Kyrgyz Mythology - Legend #1: Legends of the Horse's Head and the Seven Bulls

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The Legend of At Bashi (also known as the Horse's Head) begins with a Kyrgyz herder who sold his cattle in what is now called Uzbekistan. He returns exhausted and settles down at a pasture for a night to allow his horse to graze. The next day, he tries to coral the horse, but it runs away. He chases it around and when he finally catches it, he kills it and cooks it meat. He left the head behind at the place, At Bashi. On his journey home, he continues to eat the meat. Where he has the last piece of the carcass, he names the place Naryn. (Which is the name of the dish he cooked with the meat. It is type of soup with finely cut meat.) You can find these places on the map, but you will notice both places are very far apart, meaning the man had to go a long way to sell his cattle and chase the horse for a while.

The Jety-Oguz Rocks resemble seven bulls lying down on the earth. Another Kyrgyz legend foretells about how these rocks formed during a time when two rulers had their feud. One had a beautiful wife and the other ruler fell in love with her, and stole her away. A murderous war began between the two rulers that would end in neither's victory. The first ruler demanded the other ruler return his beloved wife and he would not stop fighting until it happened.

The other ruler who stole the wife concocted a diabolical plan--he would kill the wife and give the body to her husband, since the first ruler didn't specify how he wanted his wife returned. He arranged festivities across seven days, slaughtering a bull every day. When the seventh day arrived and he slaughtered the last bull, he killed the woman with his bare hands. The moment her blood shed on the rocks, hot flows of water flushed into the valley and killed him and who serve him. The gorge where the wife was killed became known as Jety-Oguz (the "Seven Bulls") because the rocks resemble the bulls who were sacrificed during the festivities before the wife's murder.


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