Chinese Mythology - Myth #1: Chang'e and Houyi the Archer

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Please note that there are different versions of this folktale and that it also exists in other cultural mythologies.



There are several legends about the moon fairy lady Chang'E. The most popular one goes like that, in the distant past, there used to be 10 suns in the sky one year. The scorching heat dried up the lake and people were at death's door. Just at that time, a hero named Hou Yi heard about this predicament. With his extraordinary power, he then pulled his supernatural bow and shot 9 needless suns down on the peak of Mount Kunlun.

Hou Yi of course made distinguished contributions to people and was respected, loved and supported by them. A large number of persons of ideals and integrity flocked to Hou Yi to take him as their teacher and seek instructions out of admiration. Among those learners, there was no lack of the treacherous and cunning learner, such as a learner named Peng Meng.

Before long, Hou Yi got married to a beautiful and virtuous girl named Chang'e. They loved each other very much and got along very well. One day, Hou Yi went to Mount Kunlun to meet friends when he encountered the Queen of Heaven who gave him an elixir of life. It was said that half of the elixir could make a person live forever and the whole elixir could make a person become an immortal instantly.

However, Hou Yi was unwilling to leave his wife, and he gave the elixir of life to Chang'e for safekeeping. Chang'e put the elixir of life into a case of her dressing table, which was seen by Peng Meng who was very treacherous. Three days later, when Hou Yi went out hunting with his disciples, the disingenuous Peng Meng pretended to be ill, so he didn't go with them. Shortly after their leave, Peng Meng broke into Hou Yi's House with a double-edged sword in his hand. Peng Meng threatened Chang'e to hand over the elixir of life. Chang'e knew that she couldn't manage to protect the elixir of life.

So, at a crisis, Chang'e fetched the elixir of life from the case and swallowed it promptly. Suddenly, Chang'e floated away from the ground, dashed out of the window and flew towards the sky. It was said that Chang'e became immortal and stayed on the moon which was the nearest to the earth as she was anxious about her husband Hou Yi.

At nightfall, Hou Yi went back home and was told what happened during his absence from his maids. Hou Yi became extremely enraged and he immediately went to kill Peng Meng. However, Peng Meng had already escaped. The heart-stricken Hou Yi shouted to the sky and shouted Chang'e, just at that time he surprisingly discovered the moon was extremely bright and clear that night and he caught sight of a swaying figure that was exactly like Chang'e.

Hou Yi hastily asked his maids to put an incense table in the back garden and put fresh fruits and moon cakes which were the favourite food of Chang'e on the table, holding a memorable ceremony for Chang'e who lived on the distant moon. When the local people heard that Chang'e flew to the sky and became immortal on the moon, they all arranged incense tables below the moon for the worship of the goodness Chang'e, praying for happiness and safety. Since then, worshipping and appreciating the moon during the Mid-autumn festival has become popular until now.

Second Version

Chang'e and her husband Houyi were immortals living in heaven. One day, the ten sons of the Jade Emperor transform into 10 suns, which causes the earth to burn. The Jade Emperor summons Houyi for help after failing to stop his suns from destroying the earth. Houyi uses his legendary archery skills to shoot down 9 of the sons, but spares one so that he could be the sun. The Jade Emperor becomes displeased with how he saves the earth, so as punishment, the Jade Emperor banishes Houyi and Chang'e to live as mortals on earth.

Houyi sees that Chang'e is miserable over the loss of her immortality, so he sets out on a journey to find the Pill of Immortality so that they can be immortals again. At the end of this journey, he meets the Queen Mother of the West who agrees to give him the pill, but warns him that each person only needs half of the pill to become immortal.

Houyi returns home with the pill and stores it in a case. He warns Chang'e to not open the case before he leaves home again. Chang'e ultimately becomes too curious and opens the case to discover the pill inside just as Houyi returns home. She becomes nervous that Houyi will catch her with the opened case, so she swallows the entire pill. She overdoses on the pill, causing her to float into the sky. Houyi wanted to shoot her down in order to prevent her from floating further, but he can't bear to aim her arrow at her. She continues to float until she lands on the moon.

She becomes lonely on the moon, but she has the jade rabbit, who creates elixirs (see later chapter about the jade rabbit), who also lives on the moon. In other versions, woodcutter Wu Gang keeps her company (see next chapter about the woodcutter myth).


Third Version

Chang'e is a beautiful young girl working in the Jade Emperor's palace where immortals, good people, and fairies live. One day, she accidentally breaks a precious porcelain jar, which angers the Jade Emperor. In his fury, he banishes her to live on earth among the mortals. She could only return to heaven if she provided a remarkable service while in the Mortal Realm.

Chang'e is transformed into a member of a rich farming family. When she is 18, a young hunter known as Houyi notices her and they become friends.

Later on, a strange phenomenon occurs - 10 suns rise in the sky, scorching the earth. Houyi tries to save the earth and successfully shoots down 9 of the suns, becoming a hero to the people. He eventually becomes king and marries Chang'e.

However, Houyi becomes greedy and selfish, seeking immortality by ordering that an elixir be created to prolong his life. The elixir is created in the form of a pill and is almost ready when Chang'e discovers it. She swallows the pill, either accidentally or purposely, angering King Houyi. She tries to flees by jumping out the window of a chamber at the top of the palace, but instead of falling, she floats into the sky toward the moon. King Houyi fails to shoot her down with arrows.

Her companion is a rabbit, who doesn't create the elixir of life. She also has a woodcutter for a companion (see next chapter about the woodcutter myth). And so, King Houyi ascends to the sun and builds a palace, so Chang'e and Houyi come to represent yin and yang, the moon and the sun.


Fourth Version

Chang'e is a human in the Mortal Realm, working as a palace maid. When suddenly, 10 suns appear in the sky and drastically increases the temperature on earth. The king searches for a person with great archery skills to shoot down 9 of the suns.

Houyi, a commoner, notices the situation and takes out his arrow to shoot down 9 suns with 9 arrows. Subsequently, the king rewards him by giving Chang'e to him to marry as Houyi was in love with her. They lived happily until a mysterious old man appears and gives Houyi an immortality elixir. Houyi hesitates as he ponders whether he should take the pill, so he leaves it under his pillow.

Chang'e discovers the pill, not knowing what it is. She ends up swallowing it and it transforms her into a immortal. She flies towards the moon, leaving Houyi devastated. He dies soon after. People use lanterns to light up the earth so that Chang'e can see them.


Alternate Versions

In one retelling of the story of Chang'e and the Elixir of Immortality, Chang'e's decision to consume the elixir is not caused by selfishness or spite; instead, it is caused by fear of Houyi's apprentice, Feng Meng, who attempts to steal the elixir from Chang'e. She consumes the elixir in order to escape him before the elixir can fall into Feng Meng's hands.


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