a date!? I didn't mean to be a third wheel! I want to be a third wheel people WANT around. I don't want to interrupt a special evening..." You continued to mumble to yourself.

Suddenly the door opened and you saw Aphmau.

"Hey. Why'd you run off so fast? Your not sick are you?" "No...But are you sick? Your face is all red..." Aphmau blushed even more as you stared at her.

"Okay...What'd Aaron do this time."

And thats when Aphmau started to spew everything to you.

She always does this whenever Aaron does something that'll make her cheeks turn pink.

For some reason your the first person she goes too. And like a good child, you listen.

You don't take much intrest but you still listen to her.

"I'm not used to Aaron talking to me like this!"

"Mhm..." You nodded.

"I mean-I KNOW we've been friends for a long time but getting close to him like this..."

"Its crazy..." You muttered.

Aphmau continued to blabber on as you nodded and hummed while playing with the hem of your pants.

You both jumped and paused when Ivy revealed herself.

"Aphmau? Y/N?" "Ah! Ivy!" "Hey Ivy!" You waved.

"What are you doing here? Having dinner with Teony?"

"No. Actually I...Um...I'm here on a double date."

"Double date huh?" "WHAT!?" You and Aphmau questioned.

The ladder being more shocked then the other.

"With Travis and Katelyn." You and Aphmau were slightly shocked at the statment.

"With...Travis and Katelyn? Katelyn didn't tell me she was going on a date!"

"Hm...Oh yeah! She told me!"

"Huh!? And you didn't tell me!"

"Well, Katelyn told me not to tell you as you would've made a big deal out of it."

"Uh---No I wouldn't!" You crossed your arms over your chest and raised an eyebrow at Aphmau.

"I would've...But that explains why she was all nervous earlier~"

"I dunno. She seems like shes having a nice time."

"Wait...You said it was a double date."

"Oh yeah! Who are you with Ivy?" You smiled.

"Whos your date~" Aphmau smirked.

"I-Its not a date...Garroth and I are just here to help Travis and Katelyn for the--" Aphmau let out a large gasp while your eyes slightly widened in shock.

You thought Garroth HATED Ivy.

This is an odd turn of events.

"Garroth!? Your! Here! On a date with Garroth!?"

"Nice catch. I'll see you at the wedding~" You smirked, holding your thumbs up.

"W-Were not getting married! A-And I told you! Its not a date!"

"Ahhh...Huh. For a second there I thought you still might have feelings for him." Ivy yelped and started to avoid eye contact with you and Aphmau.

"Do you?" You questioned.

"Ehehe~! Cut that out." Ivy giggled, patting your head.

Your tail wagged and you grinned at her in response.

"And this is it a date because it's really not anything special...It's been over 10 years since I've seen Garroth. He and I have changed. Alot...Besides, I am in no position to start dating again. I just really want to be his friend for now. I just...Wanna get to know him..."

"Oh! Thats right...Teony had mentioned something about you breaking up with you--" You noticed Ivys sad face and covered Aphmaus mouth.

"Shut up! Your making her sad! You weren't ment to say anything! Remember!?"

"Ah! I-I forgot!" Aphmau whimpeared, her voice muffled by your hand.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to pry! I jus--"

"So...She told you two. Huh."

"I won't lie...She did. I'm so sorry. But Ivy? Y'know...If you wanna talk about it, I'm always here."

"Me too! You can vent to us whenever!"

"We know you might not want but...If we can help! Um...Was it a bad break up?"

"We were just in different places and...Y'know what? Forget it. I don't want to make this about me. I'm here to be Katelyns wingwoman! Wingal?" "I think wingmans needs to stay on the table..." You giggled nervously.

"Yeah..." Aphmau nodded.

"Well thats no fun! But...I'm worried...This whole date could go horrible! We ordered 30 minetes ago, And still no food. Our waiter is the's actually been pretty stressful for everyone. And I want it be perfect for Katelyn and Travis. They seem to be getting along so well!"

"Heh~ Oh came here to relax and forget about realtionship problems. You just enjoy your time tonight. Let me and Y/N take care of Travis and Katelyn~"

"Are you sure? I don't want to involve you two in this...."

"I'm offering! Plus, you seem so tense. Just enjoy everyone's company and leave It All To Me~"

"Y'know, I really don't like your tone of voice right now and this will probably lead to us getting kicked out of the resturaunt."

