Chapter 5-Final Chapter

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Soon, I reached the palace. It was aqua color , so it camoflauge really well in the water.I notice that there was a bunch of well- built guards stationed everywhere! I just swam past them, hoping that they won’t notice me. I began looking in every room to find my dad. Some were huge. Some were really creepy. I went through every room. Hoping the next room is the one he is in, I open it. He was there. He was sitting there all alone. I began concentrating on my human self. The next thing I know, I was  in my human self again. My dad look up. “ AquaGirl, you came back. I guess you want to join my forces and conquer the world,” my dad said. “ You think that do you? Don’t you remember when I was 5 I told you that I don’t want to be evil or join your forces?  I came here to fight you and stop you from taking over the world.! “  “ Ha you will never defeat me!” AquaMan yelled. I charged at him with my sword. He was so surprised that he had no time to defend himself before I drove my sword right into his heart. He screamed. But it was too late. I killed my dad. I just defeated my dad, AquaMan. I couldn’t believed it. I just saved the world. I just saved them from AquaMan. I changed back into a minnow and swam back to shore. I then changed into my human self( hoping nobody was noticing me) and went walking back to the orphanage. Everybody was asking me where I was. I just said “ Somewhere where you would never know!” Then we all burst out,laughing. I knew now that things will never feel the same again!  

A.N. I hope you've enjoyed it. Please comment to tell me if you liked it!

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