1. Maddie -2024 Entry by @ihatezeus

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Gracie, ihatezeus



Reyna pays her girlfriend Thalia a surprise visit (AU)

Features Thalia Grace x Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano

CW: Implied attempted kidnapping, implied murder, swearing

"I love you."

"I love you too. I have to go to class now, but there's only a few days until I'm in New York!"

"I know RARA! I guess I'm excited for you to come down for Christmas."

"You guess?!"

"Okay, okay, I'm so happy you're coming east to spend Christmas with me. Now get to class, I don't want you to have to retake anything this winter break."

"Wasn't my fault the Professor last year was horrible!"

"Yeah, but you still failed!"

"Whatever Thalia. I love you."

"I love you too."

They waved to each other as they hung up the video call.

"Ready to go?" Hazel asked her friend as Reyna grabbed her bags off her bed.

They walked in silence for a while. Reyna was just taking in everything. She was flying to New York to see her girlfriend for her birthday. She would actually get to see Thalia for Christmas. The ache in her heart she felt when she was away at college was indescribable.

"Yeah, I'm good, well great. Thank you for taking me to the airport Hazel, I appreciate it," Reyna said, getting into the passenger seat of her car.

"This is a breather for me, I should be thanking you," she smiled as they walked towards the car. "The wedding planning is driving me kinda crazy, with Frank being deployed and all. But now I'm gonna have Frank to help me, which will be good," Hazel sighed, as if trying to release the exhaustive energy she possessed.

"Frank's not gonna be home until Sunday though, so I have the weekend to prepare. I've already stocked up on tissues, my favorite snacks, his favorite snacks, all the good stuff."

Reyna smiled. If Hazel was so ecstatic to see her fiance again, well that meant Thalia was going to be insanely excited to see Reyna again.

"I'm so happy for you guys. Your wedding is going to be phenomenal. All the choices that you've made that I've seen have looked amazing."

"Thank you Reyna," Hazel smiled. "Your wedding is gonna be amazing too."

"How did you?"

"I was just talking hypothetical, I- Reyna? Do you?"

Reyna sighed as she pulled the ring from her backpack.

"Oh! My! Goodness!"

"Yeah," Reyna smiled. "I'm proposing on this trip. Probably after Christmas."

"I'm so excited for you!"

"Thanks, Hazel. I promise when I propose, you'll be the first to know."


Hazel honked at Reyna as she drove off into the distance.

After getting swiftly and safely to the airport, Reyna swept through security, and got to her gate just as the first group boarded. Once she got to her seat, she sighed a breath of relief. She situated herself, greeted the woman sitting next to her, and started playing her playlist of her favorite Spanish songs until she was tapped on the shoulder.

"Excuse me, you need to switch with my daughter," said a dark haired woman with an odd black dress that looked like a cloak.

"Excuse you?!" Reyna asked as she took out an airpod and pointed a disgusted face at the woman.

"Are you giving me a tone?" She responded.

"You know what, I'm not doing this today. Have a nice day Gargamel, " Reyna responded as she put her airpods back in her ears and put on noise canceling.

She found the most annoying music known to man, and started blasting it so loud, the lady yelled, "Stop blasting the cupid shuffle and be fucking respectful!"

Reyna just shrugged her shoulders, as if to say 'Sorry, can't hear you,' and Gargamel stormed off. She turned the music off, and the lady next to her said, "Good riddance. Thank you."

"Eh, just being a good citizen. I'm also not dealing with the bullshit, you know?"

"Yeah, I understand that. I'm Hayden, by the way."


Reyna doesn't know why, but she didn't trust this lady with her real name. She gave Reyna the creeps.

Her skin had been badly sunburned, and her blue eyes were bloodshot. Her tan cargo shorts didn't match her yellow shirt that proclaimed, "Livin' on sunshine!".

"So, why are you heading to New York?"

"New job. I'm moving there," Reyna answered quickly.

"Same! We should take a cab together! Where are you heading?"

"Uh," Reyna was about to respond when a girl sitting on the opposite side of the plane said, "Alivia?! Oh my goodness, I missed you!"

She ran through the middle of an empty row, smiling at Reyna.

"Hi Peyton!"

"I have an empty seat by me, you wanna come sit with me?! We have so much to catch up on!"

"I would love that, thanks girl!"

Reyna grabbed her stuff and left to go sit with the other girl.

"I noticed immediately she was being weird. Even at the gate. She was asking me questions too, I just ignored her and she left. My husband also just came back from the bathroom at that point, and he's in the navy, so I think that's a piece of it. I'm Maddie, by the way."


