Chapter 1: Encounter

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Thunder gripped the shard, he was trapped, surrounded by three zombies. He was only able to fight one, he could do more if he had a weapon, but all he's got is a shard. He backed away into the wall. The zombies cornered him. Thunder thought for a while before suddenly stabbing one of the zombies with the shard. The zombie growled and Thunder jumped, kicking another one. He ran as fast as he could out of the alley.

He was now in the park, it was empty, but there's no doubt that zombies would soon invade this place. He looked around and saw a car in a alley. He ran to it and forcefully open the door before going in. He hid there, he could hear growls getting closer and louder. Soon, zombies showed up. Thunder searched around for a weapon. He took an umbrella and opened it. Maybe he could prevent the zombies from getting closer to him. A zombie scratched the glass, it's face and brain teared off. Thunder cringed, he didn't know what to do. If he stay here, he could die.

Suddenly, gunshots are heard and the zombies are dead. Thunder exited the car as a boy in blue and white, with cyan eyes, holding two guns showed up. The boy smiled, a bit smear of blood on his clothes and face, "Yo! Come here!" Thunder hesitantly walked to him, bringing the umbrella, "Who are you?"

"Greetings, I'm Cyclone! One of the survivors!" Cyclone grinned, grabbing Thunder's hand and shaking them. "One of?" Thunder asked. Cyclone nodded, "Well, including you, but me and my friend survived and stayed in a house in the forest! Would you like to join?"

Thunder hesitated, he needed shelter, but this is a stranger, "I...-" "Accepted!" Cyclone grinned and put one of the guns inside his pocket before grabbing Thunder by the arm and running away.
"Careful, this forest is quite full of zombies... Blech, disgusting," Cyclone whispered as he looked around cautiously. Thunder looked at the gun he is holding. Cyclone had lent him one of the guns, but he's never used a gun before, should be simple right?

"Ah, here we are!" Cyclone excited tone broke Thunder's thought. He looked at the house. It was not big or small, just enough. The walls are made of dark wood and some of the property outside is broken. "It's not much, but we've got shelter! Come in!" Cyclone invited as he ran in. Thunder went in.

It's not dirty, clean, actually. It was lighted up by a few lanterns. Thunder closed the door, looking around. "Ah, my friend must be out," Cyclone said as he fiddled with his watch. Thunder nodded, "Just you and your friend? Is your friend a good one or is he like you?"

Cyclone laughed, "Silly! Quake's a good guy! He's caring and very good at protecting! He's like a mom!" Thunder nodded, so this...Quake doesn't sound so bad. "Would you like to eat? Quake prepared fried rabbit!" Cyclone grinned. Thunder was a bit disgusted, but hid it, "..sure..?" The two went in the kitchen.

"So, what is your name? I've told mine and Quake's so you tell me yours!" Cyclone said as he sat. "Thunder... My name is Thunder," Thunder said. "So, you have a family?" Cyclone asked, chomping on his food. "He's dead. I only have a father," Thunder said coldly as he took a bite. 'Not bad,' he thought.

"Ah, sorry to hear that. So, you like the food?" Cyclone asked. Thunder nodded, "It's... okay?" Cyclone grinned, "Oh, and you don't have a weapon right? That umbrella is way to low for a weapon! Wait here!" Cyclone darted out of the kitchen.

Thunder looked at the umbrella. Indeed, it was a bad weapon, but maybe he could keep it for precaution? He continued eating. He heard the door open and close. He stood up and went to see who it is.

A boy with black and gold attire and gold eyes, smeared with blood everywhere, put down a bloody chainsaw on the table. He huffed in relief and set a sack down. "Quake!!" Cyclone suddenly greeted. Quake turned and was greeted by a tight hug. "Why did you go home so late?" Cyclone asked, pulling away and checking.

"You're not a zombie are you?" Cyclone asked. Quake chuckled, "If I was a zombie, I'd kill you on your spot." Cyclone laughed, "Right, are you hurt?" Quake shook his head, "Nah, and I bought food." Cyclone cheered, "YAY! Oh yeah, I want you to meet a new friend!" Cyclone looks at Thunder, who was standing in the door way of the kitchen, "Thunder, come here!"

Thunder hesitantly walked to them. Cyclone introduced, "Quake, this is Thunder. Thunder, this is Quake." Quake smiled, "Greetings." Thunder nodded, examining Quake. The boy seemed kind and innocent, but he was bloody? What the-

He also noticed that Quake is the shortest among the three, Thunder was the tallest.

"Where do you come from?" Quake asked. Thunder stuttered, "Um.. Not far from here." Quake nodded, then looked at Cyclone, "Cyclone, the zombies are multiplying. It'll be better if we keep moving." Cyclone frowned, "But we've only lived here for 5 days!" "Trust me, it's best if we go. We will go tomorrow morning," Quake said, then he looked at Thunder, "Are you coming?" Thunder nodded.

"But, where will we go?" - C.
"I have a friend in Canada. It's far away, but he'll get here." - Q.
"The only zombie-free place?" - C.
"Precisely. And Thunder." - Q.
"Hm?" - T.
"We'll give you a weapon." - Q.
Next morning...

Thunder shifted and woke up. He was sleeping on a rug, given by Quake and Cyclone. He missed his old bed. He slowly open his eyes and saw Cyclone watching the door, still and silent, not even blinking. Thunder sat, "Cyclone...? What are you doing?" "Watching the door," Cyclone said without moving a muscle, not including his mouth.

Thunder facepalmed, "I know, but what are you doing?" "Watching, just in case the zombies attack," Cyclone said. Thunder raised an eyebrow, "How long have you been like that?" Cyclone was quiet, "...4 hours." Thunder's eyes widened, how the hell is he able to do that? "What time is it? And where's Quake?" He asked.

"It's 1 AM," Quake said, coming out of the kitchen, clean, with a sniper. Thunder looked at him. Quake smiled, "I've cooked breakfast, and this sniper..." He handed it to Thunder, "Is for you." Thunder was shocked, "I've...never used a weapon my entire life..."

"You'll get used to it," Quake smiled, then he looked at Cyclone, "Cyclone, it's breakfast." Cyclone turned to him, eyes red, "Aye.."

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