Interview with Vani_AnonyMystique

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Hello, fellow disciples! We've been searching far and wide for individuals who have cultivated for a long time. This month, we bring you an interview with Vani_AnonyMystique, the author of Spectral Sins which is a runner-up of The Immortals' Conquest 2022.


Tell us a bit about yourself!

Young in years with a soul of old, Lover of Lune with Sol's fervour bold; Breathing words upon scrolls unfurled, I'm a writer weaving wondrous worlds; A creative unreality created to reality, I'm a poetess penning prismatic poetry; Humanity-my race & love-my religion, An isolophile with literary disposition; Named am I-Vani with fancies antique, Of my dreams, born is-AnonyMystique.

What is your writing process? Do you outline everything or write as things come to mind? Why?

My writing process is a hybrid of outlining and impromptu writing. I prefer having a general idea of where my novel is heading—its beginning, middle and conflicts, and resolution along with an ending. So, first, I outline the novel in its basic detail.

Afterward, I visualise the story and all corresponding ideas in a greater depth so as to allow it to unfold itself without forcing my predisposed ideas upon it. Because I believe that this is the most common hindrance to a story's natural progression. Stories that fall prey to it tend to have a storyline that screams either awkward or clichéd.

After imagining the story's progression, I make an outline of the chapters with a list of basic points for each. It helps me keep track of the storyline.

However, after the first few chapters, the characters of my story love to take control of everything! LOL. (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) That includes impromptu writing of unthought scenes, restructuring of the written ones, completely changed chapters, and even unplanned endings. Which, although sounds like a fun way to write, keeps me fixated on redrafting the first few chapters according to the changes. It's immensely frustrating, yet incredibly satisfying as the story always ends up written better than I imagined!

As haphazard as my writing process may get at times, I feel it is essential to never restrict the flow of creativity! All that matters is to write, write and write some more, be it verses or be it prose; once a writer is a writer forevermore!

What are some things that influenced your story?

Since childhood, we have been reading stories with a clear distinction between good and evil, light and dark, morality and immorality, the good guys vs the bad guys, the hero vs the villain, etc.

But reality is far more complex. Yes, there is Goodness and there is Wickedness. But there is no universal definition or distinction between them. While one person may perceive an action as justified and act upon it; the same action and its reason may not be considered justified by another. Right for one may be wrong for others. There is no limit to what one can do if one perceives oneself wronged; even if it means committing a wrong oneself - a wrong which one considers as right. Morality is Subjective.

And this is what influenced my novel "Spectral Sins" which was fortunately awarded a place as the First Runner Up and the Winner of Favourite Plot Twist in The Immortals' Conquest 2022 hosted by @WattpadAsianFantasy.

Tell us about the main character of one of your stories. What inspired their creation?

As I attempted to explain my thoughts earlier, good and bad are not distinctly defined, so, Morality is Subjective.

For instance, if it comes to a choice between saving a friend who has hurt you from a fatal fate or shielding the treasure that will help your family, what would you choose?

Good and Bad are also not simply sides that a person can choose at the time of an external battle. They are two very powerful forces that thrive inside the fathomless psyche of every person. At times one may dominate the other. And this is what inspired the creation of the Protagonist of my novel Spectral Sins.

Tara—pardon the spoiler, LOL, is a ghost in search of the truth behind her demise. She wants to find the person responsible for her death so she would be liberated to the afterlife. She finds the truth. But it was not necessarily what she was hoping to discover.

Tara is a personification of how the goodness of even a gentle person can at times be overcome by wickedness. She committed a wrong that she perceived as right.

And my personal belief, that in life or in the afterlife, everyone looks back at the past for what it truly was, untainted by subjective perceptions that fuelled either their goodness or wickedness.

What were some challenges you experienced while writing the story?

Truthfully, there were no challenges as such. Spectral Sins is my first novel, and I was extremely nervous to write. As is common with everyone I feel, the fear of a blank page staring intensely at you, is well, frightful to be frank! It took great courage on my part to face the expectations of my own self and of the empty document. LOL.

But after completing the planning process, when I actually started writing, my anxiety disappeared. And soon the only thing I could think about day and night was the novel, and how excited I was to write it. Of course, there were times when I tended to prefer procrastination over writing, and though it greatly tested my discipline and resolve, I can say, I won!

I enjoyed writing Spectral Sins as much as finally marking it complete. Both the journey and the destination were wild and wonderful, and I loved wandering through that written world!

What message do you hope your story will tell your readers?

I would like to say that, I know how easy it is to allow your perceptions to guide you, but they are not infallible. Goodness and Wickedness may not be defined distinctly, but if you live with Compassion you will be infallible.

If you woke up in a time or place that was very different from reality, what would you do?

I would wander wonderingly through that world!! Be it of joy or sorrow, to be in a different world would be an adventure unlike any other!

If there was something you could learn (i.e., some spell, some martial arts, etc.) like the main character in your book, what would it be?

The courage to always follow my Soul.

It is a rule of nature that every power has a certain limit. But if one has the courage to follow one's soul, there will be no limits to hinder the fulfillment of one's dreams!

Would you rather go through a lifetime of never finding love or be willing to go through several lifetimes of hardships just to save your love? Why?

Neither! I will choose the Third Option. To be in love with myself for all lifetimes! In times when people barely understand themselves, much less love, why depend upon another to love you the way you deserve to be loved?

What is your favorite creature from Asian mythology or folklore? Why?

I don't know of many folklore creatures, but for the purpose of writing, I would choose—Ghosts. Ghosts are mysterious. They have a potential to be portrayed as both the hero and the villain. Some are out for vengeance, some for truth. One can't ever know where one stands with Ghosts. I think they are as complex as creatures can be! But if I think about it personally, I will prefer Dragons! Because my Chinese Zodiac Sign is that of a Dragon! They are Confident, Self-Assured, Forthright, Natural, Feisty, etc. All the traits I feel I am and aspire to be.

What is your favorite Asian myth? Why?

My favourite myth is of Mahadevi from the religion of Hinduism. She is the Supreme Goddess; the eternal reality of all existence. She is as much in Everything as Everything is in Her. She is the Cosmic Energy (Shakti) from which all Gods were born, and derive their powers from. Without her, the Gods are powerless.

In traditional Hinduism, Shakti takes the form of Saraswati, the Consort of the Creator Brahma; Lakshmi, the Consort of the Preserver Vishnu; and Parvati, the Consort of the Destroyer Shiva. She is considered benevolent but also takes the form of the Fierce Goddesses Durga and Kali to vanquish Demons. However, in the tradition of Shaktism, Mahadevi is worshipped as the primary Divine Force from which all else was created. Her form is said to be abstract. But when she is described, she is said to be seated on a jewelled throne with her face containing the celestial radiance of millions of stars. She is often also personified and worshipped as the Tridevi—Three Supreme Goddesses: Saraswati, Lakshmi, and Parvati.

For me, Shakti serves as a reminder to be my truest self! That the U in the Universe stands for YOU! You are the Universe Experiencing Yourself. You are far greater than you think you are! We are all we think we can be. So why visualise walking, when we can fly? Dream Your Dream; Live Your Dream!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, Vani_AnonyMystique! We wish you the best of luck in your writing endeavors.

Until the next chapter, fellow disciples!

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