Indian/Hindu Mythology - Myth #3: Kali Yuga

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The fourth and the worst yuga in the Yuga Cycle, Kali Yuga is believed to be the present age, full of conflict and sin. The 'Kali' refers to strife, discord, quarrel, or contention and is associated with the demon, Kali. According to the Mahabharata, the divine Kali became jealous when he arrived late to Princess Damayanti's marriage ceremony where she had overlooked other deities to choose Nala, the king of Nishadha Kingdom, as her husband. Kali bewitched Nala's soul when he discovered that the latter did not wash his feet for prayers. He made Nala lose his kingdom through gambling and made him abandon Damayanti after they were exiled from their kingdom. After a long time, when Nala finally awakened from Kali's control, he imprisoned him in the Vibhitaka tree and left to regain his wife.

The last Kali Yuga is said to be the time period between 500 to 1700 AD - approximately 1,200 years of darkness. It is described as a time when people lost their spiritual abilities, mental clarity, and understanding. Consciousness was limited to gross matters and beliefs were fixed and rigid without allowing room for interpretation or further investigation. Ignorance prevailed to the point where it tried to destroy any forms of knowledge such as the destruction of ancient texts at Alexandria. 


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