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General Gilda strolled around the Sato compound, feeling the brisk Mount Coronet wind through her short brown hair. She never believed in Team Platinum, but the sheer passion of Ash Ketchum and the promise of a united force against Team Rocket convinced her to join.

As a General she had no need to take patrol routes, but Gilda enjoyed seeing the wild pokemon out in nature. She also took this time to think.

Why did the leader lash out at a group of his most trusted advisors? Who was this woman that escaped into the headquarters?

The latter question she answered earlier today by checking the archive system. Serena Yvonne, a former companion to the leader, was known for her competition in pokemon contests and showcases. She befriended the leader in the Kalos region, many years before the first gravitational incident.

Did this girl only now show up to meet her friend? Ash described how Team Rocket used the power of legendary pokemon to rip his friends away from him, mercilessly sentencing each one to a fate worse than death. Somehow, she survived, and over five years later broke into this very base.

Did she escape from the gravitation anomaly, or was Ash lying to his own followers? If I was braver I'd just ask him directly, but there's no telling what kind of mood the leader is in right now-

Gilda's thoughts were interrupted by a rustling in the bushes, as a small pokemon jumped in front of her path.

A turtwig, What is it doing here?

As if it could read her mind, the green pokemon poked it's head past the bush it had been hiding in, towards a grove of trees. She followed as the turtwig ran off intently.

Lying between two trees was an exhausted looking young man. The boy had scrapes along his face and arm, and matted black hair covering an injury on his head.

He looks like a soldier, possibly even a threat to Sato, but not in this state. The pokemon seems to care deeply about him, which says something for the boy's character. It'd be cruel to leave him here in the cold.

Turtwig waited patiently as she checked his wounds. His bloodstained jacket looked much worse than his actual condition, and a lot of the wounds were starting to heal themselves. Still not well enough to move out of here.

Gilda noticed an emblem on his jacket as she removed it, of a pokeball symbol. So he was resistance.

She tore the badge off, stashing it in her pocket. He wouldn't make it far if the soldiers found out. He might not make it far as is.

With a click Gilda activated her radio.

"I found an injured civilian, send a team to take them in,"

"Understood, General"

With that she sat and waited for the retrieval team.

"On all my patrols, you're the only pokemon that's let me get this close" Gilda said.

Turtwig tilted its head up at her. In all this time, the pokemon never left that boy's side. Was this little thing the same as the danger that was posed by Team Rocket's pokemon fuled army?

She felt guilty, trying to support this boy despite his enemy affiliations. Yet that's what the leader did for his friend.

From the start Ash was an open, honest and charismatic leader. He explained how he was driven by his own self interest, just like everyone else. But his interest was in helping the most people possible, and stopping anyone from using pokemon to hurt people.

Gilda fell in love with that message. Perhaps she fell in love with him.

Love. Is that what he feels for this Serena girl?

Eventually the rescue party arrived, moving the boy onto a stretcher then getting read to head out. Gilda paused a moment, turning to turtwig.

You should stay here, the mountain is a wonderful place.

This time turtwig couldn't read her mind, or at least it decided not to listen. The little green pokemon followed as she left, not deterred by the man made setting of the Sato compound.

One of the compound guards stopped her, looking down at the pokemon.

"There's a wild pokemon following you, ma'am" he said.

"Yes, this one may have been injured in the same blast that hurt that boy I called in about. I'm taking the pokemon to be looked at," Gilda reached down and picked up turtwig. She had the authority to tell the guard to mind his own business, but it was best not to raise suspicion.

"Good idea, ma'am" the guard replied.

As the rescue team took the boy into another room, Gilda held on tight to turtwig as it struggled to try and follow its friend.

"I'm sorry, but you have to stay with me" she said.

Eventually turtwig accepted this reality, and promptly fell asleep in her arms. Gilda placed turtwig in a spare backpack, zipping it part way so nobody could see the pokemon inside.

Then the alarm started.

I'm sorry buddy, but I have urgent business to attend to. Gilda tried not to shake the backpack as she ran to the command room. The main monitor was set to a display of Unova, with markers over multiple former Team Plasma bases.

"I'm glad you're here, General" said one of the officers "there's been multiple attacks in Unova, including our main data system,"

"That's not good" Gilda replied "do you know what information the assailants were after?"

"Yes. It was most likely the layout of the base we are in currently"

"Then that's not good news at all. The leader should be informed"

There was an awkward pause, as the officer glanced guiltily up at her.

"Ah, that's right. The last time you spoke with the leader you got electrocuted. I understand, I will speak with him"

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