8. One After Another- 2024 Entry by @xMangoIcecreamx

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Mango, xMangoIcecreamx


One After Another

Nico needs to sort this out.

Features Jason Grace x Nico di Angelo (Jasico)

CW: some swearing

*Oh gods... What the fuck!?* Nico buried his head into his legs. He wasn't even listening to Jason as the wind howled around him. His knuckles turned white as he clutched Diocletian's Scepter. The day was chilly and his dark black hair whipped around him. Nico was too aware of how vulnerable he was right now. He wanted to drown away everything and flood everything in anger, but he was too tired. Every last ounce of darkness had been unleashed just moments before. Then he felt the hot tears in his eyes as they spilled out onto the ground. After a moment of terrible silence, Nico felt a ray of warmth. He realized it was Jason's hands.

"Dammit all..." Nico hiccuped, his voice was raspy, and his tone defeated. The son of Hades curled into an even smaller ball.

Jason sighed softly. He wasn't frustrated, or angry, or judgemental. He was just worried. He had never seen Nico like this. Nico was always the mysterious one. The, sometimes, terrifying one. Not... the sad, defeated boy that was sitting next to him. Jason's blue eyes wandered over Nico's hunched form. *How am I supposed to help?* Jason thought desperately. He ran over what had just happened; Cupid had forced Nico to confess, Nico unleashed whatever hell was inside him, and... Oh gods, it was too much for Jason.

"Nico..." Jason murmured as he gently rubbed the boy's back. His golden blond hair dipped into his face, obscuring his view. With a grunt, Jason waved his hair back and refocused on Nico. He continued on hesitantly, "S-should we go back...?"

*No. Absolutely not,* Nico screamed inside his head. More tears burned at Nico's eyelids and slowly dropped down his cheek. As much as Nico hated that Jason was here to see him cry, it would be worse if the whole crew were to see him. There would only be judgment, hate, fear... Nico hated all of that. Why couldn't he be understood!? Why did he deserve this!? Why couldn't he have a proper life!? More tears ran down his cheeks. The wind chilled the drops, making them uncomfortably stand out to Nico. He tried to ignore the feeling of helplessness as he stuttered out, "Please... no..."

Jason nodded to himself. He figured Nico wouldn't want to go back. The son of Hades was closed off and, Jason now understood, was way more vulnerable than he seemed. It wasn't a bad thing... Jason just understood him more. He slowly rubbed his hand along Nico's back. How could he help the boy?

"Nico... I- I think we both need to hear this... I'll admit it, I was afraid of you at first. I thought you were scary. You were so mysterious, so aloof. But now..." Jason slowly rambled. At first, he was hesitant. He was scared of how Nico would react, but now he just wanted to get through his words. Jason continued, more confidently, "I just realized who you are. You're not some mysterious figure, you're just like all of us. We all have silly crushes, we all have the same feelings as you. And I think... it's okay to let that out. It's normal to let your feelings take control sometimes."

Nico sniffed softly at Jason's words. When he heard the part about how Jason was scared of him, his heart sank. More tears tumbled out, of course, Jason was scared, Nico was the fucking son of Hades. Everyone was scared, everyone hated him. Then just as Nico lost faith in everything, Jason saved him. Jason told him he was... okay. He was... normal. Nico shivered slightly causing Jason to hug him closer. Then it was just the two of them, together, in the gloomy ruins. Sitting side by side. One crying, one comforting. Nico and Jason were just two friends who now understood one another more than before.

A few minutes went by, Jason hugging Nico, Nico letting his tears run dry, Nico felt something bloom inside his chest. He slowly looked up at Jason, his eyes puffy and red, his irises shed no light. Nico spoke softly and tentatively, "Do you... Do you really think I'm normal?"

Jason was shocked at Nico's question. He then recovered and smiled at the shivering boy, "Of course. I mean... we all go through this stage, right?"

Nico nodded slowly as he contemplated the blond's words. Then he looked into Jason's eyes, those bright electrical blue eyes that shone with sincerity. Nico liked those eyes, they gave him strength. Jason smiled back, observing Nico's eyes. He had never noticed before but Nico's eyes weren't entirely black, they weren't a void. Nico's eyes were actually a deep, rich brown, like the darkest chocolate. Dark, but not black. And definitely full of emotion. Albeit right now they were full of hurt and defeat. That was hardly the point.

