Ep 8 | Part 1

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BANG CHAN: I'm the virus.

Y/n's eyes tear up, already thinking about the worst-case scenario – What if I can't get you out?

Y/N: It-It- can't be. You can't be the virus.

BANG CHAN: Apparently, I was one ever since I played my last level.

No. No. - She reaches out to comfort, to stop, only for her hand to not touch anything. She freezes, her hands trembling as she realizes it went through him.

DAE WOO: Huh...

BANG CHAN:You need to go.

Y/n can't move – please no.


Y/n refuses to look at him.

BANG CHAN: Y/n! You need to get out!

He starts glitching, Y/n paralyzed, stays rooted to the spot. FLASH! She gets zapped by Bang Chan. Thrown across the alley she falls hard to the ground. The next moment, she looks up, he's gone.

Y/N: Bang Cha-Bang Chan!


He races to her and helps her up.

Y/N: No, Bang Chan!

She walks back to where Bang Chan once stood, tears rolling down her face and her sobs becoming audible. Dae Woo scowls at the situation – Y/n's heartbreak, his inexperience and worst of all the disappearance of the one person who had all the answers.

Y/N: No! Please

Y/n's gaze drops to the ground when something catches her eye. Brushing off her tears, she bends and picks up a familiar device – Bang Chan's teleporter. Determination replaces tears, stealing her gaze.

DAE WOO: What's that?

Y/n turns to him, the look on her face doesn't go unnoticed. He hasn't seen Y/n look like this before – cold, intense, murderous.

DAE WOO: Y/n... Let's think it through, okay?

Y/n does not reply.

DAE WOO: We'll find him, he'll be fine.

Y/n steps closer, at first scarring Dae Woo, and holds his shoulders.

Y/N: Trust me.

DAE WOO: What're you planning to do?

Y/N: Find answers.


Making sure their alone Y/n throws the teleporter to the ground. Dae Woo gasps, amazed, watching it expand. Something else catches his attention.

DAE WOO: What's that?

He points behind Y/n. She turns to look at the holographic screen being projected on to the sky, displaying a ticking timer. 59: 58: 37.

DAE WOO: It can't be days they're counting down...

Y/N: That's how long we have before the servers shut down.


Y/N: Please download his log list.

DAE WOO: Won't we get into trouble?

Y/N: No.

Dae Woo moves to the monitors. Y/n goes to one of the windows keeping an eye out for drones.

A small gust of air hisses across the room. As if someone has opened a door somewhere. The windows are sealed, the only door leading in and out is shut. – Please no. Y/n turns back, and yet she knows someone unwelcome is in here. The lights go off!

DAE WOO: Why!?? I almost got in!

Y/N: Dae Woo, get down!

The room is covered in darkness. Y/n holds her gun up, though she does not know what she's aiming at. Moonlight pouring through the windows; her only source of light, throws webbed shadows on to the floor.

BANG! Gunshots, someone's firing from upstairs. Y/n fires back. She dives behind the wall – Hold on Dae Woo...

BANG! BANG! BANG! The gun battel rages on.


She turns her gun on him instinctively.

Y/N: God-

She puts her gun down.

Y/N: Are you hurt?


Another shot rings through. Y/n looks at the wall beside her - Where did the bullet hit?

DAE WOO: He's not firing at us.

Y/N: Yeah...

She leans sideways to peek out, a bullet whips past her arm, tearing some flesh. Her gun drops from her hand as she contains her scream.


She presses on her bleeding arm. This mystery shooter has crossed the line, infuriating Dae Woo to the max. He starts firing.


Y/n being herself gets distracted watching her friend in action. Then suddenly the bullets stop.

Cautiously Y/n peers out. No trace of anyone in here. Y/n presses an index finger to her lips as she turns to Dae Woo and moves to take cover under the staircase. They listen, hiding in the shadows.

NPC 1: We lost them sir.

NPC 2: Great job, you numbskulls!

