8. The McShizzle Wedding- 2022 Entry by @thegeekyindian

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The McShizzle Wedding

A_Sri, thegeekyindian 


The McShizzle Wedding

What happens on the wedding weekend of the Hero of Olympus and his millenia old girlfriend mostly from the perspective of our favourite couple.

Implied Sexual Reference

It was a lazy summer Saturday morning and the Jacksons were enjoying the day as much as possible. Annabeth snuggled back into her husband, her naked back to his equally naked chest. His hand wound up even tighter around her waist and he put his mouth near her ear and greeted her in his husky morning voice.

"Good Morning, Mrs. Jackson."
She shivered, hearing the sexy voice that he always has in the morning.
"The morning's good Mr. Jackson but it could be better," she said as she moved to straddle him.

"Oh. It could?" Percy asked, raising an eyebrow. A teasing smirk on his face and a twinkle in his eyes.
"Umm, it definitely could," she replied, grinding her ass slowly on his crotch.
Not able to control himself Percy grabbed Annabeth and pulled her in for a searing kiss and she could agree that this was the best thing in her morning routine on a lazy Saturday.


"You want pancakes for breakfast?" Percy asked Annabeth who was lying upon his body.
"Blue?" she asked looking up at him.
"Of course. Do you take me as a weirdo to eat anything other than blue food?"
"No. You are weird enough without it."

"But you love my weirdness."
"Unfortunately, I do."
And Annabeth moved up to give Percy another kiss with Percy replicating the movements of his lover's lip.
Annabeth pulled back first but couldn't stop herself from giving Percy a few pecks.

"You need to let me get up and fix you a breakfast, so you can go for lunch later with the girls."
"But I want to be with you in our bed the whole day."
"Maybe later, babe," Percy said, kissing Annabeth on her forehead with an apologetic smile.

"Ok, fine, but I am doing this cause I love you and you owe me later tonight," Annabeth said as she got off Percy and laid beside him.
Percy got up and got into some clothes and looked toward his wife.
"You got it, Wise Girl. I owe you tonight and hope that you will find my work satisfactory," he said, giving Annabeth a teasing smirk.

"Ughh, I hate you," Annabeth said not able to stop the blush from forming on her face.
"Love you too. And I think you find my work with the breakfast quite satisfactory. What were you thinking, you dirty-minded owl? I thought the Heroine of Olympus needed to get her mind out of her dirty fantasies."

Annabeth picked up a pillow and threw it at Percy as he went outside the bedroom and the pillow was met with the door with Percy's laughter quite clear from the other side of the door.


"Okay, so you got your wallet, ID, knife, some ambrosia, and phone," Percy asked Annabeth for the umpteenth time.
"Yes, Percy. Now can I go before I get more late?"

"But, if you are already late, what's the point in rushing? You can't be late twice."

Annabeth looked at him like he had grown two heads.
"Just... just don't make me late."

Percy kissed her one last time before she left the house and as she got inside her car she only thought about what Percy had said.
"Well, he isn't wrong," she said to herself as she drove out the driveway.


"Why are you late?" Piper asked as she saw Annabeth entering the cafe.
"Umm, well...." Annabeth said, sitting down.

"Don't tell me. I don't want to know how you and Percy get it on in the morning."
"We weren't getting anything on in the morning." Annabeth defended herself but the pink hue on her cheeks betrayed her.

"Yeah sure. we believe you. Just like we believed you for the stable incident on the Argo."
"Percy and I didn't do anything in the stables. We just slept together."

"And that's what we were implying you did and now you admit it too."
"I mean we just went off to sleep together and nothing else. And don't make me remind you how Thalia caught you and Jason getting it on in the Zeus cabin."

"Why do you always have to bring that up whenever I decide to tease you."
"Because you bring the stable incident every time, you tease me."
"Ok, so where are the other girls?" Annabeth asked Katie, seeing that neither Hazel nor Calypso is present.

"Hazel went to pick up Calypso. They should be here in a few minutes." Miranda answered from where she was sitting on the big round table that should be enough to accommodate everyone.

"What about Clarisse?" Annabeth asked.
"Don't know? Maybe she's arriving with Silena and Chris tomorrow on the day of the wedding directly." Katie supplied
"Hmm. I hope she arrives on time. We haven't met in almost a year after Silena's birth."
"Well, who would have thought that Clarisse and Chris would be the first ones to have a child? I always thought it would be you and Percy." Katie said.

"Well, I would also like to meet Silena again but we can talk, it looks like our bride is here," Piper said as she saw Hazel and Piper at the door of the cafe.

"Hey," Katie said, tackling Calypso in a hug.
"So, how's it like just a day for the big day," Katie asked her after letting Calypso out of her hold.