"Let me just tell you straight up, I once thought you were unemotional, detached, and cold. But now? I think you are hella brave and, actually, really thoughtful," Jason admitted grinning sheepishly. He had unconsciously started leaning on Nico and with a startled yelp he reverted to sitting. Nico chuckled softly, despite his watery eyes, at Jason's movements.

Hearing Nico's chuckle, Jason blushed. This wasn't his plan, his plan was just to get the son of Hades up and return to the ship. Now Jason was the one embarrassed. Nico was over on the side laughing softly, forgetting his troubles for now. After a bit of laughing, Nico, and lots of blushing, Jason, Nico spoke, "So... Are you really okay with it?"

"With what?" Jason asked confused, trying to stop the red that tinged his cheeks. He glanced at Nico and noticed how the short boy was fiddling with his shirt.

Nico mumbled softly, "With me being... gay."

Jason raised his eyebrow as he realized Nico was serious. Then he grinned and replied calmly, "I'm fine with it. It's all cool, I mean you like who you like right?"

After a second of studying Jason, Nico decided the blond boy was serious. He let out his pent-up breath in relief. Nico was so glad Jason didn't judge him. His nervous fiddling stopped and he smiled softly to himself.

Seeing Nico's improved mood, Jason let out a sigh of relief. Jason laughed softly as he instinctively hugged Nico again, saying, "Well, Death Boy, are you good now?"

Nico yelped in surprise at the sudden touch, this time his face red. He stuttered out with a hint of mock irritation, "What are you doing!?"

Jason then realized he was hugging the son of Hades. With a little shriek of his own, he let go. Jason was also red. The two stared at each other, both blushing, awkwardly. Finally, Jason managed to reply, "S-sorry. I forgot you didn't like hugs..."

Nico relaxed a bit as he finally admitted, "No... I- You can continue."

Both boys now utterly flustered embraced each other. Their eyes met and a small shiver ran through their bodies. Jason had butterflies in his stomach and was tapping his fingers nervously on Nico's back. Meanwhile, Nico was surprised he was enjoying Jason's embrace. He, the son of Hades, enjoyed a hug. Was this a joke from the gods?

Sometime later, Jason realized they should be heading back to the Argo II. A devious trick lodged into his head. His heart beat faster, either Nico would hate him from now on or... this would be fun. He suddenly lifted Nico up, with a yelp of 'What the fuck!?' from Nico, and levitated.

"You basta-" Nico began to curse before blushing intensely at the fact that he was in Jason's arms. HE. WAS. BEING. CARRIED. Nico managed to stutter out, "Wait... Jason! What the-"

A small laugh escaped Jason's lips as he glanced down at the emo boy in his arms. His cheeks were pink but he was enjoying Nico's blush. Glancing down, Jason replied teasingly, cheeks still pink, "Why, Death Boy, we are going back! You get a front-seat ride!"

Nico's blush went all the way to his ears as he shrieked, "Wait! WAIT!"

Nico thrashed in Jason's arms causing them to tumble to the ground. Nico then threw himself on Jason and tackled the son of Zeus. After a lot of cursing and yelps, Jason got Nico to calm down. Then after a series of apologies, the pair rose into the sky again. This time actually headed for the Argo II.

Jason laughed as he carried Nico into the clouds. His heart was beating way too fast but the sight of Nico in his arms was... so cute. Jason's mind suddenly realized that he had developed a liking for the son of Hades. WHAT?

Meanwhile, Nico buried his face into Jason's chest. His cheeks were burning and his stomach fluttered, not from the flight, but another way too familiar feeling. Did Nico have a crush again? One after another... This was a sick joke but he really did like Jason's hug. Nico shook his head slowly, NOT AGAIN...

Jason and Nico continued in silence for the rest of the ride. Their minds buzzing from adrenaline and each was so very flustered. Sometime later, Nico smiled at Jason and Jason returned the smile, just to remind the other the business wasn't finished. Perhaps this time things would go differently than before but... the pair had a crew to return to, a world to save, and many, many storms ahead.

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