NPC 1: I will go find th-

NPC 2: No need, get out!

They hear the footsteps retreat and soon enough they die down. Dae Woo exhales after holding his breath for way too long.

Y/N: You okay-


He points to the glowing eyes staring at them from beyond the staircase.



Bang Chan, pale, tired winces as he glitches once every few moments. He's seated on a chair, he's drugged. The door glides open and Jacob, a weathered man enters. He's seen bad things and has clearly done bad things; he pulls up a chair to Bang Chan.

JACOB: This is the first time we're meeting. I'm Jacob.

BANG CHAN: Do I look like I'm interested?

JACOB: You're the tough kind, I see.

Bang Chan groans, glitching worse than before.

JACOB: You'll get used to the pain after a while.

BANG CHAN: Why are you doing this to me? Like you said this is the first time we're meeting each other.

JACOB: Don't feel bad. It's not only you.

Bang Chan – Come On, I need more than that.

JACOB: Our manipulator didn't only target you. He targeted all the players in this building.

BANG CHAN: You're keeping more?

JACOB: Our manipulator planted a virus each in every player he targeted. Including me. He made sure we never had the chance to get out.

A part of Bang Chan heals knowing he was not the only one suffering like this.

JACOB: How did you do it?


JACOB: Live. Except you, every affected player needed a ventilator and lives of other players to survive. But you never used one like us...

Bang Chan laughs, only Jacob does not realize he's being sarcastic and joins.

BANG CHAN: Shut up.


BANG CHAN: Why are you doing this? What do you want from those players, their credits?

JACOB: Bingo. They're dying anyways so I thought they could be a little helpful.

BANG CHAN: You're dying too.

JACOB: Oh no, you're going to help me live.

Bang Chan glares at him.

One of the many monitors displaying CCTV footages, goes unnoticed by Bang Chan, he misses the visuals of Y/n in one of the rooms.


Y/n blinks awake. She finds herself resting her head against the desk of this unfamiliar classroom – What is this place?

This room has clearly not been used in ages. Outside the window the timer screen ticking away.

Y/N: That's not terrifying at all.

She stands and walks to the door, its locked – of course it is. She shakes her head when she hears a soft sound, something similar to a skid. She listens harder, trying to find the source.

Y/N: Where is it coming from?

She peaks through the dusty, grimy windows. Her face falls seeing the NPCs drag a dead body of a player.

Y/N: Oh my god...

What is this place?


Bang Chan is done putting up with this, if he could just kill the man in front of him – God!

JACOB: But guess what, even after getting those points, I can't make it out the game.

Bang Chan blocks his voice out of his head, not caring in the least.

JACOB: And then I found out about Y/n.

He's gotten Bang Chan's attention now. Not the good kind.

BANG CHAN: Don't bring her into this.

JACOB: Too late. At first, I thought she was an idiot for coming back after she became a victor but then it hit me, she's everything I needed. She's my ticket home.

Bang Chan grits his teeth.

BANG CHAN: Stop before I separate your head from your body.

JACOB: Oops, she's already here. I'm going to log into her Id-


Jacob stands instinctively, looking at the door – What the?

Bang Chan is confused rather than worried. BANG!

JACOB: What the hell is going on?

He races out. Bang Chan ignores the problem that's not his.



The door of the computer lab opens with a slam. Jacob steps into the corridor. There is no one else other than him and the dead NPCs lying on the floor.

A shadow moving out from behind approaches Jacob. It slips a rope around his neck and pulls hard – dragging him to the ground, strangling him...

It's Y/n.

Jacob tares at the rope. It bites into his neck. His legs flailing all the time in attempt to get out. He peers through half-closed eyes but Y/n is just a blurred silhouette.

Tighter and tighter the cord is pulled. Y/n mysteriously let's go...

Jacob coughs - regains his breath as he remains on the ground.

Y/N: Who are you to hold me hostage-

Her gaze lands inside the computer lab, having the same reaction as Bang Chan. Neither of them believing this is real.

