Chinese Mythology - Folktale #4: The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl

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Please note that there are different versions of this folktale and that it also exists in other cultural mythologies.



There once was seven goddesses who lived in heaven, who were sisters. One night, they decide to visit the Mortal Realm because it was often difficult to get permission from the Empress goddess to do so. They decide to bathe together in a lake that is located near a cowherd's home. This cowherd is known as Niulang.

They have fun in the lake, laughing and splashing the water around. However, this awakens the cowherd and causes him to check the commotion. When he steps out into the open area, he sees all the goddesses but one captures his attention the most, Zhinu. They fall in love immediately and have two children. Zhinu's sisters become worried because it was against the laws of the universe for a goddess to marry a mortal man and they feared what the Goddess of Heaven would do if she found out. Ultimately, the Goddess of Heaven finds out and orders Zhinu to return to heaven to resume her weaving duties.

As a result, Niulang is sad and upset as thinks about what life would be without Zhinu. His ox notices this and begins to speak to him. He tells him that if Niulang kills the ox and wears the hide, he will be able to travel to heaven to see Zhinu. While crying, he does as the ox suggests and carries his two children to find Zhinu in heaven.

This enrages the Goddess of Heaven and forces her to create a large river to separate them as much as she possibly can. But, the cowherd refuses to give up. With the help of Zhinu's sisters and after much time has passed, they manage to persuade the Godesss of Heaven to allow Niulang to see Zhinu on a single night on the 7th day of July every year. 

In preparation for this meeting, magpies form a bridge so they can see each other. When they reunite, it starts to rain because the Zhinu, Niulang and the magpies are sad.

In other versions of the story, the Goddess of Heaven is referred to as Zhinu's mother OR the Goddess of Heaven softened her punishment when she witness Niulang and Zhinu crying for each other due to separation and allows them to see each other.


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