Cambodian/Khmer Mythology - Mythical Creatures

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Mythical Creatures

Naga is a serpent-like creature that appears in many Southeast Asian mythologies. In Khmer mythology, it is associated with water, fertility, and protection.

Garuda is a bird-like creature that originates in Hindu mythology. It symbolizes power and protection, and it is often depicted as the mount for Vishnu.

Kinnari/Kinnara has the upper body of a human and the lower body of a bird. They are often depicted as musicians and are associated with beauty and grace.

Kaliya is a multi-headed serpent or naga that is often associated with the story of Lord Krishna. In some versions, Kaliya is portrayed as a malevolent serpent that Krishna subdues.

Aphiwich is a mythical aquatic creature resembling a giant catfish or serpent. It is said to inhabit the Mekong River and is associated with fertility and abundance.

Reahu is a monstrous creature believed to cause eclipses by devouring the sun or moon. It is said that rituals and ceremonies were performed to ward off Reahu during such events.

Bakasura is a monstrous creature, sometimes depicted as a giant bird or a demon, associated with devouring human flesh. The Bakasura is often featured in folktales as a challenge for heroes.

Chamhagn is a mythical bird that is associated with fate and destiny. It is also considered a messenger between human and spirit realms.

Kraheh Yut Khla is a mythical giant bat believed to inhabit certain remote or sacred areas. It is often associated with darkness and the supernatural.

Krakei is a mythical bird with golden feathers, often associated with prosperity and good fortune. It is considered a symbol of luck and positive energy.

Chao Aphi is a legendary crocodile that is said to have terrorized ancient Cambodia. It is often associated with the creation of the Mekong River and the Tonle Sap Lake.

Kraheh Pram is a mythical creature that is half bird and half serpent. Some stories depict it as a guardian spirit.

Kraheh Krahorm is a supernatural crow or raven that is associated with death and the spirit world. It is often considered a messenger between the living and the dead.

Chanda Raja is a legendary elephant that appears in Khmer folklore. It is often associated with royalty and may be featured in stories related to ancient Khmer kings.

Tikbalang is more commonly found in Filipino folklore, a similar creature called Ke Ta Reach is mentioned in some Khmer stories. It is a supernatural being with the lower body of a horse and is associated with mischief.


Spirits and Celestial Beings

Kraheh Khmau (Black Buffalo) is a supernatural buffalo spirit that is believed to inhabit certain areas. It is associated with fertility and protection, and rituals are performed to seek its favor.

Yaksha are tree spirits or nature spirits in Khmer mythology. Stories portray them as mischievous beings. But they are also considered benevolent in some myths.

Gandharva are celestial musicians often associated with heavenly music. They are considered benevolent beings and are sometimes depicted as divine messengers.

Apsara are nymphs who are considered to be beautiful and graceful. They are the celestial dancers associated with water and clouds.

Krahang is a ghost or spirit in Khmer folklore, often depicted as a flying creature with a hideous appearance. It is associated with death and the supernatural.

Phi Pop is a malevolent spirit or ghost that is believed to cause thunderstorms and natural disasters.

Tosakanth (Ravana) is the demon king and a central figure in the Reamker, the Cambodian adaptation of the Ramayana. He is the Khmer equivalent of Ravana in epic Hindu Ramayan.

Kraol is a type of spirit that is associated with specific places like trees or bodies of water. They are believed to have supernatural powers and can be both useful and harmful to humans.

A Bort is a mythical supernatural spirit that is believed to haunt forests and wilderness.



Rakshasa are the shapeshifters who can be either benevolent or malevolent. In most stories, they are depicted as demonic creatures who deceive humans.


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