It's always a sight to see Calypso and the Gardner sisters being friends. Calypso was so new to this new world, only hearing about the new world from the various heroes who washed up on her shores to just leave her there. The sisters and Calypso bonded over their love for planting, with Calypso often telling them about the plants of the old days and Katie and Miranda helping her adjust to this new world.

"I'm excited but scared at the same time. Is this normal?"
"Yeah absolutely. I was shit scared before my wedding day." Katie answered.

"But you were scared that the whole proposal and engagement was just a prank by Travis, and at the last time he will not show up at the altar," Miranda told her sister with a cheeky grin. It was a nightmare calming down Katie on her wedding day, even when she was scared she was cursing Travis and muttering about how she will kill Travis along with Connor if they did that.

"Speaking of my wedding, where were you and Connor, after the ceremony? You both just went poof and came back an hour or two later." Katie teased her sister about how her fiance and she first got together, that too at her wedding.

Miranda blushed at her sister's comment and was unable to come up with a reply.
"If we are done with the tales of the previous wedding, can we order now? I am famished here." Piper said.

"Ok, but where are Thalia and Reyna? I thought they were going to join today." Hazel asked.
"Oh, their train got delayed and you know that Thalia won't fly unless it's an emergency, and Rachel's in London for her art gallery thing. They all will get here tomorrow around noon." Annabeth answered.
"Okay, so what are we getting today?" Piper asked.


"So, here we are," Piper said, getting out of the booked limo.
"And where is here, to be exact?" Hazel asked.
"This my friends is Drew's club."
"WHAT?" everyone shouted.
"Oops, looks like I forgot to mention her new business to you all."

"Leave it be. Let's get inside and get drunk." Katie said.
"Ok. So who's gonna be the caretaker tonight?" Miranda asked.
"I can do it.." Annabeth said.
"Girl, your husband is rubbing more and more on you. What's with all this not drinking?" Piper asked.
"What do you want, all of us drunk and no one to take care of at the same time? Everyone knows how wild Hazel can get when she is drunk."

"It was one time," Hazel said, keeping her head down.
"One?" Miranda asked.
"Ok, more than one but it doesn't matter. It's Calypso's bachelorette night. We need to get her wild and drunk and not talk about how wild I get."

"Fine. Annabeth is the caretaker. Everyone else must get at least four shots each." Piper said.
"Ok. So here we go." Katie said as she opened she got near the doors and opened them in style hoping for a dramatic entry, but the chaos inside cut her entrance short as she was thrown into a frenzy of people.

Everyone else was laughing as Miranda went to get her sister who was pulled into the frenzy of drunk people dancing.
"Her husband is rubbing on her too much," she muttered as she finally brought her back to her friends.

"Okay, that was something I didn't expect but let's get this night started," Katie said.
"Sure, sure. But first, let me send the video of your epic entrance into our friend's group." Calypso said, still laughing.
"What? You were recording me."
"Yep. And send."
"I will get you for it, Mrs. Valdez," Katie said and Calypso blushed.
"Not yet," Calypso replied
"You both can tease each other later. Now, I need some drinks." Miranda said and made her way towards the bar with everyone else following her.

As Annabeth sat on a bar stool she finally observed her surroundings. It was a modern design with some inspiration from ancient Greek architecture mixed. It was her own company that made the designs but she was in San Francisco at the time of this project, doing some work in New Rome. So, her brother Malcolm handled the project. And he did an amazing job. The walls reflected the lights well due to which the club was neither too dark nor too bright. There seems to be a large crowd to be only demigods and legacies, so she thought that the club was open for mortals as well.

Annabeth got out of her observations when she heard a familiar voice.

"Hello there ladies. What can I get for you tonight?"
"Pollux? What are you doing here?" Miranda asked.
"Well, I work here. Where else should I be? And I hope you guys are here for this beautiful lady's last day of freedom."

"Shouldn't you not be flirting with an engaged woman?" Calypso asked raising an eyebrow.
"Well, Valdez doesn't need to fear me for stealing his future wife. I don't swing that way and I also have a blonde beauty of my own."
"Who?" Piper asked.
"Her brother," Pollux replied, pointing at Annabeth.
"Which one? She has many brothers and all look the same to me." Katie said.

"The one who helped make this place."
"Malcolm? He is dating you?" Annabeth asked.
"Yep. The one and only son of Dionysus. Well, we can talk later but today it's about getting you girls drunk. So, your drinks are on the house." Pollux said as he put the drinks in front of everyone.
"What's this?" Miranda asked over the loud sound of music.
"A son of Dionysus special, for you all. Enjoy."
"Thanks," Piper said as she slugged her drink.
"Ooh. It's strong" Piper said.
"Are you drinking that?" she asked Annabeth.
"No, I will pass." Piper looked at Annabeth skeptically but didn't say anything.

