Don't let your Love go......❤️

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Continuation of previous chapter:

Riddhima will be in path lab came to check the reports of the patients. Sam comes to talk to her , she will be hesitating but she also knows that she should do this now or never. She goes near her and stops to call her.

" Hey Dr. Riddhima " Sam says and riddhima turns to see her smiling.

" Hello Dr. Sameera" riddhima says to her back.

" Umm....... Can I get some time from you?.........need to talk to you ,since I came we did not get much time to talk........only if you are free......." Sam asks riddhima hesitantly and Riddhima nods.

As riddhima almost finished her duty they decide to comes to terrace and talk. They will be talking about their family, freinds, duty and everything....... Then riddhima decides to ask Sam about one thing that is killing her inside everytime.

"Sameera I want to know about.........umm...... armaan's health......I mean........ Is Armaan alright completely? Riddhima asks Sam with worry and concern.

" Yeah he is alright completely don't worry.........but he has to continue his medication properly for few more months." Sam says to riddhima while observing relief in her face and smiles.

" Riddhima I don't know that I have to say this or not to you now but I need to talk about this." Sam says and pauses to look at her reaction which says to continue.

" You know I have seen armaan's love for you in his every action, every thought, every minute, I have seen his pain for being away from you, I have seen his tears when he misses you everytime, his happiness whenever he talks about you or your love, his smile whenever he looks at your photos or your things, I have seen his madness while searching for you thinking that you came for him.................. His Every move, Everything,Every minute, Every thought, Every day , Every night, Every dream, Every word, Every action,Every moment.............STARTS WITH RIDDHIMA AND ENDS WITH RIDDHIMA." Sam says intensely staring at Riddhima whose tears will be continuously flowing from her eyes and Sam continues.

" Even though I don't know you, I have seen you in armaan's eyes, in his love,in his words........I was so desperate to meet that girl who had taken away armaan's heart, whom he loved so much that after forgetting himself also still he remembered only one name and lived for only one person that is RIDDHIMA." Saying this Sam looks at riddhima whose eyes were of full of pain,tears,sorrow,sadness.........but remains silent still crying.

" He was happy to come back to see you, to meet you.......but his happiness did not last long. I don't know what had happened and how it had  happened but I know it shouldn't have happened. It's not fair for them to fall apart who loved each other more than their life and more than anything in the world." Sam says tears in her eyes seeing riddhima's red face with her continuous crying.

" I didn't say all these to make you cry but I said these things because you have right to know them " Sam says concerned while Riddhima just nods.

" I don't want such great love to be failed, I want to see both of you happy. So please say do you still love armaan?" Sam asks riddhima and Riddhima turns to other side.

" What are you asking sameera? I am married . I don't want to talk about this." Says riddhima without turning to Sam. Sam sighs and make her turn.

" I know the answer riddhima,I have seen your love for him in your eyes when you look at him, I have seen your pain and concern when he is hurt,I have seen your jealousy when he is close to me , please don't push him away , i have seen how your eyes search for him when he is away from you, I have seen happiness in your eyes when he is happy. What's all this riddhima? what all are these feelings called? Why you feel such feelings for armaan? Do you feel all these for Sid also? For all these questions there is only one answer riddhima and that is LOVE, YOU LOVE ARMAAN.This is the truth that today also you both love each other.......only each other. You will not find such love anywhere not even in next hundred births. Please riddhima don't do this to yourself and armaan,don't run away from this truth, don't lose him, don't let your love go.......... nobody will be happy not even your husband." Sam says to riddhima who falls on her knees closing her face with her hands and cries bitterly. Sam gets shocked seeing riddhima who is crying vigourously,she also sits on her knees with her and tries to console her by rubbing her back.

" I know you respect this institution of marriage so you are going with it but think riddhima your one wrong decision will destroy three lives. I am saying that living with one person but loving another person will make your life a living hell and not only yours but also sid and armaan's life also. " Sam says to riddhima who will be still crying and becomes quiet giving time for her to think about what she said.

" I cannot do this......I cannot be selfish and break sid's heart who loves me, who helped and supported me when I was alone........I cannot be selfish putting my father's reputation at stake........I cannot disrespect the sacred bond of marriage." Saying this riddhima stops because of crying and Sam silently listens to her.

" I know it is hard to forget our love, our relation and each other but we are trying it. I cannot just get carried away with this feelings, marriage is not a joke to break it whenever we want. I and Armaan together talked about this. He told me that he will go with my decision and helped me.........still helping me........because we have to do this even though it is giving us pain. Fate decided our paths like this.......and we have to go with that." Riddhima says wiping her tears and Sam stays still on her place don't know what to say as she understood riddhima is also right.

" I always thought the girl is the luckiest girl in the world who got armaan' s love and his heart but now I think you are the most unlucky girl who is losing armaan and his love" Sam says to riddhima who sadly smiles.

" I know" riddhima whispers sadly.

" Ok riddhima as you wish , I just wanted you people to be happy as I know you two have beared a lot in the past. Iam sorry if I have hurted you "Sam says to riddhima slightly smiling and continues.

" Life is full of adjustments and compromises, we will not get what we want but we have to take what we get and try to be happy with that " riddhima says smiling to Sam who nods her head. Sam thinks now she understood the girl who armaan loved and why he loved her so much. She is so selfless, well charactered, matured, an optimist and most important a good person just like armaan.

Sam makes riddhima stand and wipes her tears.
" I am glad I met you finally, nice meeting you" Sam said to riddhima.

" Yeah me too, you are a great friend who thought so much about us . I should also thank you for taking care of armaan when he needed a friend and for being with him when he was alone" riddhima says to sam gratefully holding her hands whiles tears slips out of her eyes.

" It's ok it was my duty as a friend and a doctor of him, i am glad that I got such an amazing person as a freind" Sam says smiling to riddhima who nods her head smiling back.


To be continued.............

Love AR.

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