She smiled. "That's such a pretty name. Here, sit in the window seat. We always book three because we don't want other people sitting with us, so no one is using it."

"Thank you," Reyna said.

"Greg, this is Reyna, she almost became a victim of that one weird ass lady who was bothering me earlier, so she's sitting with us now. Plus, some lady was being a fucking karen, so hopefully theyre both done talking to her."

"Gotcha, and nice to meet you."

"You too. Thank you both."

"Of course," Greg replied. "And we'd love to offer you a ride to wherever you're heading. I know it sounds weird, but this isn't the first time we've done this for someone."

"I don't know," Reyna said skeptically.

"That's fair, I would be the same. If you'd like to though, please just let us know," Maddie said, sitting down next to Reyna.

"Thank you."


"Finally," said a voice. Lindsey, Thalia's roommate, was waiting at the door to let her in. "I was about to call. You okay?"

"Yeah. Some woman tried to follow me off the plane, so a kind woman and her husband drove me here."

"What the fuck?! Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. And for the record, let's just keep this between you and me."

"You and me. Listen, I gotta get back, but we're dorm 204, take my key."

"Thank you Lindsey, for everything. "Girl, of course. I'm always gonna be here for Thalia, and for you."

When Reyna entered Thalia's dorm, she immediately knew whose side was whose. There were two beds on their respective sides with desks. One bed was neatly made, with a pink comforter. Thalia's bed was decorated with a bunch of random blankets and stuffed animals, including the stuffed doll with Reyna's head plastered on it. Thalia had gotten one for the couple with each other's faces on it. Thalia thought it was the funniest thing ever. Reyna did not, though she slept with it every night, and hugged it when she cried, or missed Thalia, or both. She also would never admit this to girlfriend.

Reyna decided to sit on Thalia's uncoordinated bed and hope her roommate didn't come in first. She had just been getting bored and increasingly anxious when she heard voices.

"Don't you have to grab your wallet?"

"Yeah," Thalia said to her roommate as she opened the door.

This was it. The moment she almost got stranded in Iowa and kidnapped in her uber for. To see her girlfriend for the first time in months.

"Though I'm not entir-" She stopped when she saw Reyna, her electric blue eyes as gorgeous and striking as she last left them.

"No fucking way?" She turned to Lindsey. "No fucking way! Reyna?!" Thalia's face lit up with so much joy, Reyna had worried about how much Thalia had not been enjoying college.

"Happy Birthday Thals," she smiled back.

Thalia dropped her school bag off her shoulder. Reyna jumped up from her seat. She could already see her girlfriend on the cusp of tears. The raw emotion Reyna experienced was unnatural to herself. That was one of the things she loved about her girlfriend; Thalia and herself taught each other that it was okay to express their emotions, and so she liked that unnatural feeling of emotions being shown on the outside as well.

Thalia practically collapsed in Reyna's arms, borderline sobbing. They were sitting on the ground, Reyna just holding her girlfriend as she cried.

Then, Thalia pulled her head up, and kissed her, their lips connecting perfectly. Thalia's hands were cupping Reyna's face, and Reyna's hands rested on Thalia's hip and in her hair. The pure love and connection they had was mystical. Enchanting. Beautiful.

"I missed you so much, Reyna," Thalia said, embracing her lover.

"Aw, I missed you too, my love," Reyna replied, realizing that her cheeks were starting to get wet as well.

"How the fuck did you get here?"



"I'll tell you later my love. Just enjoy now."


"And that's how I got here."
"Holy shit Rey, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just, what would've happened if she had followed me."

"It's okay. You're okay, you're safe." Thalia pulled her into a hug.

"Did I ever tell you how much you meant to me?"

"You have."

"Well, I'm never gonna stop. I love you Thalia. The way you make me feel, especially after I thought I couldn't love anyone again, is actually indescribable. I'm honestly shocked at the fact that I don't dissolve everytime we have a hot makeout session."

Thalia laughed, "I wouldn't let you dissolve, and if you somehow did, I would dissolve too. And I guess I love you too."

"Seriously? I had no clue."

"You're not funny."

"You thought I was funny earlier."

"That was because you slipped on your sleeping bag and fell on your ass."

"That was not that funny!"

"You should've seen your face!"

"You should see your face right now!"

They laughed and laughed, not even knowing what they were laughing at after a while. Finally, they settled down.Thalia fell asleep, snuggling Thalia, and snoring quietly. All was peaceful. Then Reyna heard a deep voice that could hardly be heard, utter three meek words below her.

"Be quiet, Maddie."

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