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The oven lets out a loud ding as Sammy rushes over to grab the pizza we had just prepared out of it. The steaming cooked bread smelled amazing, with its garlic crust and smooth sauce. I focus on the food hoping it will calm my nerves. My body feeling timid next to Gage. Why had he been drinking anyways? I couldn't help but watch him, wondering why he was so drunk when we showed up. We couldn't have been gone for more than an hour.

"This looks amazing," I lean over the counter trying to snatch a slice as Sammy cuts it into pieces. She swats my hands away before glaring at me. I cower down like a small child.No one wanted to mess with Sammy when she was angry, you couldn't be sure what reaction you would get. She could burst into a ball of fire and fly across the counter throwing punches, or possible melt in her own puddle of tears. Neither of these were good outcomes.

"It really does," Gage leans forward not taking my example to heart. He reaches for a piece of pepperoni plucking it from the melted cheese. Sammy holds the pizza cutter in Gage's direction threatening to cut him with it.

" more piece," Her voice was gruesome. If I were Gage I would listen to her. He holds her stare, before shoving the pepperoni in his mouth and like a lightning bolt grabs another one. Sammy lunges forward trying to bash him with the handle but before she reaches him, he is already gone. I couldn't help but chuckle. "Guys, i'm serious! How do I put this on my instagram if you've plucked it's pepperonis?" Sammy whines.

Gage and I look at each other both bursting into a fit of laughter. This pissed Sammy off even more as she lets out a huff of air. A tuft of her hair flies from the sudden breath before landing in the middle of her face.

"Cute," I roll my eyes.

"The missing pepperonis add character, unlike every other instagram pizza in this damn world," Gage adds in. Sammy lets out a snarl pulling her phone out of her pocket and taking a picture of the pizza.

I watched her carefully as she crops and then searches through the filters.

"Wait can I see that?" I question.

"I just posted it but yeah," Sammy hands her phone over and I search the picture looking for any signs that I wouldn't want a certain someone to see. My body froze, the caption giving too much away.

"Sammy you have to delete this now!" I shout, my fingers fumbling with the screen trying to find the correct button to delete the post. The likes were piling in. A few comments distracting me as I searched for the button. Sammy shook her head, yelping as she pulls the phone out of my hand.

"I will not!" She teases, but I wasn't sure if she realized I was being serious.

"Gage, how big of an instagram user is Asada?" I turn to the confused boy begging he said she didn't even have an account. I was probably panicking for no reason. Asada didn't know Sammy nor would she follow her instagram. But what if she was searching it to make sure I was leaving town?

"Really big on it why?" My heart sank with his response. This wasn't going to be good if she sees this post. Sammy rushes over to me placing her hands on my shoulders.

"You are being ridiculous," She searched my face. I wanted to scream. Asada could be scouring her account right now. I tried to remember the picture. Were there any noticeable details in the pictures? Asada and Gage dated for three years, would she recognize his counter? If I was a crazy ex girlfriend I would. I tried my best to calm down, I needed to act normal.

I took what Sammy said to heart, I was acting slightly ridiculous. There was no way Asada was going to be able to find her instagram. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Sorry, I'm a little on edge. Especially after someone broke into our house. How did Asada do that? She was under the water with us the whole time. Did you see anyone lurking around out here?" Sammy shrugs.

"No, it was really quiet all three days. I'm sorry Gage, I hope you don't mind that I stayed in one of your guest bedrooms," He waved her off.

"Nope, all in the name of saving a life. I'm sure I couldn't even tell you which one it was," He smiles. I glance around the kitchen, this place was way too big.

"I'm not sure I could even find it again, this place is a freaking maze," Sammy through her hands in the air signifying the whole place. I chuckled to myself.

"I know, how did you manage to get it all cleaned?" I thought back to how damaged the place had been, everything seemed perfect now. Even the pillows that were ripped, the rugs that had been torn. Everything was back the way it was before the attack on Gage.

"I don't even want to talk about that," Sammy looks down at the counter. "I mostly just want to know how Gage survived the attack. I found a lot of blood in the master bedroom," Gage's eyes shot up looking at Sammy.

"Wait blood?" Why would there be blood? Gage was completely fine when I had found him under the sea. There were no scratches or bruises. His skin was flawless. Sammy shrugs placing the pizza on plates for everyone. Once she set them down Gage and I began devouring the delicious food so caught up in the pizza that we almost missed the knock on the door.

I dropped the pizza on my plate, panic setting in.

"Gage were you expecting visitors?" I question. His eyes open wide as he turns to me shaking his head.

"No..." When his voice trails off, the knocks are heard again. Loud and booming against the front door.


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