"Hey, there. What are pretty ladies like you doing here alone? You should all join me and my friends over there." A guy said from the left.

All the girls didn't even give the guy a single glance and just lifted their glasses with their left hand, where either their wedding or engagement rings were.
After having their drinks Piper turned toward the guy. He was tall and well-built with black hair and hazel eyes. He was handsome but was nothing compared to their partners. He also had that aura of arrogance around him that just screams 'Hey, there douchebag here.'

"You said something?" Piper asked the guy.
The guy didn't answer and just went back to his group of friends who were all looking just the same as him.

Pollux laughed aloud.
"You girls sure do know how to show you are taken. You should have seen his face when he was looking at all those rings." He said as he placed another round of drinks in front of them. Everyone gulped their drinks once more except Annabeth.

"Well, I hope the boys also know how to show they are off the table," Calypso said and gulped another drink.


"There you are," Jason said and pulled Percy in a man hug.
"How are you doing bro?" he asked Percy.
"Amazing bro. What about you?"
"I'm fine bro."

"Can you both stop with all these bromance of yours? It is getting annoying," Nico said, taking a sip from his beer.
"Looks like someone is jealous of our bromance bro," Percy said.
"It sure looks like it, bro."

"Stop you both or the gods help me find a place to hide your dead bodies."
"Okay, okay don't get all cranky tonight. We will stop, you spoilsport." Percy replied.

Percy looked around and took in the karaoke place. It was dimly lit with pink, green, and blue lights and a mini-fridge at the corner with all the snacks and drinks. Nico was sitting on a comfy sofa. And Will was on stage singing a Taylor Swift song. The Stolls were cheering someone, looking over them Percy saw a sight that was too funny to be true.

Leo was singing a duet with Will, very badly to be exact, and twerking on Frank who looks like just a second away from turning into an animal and ripping Leo's throat along with the Stolls.

"Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake."
"I shake it off, I shake it off"

"How many drinks did Leo have already?" Percy asked no one in particular.
"None," Connor replied.
"We gave him coffee before we came here," Travis said.
"With three tablespoons of sugar."
"And extra added cream on top."

"What?" Jason asked.
"We got him coffee. Didn't you hear us before?" Travis said
"But why?"
"He asked and who are we to say no to the special man," Connor replied
"You both are even worse than Leo," Jason said.

Percy made his way toward Frank and pulled him outside of his torture. And he seems to be just in time cause the look on Frank's face clearly showed that he was on the verge of making the whole place a crime scene.

"Calm down buddy. It's good. I will take care of Leo here and have a drink." Percy said to Frank and the younger demigod seemed to relax at his words.

Turning towards the stage he saw Leo singing another song and this time pointing his finger toward Nico.

"If you could see that I am the one
Who understands you
Been here all along
So, why can't you see?
You belong with me
You belong with me"

Percy got to Leo before Nico could stand and strangle the pyrokinetic demigod to death.
"Whoa, Leo. Control man. I just saved you from murder twice in five minutes. Try to stay out of trouble till your wedding. Can't have you dead just before your wedding."
"Jason, get me some water. We need to calm one out of control super ADHD demigod on caffeine and sugar rush here."

"I don't need water. I want to sing." Leo said in a whining tone.
"Not happening dude. Here, drink some."
"You both are no fun," Leo said but gulped his water.

"Why do we both always have to be the caretaker?" Jason asked Percy.
"Cause everyone else is even crazier than us."

Percy sat on the sofa with Jason and Nico. As he looked slumped down he saw a golden leg just outside their booked room.
"Uhh, not today," he said and got up.
"I will be back in a minute." He said, patting his pockets.


"Hey there." Annabeth heard the voice of her husband as she entered their apartment.
"How was your day?" He asked.
"Exhausting," she said and got into the welcoming hands of Percy who was always there to give her a hug.
"Yeah, mine too," Percy said as he played with her hair and noticed some golden dust in them.

"You too."
"Oh. Yeah. Well, it's like every event for us will be incomplete without them."
"Need to talk about it?"
"Yeah but not now. Later when I have slept for more than four hours."
Percy laughed. "So, it looks like I have to fulfill my promise on some other day."

"Looks like it. Now let me go have a shower and wash all these monster dust off me."
"I can help you with that, you know."
"You surely can," Annabeth said as she got out of her dress and made her way toward the bathroom, swaying her hips intentionally.
Percy was entranced with the view and as Annabeth got in with a final "In here now" look, he pulled out his t-shirt and dashed towards the bathroom behind her.

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