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The water was crashing over my legs. The gem hanging from my neck helping me keep control over my transformation. I smile looking over the water. Sammy was standing in the waves holding a young girl, no family, no home. She looked safe in Sammy's arms. Asada standing over her as they spoke. The words were recognizable to me even though I couldn't hear them.

Asada would ask her if this was something she really wanted to do. She would then search her eyes, looking into her soul to make sure she was telling the truth. Asada would then explain to the girl the rules of becoming like us. The girls nods eagerly, her heart was pounding and I could hear it. The connection between Asada and I growing stronger each and every day.

I thought back to when she had bumped me into the store. Gage and I were minding our own business, not worried about anything other than getting a few snacks. The had slammed into me so hard that it nearly knocked me over. I hadn't known it them but she was imprinting on me. Like they do in the werewolf stories. Making a connection.

It was silly of me to run away from her for all this time. She always knew where I was and as long as she was in control she always would. The sunset was fading over the horizon, my eyes watching over Sammy and Asada. They carefully dunk the girl into the water, her body sputtering under the water as they hold her steady. The transformation was happening. I had heard from Asada that it wasn't the most pleasant thing, but after the first time it got easier.

I turn to look over the beach, Gage sat in the sand taking in the situation. A group of kids sat next to him, waiting for their turn in the water. I turn to look at the house on the hill. The mansion we had come to know so well the last few months. It was getting close to Sammy and I heading home. Our time in our home was nearly up. Thankfully Gage had offered a few rooms to us. Sammy and I knowing we weren't going to have enough money to stay. We weren't ready to leave though, we were needed here. The mermaids needed us.

I smile once again as I look at the gem hanging from Sammy's neck. The green Stephanie wrapped in rope sat gently on her chest. It was glowing delicating in the soft light protecting her too from her transformation.

"Are you guys almost ready?" I turn to the children sitting on the beach. All runaways. Children with no place to go, no home to keep them safe until now. A little girl with nearly snow white hair looks up to me and smiles, her eyes a bright green. She nods vigorously at me.

"I've never had meaning in my life until now, thank you for the chance," She jumped up from the sand running over to hug me. I wrap my arms around the twelve year old. My heart kind of hurt that she was choosing to do this so young. The others around the age of eighteen, about ready to get kicked out of their foster homes.

"I'm glad Opal, remember you have a family now," My heart warms though as I think about what we are doing here. We've taken these children off the street, giving them a life they would have never imagined before. I turn to look out into the water once more. Asada and Sammy pull the girl from the water, a bright orange fin replaced her legs. She flips in the water trying to figure out how to gain control over her newfound fin. Asada takes hold of the girl from Sammy and Sammy heads towards Opal and I.

Asada quickly takes her necklace off letting the transformation take hold of her. She takes Stephanie, the new mermaid by the hands taking her into the water to teach her how to swim.

"Are you ready Opal?" Sammy questions, her voice full of positivity. She kneels down next to the girl. Opal nods her head. Sammy places her hand on the girls shoulder. "Okay, I'm going to explain some things to you, so you know what to expect sweetie,"

I head over to take my seat next to Gage. He smiles at me wrapping his arms around me. I lean into his shoulder watching as Asada pops up with Stephanie. The two swimming in circles as she lets go. Stephanie drops in the water before popping back up. I can hear her giggling as she gets a hang on swimming with the fin.

"We really are doing good here aren't we," Gage whispers leaning in to kiss my forehead.

"I really hope so," I mumble watching as Sammy leads Opal into the water, the young girl bouncing around with excitement. "I think we might be able to make this work, and if we can then the mermaids won't die off, and I will have a reason to stay here," I turn to look at Gage.

"You already have a reason to stay," He leans in giving me a quick kiss on the lips. My stomach turns as he does so.

"I guess I did find my one true love," I elbow him, teasing him slightly. "Sorry about all this mermaid crap,"

"I'll follow you to the ends of the earth Oly,"

I watch carefully, leaning into Gage. Opal and Sammy head into the water until it's crashing around their knees. Opal watches her closely, waiting for Asada to come complete the transformation. Something about this is bittersweet, but Opal would have a family now. She has us.

Asada swims up beside Sammy telling Stephanie to stay put where she was at. Stephanie nods anchoring herself into the sand as the water crashed over her fin. The orange glowing beautifully in the sunset.

The duo grab Opal by the arms, gently holding her in the water before Asada begins asking her the same questions she asked Stephanie. Opal nods her head. Quickly Sammy and Asada dunk the girl under the water, holding her until the bubbles stop. My heart pounds in my chest as I watch, this part of the process always terrifies me. Watching Sammy go through it was horrible, and Gage, that was a whole other story.

When Asada and Sammy pull Opal out of the water her feet have merged into the most beautiful fin I have ever seen. She was covered in silver scales with flecks of purple dancing through the bottom. My eyes were wide in excitement as Asada takes her out for her first swim.

I glance over at the boy sitting besides Gage and I. He was next. An older kid named Henry. I reached crossed Gage placing my hand on his arm.

"No reason to be scared, you have a family now," I smiled. He looks at me, his eyes watching me before he settles on his feelings. Finally he nods, a small smile tugging at the edge of his mouth.

"I have a family now,"

The three of us turn to look at those who were still in the water. Asada was now a mermaid once again swimming through the water to take both the girls out once again. I heard Sammy welcome Opal into our new school, my heart warming a little bit more as I realized we were doing something good. Coming to Washington was worth it.

"Welcome to Waveside Academy," I whispered. Speaking to no one in general. Or maybe I was just speaking to myself. To the people we would meet. The people we would help.

"Waveside Academy," Gage whispers back. 

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