part 9

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Chiều cao dòng many of u missed me............

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ohkay........enjoy the update.........

happy reading...........


avni's point of view:

I sat on the room anger still evident for what Neil said while I heard a faint knock on the door making me turn to see who it is. Papa was standing there with a soup bowl in his hand. He has come to give me my soup realizing the time.

"Papa please come in. why are u asking permission haan." I said and removed the laptop which was lying appropriately on my side giving space for him to sit. After sitting I sensed Papa being hesitant to speak something while I pressed his hand assuring him. "What happened papa. Any problem." I asked him to which he smiled at me.

"I know my dear that it is hard to handle tillu. He is acting weird nowadays. Which is making u annoying? But trust me just like how it is to u this phase is completely new for him too. Like a mother even a father's mindset during pregnancy can never be easily predicted. That too for a father like tillu who loves my daughter so much it is hardest to predict. He is not over reacting beta he is just unable to put his emotions in control. As mother the father is also nervous, anxious, exited, happy, worried etc. these mixed emotions are most common to be experienced by a father also. But boys usually don't show it and some can never control it and tillu is of second type. You can ask Ur mummyji for further information that how much I have disturbed her and annoyed her while tillu was in." Papa patted my cheeks smiling at me before feeding me the soup.

Meanwhile My mind awaked and understood about how much Neil is expressive towards me and how much I was been mad to him. Inspite of throwing my all sort of mixed emotions towards him he just stood by my side as a moral support. How could I even get angry on such a sweet hubby? I should have rather spoke to him kindly and took care of his feelings. Did I hurt him?

"No" papaji said while I looked at him confused. "Don't think weather u hurt him. U was absolutely right at Ur place and there is nothing wrong. So from now onwards go with u r own flow beta. U don't have to get conscious of what Ur reacting. U are free to do what u like to and haan tillu will continue what he likes to. It's just that as he understands Ur mood swings u accept his also. Rest is always great between u two. So as a father I am always with u" there he goes. This man naa always stands my side. I hugged him tightly in return while papa patted my head in happiness. He easily made me understand what the reality is and how it all works out. Just like how a daughter craves for a father needs he is that same for me in my life. The best papa in the whole world. And Neil will soon join the row and I am proud of this two man in my life.

Neil was sitting in the swing of the balcony while I sat next to him placing myself slowly while Neil came out of his trace helping me to sit more comfortably moving a little in that small place encircling his arms over my shoulders due to less space.

I will bring the bean bag for me u sit here comfortably" he said while I holded his shoulders stopping him from moving and making him sit.

"Let's fit here Mr. Tillu." I said looking into his eyes while he looked into mine with confused yet fearful reaction. He is sad that I may be mad at him till now. Strange Neil.

"Ohkay. U want something to eat. Are u hungry? Any sort of cravings Avni" Neil asked me in a single go. Offoo this man never stops caring for me this much. Wait but I love him for doing this. He is so sweet. But something grabbed my attention. I felt it again. I felt one of my champ kicking me again. I looked at Neil with eyes wide open and broad smile as I felt this bundle of joy kicking me.

I grabbed Neils hand and placed it on my stomach while he looked at me for explanation but he didn't feel baby's kicking as my action was not fast enough. He gave me a questioning reaction.

"Neil baby recognizes Ur voice I guess" I exclaimed to Neil while he chuckled giving confused yet proud yet self obsessed reaction.

"Means" he asked in a demanding tone.

I didn't answer as Neil himself got the answer.

Neil's point of view:

When I spoke again I heard a faint kick against my palm which was covering avni's bump. That was the most divine feeling ever. I looked at Avni in enormous joy that engulfed me. My babies are reacting with my voice and I felt my baby's first kick due to my voice. Wow.....can anyone make me happier than I am now. If so then I am not interested in that because the happiness my babies are giving me is more than enough for me.

Avni" I looked at her who was equally smiling broader as much as I am.

"Did u feel it Neil" she asked me still smiling while I just bent down to kiss her belly. I kiss was longer and pressing my lips at that particular place where I felt my baby's leg while I felt the kick again right over the same place on my mouth which is above her skin. I chuckled looking up at Avni while she just smiled at me or rather laugh at me in happiness grabbing by head and placing it at her chest while I lied over there smiling sheepishly hugging her and my babies together and feeling her warm embrace with closing eyes.

"I came to u to say this while u were throwing that new mood swing to me earlier this day." She said while I buried my face over the crook of her neck in embarrassing for my own actions I did earlier.  We both laughed and that evening was the best spent with each other. 

*Time skip*

Well I was sitting at the end of the cliff of the mountain which had a dangerous downslide too deep that once we fall down there is no chance of returning alive. I neither know the reason for me there nor do I know why am I standing in such an edge while there is more space all over everywhere around. I was totally confused just like how u people are. But all I can do is to wait to understand what is happening.

Then all of the sudden I felt someone kicking my butt forcefully making me fall into the pit of the mountain while I shouted to the core yet my voice were too small with a small ahhhh...........


I heard a sound of something falling to the ground. Probably my body I guess. But what demanded me to force my eyes open is that I felt a sharp pain over my back due to the fall. Well this pain is too small for the large pit I was standing before. I expected a bone break and propounded blood pour. So to enter into reality I did what my body immediately demanded me to do. I opened my eyes to see myself in the floor of my bedroom exactly in the position of how I must be if I have been fallen from the bed while my now 7 months pregnant wifey laughing out loud like a mad manic sitting above the bed with one leg straight while another still folded and both hands on her extra large belly holding it out while laughing out loud.

Are u for serious Avni? Did she just now kicked her poor husband out of the bed who was sleeping at the rim to provide her and her pregnancy pillow the needed space to sleep comfortably. What have I done to deserve this? I need the answer now. And there I gave a demanding look.


That's a wrap............

How was it.........I thoroughly enjoyed but let me hear from is always more divine to read all ur comments and appreciations'..........just like how Neil felt when he experienced his baby's first kick......*wink*

Any guesses about what the next update will be.........and haan that will come as fast as u do tell me.............

Waiting badly for Ur reactions........

Next update will be based on the faster u react..............

Do vote and comment guys..............

Much love,


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