Chapter 6: Military

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Quake: *looks at Author* What?

*inhales* Before we begin, I wanted to introduce a guest!

Cyclone: *raises an eyebrow* Who?

LunalaStarlight 's OC! Come in Ari!

Arieneriz: *comes in, looking around*

Thunder: *looks at her* But what will she be?

Well, she have Thor's dagger (?) and she's good at using it!

Ari: *shrugs* I guess? What am going to be though?

*thinks* Hm.. Ah! You could meet Quake when Kaizo and he walk to the training place!

Quake: So, she will be a part of the squad? *walks to Ari*

Yep! And Quake! I want you to introduce her to the other characters!

Quake: What?! Why me?

I don't know, cuz I want you to.

Quake: -_-

Well, see you later, champs!

Quake: *bows* Quake at your service.

Ari: *nods, a bit awkward* Ari...

Quake: *smiles* Come on! I'll show you around!
Quake explored the office. It was huge and full of workers. He saw a blonde man, around 26, ran to him, "Excuse me, sir?" Quake looked at the man, "Yes?" "Are you sir Quake?" The man asked. Quake nodded, "Y- yeah." The man smiled, "I'm Robert! Captain Kaizo would like to meet you." Quake raised an eyebrow, "Captain...Kaizo?" Robert nodded and grabbed Quake's arm, "Come on!"

Robert brought him to a room and knocked the door. "Captain Kaizo!" He yelled. The door opened and a man like Fang but taller and looks much more mature opened the door. Quake raised an eyebrow. Kaizo smiled, "Quake. Fang told me a lot about you. Thank you, Robert, you can leave now." Robert nodded and went away. "I'm sorry, but who are you?" Quake asked. "I'm Kaizo, Fang's brother. He told me about your killer instinct. We could put good use to that. Now follow me," Kaizo said as he walked out.

Quake followed, "If I may ask, are you going to put me into military?" Kaizo nodded, "Precisely." Quake grinned, "Yes..!" Kaizo smiled, "You seemed happy, but we need to check if that arm of yours can be used perfectly." Quake nodded.

"Captain Kaizo! Reports said that more zombies are appearing in New York!" A female with blue hair with gradient white bottom, tied sideways, grey eyes, a flower and diamond hair pin, and white skin went to them. She wore a brown long sleeved collar shirt and dark brown short skirt with pale brown 7/8 jeans and a belt of small bags, almost like Quake's.

"The militaries have went there to stop the zombies, but were outnumbered. We need more help!" She said. Kaizo nodded, "I understood." He then looked at Quake, "Ari, can you take Quake to the training room? I will be there once I'm done with the military."

Ari looked at Quake and nodded, "Understood." With that, Kaizo went away. "Come," she said. Quake followed, "So, what's your name?" She was silent for a few seconds, "...Arieneriz." Quake nodded, "Hm, are you a military too?" Ari was a bit shocked, "How did you know?"

Quake smirked, "You look like one. The belt said so." Ari nodded, "Meh... Where are you from? You seem new." Quake nodded, "Indeed, I am. I'm from Malaysia, but was brought here when me and my friends are in Canada." Ari nodded, impressed, "Hm, interesting."

"What weapon do you use?" - Quake.
"Daggers." - Ari.
"Ah, I use a chainsaw. We're both close ranged." - Quake.
"Meh, just you. My daggers can return to me after I threw them." - Ari.
"Where are we?" Thunder asked. They are in a room with dummies and targets. A few people are practicing shotguns. "The training room. I've talked with Kaizo and we both decided you four and I are the best," Fang said. "Four? But there's only three of us," Ying said, confused. "Ah, yes, Kaizo must've been searching for him," Fang said, looking around.

"Fang!" Quake called as he and Ari walked to them. "QUAKE!!" Cyclone cheered as he hug attacked Quake, who yelped in surprise. "GOD, YOU'RE OKAY! I THOUGHT WE'D LOST YOU!!" Cyclone cried. Quake chuckled and rolled his eyes, "It's only a bullet, I won't die. It's in my arm, not my chest." Cyclone kept crying, Quake pat his back. Thunder was amazed at how close the two seemed.

Fang then noticed Ari, "Ari?" Ari nodded, "Yes, me." "Um, who's she?" Ying asked. "This is Ari, one of Captain's trusted," Fang said. "Ah, yes, she is also one of the military. She told me so," Quake said.

Ari shrugged, "Meh." "Oh... Well, it's nice meeting you! I'm Ying! That is Cyclone and Thunder!" Ying said, pointing the two. Ari smiled slightly, "It's nice meeting you, too."

"Where is Captain?" Fang asked. "He's checking the military is New York. The zombies just won't stop appearing," Ari said. Fang nodded, "I see.." "Where's Blaze and the others?" Quake asked. "They're in the dining room before, but maybe they already went somewhere," Cyclone said. Quake sighed, "Alright... Is Blaze okay?" Thunder nods, "The others are okay, too." Quake smiled, "Oh, good."


They turned to the voice and saw Blaze running to Quake, the other following behind and trying to stop him. Quake grinned, "Blaze!" Blaze hug attacked Quake, crying. Quake rub his head, "You okay..?"

Blaze nodded, hugging tightly, "Is Quake okay?" Quake smiled and kneeled to Blaze's height, "I'm fine."



Quake gave a small kiss on Blaze's forehead and the two hugged. Yaya looked at Ari, "Ey? Who's that girl?" Ari sighed, "Arieneriz." "One of the military?" Yaya asked. Ari nodded, "Yes, what about you guys?"

"I'm Yaya! That one hugging Cyclone is Gopal, and the child is Blaze," Yaya said, pointing at Gopal who's hugging with Cyclone and Quake and Blaze who is hugging. Ari nodded, then she looked at the clock, "Ah, I must go. I've got other things to do." She went away, but froze, "Oh, and um, maybe Captain is busy now. You should start your training tomorrow. After all, it's getting dark." Then she walked away.
Sorry if Ari isn't like what you wanted, Luna! I tried my best! ^^'

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