Thirty One

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As I sat on that rock under the waves I couldn't help but think about the pain I had caused everyone in my life. Even the new people. Gage shouldn't have to deal with my psychotic meltdowns, my transformations, and everything else to do with becoming a mermaid after your 21st birthday.

Fish swam around, swimming up to my fin nibbling on my scales. I tried swatting them away but they seemed to keep coming back. I wanted to cry, the water wrapping around me. Could you even cry underwater? I glanced down at my hands, the scales taking up every last part of skin visible. Grazing my fingertips across my face I realize that too was covered in scales. I thought mermaids were only half fish though? Was I possibly something other than a mermaid? Was I too stupid to figure out what mythical creature I was?

I placed my face in my hands, finally letting the tears roll down my cheeks. Before the water could wash them away they transform into tiny crystals falling slowly in the waves to the sand beneath the rock.

I swear I sat there crying for what felt like hours before a hand reached through the water. Their skin brushing against mine as the hand taps my shoulder. I turn, pulling myself off the rock.

The words caught in my throat as the familiar mermaid sat looking back at me. Her hands broke the water, the shells wrapping around her chest perfectly. The blonde hair in perfect waves around her face. Tiny lips hung open as of they had a story to tell.

"What are you doing?" Her hand was still placed on my shoulder. The same electricity as the restaurant kissed my skin.

"What?" The words were hard to say, the water taking over my mouth as I spoke. My voice was muffled, bubbles appearing.

"Olyvya, get out of my ocean!" I shook my head, everything felt like it was moving in slow motion. My eyes taking a minute to adjust.

"Asada?" I question, the words still hard to get out. Asada shook her head. Her fingernails turning into sharp claws digging deeper into my skin. I let out a loud scream that seemed to rumble the whole sea, my body quivering under her grasp. She squeezes my shoulder, blood trickling around my skin fading away into the water. The salt stinging the open wound. I searched the water for any sight of escape. Why was she doing this to me? Through the darkness, all I could see was a set of razor sharp white teeth, attached to the beast I never imagined coming face to face with.

Swimming towards me was a Great White shark. Those beady black eyes watching my every move as the blood drifted further in the water. My heart began to race, the blood rushing out of my skin even faster than before. What the hell was Asada doing?

Sharks began to appear out of the depths of the water, surrounding the two of us. Her fingers never softened, instead, they continued to dig deeper into my skin, a searing pain taking over my body as I fail to get away from her grasp.

"Asada please stop..." I whimper.

"Never!" Asada's eyes were now a bright red, her blonde hair standing on end in the water. Her eyebrows contorted downwards as she glares into my soul. I let out another cry, my body shaking from the pain.

With one quick turn of her wrist, Asada sent me sailing through the water. My body launching from the sea and into the open air before flopping back into the waves with a splash. My chest hit the ocean first, the air escaping my lungs in one swift movement. I sputtered to life, my eyes finally focusing on the sight below. The sharks were coming.

I turned, peeking out of the water to see how close I was to the shore. In the far distance, I could see a red-headed girl crying on the beach. Sammy must have waited for me. I dipped back into the water, the sharks growing closer than I was comfortable with.

Flicking my tail as quickly as I could, I thrust my body through the water forcing my way to the shore. I needed to get there before the sharks caught me. I pressed further until I couldn't go anymore. My body feeling weak from the lack of oxygen in my blood. I draw my hand to my shoulder trying to stop the bleeding the best I could. A stream of bubbles trails behind my fin as the water creates a mini tunnel.

Only a few more whips of my tail, I tell myself forcing myself to keep going. The sharks were closing in centimeters away from chomping on my pretty blue scales. I began to cry while swimming, my eyes stinging from the water against my face. I turned just in time to see the shark open his mouth as wide as he possibly could before shutting it as quickly as he could. A sharp pain emanates through the bottom of my fin, my body yanked backward, deeper into the water. I yelp, my arms flying out of the water, my body launching from the ocean, crashing into the sand on the shore.

Sammy looked up from her knees, her finger pointing towards the water. I lifted myself up from the sand just enough to turn and see the sharks on the surface. Their dorsal fins circling us as we sit in the silence.

"Olyvya? Are you okay?" Sammy asks through sobs.

"Asada just tried to kill me!" I shout, my eyes traveling along my shoulder. The skin shredded where she had thrown me through the water. Why would she have done something like that?

Sammy rushed over to my side, her hands wrapping under my arms. She drags me up the shore, a trail of blood following, from the place the shark had caught my fin.

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