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I sat frozen, staring at my parents as they continued to read. I could turn around right now and never have to deal with this. I could pack my things, or better yet just head to the ocean and never have to see anyone ever again. I could live the rest of my life hunting down the pink mermaid I had seen earlier this week. I began taking steps backward before turning on my heel to head back to my bedroom. I needed just a second longer to figure out what I was going to do.

"Olyvya..." I heard my mother's voice from the living room. I turned on my heel, my eyes making contact with hers.

"Morning," I chimed as happily as I could. She stood, leaving her seat on the couch closing the distance between us. She wrapped me in a hug. My throat felt like it was closing off as she held me close to her body, her breaths smooth and slow against my skin. My heart was pounding at a million miles a second, and I felt like it was going to explode.

"Morning sweetie, I'm not sure what has gotten into you, but you and Sammy really have a wild imagination," She pulled away from me, her hands resting on my shoulders as she stared at my face. I tried to hide the confusion, but I knew there was no way she wouldn't notice.

"What are you talking about?" I glanced around the room. My father still sat reading through the book. He turned it in all directions reading all the notes written in the spine. The words scattered across the pages in all different handwritings. I swallowed the lump that had been forming in my throat. My chest felt heavy, my ribs practically cracking under the pressure.

"Mermaids, psh..." She paused for a moment, rushing to grab the book from the coffee table, "Do you guys really think mermaids exist?" She pointed at the page, words scribbled all over the place. I shook my head too quickly.

"No, Gage is writing a book, we are helping him with research," Before I could say much more Sammy came rushing into the room. Her hair pulled back in a messy ponytail as she reached in one of the cupboards grabbing a bowl.

"What did I just walk into?" She questioned as she turned around, everyone's eyes blinking simultaneously at her. I tried to nudge my head towards the book my mother had spread opened in front of me, before pointing to my father in the other room. Sammy searched around for whatever I was acting like a fool about. Her eyes danced around the room until they finally settled on the book. Then they shot over to my father before the realization fully sunk in. She glanced back at me, her eyes as wide as saucers.

I reached forward trying to grab the book from my mother's hands. She quickly pulled it away from me, snapping it shut. She looked at me, a stern look in her eyes. This was it, this was when Sammy and I got yelled at for wasting all of our time. This was when my mother would make us pack up our things, return the keys to the house, and head back to live with them. I searched around the room taking in the decorations for what I knew would be the last time.

"I think it's wonderful that you guys are helping out your friend," My father piped in. Sammy and I both shot him a glance, our jaw dropping at the same time. Was my father really supporting us in this?

My heart sank into my stomach as I realized my parents had believed the lie I told them. They really thought we were helping Gage write a book. I made a mental note to tell him later about his new hobby. My mother grabbed the book from my father, before handing them both to me.

"You should really get these back to the poor boy, I bet it's so hard to write without any of his research. He really needs to be sure not to leave them here. I bet it's going to be a brilliant book though." My mother smiled. I could not believe it.

I searched Sammy's expression before grabbing the books and nodding to my parents. "I'll just take these back up to my room," I mumbled before heading up the stairs. I let out a huge sigh of relief as I reached the top of the stairs turning the corner to get to my bedroom. I placed the books in the top drawer of the dresser, before wiping the sweat from my forehead. Thank god they didn't grab the book that had images of my fin and every transformation.

I rushed across the room to close the door so I could change my clothes, after realizing I was still in my pajamas. I stopped to take in my reflection in the mirror, my eyes sunken in, my hair a frizzy mess around my face. My lips seemed swollen like I had been punched in the face, the color of my eyes duller than normal.

I did my best to make myself look presentable. The stress eating away at my skin. I needed to figure out how to control this, and manage it quickly, or else I was going to worry myself to death.

I left my room looking like a completely different person. Rushing down the stairs I was greeted by my family once again. This time the air wasn't as thick. My heart wasn't racing anymore. My body felt calm, a lot calmer than it had in a long time.

"Okay guys, we have been here for a few days now and I have yet to see the ocean. I think that's where we need to go before your father and I head back home," My mother smiled, clapping her hands together.

Once again my heart sank in my chest.

They wanted to go to the ocean.

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