Mischievous Riddhima

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In the morning all were present in locker room except armaan and riddhima. Riddhima is coming in very cautiously looking top, bottom,left and right of the entrance and steps in like a kid is scared of her teacher for which everybody looks at her confused. She greets everybody back who greets her and looks around. She sighs and opens her locker carefully and peeks inside it to see everything is fine and sighs loudly in relief.

Seeing everyone's looks riddhima understood and says that she is cautious because of armaan as he may have planned another prank on her. Everyone nods at her and Shilpa says to riddhima that not to worry as armaan was busy today with some important surgeries and already started working since morning. Hearing Shilpa riddhima sighs in relief but something goes in her head......may be some mischief.

Riddhima will be in the lift looking at a file then Sid joins her in at another floor. They both look at each other and smiles. Sid will be talking to riddhima about something while she looks up and sees armaan entering into the lift looking at his phone but armaan does not see riddhima.

An idea pops in riddhima's head, she turns to Sid and winks at him mischievously while Sid stood confused at sudden change in her behaviour. Riddhima slowly takes steps towards armaan whose back is facing her. She smiles at ward boy who is holding a wheel chair behind armaan. She also stands behind armaan quietly, she slowly gets hold of armaan's Sthethescope and tangles it to the handle of wheel chair and giggles quietly. She looks back at Sid who is warning her with his eyes not to do so but she just shrugs it off and waits to see what will happen smiling evilly to herself.

The elevator door opens, the ward boy with wheel chair is moving outside,When armaan also takes a step forward to move riddhima keeps her leg across armaan's leg to which armaan trips but before he balances himself he falls down as the wheel chair moves forward dragging his Sthethescope so he loses his balance and falls down for which everybody laughs.

Armaan for few seconds did not realise what happened,he just sat on the floor thinking how did he fell down. Armaan sees riddhima stood in front of him smirking then the realisation hit him that it is riddhima who did this and then he sees riddhima laughing with everyone. Glaring at her armaan gets up and dusts off his pants and narrowed his eyes angrily at riddhima .

Riddhima again laughs at him for which armaan fumes with anger.
"You did this right?" Armaan asks pointing finger at her gritting his teeth with anger for which riddhima makes a face that she don't know while smiling

Armaan angrily takes steps towards her slowly for which riddhima gulps in fear of thinking what armaan might do and runs off from there poking her tongue out to armaan and Armaan runs after her saying her to stop. Sid here stood outside of elevator surprised as he does not know riddhima can do such things and moves towards them.

Riddhima runs inside the locker room as it is break time everyone were already present there looking surprised at her who is heavily breathing and  then armaan comes behind her running. He stops seeing riddhima in locker room and goes near her meanwhile Sid also comes there.

" What you thought basket that I cannot catch you ?" Armaan asks standing behind her to which riddhima turns around to face armaan and everyone looks at him.

"Yes and why are you following me armaan?" Riddhima asks innocently.

" For what you did" armaan says glaring at her.

" What did I do? " riddhima again acts innocently for which armaan sighs.

" What happened armaan? " Shilpa asks armaan to which armaan replies to her to ask riddhima and everyone looks at her.

" I did not do anything armaan you slipped and fell off, that's not my fault" riddhima says as a matter of fact.

" You fell down armaan bhaiya!!!" JP says and laughs along with jiggy and Riddhima also laughs silently looking down which earns glare from armaan which shut them up.

" And you don't act too innocent I know what you did to make me fall, you did this prank on me previously also" armaan says to riddhima.

" That time I was angry on you I did that but this time you yourself fell down". Riddhima says to armaan.

" No I knew today also you only did . That day you wanted fun and did that prank and embarrassed me in front of Dr. Shashank and today also you repeated same thing and embarrassed in front of everyone" armaan says angrily for which riddhima giggles remembering the previous encounter and everyone looks shocked at riddhima as they did not assume that she will do such pranks.

" Yeah yeah ok I did it what you will do?" Riddhima asks armaan making him more angry.

" You will pay for it Dr. Basket Gupta you know what I can do " armaan warns her and everyone looks at them astonished.

" Ooohhh mujhe dar la Raha Hai " riddhima says it dramatically in sarcastic way and armaan glares at her.

" It was the payback for the prank you did on me yesterday armaan." riddhima says to armaan.

" Oh really " armaan also said sarcastically for which riddhima nods her head like a kid smilingly.

" Ok then wait and see what armaan mallik will do for your payback basket " says armaan smirking.

" Ok I will wait " riddhima says smilingly.

Armaan shakes his head in disbelief and was about to argue then he hears the announcement which is made for him for emergency. He was very much busy today with surgeries so he left from there glaring at riddhima.

Everyone as usual were surprised to see both of them fighting like this. But after going out automatically a smile appears on armaan's face thinking about riddhima's prank on him as he got to see this mischievous riddhima after such a long period.

To be continued.........

Love AR.

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