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The night was brisk, but Serena stayed warm under the blankets she had borrowed from N. The couch was just barely to small for a bed, but the cushions just absorbed her worries away.

The sun was just starting to rise, and the small slat of a window began to radiate light all around her borrowed room. Figuring it was about time to get up, Serena pushed her covers aside. Energy pulsed through her veins, it was time for action.

She had taken a free ride up to this point, but it would soon be time to pull the trigger. The smoking gun, a silver bullet, some way to make all of this worthwhile.

She enjoyed a simple breakfast with N, before going around to scope out her surroundings. It seemed as if the only way out was from which she came. The large space was completely encased in stone, the tiny windows looking out towards a massive cliff. She would have to brute force her way out.

The door was small, but held sturdy against all Serena had to give. Of course, she wasn't going to be the one to knock it down.

It was a natural motion, but one she hadn't done in quite a while. Slipping her hand into her pocket, she produced the small, metallic pokeballs. Deciding which one to use, she flipped them around in her hand. The technology inside reminded her of N's theories about gravity and time. Oh how she wished to spend more time with him, but she had to go now.

Her adrenaline was still running high, and she couldn't bear being this close to him and doing nothing. If at all possible, she was going to try and wait for someone to come by, and follow them back through the seemingly endless tunnels that lead to where she is now trapped.

She finally decided which Pokémon she would use, tapping the ball open. It flashed red, and in front of her appeared the large panda Pokemon.

"Pangoro, please break down this door"

The Pokemon nodded, swinging its massive limbs toward the wooden door, smashing it back into the long corridor.

A loud banging echoed through the halls, and anyone nearby would've most definitely heard it. It's ok though, she thought to herself. She wanted to draw someone to her.

Serena heard footsteps approaching from behind, and truning saw N, his green hair flowing outwards as he ran. She tensed up, but N wasn't coming for her. Instead, he spread his arms wide, embracing pangoro in a hug.

"Y... You're beautiful..." N exclaimed, "you two must truly have a special bond... I'd never seen it anywhere but with him..."

"You mean Ash?"

"Yeah..." N pulled back from pangoro "You're going to see him, right?"

"Yes" Serena answered bluntly.

"Well, good luck" N tured to go "you're just like he was... too damn determined," he looked back one last time "I won't waste my breath trying to stop you. Just know you can always turn back"

N stepped back into where he had spent the last three years of his life, as Serena began to make her way away from the broken door.

Her focus was on the present, and nothing would stop her.

"Halt!" A man rounded the corner, gun in hand. He looked at Serena, then at her pokemon. He was visably nervos, but kept his aim trained on Serena.

"Use body slam" Serena muttered under her breath, as her pokemon began to charge the guard.

His focus quickly shifted to the large panda pokemon approaching. His aim was well off, but it was a big target. The bulltes found their mark, but none were effective. Instead, the pokemon began to build up energy, before slamming into the guard, sending him flying across the hall. He smashed into the wall, before falling forward with a quieter thud.

Serena reached down, ingoring the blood starting to run from the mans head, taking the gun and radio from his belt. "All clear on the sound, a brick unlodged from the celing, over" Serena said into the radio, with the deepest voice she could do.

"Copy that" someone responded.

She was home free. They wouldn't suspect a thing...

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