"That sounds about right!" Aphmau nodded, still speaking in a confident voice.

Your statement cause Ivy to pause and stare at you two, wondering if this is a good idea.

But she decided to roll with it anyway.

"Aphmau, Y/N I...Really appreciated it...Thank you."

"Hehe~ Don't worry Ivy. I'm pretty confident that everything will work out for Katelyn and Travis~ Trust me!" Aphmau laughed.

"This plan is going to blow up in our face. But this'll be fun." You smiled, walking out of the bathroom.

You and Aphmau went back to Aaron and you frowned.

Still no food.

You mentally groaned before sitting down.

"Hey." Aaron waved.

"Hey Aaron! Huh...? Has our food come already?"

"Nope...Not even our drinks."

"Ireneeee, I'm starving!" You whined.

"I bet we have that terrible waiter as well." Aphmau grumbled.

"Terrible waiter?" Aaron questioned.

"Aaron! We need your help! Katelyn and Travis went on a secret double date they didn't want anyone to know about."

"Except Me~" You boasted.

"Tch...Yeah, except for you..." Aphmau pouted.

"But whats worse is that they didn't invite us..."

"Thats...Not the worse thing....Is it..."

"Worse thing is the waiter is ruining the mood between Katelyn, Travis, Ivy, and Garroth!"

"And you two want to help them...Don't you."

"Can we?" Aphmau and yourself smiled.

"I'm one step ahead of you both." Aaron smirked, suddenly being in some waiter clothes.

"Wow!" You grinned, with sparkling eyes.

"You are so perfect for me..." And thats when you three unleashed the plan.

You wore the same thing as Aaron causs you wanted to match with him, making him roll his eyes in a playful way.

Katelyn complained about how hungry she was and which the waiter responded with, "Look...I don't get paid enough for this..."

"Haha! But we do!" Aphmau grinned, shoving the waiter aside so you two replaced him.

"Wait...You two look kinda..."

"I don't care! Just get me food!" Katelyn barked.

"Here are your drinks. And your bread sticks." Aaron smiled.

You drooled at the sight.

"So hungryyy..." You muttered.

Aphmau quickly nudged you to remind you that you need to wait.

"Awesome! I love breadsticks!" Garroth smiled.

"How did you get those so fast?" Aphmau whispeared.

"Yeah. Thats kind of convenient!" You smiled.

"I talked to the kitchen."

"...Did you threaten them?" You questioned, adding a light glare.

"No. I'm just that convincing~" Aaron smirked.

"Whatever you say..." You shrugged.

"Perfect! Now, ladies and gents...Your food will be out shortly." Aphmau smiled.

"In the meantime, why don't you sit back and kiss Travis~" You smirked, making Aphmau and Aaron stare at Katelyn hoping she'd make a move.

"I will enjoy these brea--Wait...What?"

"I mean...Erm..."

"I swear...You look familiar!"

"Ahahaha!" Aphmau laughed nervously, attempting to avoid the statement.

Suddenly a baby began crying.

Your ears fell slightly in annoyance at the sound of the crying.

"Ugh...That babys been crying on and off since we've been here!"

"Hm...I'll take care of this." Aphmau suddenly brought out a bat making you jump and follow her.

"What on earth is she going to do with that." Ivy mumbled.

Her next move was something you didn't expect.

She stole the baby!


You ran after Aphmau before seeing a couple with food.

You drooled before taking the plate and running off.


"I DESERVE THIS!" You yelled.

"How DARE you let this adorable creature cry!" Aphmau yelled, as the male and the couple you stole the food from chased you two.

"Don't worry baby! We'll take care of you!"

"No we won't! That babys not ours!"

"That food isn't ours!"

"Thats not the point!" You and Aphmau argued.

"RUN!" Aphmau yelled, as you two ran faster.

Aaron eventually forced Aphmau to return the baby causing her to cry.

You on the other hand licked the food infront of the customer and give a smug smirk.

They growled at you before walking away.

"Y/N, You shouldn't have stolen that food."

"Eh...Want some?" Aaron paused and stared at you for a little bit.

"Duh." You three ate the stolen food, satisfied with the fact that you saved the Double Date.

I don't think you three are aloud in there anymore...

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