Ch.2.Apple Candy.

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{I Don't own Bnha or Reader}

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Tucking a piece of hair behind her ear {Y/N} looked at her families old home, it was still standing from the last time she left it, it would need some work by the looks of it though she didn't really mind fixing it up, she had stopped by the mayors office beforehand and she was quite glad they had kept anyone from selling the place to anyone new, because this home and the land around it belonged to the {L/N} family, and seeing as she was the heir to the family she would decide what happened to it.

The mayor was happy she returned to Ringo, so were a few others whom greeted her on the way she saw a few new faces of children and a few old ones, but she would worry about it later for now she had to fix up this old place before the apple festival which was in a week, granted she knew she wouldn't be able to fix it up in that time frame but she would be able to patch up some things and get a bit settled in.

Remembering what Keith had said earlier she wondered if he didn't mind helping her get this old place fixed up, they were friends when the were younger even if he was a bit older than her, turning the key and opening the wooden door she checked to see if the lights still worked flicking the switch and frowning slightly she would have to get that fixed up as well, walking deeper into the home memories began to cloud her vision.

And due to those memories tears began to form in her eyes as she made her way to the kitchen instead of her old room, looking at the dust coating the counters and the old stove she couldn't help the tears remembering her mother making apple candy in this very kitchen, her fathers apple pie that the townsfolk couldn't wait to grab a bite of, she placed a hand on her stomach.

"I guess it's just me and you my little apple sapling" she whispered "You would have loved them so much your grandparents would have showered you in sweet treats to bad their no longer here" not realizing someone had entered behind her she froze at the sound of something hitting the ground.

Turning she couldn't help the heat rush to her cheeks, a woman with long white hair stood there a wrench on the ground, her grey eyes holding sadness in them "I-I'm quite sorry the mayor sent me to come check up on you to make sure you didn't fall through the floor" the women stated "I didn't mean to barge in like this"

"It's quite alright, I think sorry you had to see that" {Y/N} stated feeling bisexual distress staring at this women she was beautiful, wondering how she never saw her before in the town she decided to ask "Are you perhaps new to Ringo?"

"Is it really that obvious I was hoping it wasn't" the women frowned "I was sent to live here a month ago by my husband " she spat out the word like venom and shivered slightly, rubbing her arms slightly at the near thought of him, and being the way she was {Y/N} knew exactly what was wrong, she was in an abuse relationship, she knew because Keith's parents were in one his mother had always gotten hurt by her husband before the mayor stepped in and banded him from Ringo, just because his brother was a hero he thought he could do whatever he wanted.

"By the sound of it you don't like the man you married" {Y/N} stated before realizing what she said "I'm sorry I didn't mean to prey or be rude" but the female in-front of her only smiled slightly.

"N-No it's fine your right I do not like him neither do I love him I was bought by him and forced into marriage" she wasn't certain why she was freely telling a person she just met but she felt something like trust between them "I'm Rei by the way, and if you need any help with your pregnancy I know a thing or two about getting through one and raising kids"

"{Y/N} nice to meet you Rei" {Y/N} smiled slightly, "And I may take you up on that offer, maybe I should get unpacked and while I'm shopping for supplies you can tell me more about this jack*** you were forced to marry?"

Rei nodded and that was the day both women would heal their broken hearts because fate had a funny way of meeting the one you were truly supposed to belong with.

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