Kazakh Mythology - Gods & Goddesses

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The Kazakhs are a Turkish-speaking ethnicity group native to the northern part of Central Asia, mainly Kazakhstan, but also parts of Uzbekistan, Russia, China and Mongolia, having emerged in the 15th century from an amalgam of Turkic and Turkified Mongol tribes. Their history is full of nomadic civilisations of the Great Steppe, represented by numerous nomadic state entities, including the Sakas (Asian Scythians), the Huns, the Turkic Khaganate, the Western Turkic Khaganate, the Mongol Empire, the Golden Horde and the Kazakh Khanate. It is exactly because of their nomadic lifestyle, exposure and admixture that a variety of myths, legends and beliefs have been born enriching their mythology.

The Kazakhs believe themselves to be descended from a progenitor who had three sons from whom sprang the main divisions of the Kazakhs:

The Senior Horde (Uly Juz);

The Middle Horde (Orta Juz);

The Junior Horde (Kishi Juz).

Although most Kazakh continue to identify with their Islamic faith, some traditions and beliefs remain and are passed generation by generation from the Pre-Islamic era, such as worshiping the sky, the ancestors, protection beads and talismans and much more widely present especially amongst the elderly. Below you will find a list of important deities in their mythology divided into major deities and other deities:

Major deities:

Kök Tengri – God of Sky. Originally the sky itself. Creator of everything. Tengri was the main god of the Turkic pantheon, controlling the celestial sphere.

Kayra (or Kaira) – Supreme God of universe. He is the Spirit of God and creator god in Turkic mythology. Son of the sky deity (Gok Tengri).

Erlik or Erklik-Erklikhan – God of the dead and of the underworld. He kept his existence in Tengrism as an evil deity, probably influenced by Zoroastrianism.

Ulgan (or Ulgen) – God of benevolence. Son of Kaira. He is a Turkic and Mongolian creator-deity.

Mergen – God of wisdom. Son of Kaira. He is a Turkic deity of abundance and knowledge.

Kyzaghan – War god of the European Huns. The first Turks did not have a war god. Kyzaghan is the son of Kayra and the brother of Ulgan.

Umay or Umai – Goddess of fertility. She is the goddess of virginity and as such related to women, mothers and children.

Kuara - God of Thunder and son of Tengri. He is comparable to Thor in Norse Mythology.

Kubai – Goddess of birth and children. She protects women who give birth. She gives the children souls.

Koyash or Kuyash – Sun God. Koyash is the son of Gok Tengri "Sky God" and the Earth Goddess.

Ak Ana – Goddess of creation. Ak Ana, is the primordial creator-goddess of Turkic people. She is also known as the goddess of the water.

Ay Ata – Moon God. According to the mythology, he is a moon god and he has been living on the sixth floor of the sky with Gun Ana.

Gun Ana – Sun Goddess. She is the common Turkic solar deity, treated as a goddess in the Kazakh and Kyrgyz mythologies.

Yel Ana – Goddess of winds. In Hungarian folklore she is referred to as the "queen of wind" too.

Yel Ata – God of winds. In Hungarian folklore he is also referred to as the "king of wind".

Burkut – Eagle God. The eagle god Burkut symbolizes the sun and power.

Öd Tengri or Öd-Ögöd – God of time. Is seen as the personification of time in Turkic mythology. Usually depicted as a dragon.

Boz Tengri – God mostly seen as the god of the ground and steppes.

Aisyt – Goddess of beauty. She is also the mother goddess of the Yakut people from Siberia.

Su Ana – Goddess of water. Su Ana is said to appear as a naked young woman with a fairy-like face.

Su Ata – God of water. He appears as an old man with a frog-like face, greenish beard, with his body covered in algae and muck.

Od Ana – Goddess of fire. Also referred to as the goddess of marriage. In Mongolian folklore she is referred to as the "queen of fire".

Od Ata – God of fire. In Mongolian folklore he is referred to as the Od Khan "king of fire". He is a fire spirit in the shamanistic traditions of Mongolia.

Yer Tanry – Earth Goddess / God. As a fertility goddess, she was recognized as the giver of crops and abundance.

Etugen – Earth Goddess. Her name originates from Ötüken, the holy mountain of the earth and fertility goddess of the ancient Turks.

Hurmuz or Kurmez – God of souls. Also he is a god in Mongolian mythology and shamanism, described as the chief of the 55 gods.

Jaiyk – God of rivers. He is a god in Turkic pantheon, previously known as Dayık in Altai mythology. He lives at the junction of 17 rivers.

Alaz – God of fire in Turkic mythology. Also known as Alas-Batyr or sometimes Alaz Khan.

Baianai – Hunting Goddess. She is also the Yakut goddess of forests and joy.

Kailyn - Goddess of Kings and Queens. She is in control to find a good king or Queen

Other deities:

Adaghan – Mountain God. He protects the mountains and the creatures that live there. His name means sacrifice acceptor.

Akbugha – God of medicine. He is the god of health and healing in ancient Turkic tradition. He has a white serpent.

Ai Toyon (Sakha: Айыы Тойон, Russian: Айы Тойон) is the Yakut god of light, usually depicted as an eagle perched atop the "world tree".

Adzis Khanym (Nameless Lady). Goddess of evil.

Shalyk – Hunting God. He was the Turkic goddess of the hunt, wild animals, wilderness and protector of forests.

Inehsit – Goddess of childbirth and labor pains. She was the divine helper of women in labor and has an obvious origin in the human midwife.

Qovaq – God of the sky. He brings up a new sun every day; for that reason, he is hunted by Yelbehen to stop her and cause total darkness.

Uren – Goddess of the harvest. She presided over grains and the fertility of the earth.

Zarlık – Goddess of Judgement. She was the goddess of justice, fair judgements and rights.

Zada – Wind God. He is the ruler of the winds, and owner of Yada Tashy (Wind Stone).

Ukulan – Water God. He is the chief of the rivers, springs, streams and fountains.

Izıh – God of wild animals. He is especially the god of freed animals.

Chokqu – Goddess of good wishes. She fulfills wishes.

Talai or Dalai – God of Oceans. He was the personification of the World Ocean, an enormous river encircling the world.

Kvara or Kuara – God of Thunder of Bulgar origin (comparable to the Norse Thor).


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Check out the next few chapters for Kazakh myths, folktales, and legends!

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