Interview with ScribbleYourThoughts

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Hello, disciples!

This month, we have picked "Tale of the Princess" by ScribbleYourThoughts for our monthly interview. If you'd like to read this story, we encourage you to check it out.

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A space fantasy story about Princess Shyra from planet Ziya who faces off against a deadly villain to rescue her husband with a band of brave women and mystical beasts


Princess Shyra's life has only extended till planet Ziya and she doesn't know how to look beyond helping her people. As far as she's concerned, she's being trained to rule her entire life, and it's the only goal she's ever known.

Cue the handsome prince sweeping her off her feet and showing her new dimensions of herself. Cue the dilemma as she is pulled apart by the choice between duty and love, honor and heart. Charming princes make for great husbands, after all.

But fate has even darker things in store for her. Shyra finds her life upturned and her moralities questioned as her husband is stolen and she has to make the toughest choices of her life. Does she go after her beloved husband, or stay back and deal with the political turmoil going through her kingdom.

And even if she chases him, who would come to the aid of a woman who's looking for her husband all alone?

About the Author:

Hey there! I'm Mali, an Indian girl born and brought up in Karnataka. I've been enamored with tales of our gods and demons since my childhood, and later grew to love fantasy and adventure books. When I'm not writing, I'm actively studying for my CA degree, because real life, or trying to squeeze in time to watch kdramas or read another Elizabeth Lim book. 


1. What is your writing process? Do you outline everything or write as things come to mind? Why?

My writing process is a patchy mix of both. I always start with two story prompts, combine them to form a basic plotline, then write it down in my little red notebook. From there it's easily a month's effort of going on Pinterest to find visual inspiration for the story, writing down bazillions of details and trying to plug all the visible plot holes. It's a little tough to understand this step, but when I realize that I've done enough to fill out my world, I slowly transition to writing the story. Even then my planning isn't nearly enough, and I fill in the rest of the details as I go.

2. What are some things that influenced your story?

Listening to legends of our gods and their battles from my grandparents and parents has certainly played a huge role in my novel. The tales of Krishna and the Ramayana in particular are my favorites. I've also been deeply inspired by our brave kings and queens who fought for our freedom from the Britishers, and traces of that valor are found in all my characters, Shyra in particular. It started out as a simple story of a princess on a planet, but I realized that it couldn't possibly be complete without our history of courage and revolution and myths and so many different cultures coexisting in a single country.

3. Tell us about the main character of one of your stories. What inspired their creation?

My story, Tale of the Princess, features Princess Shyra from the planet Ziya. She's a courageous, if stubborn and slightly reckless, young woman who carries her pride on her shoulders and is ready to fight tooth and nail for what's hers. She cares deeply about her people and her culture, and takes it upon herself to ensure they're as prosperous as they can be.

Shyra's main inspiration was Queen Sita from the Ramayana. I'd read somewhere that Valmiki's version of the Ramayana featured a warrior princess from Mithila who was incredibly strong and a perfect match for her later husband, King Ram. A later version of the Ramayana, written by Tulsidas, featured a meek, perfect-wife Sita who had little agency and power in the decisions made around her, and this was the version I'd heard throughout my life. So the original version of Sita, this fierce, beautiful woman, excited me so much that I had to expand on it. And that's how she came to be Princess Shyra.

4. What were some challenges you experienced while writing the story?

Honestly, the main challenge I experienced was time management. I didn't face many issues in the plot and characterization while writing, because I'd planned it out in a lot of detail beforehand. But since I have numerous exams to study for and write, I often postponed writing Tale of the Princess. Even now I'm struggling to find the time to make it to 'The End'

5. What message do you hope to convey to your readers with your story?

I'd like my readers to know that our culture and mythology is a huge part of us, and so many of us API folks have been through so much due to oppression from other powers. The fact that we've managed to hold onto our roots in the face of such darkness is a great thing, and I'd like for us to continue honoring our traditions while making way for the new world.

6. If you had the choice to transmigrate into another time or place, where would you like to go?

India's Vedic period, for sure. It was truly a golden period in Indian history, where the country flourished without bounds. Trade, commerce, industry, education, culture, you name it, India was at the top. Women were treated as equal to men, in the truest sense. Many women held prominent positions of power, and were given the freedom to choose exactly what they wanted to do. Moreover, to exist in the same timeline as our great kings and queens would be wonderful.

7. If there was something you could learn (i.e., a specific spell, martial arts, etc.) like the main character in your book, what would it be?

Shyra is a skilled swordswoman, and is quite good at archery as well. I would certainly love to learn how to wield a wicked blade.

8. Would you rather go through a lifetime of never finding love or be willing to go through several lifetimes of hardships just to save your love? Why?

I've heard that it's better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all. It's what came to my mind when I read this, and I'd certainly go through several lifetimes of hardships just to save my love. Some romances are so great that they transcend the concept of time and space, and I'd like to be a part of such an incredible love, even if I have to struggle for it.

9. What is your favorite creature from Asian or Pacific Islander mythology or folklore? Why?

Lord Krishna. He's a god, the eighth avatar of Vishnu. I like him because he's more human and relatable than the rest of the legends I've come across. Everyone is either too righteous or too one-dimensional. But Krishna is such a beautifully complex character. He's extremely loveable as a child, a brave warrior and passionate lover as a young adult, and a brilliant strategist and advisor in the later stages of his life. He's someone you would always want around you, and that hasn't changed in the 10-ish years I've heard about his tales.

10. What is your favorite Asian or Pacific Islander myth? Why?

The Mahabharata. It's a truly epic tale about the battle fought by the Pandavas and the Kauravas for the throne of Hastinapur. The events leading to this war always leave me mesmerized, and it also features my favorite god, Krishna, in many pivotal moments. Anything with Krishna is a win in my books!

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Thank you ScribbleYourThoughts for giving us the opportunity to interview you and chat more about your book!

We'll see you all in the next interview.

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