part 11

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hey all.....

first of all sorry for such a late update. my college works made my days hectic and evenings too tired to even open my eyes.........hope i am been forgiven.

anyways............happy reading........and haan those who don't like and comment wont get hubby like's a sweet cruse from the writer...........forgive me for that too. i am in the way too much expecting i guess. but appreciation helps me to write more.

I have another question to ask.......will u be expecting reply for comments. because sometimes i dont reply and sorry if i have hurted u by not replying. so here after if u guys get me know that u expect reply i will for sure take time to do.

okay not making u wait anymore lets move to the shortest update. don't kill me for shortest update but for long one I need much more time.

happy reading...........


Neil's point of view:

I prepared the food finally and made avni eat it which she did it just like a baby. Spilling out some and some rice remains on her lips near her mole making herself a complete mess. And where does she suits to become mother while she herself behaves like a 5 year old child. And this big baby bump is a tease to her behavior and anyone may not believe if I say this is my mature avni who was once a furious lion. All credits to our pregnancy.

The way she is hunting the food was like as if she has not eaten anything for good 2 days while she pulled out the same stunt at dinner too.
And here I am in the middle of night feeding her while I should be lying on my bed taking rest for the tiring day I faced.

But that's ok. I just love to do this. Love to pamper her and enjoy this sort of  avni. That doesn't mean that I forgave her for kicking me out of the bed. That's why I teased her with my abs but no use. This briyani has now grabbed all her attention which my abs managed to hold for few minutes.
How much more hotness is she expecting from her husband. Always making me crave more of her. Now I am angry for this avni who forgot her hubby's needs. Yet she is looking ravishingly cute in the way she is eating.

The way my wifey was eating was like a random baby feast. She was in her own world while eating completely forgot about her hubby who made this food for her. Not even the credits for my hard work. This is not fair. Here I pulled out all stunt to seduce her and she is acting like she don't care. Like seriously.

Well at this point all I wanted is some rest and hence I didn't react much. But the way she smirked while I was lost in my own random thoughts made me to come back to my senses. How dare she to tease me, she has acted as not caring while she was all this way making me impatient. You shouldn't have done that avni. I again reacted as I don't care while she showed a spoon towards me to eat. I turned my face in return showing that I am angry. She then pulled my shoulder to turn me while I in turn was to fall on her but balanced myself by placing my hands on either side of the kitchen slab where in between she was sitting.

"Neil something is lying on ur cheeks. Watch out" she pointed out my cheeks while I in return was about to rub that place with my hands. But she stopped me and instead she did that work with her hands while something cold was been applied on my cheeks. Now I got to know that there was nothing in my cheeks before and she has just now applied neutralla on my cheeks to tease me. I glared at her and was about to grab a tissue which was exactly behind her back and I leaned more into her to get it while she held my neck and gave an open mouth kiss over the chocolate spread in my cheeks in a more seductive way while my eyes just became as much wider as possible. Is she for serious? Who does that? Wifey is on full mood I guess and once again I will get to experience this dominating tigress. I am excited. While I was lost in my thoughts avni was slowly descending down while I closed my eyes in anticipation. I couldn't handle more. I grabbed her head and kissed her fiercely slamming our lips together while she responded equally trying to dominate me more and our lips synced in the same rhythm. Well she can't defeat Neil Khanna in this and she easily gave up letting me dominate her. Now her hands freely explored my abs while lips still not parting apart. We were completely lost while she took still more neutralla and applied on my abs descending down to lick me all over there while I mourned in pleasure. When I couldn't handle anymore and we are in our kitchen area I tried to calm down avni to get into the bed at least. I rubbed her back constantly while she was panting on my chest giving another open mouth kiss for me over my neck on my sweat spot.

"Let's get into our room wifey there u can establish all Ur ministrations. U doesn't want us to get embarrassed in front of our family I guess. Not at least now." While she smiled slightly in response slapping my chest. I carried her in my arms and my shirt still some were in kitchen which is something I least care right now. Avni couldn't stop herself while I chuckled at her reactions. I can't do anything than obeying her as she is pregnant and her hormones are more demanding which is the best part of pregnancy for me well after my children's though. And hence I fulfilled all parts of duties that she gave to me with much pleasure. I repeat all parts. While I slowly placed avni in bed and carefully kissed her forehead and cheeks slowly so that I don't hurt her and I went to my favourite spot on her neck. I was afraid to even give a love bite to her so I slowly chewed her over there while she faintly opened and closed her eyes. Initially I thought that she is doing that for pleasure but later I came to know how tired she was even though she as much wanted it. I don't want her to get week so I stopped over there while she growled a little in disappointment.

"Sleep avni" I slowly whispered her ears kissing her forehead while she first refused but later coved herself onto me and dozed away. I placed her sidewise on the bed and replaced pillow with my legs and slowly released myself from her captive so that I can take a cold shower to release my tension from the hot flush my wifey made too.

After coming out of the shower I replaced myself with fresh clothes and went near avni lifted her a little without disturbing her sleep placing her on my chest while I smirked on the pregnancy pillow that was lying on the corner of the room exactly where I angry thrown it. No one can replace my job and this is the most honourable job which has a known signature of Neil Khanna.


hey how was that.........

reactions awaited..........

It's a request guys...I will update as soon as possible only when I get time.

much love,


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