part 13

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Hey all.............

Missed the update😉😉😉😉😉............

I am goanna complete this ff in few more chapters I guess..........

Not more or less than that......... so only few chapters in hand and hence I am goanna concentrate on this completely to finish it ASAP.

For that I want Ur support with comments and votes so that I can pursue my idea of giving fast updates.

I guess u guys will help me in doing that...............

Till then happy reading....


Avni's point of view:

After few minutes we reached home while I got down slowly from the car holding my baby bump. Pregnancy had made me difficult to move fast unlike I usually do. After that Neil came to my side as rescue to hold me from embarrassment as my walk will be no less than an alien due to my carriage. But Neil always comes to my side holding my back exactly so that it may be not as weird as I imagine it to be. I am going to extra love him for being my savior.

When I finally reached the door crawling like a snail making it too slow because of my urge to pee. Now a days I frequently pee on my pants leaving me feel annoying for doing so. I have discussed it with Neil too but he said that is normal in pregnancy. It should be me who should know all these but he knows more than me about pregnancy. Research is still on for him monitoring each and every stage. As soon I reached the door step I felt Neil closing my eyes with his palms. Before I could react he took me inside while I heard two unique voice crying a surprise which sounded familiar to me. While Neil left me see it tears already formed my eyes. Nanno and Ali were standing in front of me. I glee at them. When I urged to move forward to hug him they came towards me instead not letting me strain more and both gave me a bone crushing hug.

I mouthed a thank u to my sweet hubby who was standing in a distance watching the scene with folded hands. So this was all he was been planning. To bring nanno back right here after her hajj and umrah travel with Ali.

"How was ur journey nanno" I asked with overwhelming joy still side hugging ali with smile plastered in everyone's faces while nanno smiled at me care seeing my baby bump.

'Moaeee bachi has become so big that she is goanna be a mother. Did u see that Ayesha, there nanno didn't listen to my questions but was busy taking to my decreased mom. The joy stricken face of hers was what I secretly longed to see. How could Neil easily understand everything without me not even uttering a single word? Is he a mind reader or a magician who has changed my life no lesser than a heaven.

I sat down smiling seeing the antics of Avni as she was enjoying the day with her nanno. After what felt like ages we went to the breakfast table and Avni who said that she was hungry few minutes before is now complaining that she is not hungrier now. Now the whole family was behind Avni to make her eat showering their love completely upon her ignoring the important person who is responsible for such an opportunity. After all I made her pregnant but the care and love is showered upon only her. This is not the fair play. But I love this game. Now after the breakfast over I went up to get ready while Avni was downstairs chit chatting with others completely forgetting about her dashing hubby.

Neil's point of view:

The whole day was very hectic to me and in between I used to speak to Avni to check whether she has taken her medicines. Out of 30 calls I made randomly in between my work as usually I used to do, she picked only my 5 calls. After all I called her less today keeping in mind that she may be busy with nanno and Ali but she didn't take my that few calls also. Why are u guys glaring at me. 30 calls is too less for a day according to me.

Only I know how much I was missing the babies and her. All I wanted is to go home and curdle Avni to sleep. Because tiredness was overtaking my body badly wanting my teddy right besides me who is enjoying her d' day with the family leisurely.

It was 11 pm when I returned home. All the lights were almost off and everyone dozed off I guess. I slowly went to my room in a assumption that Avni might be in her deep slumber. But there she was sitting at one corner of the bed facing the night lamp frequently switching on and off the lamp. So lady don is lost at her deep thoughts. That means here mood swings is on I guess. What may be the thing she is shedding tears for this time as for the last time it was for some flirty girls who made their sultry try to dance with me while we both went to attend a distance friend birthday party. That was not her insecurities but her body consciousness due to pregnancy made her sad and it cost my rape once again to console her. Now what could it be like.

I went near and sat beside her I rubbed her back to indicate my presence while she turned around to look me. Her eyes were mist that scratched my heart immediately.

"Hey what is wrong?" I asked with concern while she just side hugged me placing her head over my chest while I easily gave way for he to lie over there and rubbed her back to soothe her.

Neil can I ask u something" slowly came her voice while I grabbed her hands pressing it assuring and humming a hmmmmmmmmm while she continued.

"I want u to be at my side during the last month of my pregnancy. For full time" she stopped and lifted her head to look at me while I was totally confused at her demand yet remained calm to let her speak.

I pressed my eyes and raised one eyebrows simultaneously gesturing her to continue while she now was holding both my hands on hers.

"I really don't know Neil. But now I feel afraid about what will cost my delivery. I am not to be negative but yet anything may happen unpredictable as they say delivery is the rebirth of a mother along with her child. So this is my last term of this birth with u and I want to live this term the fullest with u. after that delivery would make another term of my life and I want to get ready for that along with u" she said with honest eyes making mine mist. I never could imagine anything happening to her and nothing that is costing her life would ever give me happiness. But this emotions are different. Here as much as I want this bundle of joy to breathe safely on this earth that much I want their mother to be safe and sound. We both were now looking at each other without uttering anything.

My heart refuses to accept the part of reality that my wifey just now rebuke with so ease. Words refused to leave my mouth chocking me there at her mere insecurities. She was very much stricken into the fidelity of the fact while my mind is neither repulsing either accepting. They both have stopped to work and my brain suggested to answer the mere request she has put forth as return to this emotional confession.

"I promise u Avni. We will face it together and I will assure u that I will be in Ur side 24/7 during the last month of pregnancy. I squeezed her hand while she gleamed with happiness though her eyes carried a few trace of haze.

After the outstretch of such an momentous confession Avni again started her regular work of scratching the area of her abdomen as her itching sensation has started to test her patience again.

Don't be so harsh Avni. U may get rashes wait till I get Ur ointment" I ordered before getting up to search her medicine kit while she sat there as a obedient kid.

After taking necessary things I sat beside her hiking her shirt up to apply the ointment while she rested her back with the heat pad relaxing herself as I was massaging her gently on her abdomen. Ahhhhhhh" she made a slow mourn as I massaged her ankle and knees which might have hurt a most due to the heavy and inappropriate positions she stands making the whole wait over those poor muscles. Something much common in pregnancy. And this is something more usually I do every night to calm her muscles and slowly make her drift into sleep which is what her beautiful eyelids are doing now. My beauty is taking her beauty sleep. I made her sleep little comfortably and went to the study room as wifey has ordered to stay with her for last month and that demands my over duty to complete the case ASAP.


I don't want to repeat more and more to annoy u guys..........

After all it's a mere response I am asking from u guys to know whether my readers are interested with the chapies or not.........that's it................

Much love,

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