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"Thank you, everyone" the raven haired boy announced to his friends below "for all supporting me. Through the hard times, and the wonderful ones. I could not have done this without each and every one of you. Seriously, thank you"

"Thank you, Ash" a blonde haired girl in the crowd of people stood up "for touching each of our lives. I know you changed mine, changed it for the better" everyone nodded, agreeing that Ash had helped them as well "before I met you, my life was a mess. I had no idea what I would do the next day, but now I know. Ash, I-"

She was cut off by an echoing sound that filled the grassy field they were sitting in. It grew louder, as something that she had only seen in movies materialized above them.

It was a portal, flashing dark shades of purple. Out of it stuck the metallic nose of an airship, and as it flew out the portal closed behind it.

The ship paused in mid air, and through a hatch at the bottom a man jumped down to them.

The blaring noise cut out, the ship still suspended in air, as a strange man flew down on some large bird Pokemon.

"Fearow!" the bird bellowed out, and the man hopped off, staring directly at Ash.

"Our little nuisance" the man scowled "your time has come" he raised his hand into the air "we have space and time on our side. Our forces combined, we will destroy you. We, team rainbow rocket will stop everyone in our path. HAIL RR!" He slashed his hand downwards, calling upon the same purple portal they had seen before, it tearing a hole below Ash and his friends.

Screams could barely be heard, as the strange man jumped back onto his Pokemon, flying away.

Pikachu hopped off of Ash's shoulder, firing off a burst of lightning at the retreating mystery man, but he was too far away, and they had more pressing things to deal with.

Ash felt his balance slip, something pulling him downward.

"Ash!" Serena exclaimed, dashing forward to pull Ash to his feet.

"What will we do" Ash said, glancing around at all of his friends in peril.

"I.. I don't know" Serena said, seeing all of the people she had spend the last 24 hours meeting and befriending slipping away into this mysterious portal.

Then she felt it. What had been a small tug at her feet turned into an iron grip on her lower body. It began to drag her down, and she felt something strange start to envelop her. What in the world was going on.

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