Interview with MissAlbularyo11

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Hello, fellow disciples! We've been searching far and wide for individuals who have cultivated for a long time. This month, we bring you an interview with MissAlbularyo11, the author of I Became the Villain's Wife.


Tell us a bit about yourself!

Hi, I'm MissAlbularyo11, and I am from the Philippines! Albularyo is the term for faith healers in my country and since I was a child I have been fascinated by stories of Albularyos that my elders would tell me. I am currently in my last year in College.

What is your writing process? Do you outline everything or write as things come to mind? Why?

It is always a mantra for me to write an outline whenever I come up with a story because I tend to get lost in the when I don't have it. Whenever I have a scene in mind, I always see to it that I write it down. If I don't plan the events that will unfold in my story, I am afraid I won't be able to finish it.

What are some things that influenced your story?

It actually started when I was reading a chinese cultivation novel. I was in love by the world building and the magic system and how some of them also took references from their mythology. And I was thinking, "What if I write a fantasy cultivation-like story that is inspired by Philippine mythology and the precolonial Philippines?" I went to make a short out line, and wrote the first draft of my story.

Tell us about the main character of one of your stories. What inspired their creation?

There are two main characters in my story, Amara and Raha. Amara's character was based on myself--which is actually a bad move, but I can't help it doing it since Raha's character was also based on my partner as well. Amara's name, Amara Hiraya, was something I actually planned. Although it didn't really come from Filipino origin, her first name "Amara" is associated with immortality, one who is blessed with eternal life, and her last name "Hiraya" is associated with one's hopes and dreams. So her name typically means "an immortal who is the fruit of one's hopes and dreams." That is why she is a healer, because when she heals someone, she is giving people the hope to live and continue their dream in life. 

Raha, as I've said, was based on the person I love in real life. Raha is funny, but most of the time naughty and a bit stubborn. But amidst all these characteristics, he is a kind, loving person who would do everything for the people he loves. Raha's name was the hardest I came up with, I wanted something elegant and noble. I then settled with the word "Raha" and him as the son of Apo Sitan (the god of the underworld) made his name dark form some reason, but I liked it. I don't know if some of my readers will see this, but I will give this off as a spoiler. Raha's name, before he became and immortal, was Raha Humaling, and the word "Humaling" is associated with deep affection towards someone that is why his character is someone who is loving to his wife.

What were some challenges you experienced while writing the story?

The hardest part of writing the story was the research I did in order to make the story feel authentic. Information on the Philippine mythology was really hard to find, and books about precolonial Philippines were also expensive. I did a whimsical liberty on some of the gods' and goddesses' names, as well as some of the terms used throughout the story. 

There was also a challenge in the language. English is not my first language, and I know I have room for improvements, but I made it a goal of mine to share to the world that Philippine mythology and folklore is also as interesting and as beautiful as the other famous mythologies out there. And when people from other cultures somehow discover my country's mythology, I wish that they would also have the same interest and love for it like I did.

What message do you hope your story will tell your readers?

When reading my story, I want my readers to realize that there will always be someone who will love them for who they are, no matter what their past is. And sometimes being strong is not equal to being powerful. 

If you woke up in a time or place that was very different from reality, what would you do?

I would totally freak out, I wouldn't know what to do. Maybe the first thing I would do is to plan a way to go back to my own world.

If there was something you could learn (i.e., some spell, some martial arts, etc.) like the main character in your book, what would it be?

I would like to learn healing magic. I'm such a paranoid when it comes to illness, and I always hate it when I get sick sometimes that is why I want to find a way to learn to heal myself.

Would you rather go through a lifetime of never finding love or be willing to go through several lifetimes of hardships just to save your love? Why?

I would choose the latter. Maybe because I have encountered a lot hardships that I am willing to risk it all for my love. 

What is your favorite creature from Asian mythology or folklore? Why?

In our province we have this creature called "Pugot" which is the Ilocano term for a Kapre (tagalog). It is a creature who lives in trees and most often known to have this giant tobacco. We have a lot of stories about Pugot, my grandma would always tell me not to hang my undies outside during the night because the Pugot might tamper with it and get me pregnant when I use it. When my hair was up to my waist, she wanted to trim my hair, and when I refused she told me that Pugots would often kidnap girls with long hair. It's not actually my favorite creature, but it's the creature that made me interested in our folklore.

What is your favorite Asian myth? Why?

Daragang Magayon is the story about the legend of Mount Mayon in the Philippines. It was actually the story that made me write the romance element of my story. It was a tragic love story and to this day, whenever I think about it, I get emotional.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, MissAlbularyo11! We wish you the best of luck in your writing endeavors.

Until the next chapter, fellow disciples!

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