Y/N: Wah-You. Oh. Hi.

She waves.


Hearing Jacob groan, Y/n snaps back into reality.

Y/N: Right, we need to get out.

She presses her earpiece.

Y/N [INTO COM]: Dae Woo, I found Bang Chan. (listens) Okay.

She looks back at Bang Chan.

Y/N: We'll catch up later.

She leaves and returns holding a large roll of cable she got her hands on. Bang Chan stands gesturing her to pass it, but she doesn't, only throwing one end of the cable to him and tying the other to a pillar.

BANG CHAN: How did you know I was here?

Y/n's embarrassed, doesn't want to say.

Y/N: I had absolutely no idea you were here. I was just trying to get out.

That wasn't pleasant to confess. Not giving him time to react she gestures toward the window.

Y/N: Hurry! Go!

BANG CHAN: Ok. Ok! Wait!

Bang Chan climbs over the window. Firmly holding the cable, he quickly lowers himself down. Y/n watches hoping he doesn't glitch till he reaches the ground.

Y/N: Come on, faster.

He's only a few meters away from the ground. BOOM! He looks up at the explosion ripping out of the higher floors. He can't see Y/n! His cable now breaking, he falls to the ground and rolls in pain.

BANG CHAN: Ah...Y/n...Ah-

A car screeches to a halt.

DAE WOO: Bang Chan! In here!

Bang Chan looks up; his eyes widen seeing Dae Woo driving his car!

DAE WOO: What're you doing?! Get in! That dude is getting away!

A car, zooms past them.

BANG CHAN: Where's Y/n-




Jacob curses under his breath as he drives ahead, his car taking shots fired by Bang Chan. He's sweating, nervous if he'll make it out alive or not.

JACOB: Aish.

Bang Chan's car skids ahead stopping in front of Jacob's car. He pulls the breaks, making him jerk forward.


Bang Chan steps out aiming at Jacob, who's cocking his own gun. Jacob stops feeling a gun pressed against his temple. Y/n aiming the gun, seated in the back, glares at him.

Y/N: You better put that away.



Dae Woo nods in approval as Y/n throws Jacob out of the car before stepping out herself.

Y/N: You jerk.

Jacob braces himself quietly begging for her to stop. She kicks Jacob.

Y/N: I can't believe you actually did this. What were you thinking?

Her kicks getting more and more aggressive, worrying Dae Woo.

DAE WOO: I think we should stop her or something before she completely kil-

He looks at Bang Chan, stopping as he catches him watching her intently.

DAE WOO: Bang Chan?... Bang Chan?

He waves an arm that Bang Chan pushes away distracted.

DAE WOO: What did I get myself into?

Y/N: Don't you have a conscious?

Dae Woo steps in himself pulling Y/n away from Jacob.

DAE WOO: I know you're mad... but stop.

Y/N: Right.

She takes deep breaths, collecting herself.

Y/N: Okay.

She turns to Bang Chan and approaches him. She puts her gun in his hand and wraps his fingers around the trigger.

Y/N: Your turn.

Dae Woo, the poor spectator, cringes watching them. Bang Chan without hesitation shoots Jacob, Dae Woo flinches shutting his ears.

DAE WOO: Thanks for giving me a heads up.

He avoids looking at Jacob.

Y/N: Are you okay?

Bang Chan nods.

BANG CHAN: You're hurt?

He's worried seeing the blood-soaked cloth wrapped around her arm.

Y/N: Oh, it's nothing.

Dae Woo is going to puke if he watches these two idiots any longer. He looks away.

DAE WOO: These two...

His gaze lands on something terrifying.

DAE WOO: What-Who are you?

Rachel, her appearance and movement exactly like a zombie. Y/n follows Dae Woo's gaze. She freezes so does Bang Chan. Rachel lifts her gun and aims at Y/n.


Y/n drops to the ground, blood puddling around.

Except it's not hers...


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